Strat Planning Module 5

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Lesson 5: Vision, Mission, Goal, Objective, and Target Setting

Your Essential Learning Outcome

After the learning process, you will determine the important concepts of the vision,
mission, goal, objectives and target setting in relation to present needs, problems and resource
potentials and constraints.

Your Learning Springboard

Vision, Mission, Core Values, Goal, and Objective

This phase of planning basically answers the questions:
● What do we want to achieve?
● Where do we want to go?

● According to (Kaufman et al., 2002), vision is the act of power of seeing an ideal
state through mental foresight that a man or institution intends to accomplish.
● It spells out in broad terms the role of the institution in society, region or province,
and institution or university.
● Presents a mental picture of what the organization should look like in the future
and how the organization will look, feel, and interact with its stakeholders
● The most critical piece of the planning exercise, since all the activities of the
organization must be in support of the mission
● It must answer the questions:
○ Why does the organization exist?
○ What will the organization ultimately accomplish?
● According to Peter Drucker, mission statement must be described in the following
○ Vision - describes what the organization needs to accomplish, what
services it will provide, and what significant contributions it expects to
○ Measurement - identifies ways in which the organization’s progress can
be measured
○ Theme - describes how the organization intends to achieve its goals.


● It enunciates the organization’s core values
● These are beliefs that the organization’s members hold in common endeavor to
put into practice
● These guide the organization’s members in performing their tasks
● they put the strategic plan into an action-based document
● Specific goals flow from the vision, mission, and SWOT analysis, and lay out
what needs to be accomplished in a one-year to three-year period

Your Learning Process

After reading the lesson on the springboard, answer the question:
How would you describe the alignment of the Vision, Mission, Values and Beliefs up to
Goals and Objectives?


The Department of Education regards a clearly defined and aligned statement of their
mission, vision, goals and objectives and set of core values to support them. These statements
of mission, vision, goals and objectives are well positioned for long-term success in a rapidly
changing Educational context. Dep Ed, as a purpose- and mission-driven organizations is clear
about why they want to achieve and how they plan to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it is
as well stated that Dep Ed aims to be well-equipped to meet expectations of the ever-changing
Educational context. 

Having these statements of mission, vision, goals, and objectives and values all aligned
are strategic considerations that serve as a road-map to stay on track and work toward
achieving their organizational goals.

Your Learning Outcome Activity

In the organization where you belong, write down the Vision, Mission, Values and
Beliefs, and Goals and Objectives. And then write at least three sentences of observations on


Vision We dream of Filipinos Write your

who passionately love their observations/insights here.
country and whose values
and competencies enable
them to realize their full
potential and contribute
meaningfully to building the
nation. As a learner-centered Dep Ed Vision
public institution, the and Mission are broad
Department of Education statements of what Dep Ed
continuously improves itself dreams to achieve and how
to better serve its they will be achieved. Dep Ed
stakeholders. Vision and Mission are
anchored in the
Mission To protect and promote the Organizational values of
right of every Filipino to being Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao,
quality, equitable, culture- Maka-kalikasan at
based, and complete basic Makabansa. All of these are
education where: aligned with one another
 Students learn in a towards the achievement of
child-friendly, gender- Quality Basic Education
sensitive, safe, and services to every Filipino
motivating learner.
 Teachers facilitate
learning and
constantly nurture
every learner
 Administrators and
staff, as stewards of
the institution, ensure
an enabling and
environment for
effective learning to
 Family, community,
and other
stakeholders are
actively engaged and
share responsibility
for developing life-
long learners

Values and Beliefs  Maka-Diyos

 Maka-tao
 Makakalikasan
 Makabansa

Goals and Objectives Outcome A.1: Every

Filipino has access to
complete basic

 Provide necessary
basic education
inputs (Policy and
Tool across Key
 Provide affirmative
action to learners
with special needs
and/or learners in
 Engage the private
sector in
opportunities for
basic education
 Utilize technology
in expanding reach
of basic education

Outcome A.2. Every

Filipino graduate of
complete basic
education is prepared for
further education and
the world of work

 Ensure that a
curriculum is
 Provide relevant
materials and
 Improve quality of
instruction and
development of

Miclat, Jr. Eusebio F., Strategic PLanning in Education: Making Change Happen.

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