Assignment 5 Comp 3261

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Comp 3261
Submitted by: Iffat Khan
Tru ID: T00582335

1. In case of biometric authentications, what are the main concerns of the system
administrators? (5 marks)

Answer: The main concern is the method of capturing biometrics and recorded to an
entity. System fails while capturing corrections lacks.

As the biometric technology cannot read a description of a specified person. This is also
an expensive investment.

Biometric systems like databases can be hacked into easily. It adds limitations to
privacy of an individual in cases of face recognition.

2. Draw the diagram of a generic biometric system, and briefly explain the function of
each component. (5 marks)




Matcher Database

Decision ->

3. What are the common biometrics? (3 marks)

Answer: Facial Recognition, Iris recognition, fingerprint scanner,

4. What are the five ideal biometric characteristics? Briefly explain each one. (5 marks)

Answer: Biometric characteristics are related to physical and mental human:

a. Fingerprint: these scanners are very popular among smartphones. Any device that
can be touched such as a phone screen or touchpad or door can be a good example
of convenient scanner.
b. Photo & video: If a device that is connected with a camera can easily be used for
authentication. Facial scans and retinal scans are good examples.
c. Physiological recognition: Facial recognition the second most popular type of
authentication. It is an image based authentication which includes an individual’s
hand geometry, palm vein recognition, or ear recognition.
d. Voice: these are digital assistants or telephone based services, to identify users and
authenticate users.
e. Signature: digital signature scanners used at cash counters, to scan inventory, where
a database has the signatures of users stored to authenticate.
5. How are the five biometric characteristics quantitatively measured? (5 marks)

Answer: There are CCD image sensors for the scanning purposes that uses a light
sensitive chip that produces a digital image after the scan. Computer then analyses this
image by selecting the fingerprint and also perform the pattern matching. This can be
done by using software.

Voice recognition will analyze person’s voice and analyzes the patterns. This uses ASR
technology to record voices and match them.

Signature recognition uses anatomical patterns or behaviour to recognize signatures of

Ear forms uses human ear anatomical features to measure the characteristics in 2D or
3D form.

Using these characteristics and quantitative measurements we can authenticate;

authorize, and verify .

6. Define three types of property. (2 marks)

Answer: Authentication: compares data for the person’s characteristics to that person’s
biometric template to find resemblance.

Authorization: relies on unique characteristics of individuals to verify who they are.

Verify: uses one specific biometric stored in the database .

7. Using the Internet, conduct a survey on the security issues related to the “Internet of
Things.” Summarize your findings and prepare a typewritten report of at least two
pages, using 10pt font and single spacing. You should include the following sections in
your report:

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things refers to the billions of physical devices around the world
that are connected to Internet. All of these devices are uploading and
downloading data, which means there is data collection and sharing on Internet.
Now we have high speed internet connection powered by micro chip modems
that provide wireless networks. Upcoming sensor recognition in devices is being
used all over the world that adds to the intelligence level. Internet of Things is
making the devices super smart, letting them communicate in real time data
without the presence of a human. The upcoming technology that is merging IT
and artificial intelligence into machine is recommendable

The most common network architectures used:

Peer-To-Peer network.

Client/Server network.

Pretty much any physical object can be transformed into a IoT device if it has the
ability of connecting to internet and communicating data

For example, a bulb that smart features allows it be connected to mobile phones,
speech recognition like Alexa, Google Home, motion sensors, electronic
automatic cars like Tesla, and many other devices that perform crucial services
with the help of IoT. At bigger scales, now there are projects of building smart
cities, controlled environments like Dubai.

IoT is not a PC, neither is a smart phone, however microchips are, they are
nowadays wirelessly capable to communicate and use internet, similarly in larger
networks it allows many devices to run using IP addresses that are deeply
connected to central processing unit of the system.
This gets bigger and bigger in coming years looking at the high growth in wireless
devices, smart homes, automation in automobiles, monitoring through smart
phones even in health sectors. The benefits of this is that humans will have easier
lives while machines communicate with other machines on it’s own.

Drawback could be lesser jobs for humans for instance self checkout at grocery
store means no more cashiers needed. Secondly this is all very expensive,
companies spend millions of dollars to build systems and maintain them
everyday. It also adds up to the pollution in the world given machines use power
to run. Since data is so easily shared it can be misused and hence there can be
many privacy issues with the increasing IoT. Hackers also become smarter as they
learn from the machines themselves.

In hardwares the top security challenge is lack of encryption which makes it

vulnerable to hackers of higher calibre. Unencrypted data can be easily stole and
pose a greater risk to all connected devices.

New software companies are also creating defective products which are flawed
softwares that put a normal working system at risk. To conclude, IoT is spreading
by vast number but companies should look for more sustainable methods of
growing. There should still be some man supervision for the self operational
services too. Risks should be calculated before launching a device or a gadget in
the market. Proper research and good practices can definitely lead to a bright
future of the world.

As the time goes by, IoT devices will become more affordable and accessible to
buy for the users, more and more people will be aware of their systems. Many
devices right now at trial stage like Tesla Taxi, self driving taxis, 5G, machine
learning powered analytics, motion sensors, better connectivity. As right now
despite told the speed will be 1gig still we get low latency network connection.
With coming years the devices will be better tested and researched for while they
are still being trialed in the market. Currently, due to covid many companies went
work from home way, and remote technology was very useful during this time.
Thanks to IoT


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