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Name : Muhammad ilham Kastalani

NIM : 2102113080
Chapter 14 Summary

 Privacy paradox, Privacy and Civil Rights

Privacy is the right to self-determine what information about you is made accessible, to
whom, when, and for what use or purpose.
An unauthorized disclosure of personal information is considered a Breach of privacy.
Privacy paradox refers to the phenomenon of where social users are concerned about their
privacy but their behaviors contradict these concern to an extreme degree.
 Social Recruitment
Because of the extensive use of social media nowadays, recruiters usually use this platform to
engage employment, and for recruitment and hiring of new employees.
Here are the three best practices for social media recruitment:
1. Have either a third party or a designated person within the company who does not
make hiring decisions do the background check
2. Use only publicly available information. Do not friend someone to get access to
private information
3. Do not request username or passwords for social media accounts

 Social recruiting and discrimination

Recruiters see the qualification of the person they are trying to hire depending on how the job
candidates control their privacy and how much they reveal through check-ins and posts
 Protected Classes and information
According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC) discriminatory
practices are prohibited. It is illegal to discriminate in any aspect of employment, including
recruitment, hiring and firing.
Protected Classes are characteristics identified by law that cannot be used in the hiring
process, this characteristics cannot be discriminated and harassed.
 Legal Note: Civil Rights
Civil rights are protected by federal law. Examples of civil rights are :
- Freedom of speech
- Press
- Assembly
- Equality in public
- The right to vote
 Competing Legal Concerns
Two competing legal concerns are discrimination and negligent hiring
Discriminination via social media scenario
If the candidate is posting information they would not want a recruiter or prospective
employer to know about. If they are rejected because of their age, religion or genetic
condition. The company has commited social media discrimination and is very likely in
violation of other laws
Reducing the Risk of Negligent Hiring
Steps companies can take to balance the competing risks of negligent hiring and social
discrimination are :
1. Ask candidates to sign a disclosure statement
2. Create a standard process and document it
3. Avoid coercive practices
4. Training
 Responsible Conduct
Cases of irresponsible conduct :
1. Predicting People behavior
For example: a credit card company can scrutinize the purchase we made to detect if our life
is about to change so they know what we are most interested in buying.
2. Mobile apps and risky behaviors
Every app requires that we click yes on the user agreement, which give our consent to use our
data. Types of risky behaviors are :
- Location tracking
- Accessing the device address book or contact list
- Identifying user or phone unique identifier
- Recording in app purchases
- Sharing data with ad networks and analytics companies

3. Google street view wi-spy snooping scandal

Google’s engineers realized the cars could be used for wardriving—driving around sniffing
out and mapping the physical location of the world’s Wi-Fi routers. Wardriving is also a
hacking technique, an invasion of privacy, and an information security risk.
4. Are FTC Fines for privacy Violation Facebook Business Model?
Facebook agreed to a settlement with the FTC in 2011 over charges that it deceived users
about privacy. The eight-count complaint accused Facebook of changing privacy practices
without notifying users, sharing users’ information without their consent, and claiming to
check the security of third-party applications when in fact it did not, among other charges
5. Competing Responsibilities
Globalization, the Internet, and connectivity have the power to undermine moral
responsibility because it becomes relatively easy to ignore harm. Despite the challenges and
lack of clear answers, ethics is important because relying on the law alone to safeguard civil
rights and society is insufficient. The law has its limits in large part because it changes so
 Technology Addictions and the emerging trend of focus management
People’s lives are already being taken care over tweets, text, and social media. Business
users are more likely to suffer from too much data, rather than from data scarcity. This
condition, known as cognitive overload, interferes with our ability to focus and be productive.
Kandel explained, if your mind is free of distraction, your mind is better able to absorb data,
interactions, and trends and synthesize the new information with what you already know. As a
result, you are more likely to come up partial attention. Your ability to synthesize information
may be compromised.
In 2009, many believed, gaming required fast thinking and good motor skills. Their poor
performance was that they had attention deficits. Because of their inability to concentrate for
long, they were not able to distinguish important information from trivia. Science also shows
that the best strategy to improve focus is to practice doing it.
 Six technology trends transforming business
1. Digital – Physical Blur: Extending Intelligence to The Edge.
The physical-digital blur signifies a new layer of connected intelligence that augments
employees, automates processes, and integrates machines into our lives. Controlling
the physical world with sensors and digital devices depends on band-with and the
ability to analyze data in real time. as the line between digital technology and the real
world continues to blur, traditional companies are leveraging and enhancing their
physical assets to create better use experience.
2. From Workspace to Crowd-source: The Rise of The Borderless Enterprise
With cloud, social, and collaboration technologies, organizations can access and
leverage talent and resource pools located anywhere and everywhere; in effect, an
enterprise where ideas are solicited from crowd of experts, that is crowd-sourced.
Crowdsourcing can give every business access to an agile workforce that is not only
better suited to solving some of the problems that organizations struggle with today
but in many cases will do it for free.
3. Data Supply Chain: Putting Information Into Circulation
Because of legacy systems and data silos that limit the value that organization get out
of their data, enterprise data are often underutilized. Data need to flow easily through
the entire organization – and eventually throughout the data systems of their business
4. Harnessing Hyper-scale: Hardware Is Critical Again
Every industry is being impacted by hyper-scale computing systems – the supersized,
scalable, and resilient data centers pioneered by data-dependent and social media
companies. Hardware is a hotbed of innovation as companies optimize their power
consumption, processors, solid-state memory, and infrastructure architectures to
increase data center efficiency, scale upward, and drive down costs.
5. Business of Applications
Enterprises are following consumers by rapidly adopting apps to create better
operational agility.
6. Architecting Resilience: Built To Be Failure Proof
Technology failures are business failures. Companies built resiliency into its IT
architecture by following two designs principles: isolation and redundancy.
- Isolation means that a failure in one component cannot bring down the entire
- Redundancy means that every component is backed up by an alternative in
case it fails.

IT must adopt a new mindset to ensure that systems are dynamic, accessible, and
continuous – designed not just to specification but also for resilience under failure and

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