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Author by :
Rizki Yudha Bramantyo, Gentur Cahyo Setiono, Djoko Heroe Soewono,,
Faculty Of Law Kadiri University

Local wisdom refers to knowledge, values, norms, traditions, beliefs and practices that
develop in a particular community or group of people. This local wisdom is usually based on
experience, knowledge, and wisdom obtained from ancestors, the natural environment, and the life
history of the people themselves. As a result of an evolutionary process that took place over the
years, local wisdom is a form of cultural wealth owned by a nation. Local wisdom is considered
as part of the nation's cultural wealth because it plays an important role in maintaining cultural
identity and enriching cultural diversity in Indonesia. Local wisdom is also an important resource
that can be used to improve people's welfare and national development. Therefore, protecting local
wisdom and developing cultural potential is an important task for the state in maintaining the
cultural diversity and national identity of a nation. In addition, local wisdom is also a legacy that
must be maintained and preserved by the younger generation. In this way, local wisdom can
continue to live and develop over time. Therefore, legal recognition and protection of local wisdom
is very important to maintain the nation's cultural wealth and national identity of a nation.
This research is a study that discusses the legal protection given to local wisdom as part of
the wealth of cultural customs and national identity of a nation. This study aims to identify laws
and regulations that protect local wisdom as a form of cultural heritage and maintain national
identity, as well as analyze the implementation and effectiveness of this legal protection in practice.
In addition, this study also aims to discuss the impact of the loss of local wisdom on the
sustainability of a nation's culture and national identity and provide recommendations for
increasing the legal protection of local wisdom in Indonesia.

Keywords : Local wisdom, law, community identity

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