On Board Maintenance of 250 m3 BWTS

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Pedoman Vetting Kapal - Lampiran a ‘Vessel Inspection Questionnaires Ss" PERTAMINA BERITA ACARA (PROTOCOL OF INSPECTION) Inspector Pertamina Perkapalan telah melaksanakan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap kapal sebagal berikut: Pertamina Shipping Inspector hes attended on board the vessel to carry out vetting inspection ofthe vessel: VESSEL _MaARITINn NUSANTARA oa _oumal arene :TUeY 6%, 2923 //20.30 LT Has pemestsa Sesual dengan pemeriksaan aspek nautis, teknis, keselamatan dan lindungan lingkungan, serta spesifik teknis dari charterer/user, terdapat observasi yang telah didiskusikan dan dijelaskan kepada Nakhoda dan atau perwakilan owner/operator kapal sebagaimana terlampir. Result of Inspection: According to Nautical, Technical, Safety, Environment Protections, and charterer/user’s specific technical ‘ospect, there were found observations which has been discussed and explained to ship Master and or ‘owner/operator’s representative as attached. Notas pada PSA yang akan tr PSA Notation: PSA Notation* ‘Remarks* Charter Type ‘On / Non (For) SUITABLE FoR CHARTER/SurfAGle FR| FAME Cargo flshpoint 60°C capabiity |GurobleY Nor surable | SUITAGLE fOK OlL wit FP <60°C ‘Cargo Grode Operation (Cia sinale MOLT! GRADE opeRapo® ‘Select as appropriate. “complete by Inspector according to VIQ, requirements, and ship’s construction. (MT. MARITIM NUSANTARA Rev.5. Iss, Apr. 2018, @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner (Z7> PERTAMINA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Declaration of Ethics and Conformance Vessel VIARITIM _NUSANTARA Port OUMAT Date fjuty FM 9023 ‘Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah adalah Nakhoda dan/atau Pemilk Kapal/Perwakiian Operator atas nama pemik dan operator teknis kapal ini: dan saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini adalah Inspektur yang ditugaskan PERTAMINA, menyatakan dan ‘mengkonfirmasikan hal berikut : 41, Inspoksi dilakukan sesual dengan ketentuan pada prosedur inspeksi PERTAMINA; 2. Tidak ada penawaran dan/atau penerimaan hadiah/suap kepada siapa pun dengan alasan dan tujuan apa pun, selama proses inspeks berlangsung; 3. Tidak ada gratifkasi dalam bentuk apa pun termasuk hadiah atau bantuan sebagai imbalan atas perlakukan yang menguntungkan atau yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil inspeksi; 4, Tidak ada pinak yang baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung, menjanjikan, menawarkan atau memberikan suap atau keuntungan yang tidak patut (baik finansial atau lainnya) kepada pihak yang terlibat sebagai insentif, penghargaan, hadiah atau bonus untuk dipilin dan/atau untuk segala tujuan lain yang berkaitan dengan Inspeksi yang dilakukan; 5. Dalam hal diketahui adanya penyimpangan terhadap ketentuan diatas maka kami akan menginformasikan hal yang sama atau dapat dilaporkan ke WBS Pertamina ( pertaminaclean@tipoffs.com.sq, Telp. +628118615000 / +62(21)3815909/5910/5911) danvatau fungsi HSSE PT Pertamina Intemational Shipping (ssacmp@pertamina.com), 1 the undersigned Master and/or Ship Owner/Operator Representative on behalf of the ‘owner and technical operators of this Vessel; and | the undersigned PERTAMINA assigned Inspector, declare and confirm the confirm the following: 1. The current PERTAMINA Inspection was conducted in strict compliance with PERTAMINA inspection procedure; 2. There has been no offer and/or acceptance of any gifs/bribe to any person for whatsoever reason and purpose, throughout the course of the current inspection; 3. There has been no gratification of any kind including gift or favour in retum for favourable treatment or to affect inspection result; 4. None of us has either directly or indirectly, promise, offer or give any bribe or an improper advantege (whether financial or otherwise) to any involved party as an incentive, reward, gift or bonus to be selected and/or for any other purpose connected to {the current Inspection; 5. In the event violation of aforesaid elements, we will inform the same or can be reported fo the WBS PERTAMINA (oertaminaclean@tipofis.com.sa, Ph. +628118615000 / ++62(21)3815909/5910/5911) andor HSSE PT Pertamina Intemational Shipping (ssacmo@pertamina.com); ‘Ship Owner/Operator Representatives, Inspector, DESTINAST MARITIM. Z tana nua mina. a (CAPT. MAHENDRA DEW) @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Ship's Name. THARITIM NUSANTARA | Portofinsp. | DUMAT Ship's Type Oil Chemical Tanker Date of Insp. | July 6, 2023 1MO No. 9328318 ‘Ship Operator _| PT. Destinasl Maritim Indonesia or ~Ta495t Inspector Capt. Mahendra Dewi Folowing isthe list of observations which were Hentifed during Inspection ond discussed with the master at the close-out meeting. The list of observation should not be considered as a fino! or comprehensive list and PT. Pertamina (Persero) reserves the right to add to or amend these observations. PT. Pertomina (Persero) amends the Ist of observation they will odvise owner/operator. This list of observations does not constitute any warranty of the {fitness or suitablity ofthe vessel ‘Owner/operotor shall respond to mention observation not later than 30 days ofter inspection. Evidence of follow- Lup/close-out sholl be send vio vetting online system e-meil web pertamina.com/vettin No. | Via-Ref. Observation 2. Certification & Documentation ‘The ship SMS manual was not available on-board so the inspector was not 1 23 able to check the relevant safety management system inside such as manual including policy, procedures and check lst. 29 There is no any evidence that Cargo tank and ballast tank inspection had ~ been regularh pected and maintained on board shi 1 The ship particular name on ballast water management plan was Maritim Nusantara but the appointed responsible officer is belonged to AHTS Trinton Arjuna, 2. Refer to international ballast water management certificate, vessel ‘was fitted with 0-2 but the ship specific ballast method should be used was, not described on the Ballast water management plan. The ship was provided with the EEX! calculation which had been approved 214 by RINA Class but the SEEMP Part Ill which in force on January 1st, 2023 was not available on board. ‘4. Navigation & Communications - 4: “Fhe Company UKE policy was-not-seen-at bridge RECTIFIED The Officer was not familiar with the safety parameter, and the\primary 415 information departure and arrival of safety parameter was not involved on the passage plan form F-P4-10-03-ROO. ‘4.16 | The manual ship position plotting as per passage plan had never been " conducted on ECDIS by officer on watch. 5. Safety Management ‘The ship operator which attends the inspection did not wear personal PPE 3 2.3 8 5.5 | such as boiler suit and safety footwear and ship crew did not notify to wear such PPE at the time of inspection. A sa | Near miss report should be generated by all ranks, there is no any evidence recorded showing that near miss had been regularly reported on board. to. | sas _ | Te regular training of the use of life-saving equipment was not involved on the Jadwal Training form, so there is no evidence showing that such drill Page tof Y Inspector thanked to the Master and crew for their cooperation and hospitality. Inspector: Capt. Mahendra Dewi ‘Acknowledge Wy [4 @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Shipts Name TWARITIM NUSANTARA | Port of np. | DUMAT Ship's Type ‘Or Chemica Tanker Date of insp. | July 6", 2023, MO No. 9375314 Ship Operator | PT. Destinast Maritim Indonesia or on Inspector Capt. Mahendra Dewi Following isthe Ts of observations which were Wentified during inspection and discussed with the master ot the close-out meeting. The list of observation should not be considered as a final or comprehensive list ond PT. Pertomina (Persero) reserves the right to add to or amend these observations. If PT. Pertamina (Persero) omends the Uist of observation they will advise owner/operotor. This list of observations does not constitute any warranty of the {fitness or suitability ofthe vessel. ‘Owner/operetor shall respond to mention observation not later than 30 days ofter Inspection. Evidence of folow- ‘up/close-out sholl be send via vetting online system e-mail https://web,pertamino.com/vetting/ 11, 5.23 1. Once conducted calibration for both portable gas dete ‘showing Fail low flow. 2. There were two portable gas detector brand Riken Keiki RX-8000 for measuring HC and 02 but no other portable gas detector for measuring toxic gases such as H2S and CO. 12, 5.29 In the case of a free-fall lifeboat, at least once every three months during abandon ship drill the crews shall board the lifeboat and properly secure themselves in their seats but such detail drill was not involved on the last lowering on date June 19th, 2023. 23. 5.32 All lifejacket onboard ship was not complied with Solas regulation by means no need tying the knots, and there is no any evidence showing that such {SA had been regularly maintained means all battery on each lifejacket was expired. _ 14, 5.34 1. There were cigarettes butts and ash trays found in the cabin crews that had potential fire hazards, it is indicates that the company smoking regulation had not strictly followed by ship crews and no regular cabin inspection by Senior Officer. 2. The company had created Fire- fighting and appliances training manual and fire safety operational booklet in Bahasa but such booklet was in clean condition by means ship crew had never been read such booklet. 6. Pollution Prevention 15. 67 ‘A vessel's bunker transfer system should be tested to 100% of their rated working pressure at least annually, but last bunker line test pressure was on ‘March 18th, 2022. 16. 6.13 There is no any evidence recorded on the Oil Record Book Part Ii that ODME was regularly tested by crew staff. v7. 6.17 There is no any evidence recorded showing that the OWS on-board ship had been regularly maintained as per section 6 on the Instruction manual for 15pm bilge separator, not just alarm 1Sppm test only. 18. 6.21 On the International ballast water management certificate said the method of ballast should be used of the ship is D-2, but the responsible officer and ship crew were not aware and familiar of such equipment and ship crew used the gravity and pump for daily used while cargo operation and there is Page 2 of Y Inspector thanked to the Master and crew for their cooperation and hospitality. Inspector: Capt. Mahendra D Bas @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Ship's Name TMARITIMNUSANTARA [Port ofinsp. | DUMAT ‘Ship's Type (Oil Chemical Tanker Date of Insp. | July 6, 2023 IMO No. 9328314 Ship Operator _| PT. Destinasi Maritim Indonesia, Gi 8,499 Taspactor Capt. Mahendra Dewi Following is the Ist of observations which were Kdentified during inspection and discussed with the master at the close-out meeting. The list of observation should not be considered as a final or comprehensive list ond PT. Pertamina (Persero) reserves the right to odd to or amend these observations. If PT. Pertamina (Persero) amends the list of observation they will advise owner/operator. This list of observations does not constitute any warranty of the fitness orsutobiity of the vessel ‘Owner/operator shall respond to mention observation not loter than 30 days ofter Inspection. Evidence of follow. _up/close-out shall be send vio vetting online system e-mail https://web,pertamino.com/vetting/ ‘no evidence showing that ship crew had been familiarized with such equipment. Refer to the Ballast Water Management System section Vil, the maintenance of the water ballast treatment should be conducted as per 19. | 6.22 _| maintenance schedule however no any recorded evidence showing that the maintenance of such equipment had been conducted as per maintenance schedule. 8. Cargo & Ballast System ‘The ship had fitted with Loading computer brand Ship Manager-88 but such booklet was approved by previous ship's Class "KR" and the approval by recent ship's Class of annual loading computer accuracy test had never been conducted. 20. a7 The contingency plan such as emergency procedure when dealing with fire, 21. | 8.10 | oil spillage and emergency discharge procedure in case of cargo pumip breakdown was not available on the cargo plan. 9. Mooring. 22.] 97 | Last BHC test was on March 18th, 2022, refer to MEG should conduct on annual basis. The forward mooring lines was made with more than one layer on each 23. | 9.11 __| tension side of drum, at the inner mooring winch was made fast in the main drum and no mooring line layer on each drum at the time of inspection. 10. Engine and Steering Compartments ‘Since January Ist, 2020 all ship should use the LSFO but the ship still uses 2a] roa0 | ers ‘Gargo-management,-ballast-management,-st a .13__| System as part of critical equipment 0 2, however such equipment was 7 ship specific critical equipment lst (Safety -OEIMEr )_ RECTIFIE a Prior entering the enclosed space, the ventilation fan should be switched on 26. 10.18 to ventilate the space but the ventilation fan starting button located inside the forecastle store at the lower floor. Page 3 of 4 ‘Inspector thanked to the Master and crew for their cooperation and hospitality. Inspector: Capt. Mahendra Dewi ‘Acknowledge by Master: ogt- Pegnncay sb. @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner Tapas TWARTTINA NUSANTARA fe Gin oumar Ship's Type Ol Chemical Tanker Date of inp. [uly 62023 TWO Wo ones Ship Operator | PT. Destinasi Maritim Indonesta Gr [aa09¢ Inspector Capt. Mahendra Dew TFolowing isthe lst of observations which were Wentified during inspection and dscussed with the master at the ‘close-out meeting. The list of observation should not be considered as @ finol or comprehensive list ond PT. Pertomina (Persero} reserves the right to odd to or amend these observations. f PT. Pertamina (Persero) omends the Iist of observotion they will advise owner/operator. This list of observations does not constitute any warranty of the {fitness or sultoblty ofthe vessel. ‘Owmer/operotor shell respond to mention observation not later than 30 days ofter inspection. Evidence of follow. ‘up/close-out shal be send vie vetting online system e-mail httns://web pertomina.com/vettinay The hot surface protection for port side HFO service tank was found | 27. | 1019 | detective, leaking. 11. General Appearance and Condition 28. | 11.2 __| The port side plimsol mark and mid draft was defective, faded. The supporting grating access to fix inclining ladder to cargo tank 6P was 25 | 113 | detective, heavy corroded. Pagedot Tnspector thanked to the Master and crew for their cooperation and hospitality. Inspector: Capt. Mahendra Dewi ‘Acknowledge by Master: Capt. Pewniycay sp A lord rydacct TM a) MASTER @ Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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