KAD3011 Assignment (Jan2022) (1) Lyn

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Faculty of Business and Information Science

Co-Operative Education Coursework Submission Form

Student Name : ……………………………………….………..….. Student ID: ………………………………..

Subject Code: ………………………….………..……………….. Programme : ..……………………………….

Subject Name: Cooperative Placement 1 / 2 / 3 (Circle One) Semester: Jan / May / Sept 20

Lecturer/Tutor : Mr. Yong San Loo

Assignment Number/Title :
Due Date :

Assignment Weightage : 50%

All work must be submitted by the due date.

If an extension is granted, this must be specified with the extended due date and a signature from the lecturer or tutor.

Extension until: ……………………………………………………. Signature of Lecturer/Tutor………………………………..

Student’s Statement:
I hereby declare that the work submitted is my own. I confirmed that I have read and understood the University regulations with regard to plagiarism, and that Plagiarism

You are expected to retain copies of your assignment report. Student Signature …………………………..
If you require an acknowledgement receipt of this assignment, please prepare a duplicate copy of this form.
Date …………………………………………..

Receipt of Assessment

Assessment Received by ………………………………………………….…….. Date/Time ………………………….………..

(Name & Signature)

Student’s Checklist: I have met the following Assessment Criteria (Check  relevant boxes)
Weightage Mark %
A) Assignment 50%
(1) Submission form 
(2) Cover page 
(3) Format 
(4) Assignment content 

B) Employer Evaluation  50%


Co-op Supervisor’s Comments: Report Grade:

0 = Totally inadequate
1 = Very poor effort
2 = Minimum
satisfactory effort
3 = Fairly good to good
4 = Very good
Co-op Supervisor’s Signature Date 5 = Excellent
Faculty of Business and Information Science

Co-Operative Education

A coursework completed as part of the requirement for

PROGRAMME : Bachelor of Science (Hons) Actuarial Science

/ Actuarial Science & Finance
SUBJECT NAME : Cooperative Placement 1
SUPERVISOR : Mr. Yong San Loo


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Q1. Describe the organization in your point of view
a) History (5 marks)
AIA Group Ltd., or simply AIA, is Asia-largest Pacific's publicly traded life insurance
and securities group, with operations in Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Korea,
Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Other Markets, and Group Corporate Centre. It provides a
wide range of insurance protections, such as company insurance, accident and health
insurance, retirement planning, and so on. Cornelius Vander Starr, a young American
with a drive for business, created the company in 1919, and it is headquartered in Hong
Kong. From a tiny insurance agency on 15 Nanking Road in Shanghai, he quickly
expanded into life insurance and expanded his Asian footprint by opening branches in
Hong Kong and Singapore in 1931.

AIA Bhd. is a leading insurer in Malaysia, where the company has been in operation
since 1948. AIA Bhd. offers a suite of financial solutions including Protection, Health,
Personal Accident, Employee Benefits, General Insurance, Mortgage, Retirement and
Family Takaful products to address clients' protection and financial security needs at
every stage of their lives. As part of the AIA Group, the largest independent publicly
listed pan-Asian life insurance group, AIA Bhd. has the financial strength, experience,
service centre network and a well-trained personnel of more than 2,600 employees to
serve over 4 million customers nationwide.

AIA PUBLIC Takaful Bhd. (AIA PUBLIC Takaful) is jointly owned by AIA Bhd.
(AIA), Public Bank Berhad (PBB) and Public Islamic Bank Berhad (a wholly-owned
subsidiary of PBB). AIA PUBLIC Takaful, formed on March 11, 2011, AIA PUBLIC
Takaful leverages on AIA and PBB Group’s leadership positions as well as established
infrastructure and distribution networks in the insurance and banking industries to
accelerate growth and enhance Family Takaful penetration in the domestic market.

AIA General Berhad is part of AIA Bhd., a leading insurer in Malaysia that began to
operated after obtaining general insurance license on 1 July 2018. AIA General Berhad
provides motor, personal accident and commercial insurance solutions to nearly half a
million Malaysians. These products are available through AIA Life Planners, bank
partners, telesales reps, countrywide branches, and, eventually, directly online.

AIA Pension and Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. (APAM) is a wholly owned subsidiary
of AIA Bhd. That was incorporated on 27 July 2012, with the primary purpose of
engaging in the private retirement scheme and asset management industries.

b) Organization structure with brief explanation (5 marks)

In AIA Customer Propositions Marketing Department, there are several jobholders
which are Yeap Hooi Heang and Loi Min Bing as the Associate where Yeap Hooi
Heang is my supervisor and the one I reported to. There is also Derek Tan as the
Assistant Manager and Lok Foong Leng as the Senior Manager in the department. All
of these positions then will report to the Associate Director, Then Yuen Tsuey, which
then everything will be forwarded to the Head of Department which is Grace lee.

c) Products and /or services offered (10 marks)

For over 100 years AIA has helped generations of families all over Asia to plan,
protect and prepare for life. AIA has strived to make a significant, positive impact
for the customers and communities across Asia. This commitment is reinforced by
the Purpose: to help millions of people live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives. The
Purpose guides the decisions made and the actions taken as an organisation -
empowering and enabling people to understand and manage their health, while
meeting their long-term savings and protection needs.

AIA offers 9 different categories for individual protection as well as 2 categories

for business protection. The 9 categories are Life Protection to protect yourself in
the future from life’s uncertainties, Medical Protection to take care of healthcare
solutions in times of need, Critical Illness Protection to protect against financial
burdens of critical illness, Savings and Investment where offers wide range of
savings plans, Accident Protection to protect against accident, Property Solutions
to ensure household contents are protected, Motor Insurance to get comprehensive
protection for motor vehicles, Online Products to receive immediate protection
after sign-up, and AIA Vitality offers health programme to help people live
healthier, longer, better lives.
Each of these categories then will have different types of products and benefits
depending on each individual needs. For example, Life Protection category branch
into several products such as A-Life Wealth Premiere, A-Life Wealth builder, A-
Life Joy Xtra, A-LifeLink 2, A-Plus PayorExtra and many more. While Savings
and Investment category has A-Plus Total Health, A-Plus Health Booster, and there
is many more. Each of these products have different type of coverage and
protection where the customers can choose based on their individual needs.

For business protection there are Employee Benefits where AIA offers
comprehensive group insurance solutions from small to medium-sized enterprises,
providing employees with life, medical, accident, and critical illness protection and
Commercial Insurance where AIA offers a comprehensive cover to make sure the
business is protected against any unfortunate incidences.

Q2. Explain the significance of the tasks that you perform in your host organization,
covering the following points:
a) The role that you play and the tasks that you perform in your organization /
department/team. (15 marks)
My role in the company is as an Intern in the Customer Propositions Marketing
Department, where I will assist the whole team member with any tasks that they
needed help with which are mostly related to testing the product, product
development, preparing the material before the product launch, etc. The role carries a
lot of responsibilities and duties, where I have to make sure all the products already
met the requirements and there is no error with the products for different cases before
reporting it to my supervisor. Before launching product, there are several things that
need to be done inside the department, which are product development, make the
plan for the product, sales illustration, product disclosure sheet, agent training slide,
plan the website for the product and many more which I was involved in most of it.

As I previously stated, I was involved in the making of the agent training slide. The
objective of this slide is to provide a knowledge of the new product to the agent, such
as what the product is, how to buy it, how it works, what the benefits are, and so on,
so that they can explain and attract people to buy it.

Beside launching of a product, I was also involved in other tasks namely Cashback
Campaign, where there will be different Cashback Campaign for the products for
every 2 months. It required me to change the previous product slides from previous
campaign and need to check whether all changes have been made after the IT team
changed the products in the application. I was believed by team to handle 4 products
which are A-Life Wealth Premiere, A-Life Wealth Builder, A-Life Link 2, and A-
Life Wealth Treasure.

b) Explain how you contribute to the organization/department/team. (15 marks)

As an intern, my task is mainly to assist the Associate, Senior Manager or anyone that
needed my help in product launching and Cashback Campaign. By sharing their
workloads with me, they able to focus and progress faster on other tasks. This help
them to finish the tasks faster than the deadline given and have time to make sure
everything are correct and ready to submit.

To contribute more to the teams, I did self-studies related to the workloads given by
understanding the flow and did research on related work that have been done before, so
it helps the team to focus more on their work because they don’t have to keep assisting
and explaining to do the task given to me.

One week before the product launch is the week of final checking before product open
for public and customer. I was able to help the team to report faster by help the team
checked the product for all different cases and perspective. Which resulted in the
product was able to launch on time without any error or mistakes.


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