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Task: week 12


Celis Palpa Heber Rafael Osjuar

Del Águila Tarazona Carla Lucia

Inche Vargas Victor Daniel Torres Vásquez María Fernanda

C: Good morning

V: Good morning miss, how can I help you?

C: I would like a casual black dress

V : Yes, we have several models

Do you want it short or long?

C: short please

V : Yes we have this model

It looks good?

C : If I like it a lot, it's perfect

How much is it?

V : It is s/85

C: I'll take it

V: Pay in cash or card

C : Cash please

V: Done, that would be all

Thanks for visiting the store.

C: Thank you
M: Good afternoon

R:Good afternoon miss, how can I help you?

M: I was looking for a gift

R: Ok, what kind of gift do you want?

M: I was looking for something out of the ordinary

R: We have makeup, flowers, clothes, do you want any of these products?

M: None of these options convinces me...

R: We also have products for the home, pets and technological devices.

M: ooh! could be a pet

R: We have frogs, rabbits, parrots and hamsters.

M: I like a hamster, how much does it cost?

R: They are 25 soles

M: Okay, here you go. Thank you so much

R: Thanks to you, come back soon :D

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