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Lesson 1: Strategic Planning

Your Essential Learning Outcome

After the learning process, you will define and describe strategic planning and its

Your Learning Springboard

Strategic Planning
● Is the process where the leaders of an organization recognize the vision in the future
and see the goals and objectives of the organization. It is a long-term plan of about
three to five years.
● Is a well-organized effort to generate fundamental decisions and actions that shape and
guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it.
● Is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and
resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are
working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results
and assess and adjust the organization’s direction in response to the changing
● The art of creating specific business strategies, implementing them, and evaluating the
results of executing the plan, in regard to a company’s overall long-term goals or

Importance of Strategic Planning

● Helps in the crafting of better strategies through a logical and systematic approach.
● Enhanced communication between employers and employees.
● Empowering individuals in the organization
● Helps define a clear mission and direction
● Influences people’s motivation positively
● Evaluate the efficiency of work

Your Learning Process

After reading the lesson on the springboard, answer the following questions:
1. Describe strategic planning based on the significant words that were used in the


 Well-organized Process- As part of the process of strategic planning, a manager must

ascertain your strategic position. This implies that you must provide the groundwork for
all future effort. To decide where you need to go and how you will get there, you must
first know where you are. A Manager must also order priorities among goals. This
indicates that in order to set objectives that will aid in accomplishing organizational
goals, a manager must first determine the actual situation. Additionally, as part of the
process of strategic planning, you must choose the methods that will help you achieve
your goals, assign deadlines, and clearly define roles. You are now prepared to put your
plan into action. The process's last step is analyzing the strategic plan, which will allow
you the chance to reassess goals and make course corrections in light of previous
achievements or failures.

 Management-Activity – This indicates that School managers must act to fulfill one or
more organizational objectives. In order for the School and its many components to
achieve a desired state in the future, management of the School must also create a
general direction for them.

2. Explain the importance of the strategic planning for you as:

2.1 a teacher; and

As a teacher, the principles of Strategic planning in all areas of the teaching process is
the very key in ensuring an efficient and effective teaching practices.


a. Classroom Management and Lesson Planning – Effective teaching requires

careful planning, organization, and control of the classroom. Failure will result
from a lack of it. Every instructor should be over-prepared in case anything
happens. Consequently, ongoing strategic planning is required. Numerous
research have confirmed the connection between planning and preparation's
effects on student learning.

b. Delivery of Instruction – in terms of the delivery of instruction, a teacher must

use a variety of instructional strategies that have been created and put into use
in classrooms over the years while implementing a strategic plan for the delivery
of teaching. It has been proven that one teaching approach may be thought of as
more effective than others.

c. Assessment and Evaluation – Teachers can analyze their students'

development and design the course material with the use of strategic planning in
the assessment of and for learning. Teachers can regularly review their students'
progress in their lessons with the help of strategic planning. A strategic plan for
assessment and evaluation enables teachers to identify learners who are
developing more slowly than others and provide them with targeted attention.
2.2 a future school administrator


My expertise and comprehension of strategic planning will be highly beneficial as a

future school administrator as I do my duties in an effective and efficient manner. In the
first place, developing logical and systematic strategies would probably lead to a very
successful execution of School Operations, which would result in effective work output
as well. Strategic approaches to various School Operations also give people within the
organization more influence. This is because a carefully planned school operation will
demand for using human resources, which will empower everyone. Everyone feels
empowered and inspired to carry out their responsibilities and advance the situation
when they feel trusted and performing. Additionally, by using strategic planning, I will be
able to clearly outline the mission and direction in which organizational goals and
objectives are intended to be directed. Additionally, strategic planning offers channels
for open and improved communication between a school administrator and its staff
members, establishing a respectable culture for the school as a whole.

Your Learning Outcome Activity

Prepare a synthesis from the four definitions of strategic planning.

1. The process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between an organization
objectives/skills/resources and its changing market opportunities. (Philip Kotler)
2. A systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating this vision into
broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve form. (scholars)
3. Setting up a company’s long-term goals and defining the ways to reach them.
4. The process of defining they key directional elements of an organization.


If all academic institutions can devise organizational methods to fully utilize their resources
by while also finding solutions to enduring issues that have hampered Schools as a functioning
organization, the twenty-first century is expected to present a wealth of prospects.
Understanding that schools are organizations in both form and structure and that they operate
through procedures is crucial. In order to assure the accomplishment of organizational goals
and objectives, Schools as an organization must use, allocate, and concentrate both material
resources—such as cash and equipment—as well as people and intangible resources. An
effective strategic approach that decreases the uncertainties brought on by the constantly
shifting academic scene is understanding how resources, both material and intangible, must be
used in the most effective way.

However, creating long-term objectives for a School requires a School manager to be aware
of their unique competitive edge. Setting the correct long-term School goals and effectively
preparing the future depend on understanding what makes the organization withstanding. A
School manager must also comprehend the needs of the clients (the learners). This implies that
a manager must establish the kind of long-term School objectives that will advance the
organization. A manager must also be aware of the difficulties. In order to define long-term
organizational goals and be able to attain them, a School Manager must also ascertain the
School’s strengths and weaknesses.

With the aid of strategic planning, a School Manager may set a clear objective and direction
for your organization. Strategic Planning can serve as a roadmap to help you make daily
decisions that are in keeping with the overall objective of the School. It as well directs a School
Manager to accomplish School Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives more quickly and utilize
time effectively. Finally, strategic planning enables a School Manager to assess the
effectiveness of organizational efforts and remove obstacles right away.

Lesson 2: Theories, Concepts, and Rationale of Strategic Planning

Your Essential Learning Outcome

After the learning process, you will determine the theories, concepts and rationale of
strategic planning.

Your Learning Springboard

● Philosophical synthesis - tends to emphasize a broad approach to planning which seeks
insights into social, economic and ethical conditions as well as the environmental context
of the institution or sector for which planning is being undertaken.
● Rationalism - views people as a utility and defines human relations in instrumental
terms. Rational models of planning assume a sequential, observable cycle that includes
setting goals, determining objectives, making plans, implementing the plans, and
reviewing the results.
● Organizational development - as an approach to planning focuses primarily on ways to
achieve change. Important factors in organizational development approach include a
human relations approach to innovation and change in management style, employee
satisfaction, decision-making process, and the general health of the organization
● Empiricism - recognizes the significance of system behavior studies by public
administrators, economists and other social scientists concerned with planning theory.
Empiricism is less normative than the other three, less concerned with planned social
change, and uses a positivistic framework for analysis.

● Development as a multidimensional process involving changes in structures, attitudes
and institutions as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of
inequality, and the eradication of absolute poverty. (Todaro, 1992)
● “We were taught to take care of GNP as this will take care of poverty. Let us reverse
this and take care of poverty and this will take care of the GNP.” (Mbug Ul Hag, 1971)
○ Thus, the concept of development planning came about as the more legitimate,
appropriate and culturally-oriented framework in the formulation of social,
economic, and political, national plans and policies among the Third World
● Development planning is basically an act of choosing. It is deciding in advance the
WHAT, the HOW, the WHEN, and the WHO of determining development goals, policies
and plans; conscious setting of alternative courses of action, procedures and strategies
needed to achieve the purposes of governments. (NEDA, 1985)
● Strategic planning is viewed as a single process whereby managers at every level of a
hierarchy must ultimately agree on a detailed integrated plan of action for the coming
year starting with the delineation of corporate objectives and concluding with the
preparation of one or two-year profit plan.
● Strategic planning is seen as zeroing in on decision-making information, and the future.
Its essence is focused on the consideration of current decision alternatives based on
available information in the light of their probable consequences over time. This means
identifying foreseeable thrusts and weaknesses to avoid and strengths and opportunities
to pursue
● Strategic planning is not a way of avoiding or minimizing risks nor does it require a
superior crystal ball in an attempt to outwit the future. Instead, strategic planning
increases risks and the unpredictability of the future due to various alternative scenarios
● Strategic planning is viewed as the effective application of the best alternative
information to decisions that have to be made now to ensure a secure future. (Day,
● The continuous process of making entrepreneurial decisions systematically and with the
greatest knowledge of their futurity, organizing systematically the efforts needed to carry
out these decisions, and measuring the results of these decisions against the
expectations through organized feedback. (Peter Drucker, 1993)
● The process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future and
develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. (Goodstein, 1993) This vision of the future state of the organization should be focus-specific
and unanimously set. The envisioning is more than an attempt to anticipate the future
and prepare accordingly. It involves a belief that aspects of the future can be influenced
and changed by what we do now.

● Reorient the organization to the needs of the community
● Plan for expansion
● Make the organization become more viable instrument for socio-economic development
of the nation
● Set or establish priorities for the use of resources
● Galloping inundation and explosion of new knowledge
● Realistic forecasting of events and exercise in “futurology”
Your Learning Process

After reading the lesson on the springboard, answer the following questions:
1. What commonalities can be identified in the given theories?concepts?

Based from the theories discussed above, I can say that all of them is anchored in the idea
that Human resources are the most important resource that any organization must utilize
in the most effective and efficient manner. Part of the human resource management
process must be focused on the well-being of the employees for better performance while
considering social, economic and ethical conditions. Furthermore, Human relations must involve
employee training, developing a culture, addressing employee needs, and resolving conflict in
the workplace. Understanding the importance of creating and maintaining good human relations
can help the organization attain competitiveness and long-term economic stability. The human
relations process is critical for the organization in terms of motivation, productivity, retention,
organizational culture, and collaboration among other things.

In addition, the notion that strategic planning is an “alive” process is evident among all the
theories. Strategic planning is highlighted to be a design process by which a plan, model, or
template is developed that guides future actions to achieve goals. It is as well asserted that
approaches to strategic planning are evolving over time. This is because “institutionalization”
creates a process of organizational change and reform.

Your Learning Outcome Activity

1. Choose four concepts and prepare a synthesis.

● Strategic planning is viewed as a single process whereby managers at every level of a

hierarchy must ultimately agree on a detailed integrated plan of action for the coming
year starting with the delineation of corporate objectives and concluding with the
preparation of one or two-year profit plan.
● Strategic planning is seen as zeroing in on decision-making information, and the future.
Its essence is focused on the consideration of current decision alternatives based on
available information in the light of their probable consequences over time. This means
identifying foreseeable thrusts and weaknesses to avoid and strengths and opportunities
to pursue
● The process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future and
develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. (Goodstein, 1993) This vision of the future state of the organization should be focus-specific
and unanimously set. The envisioning is more than an attempt to anticipate the future
and prepare accordingly. It involves a belief that aspects of the future can be influenced
and changed by what we do now.
● Strategic planning is not a way of avoiding or minimizing risks nor does it require a
superior crystal ball in an attempt to outwit the future. Instead, strategic planning
increases risks and the unpredictability of the future due to various alternative scenarios
● Strategic planning is viewed as the effective application of the best alternative
information to decisions that have to be made now to ensure a secure future. (Day,


Based on the four concepts above, I can say that Strategic Planning is basically a
systematic and methodical process which include thorough assessment of various matters
pertaining to organizational functions and processes. This also means that
Organizational goals are best met when an organization term its focus on the overall mission,
intention, and purpose reflected in the strategic plan. Furthermore, it is as well emphasized that
strategic planning is a management activity that involves careful decision-making. This means
that a manager must delve in a regular considerable thought and planning process before
taking a course of action and determine how to strategically implement it. Moreover, this as well
suggests that Managers may consider many possible options and make critical decision. In the
end, a Manager must settle on a strategy that is most likely to produce positive results.

2. From the concepts presented, which can be aligned to the rationale?

● Reorient the organization to the needs of the community
● Plan for expansion
● Make the organization become more viable instrument for socio-economic development
of the nation
● Set or establish priorities for the use of resources
● Galloping inundation and explosion of new knowledge
● Realistic forecasting of events and exercise in “futurology”

Miclat, Jr. Eusebio F., Strategic PLanning in Education: Making Change Happen.

● The process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future and
develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. (Goodstein, 1993) This vision of the future state of the organization should be focus-specific
and unanimously set. The envisioning is more than an attempt to anticipate the future
and prepare accordingly. It involves a belief that aspects of the future can be influenced
and changed by what we do now.

The concept presented above agrees to the rationale that states Schools must have
“realistic forecasting of events and exercise in “futurology”. Futurology is the study of
future possibilities by analyzing both current and historical trends. It is a systematic attempt to
predict what will happen by studying present and historical trends. By doing so, Schools has to
reorient the organization to the needs of the community in an effort to gather data that
accurately reflects a community's needs in relation to what the School can provide them. Prior
to taking any action, assessments are carried out in order to assert the present circumstances
and identify issues that require attention, laying the fundamental groundwork for crucial
planning. Effective and efficient management of Schools is about increasing the scale of
operations. If School managers has the knowledge to systematically analyze and interpret
trends in School data, Schools, as an organization, may experience growth due to increased
resources and capacities which will result to a higher percentage of attainment of School

his involves making changes in current laws and regulations in order to attract new growth and
enhancing the standard of living for local residents.
o Creation of more services to citizens
o Allowing areas to prospe
his involves making changes in current laws and regulations in order to attract new growth and
enhancing the standard of living for local residents.
o Creation of more services to citizens
o Allowing areas to prospe
his involves making changes in current laws and regulations in order to attract new growth and
enhancing the standard of living for local residents.
o Creation of more services to citizens
o Allowing areas to prospe
his involves making changes in current laws and regulations in order to attract new growth and
enhancing the standard of living for local residents.
o Creation of more services to citizens
o Allowing areas to prospe

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