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Physical exercise is simply the act of moving your body and using energy.

It has positive effects

on health. Even if you're unfit or not used to exercising, you can still engage in physical
exercise. Many people avoid exercise because they're lazy or take drugs or eat unhealthy.
However, if someone gives it a try, gives it their all, and puts in the necessary effort, they can
succeed and achieve their goals. Even if they're not perfect the first time, they'll improve with

Physical activity doesn't have to be strenuous. It can be as easy as walking or going for a run.
Anyone can do it. Many people choose to go to the gym to improve their health and strength.
They take classes that fulfill their daily fitness needs. People participate because it benefits their
health, and it's also enjoyable. Despite their aversion, some people engage in physical
education to improve their health and fitness.

The main reasons people exercise are to enhance their health and fitness levels. Over time,
they notice changes in their bodies as they become more physically fit. This encourages them to
continue exercising regularly. Another motivation for being physically active is the inspiration
from professional athletes and well-known individuals who are highly athletic, healthy, and
active. Seeing their achievements becomes a target to strive for during physical activity.
Achieving these goals not only improves one's appearance but also enhances overall health,
leading to increased self-esteem.

Realizing the importance of one's health and the need for change to live a better life also
influences people. This relates to the first argument I made.

One major benefit of physical activity is its positive impact on health and well-being. Engaging in
at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day can lower the risk of heart attacks, reduce
blood pressure, and strengthen muscles. Physical activity improves the functioning of the body's
systems by increasing heart rate and blood circulation. Without regular exercise, bones won't
become strong enough to support the body's mass if someone remains sedentary all day.

Another significant benefit is the promotion of mental health. Research has shown that exercise
helps alleviate depression. Engaging in physical exercise can help individuals distract
themselves from negative thoughts and daily worries, providing a therapeutic effect. Exercising
in groups allows for social interaction, improving mood and motivation.

Because participating in sports often requires sacrificing certain pleasures, many young people
consider physical activity important in their daily lives. Parents often expect their children and
teens to participate in sports, excel in academics, be independent, and possibly hold a job.
Young children may engage in physical activity for fun and enjoyment, as they have the freedom
to explore and develop skills without feeling excessive pressure to achieve specific goals.
I conducted research on why students may stop taking physical education classes. Many of
them lose interest because they don't play a sport and don't see the relevance of continuing if it
doesn't benefit their academic performance. Peer pressure and concerns about judgment from
others also contribute to their discomfort with participating in sports. These were some of the
responses I received when I asked individuals who no longer participated in physical education
about their reasons.

Opinions vary on the benefits of physical exercise for young children. Some believe they should
start engaging in sports at a young age so they can continue as they grow older and that it's
beneficial for their health during their developmental years. Many focus on the future potential of
physical activity, as success in sports can open doors beyond school. Physical activity has
benefits for all age groups because anyone can do it, and engaging in any type of fitness will
contribute to long-term health.

Physical exercise leads to physical strength by building muscle and strengthening bones
through movement and exertion. It also stimulates the mind, pushing individuals to their limits
and helping them accomplish their goals. Physical education

plays a crucial role in the mental and physical health of children, adolescents, and adults. It's
important to start exercising when young, as it promotes long-term health and makes it easier to
participate in activities later in life if regular exercise is maintained.

I believe it's crucial for these groups to exercise because it not only improves their health and
prepares their bodies for the future but also makes exercising enjoyable. Happiness and a
positive outlook are important for accepting the changes that can result from physical activity.

The head of physical education at Wellington High School is responsible for decision-making.
They propose ideas to the rest of the physical education board and teachers. Discussions are
held to determine what to do, what to avoid, and how to improve physical education to make it
enjoyable while ensuring the well-being of students. NCEA has a comprehensive protocol to
ensure everything is done correctly and prioritizes safety.

I believe my Year 12 ODE class is a great example of young people engaging in physical
activity. Most of the class is active in sports or other forms of exercise. Encouraging people to
engage in physical exercise at any age will have a positive impact on both younger and older
generations. Similar to last year, there was a significant amount of physical activity in my class,
including kayaking, rock climbing, swimming, and more.

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