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Dr. Patricia Junquera GHT 2 F2023.

Here are my Learning objectives for my three lectures and also the MCQ
AUA Global Health Lectures Junquera July 2023
Substance Use Disorder
 Describe major clinical, etiological, and epidemiological characteristics 
 Of the different drugs of use.
 Recognize the precipitating factors and functional impact (e.g. work,
school, family relationships) of substance use disorder
 Know the signs, symptoms, clinical course, and treatment of withdrawal
(outpatient detoxification) for the various drugs of abuse.

 Know the indications, contraindications, and efficacies of

pharmacotherapy to treat substance abuse
 A 9-year-old girl is brought to the physician by her adoptive parents because they are concerned about
her increasing difficulty at school since she began third grade 7 weeks ago. Her teachers report that she is
easily frustrated and has had difficulty reading and paying attention. She also has had increased
impulsivity and more difficulty than usual making and keeping friends. Her biologic mother abused
multiple substances before and during pregnancy, and the patient was adopted shortly after birth. She is
at the 20th percentile for height and 40th percentile for weight. Examination shows a flattened nasal
bridge and a long philtrum. During the examination, she is cheerful. Psychoeducational testing shows an
IQ of 82. The most likely explanation for these findings is in utero exposure to which of the following?
 (A) Alcohol
 (B) Cocaine
 (C) Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
 (D) Heroin
 (E) Marijuana
 (F) PCP (phencyclidine)
 (G) Toluene
Fetal Alcohol Sd
 Alcohol exposure during pregnancy
 Signs and Sxs:
 Abnormal facial features (eg, smooth ridge [philtrum] between the nose and upper lip)
 Small head size
 Shorter-than-average height
 Low body weight
 Problems with learning, memory, attn span, communication, vision or hearing.
 Speech and language delays
 Intellectual disability or low IQ
 Hyperactivity and/or impulsivity
 Social difficulties
What substances can cause death when in Withdrawal?
a. Alcohol
b. Opiates
c. Cocaine
e. Cannabis
Alcohol and benzodiazepines can cause seizures in withdrawal and therefore death.
What substances can cause death when intoxicated?
a. Opiates
b. Alcohol
c. Cocaine
d. Barbiturates
e. All of the above
Toxicity is a general term used to indicate adverse effects produced by poisons. These adverse effects can range
from slight symptoms like headaches or nausea, to severe symptoms like coma and convulsions and death by
respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest.

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