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1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense of the verbs in parentheses.

Pam: My sister, Kate, ____________________ just ____________________ (graduate) in

law school. I’m so happy for her.
Mike: How nice! ____________________ she already ____________________ (find) a
Pam: Yes! She ____________________ (start) at a law company next Monday. She’s very
excited about it.
Mike: Awesome. My half-sister ____________________ (graduate) in history last year. But
she didn’t find a job, so she ____________________ (decide) to take a master’s degree.
Pam: Really? Does she like it?
Mike: Yes, she is. She loves to study.
Pam: Nice. I ____________________ always ____________________ (dream) about
getting a master’s degree in chemistry. What about you? ____________________ you
____________________ (make) up your mind about your future profession?
Mike: I don’t know yet, but I think I’ll try journalism. I want to be a reporter.

2. Match the questions to the answers.

a) When were you born? ( ) Of course. I never forget them.

b) Did you take your keys? ( ) Not much. I felt seasick.
c) What is Sam doing? ( ) I was born in April.
d) Did you like sailing? ( ) She’s sleeping.

3. Read the sentences and choose the best option.

a) My teacher ______________ a lot of literary work last year.

( ) has translated ( ) translated

b) __________ you ever ______________ in Paris?

( ) Have / been ( ) Have / were

c) Mia ____________ born in 1990.

( ) is ( ) was
d) Steve has _____________ at the school for 15 years now.

( ) worked ( ) working

e) Stella ___________________________ to Japan 2 times this year!

( ) has already traveled ( ) travels

f) My family ____________ to Rio de Janeiro when I was 5 years old.

( ) have moved ( ) moved

4. Read the text below and answer mark T (True) or F (False).

This is Michael. He’s one of the most famous actors in Hollywood

today. Everyone loves him. He has just finished filming a drama
movie, where he plays a man with a strange disease. He has won a
lot of awards for acting.
Now, he’s very famous, but his life wasn’t as easy as when he was
a child. He was born in the countryside, and had to work to help
his family. He started working when he was 13 years old. Now, he
has a great life. He’s married to an actress, Jessica, and they have
two sons. They are very reserved about their marriage, and we don’t
know much about it.

a) He’s a very famous singer. T/F

b) He finished filming a drama movie. T/F

c) He started working when he was 13 years old. T/F

d) He’s married to Jessica. T / F

e) They have two daughters. T / F

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