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1ra columna, tenemos que escribir el autor, año, país, tipo de documento(artículo, tesis maestria, tesis doctoral) No poner tesis de licenciaturas

2da columna escribir los research particpants y level of education ( por ejemplo 8th graders, university students, secondary students, high school students

3ra columna escribir textualmente los Objectives, Research questions

4ta columna escribir el research problem, lo encontramos en la introducción del artículo

5ta columna poner el tipo investigación y los instrumentos de investigación, se los encuentra en la sección de methodology

6ta columna, el resultado o conclusión que responda directamente a la pregunta u objetivo de la investigación. Se encuentra en el abstract o sección resultados o conclusiones

7ma columna poner lo que los investigadores recomiendan para futuras investigaciones. Buscar en la sección de resultados, o discusión, o conclusiones/recomendaciones.
También podemos encontrar buscando las siguientes palabras: FURTHER, SUGGEST

Type of Research Objective Research problem Main findings or Recommendation for Further
document/ participants results investigation
Research questions Research method
& level of Research design
es Data collection
Title, author,
year, country,


2019 20 pre-service To delve into pre-service Practicum in pre-service teacher a quasi- The present study the present study presumed that
ELT teachers teachers’ perceptions of education (PTE), however, provides experimental study, revealed a dire need along with
assigned to the practicum undertaken invaluable sources of hands- for restructuring the
teachers’ reflective journals, providing training on effective
study and through reciprocal peer
perceptions of on teaching experiences and a traditional mentoring observation techniques, involving
mentoring and traditional
practicum comparison mentoring trajectories. realistic understanding of the individual model currently used pre-service teachers in a
through groups with 10 dynamics of teaching in actual interviews and in pre-service teacher combination
reciprocal peer participants in classrooms. audio-records of education programs.
of guided and unguided
each. The What are the perceptions peer conferences.
mentoring and observations may be a viable
present study of the reciprocal peer
traditional alternative to promote their
used mentoring group as Despite its overwhelmingly strong
mentoring* gains from the
convenience compared to those of the potential to contribute to pre-
(Çapan & Bedir, sampling service teachers’ development, observations. Besides, providing
traditional mentoring
2019 ) observation tools which would
group on overall practicum practicum perplexingly features as
broadly reflect the goals of
TURKEY process? the least intentional component of
PTE (Levine, 2002). Several
and overall practicum might help
researchers (Darling-Hammond,
to make the observations more
2006; Zeichner, 2010) contend that
meaningful for pre-service
practicum experiences are
vulnerable to serious flaws, since
(Jenkins, Garn & Jenkins, 2005).
they are rather haphazard and
insufficiently resourced. One of the - another viable
suggestion to ease the
leading problems in the practicum
time constraints of
process concerns mentoring
practices. Apparently, mentoring peer conferences might
be to reduce pre-service
practices in practicum are deficient
teachers’ workload in
in many aspects due to various
other courses that run
factors such as the hierarchical
with the practicum
of mentoring relationships, little
feedback from mentors, time
restrictions and heavy workload of

mentors, lack of training on

effective mentoring, and lack of
commitment for the mentoring
role (Beck

& Kosnick, 2000). The notorious

twice-a-year model of supervisory
observations features as another

pitfall hindering the espoused

contributions practicum is likely to
make to pre-service teachers’

development (Vidmar, 2006).

Similarly, teaching practices per se
surface as the other problematic

hindering efficiency of the

practicum experiences. More
specifically, McDonald and Elias
(1983) state

that initial teaching experiences

are “perilous and fraught with
risks” (p.1).

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