English Level 2

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Pembinaan Pra Lomba

IYSLO 2023
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
SD/MI Level II (Kelas 4, 5, dan 6)

Oleh: Aliyatul Himmah

Addition and subtraction
from 1 – 100
• The baker makes ten buns, each with four cherries on. Three buns are
sold. How many cherries are left?
• I have just visited a famous pizza outlet in my town this evening. Each
day, they make 100 pans of pizza. When I ordered a pizza, the cashier
said that they have sold 81 pizzas. So, how many pizzas are available?
Present Simple
Present Continuous
• We can use the present simple to talk about things we do regularly.
• We can use the present continuous to talk about things we are doing

I play basketball every Sunday.

I'm playing hockey now.
She eats fruit every day.
She's eating an apple now.
How to use them
• For the present simple, add s or es for he, she and it. For the negative,
use don't for I, you, we and they, and doesn't for he, she and it.
I watch cartoons every day. I don't watch the news.
My dad makes dinner every evening. He doesn't make lunch.
• For the present continuous, use am, is or are and ing. For the
negative, use not.
I'm going to the park now. I'm not going to school.
She's studying English now. She isn't studying maths.
I _______ my grandmother every We _______ up early at the
Saturday. weekend.
A. do call A. don't get
B. call B. don't gets
C. am calling C. aren't getting

They _______ to the teacher right She _______ a lot in the evenings.
A. is read
A. don't listen
B. is reading
B. aren't listening
C. reads
C. not listen
Telling Time
Comparatives and Superlatives
• We can use comparatives to compare things and superlatives to say
which thing is top in a group.
Cats are faster than mice.
Science is more difficult than maths.
The cheetah is the fastest animal.
I think art is the most difficult subject.
How to use them
• For adjectives with one syllable, add er and est. Sometimes the spelling
changes. Don't forget the for the superlative.
tall - taller - the tallest
I'm taller than my brother. My father is the tallest in my family.
big - bigger - the biggest
My room is bigger than my sister's room. Our parents' room is the
biggest room in the house.
• For adjectives with two syllables which end in y, take away the y and
add ier and iest. Don't forget the for the superlative.
easy - easier - the easiest
Maths is easier than science. English is the easiest subject.
• For other adjectives with two or more syllables, use more and most.
Don't forget the for the superlative.
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
That book is more interesting than my homework. This TV
programme is the most interesting!
• The adjectives good, bad and far have special forms.
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
far - further - the furthest
• Apples are _______ than • My brother is _______ person
grapes. in our family!
A. bigger A. noisiest
B. big B. the noisiest
C. biger C. noisy

• It was _______ yesterday than • That's _______ pizza I've ever

today. eaten!
A. sunny A. the most good
B. sunnyer B. the goodest
C. sunnier C. the best
Filling the Gap in a Paragraph
Do you like apples? Apples can be red, yellow, or green. Each color
tastes different. They ….. (1) fruit. You can make apples into treats.
Apples …… (2) on trees. They finish growing in the fall. Then you
can pick …… (3) to eat. When you pick an apple, you twist it and
then pull it off the tree.

1. 2. 3.
A. are A. grow A. Them
B. were B. growth B. Him
C. do C. grew C. Her
D. am D.grown D.Us
Bunny lives in the forest. Bunny has soft white fur and long floppy ears. She
lives in a nice little house under a rock. She likes to hop through the bushes.
She likes to visit her animal friends. But she always wondered what the world
outside the forest was like.

What is the story Where does Bunny The word “soft” is similar
mostly about? live? to …
A. Forest A. In the bushes A. Firm
B. House B. Under a rock B. Rigid
C. Bunny C. Outside the forest C. Fluffy
D. Bunny’s habit D. Nearby the forest D. Plain
Penguins are the only birds that can swim but cannot fly. These black and white seabirds
move about very easily in the water. On land they stand upright and waddle about.
There are 18 species, or types, of penguins. They are found mainly in the southern half of
the world. Many types are found in the cold regions of Antarctica or nearby islands.
Penguins also live along the cool coasts of Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and South
America. The Galápagos penguin lives in a warm region off the coast of Ecuador.
A penguin typically has a black back and a white belly. Different types range in height from
about 14–45 inches (36–114 centimeters). The largest type is the emperor penguin, which
weighs about 80 pounds (36 kilograms).
Penguins are excellent swimmers and divers. They can swim faster than 25 miles (40
kilometers) per hour. Penguins use their short, paddlelike wings as flippers for swimming.
Their feet are webbed, and their bodies are shaped like torpedoes. Penguins have short
legs, but they can run fairly quickly. To travel over ice and snow, a penguin may slide on its
A penguin is covered nearly all over with short feathers. The feathers keep water out and
trap warm air against the skin. A thick layer of fat also protects this bird from the cold.
1. Where are penguins mainly found?

A. The northern half of the world

B. The warm regions off the coast of Ecuador
C. The cool coasts of Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and South America
D. The cold regions of Antarctica or nearby islands

2. What do penguins use their short, paddlelike wings for?

A. Running quickly on ice and snow

B. Swimming and diving
C. Sliding on their bellies
D. Trapping warm air against the skin

3. What is the size range of different types of penguins?

A. 14–45 inches (36–114 centimeters)

B. 80 pounds (36 kilograms)
C. 25 miles (40 kilometers) per hour
D. The black and white color

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