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Critical Hit Table

R At range of 6 inches or less, rake causes one rigging section to be lost.
H Additional 1 Hull hit.
R At range of 6 inches or less,one rigging square is lost
H At range of 6 inches or less, rake causes all gun and crew hits to be doubled
R Additional 1 Rigging hit
H Additional 1 Hull hit and 1 Crew hit
Fallen rigging obscures a gunnery section in the left broadside. Reduce hit table by 1 for the next 3 turns, Mark out 2
4 R rigging squares
H Additional 1 Hull hit and 1 Gun hit
R Additional 1 Crew Hit, Captain is wounded. First Lt. Takes 2 turns to assume command.
H Anchor cable severed. Anchored ships must note cut anchor in ship log. Ships may not anchor again
Fallen rigging obscures a gunnery section in the right broadside. Reduce Hit Table by 1 for the next 3 turns. Mark out 2
6 R rigging squares
H Additional 2 Hull + 1 Gun + 2 crew hits
R Additional 2 Crew hits
7 Crew is demoralized. Roll one die; add crew quality strength points. Subtract the number of lost crew sections.
H If the result is six or less, crew drops one rate in quality.
R Mast falls. Mark out remainder of one rigging section.
H Possible damage to steering: Roll one die. If a 1, 3 or 5 is rolled, turning ability number is permanently reduced by one.
R Additional 2 Rigging hits
H Additional 3 Hull + 2 Gun + 1 Crew hits
R Rake causes one entire rigging section to be lost
10 Anchor severed. Anchored ships must note cut anchor in ships log. Ship may not anchor again. Smoke masks the
H enemy ship of your choice, no turning next turn, reducing hit table by 3 for 2 turns.
R Additional 1 Rigging + 1 Crew Hit. Signal Halyard takes D6 turns to replace.
H Magazine may explode. Roll one die. Add the range in number of inches. If the result is 3 or less, ship explodes.
R Additional 2 Rigging and 2 Crew hits. Crew is demoralized, crew quality drops by one.
H Water line damage. One crew section must be permanently assigned to keep ship afloat for remainder of game.
R Rake causes one entire rigging section to be lost.
H Rake causes double the crew and gun hits. 2nd Lt. Is killed.
R Additional 3 Rigging and 2 Crew hits
14 Fire breaks out. Roll one die. If a 6 is rolled, fire is out of control and the ship may explode. On a 6 there is an
immediate explosion. Any other number rolled is the number of turns needed to put out the fire. Roll for explosion each
H turn until fire is out. Hit table is reduced each turn by the amount of the duration of the fire.
R Additional 3 Rigging and 2 Crew hits, Admiral is wounded if aboard.
H Damage to steering. Turning ability is permanently reduced by one. 1st Lt. Is severely wounded
R Additional 2 Rigging, 2 Crew and 1 Gun hit. Turns cost additional inch.
16 Crew is demoralized. Roll one die; add crew quality strength point. Subtract the number of lost crew sections. If the
H result is 6 or less, crew drops one rate in quality.
Mast falls. Mark out one rigging section. Fallen rigging obscures all gunnery sections. Reduce hit table by 2 for the next
R three turns.
Water line damage. One crew section must be permanently assigned to keep the ship afloat for the remainder of the
H game.
R Additional 2 Rigging, 2 Crew and 1 gun Hits. No OBP for 3 turns.
H Additional 2 Hull, 1 Gun and 1 Crew hits, leading officer on quarterdeck (admiral or captain) iskilled, no OBP for 3 turns
Mast falls. Mark out one additional rigging section. Fallen rigging obscures all gunnery sections, reduce Hit Table by 2
19 R for the next four (4) turns.
H Crew is demoralized. Crew drops one rate in quality, damage to steering ability reduced by 1.
Mast falls. Mark out one additional rigging section, leading officer on quarterdeck (admiral or captain) is killed, no OBP
R for 3 turns.
20 Fire breaks out. Roll one die. If a 6 is rolled, fire is out of control and ship may explode. Any other number rolled is the
number of turns needed to put out the fire. Roll for explosion each turn until fire is out. Hit table reduced each turn by the
H amount of the remaining duration of fire. 1 Crew lost per turn until fire is out.

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