05 - Questionnaire - Vietnam Long Phu1 - TSB2nd Clari - 20110228

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)

Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
V1 - V2A
PROPOSAL FORMS Toshiba has not been nominated as DCS supplies in the List of Main
TM-1 V1S2.4 D Form No. 12 : List of Main Subcontractors/Suppliers Subcontractor/Supplies in Customer's Specification.
C&I and DCS We would like to propose Toshiba DCS for Long Phu Project.

Two (2) nos. Multi-cylinder double casing (HP & IP) tandem compound, single
We would like to propose the one casing steam turbine of HIP type, not HP & IP
reheat, regenerative, condensing type turbine-generator sets, each complete
TM-2 V2AS3, 3.00.00 D separate casing type, as HIP turbine and LP turbine, which is tandem compound
with all auxiliaries matching super critical boiler parameters and consisting of,
but not limited to, th following:

Also, the Bidder shall offer 2x50% streams of HP heaters in his base offer, and
We would like to propose 1 x 100% stream of HP Heters as base offre based on
TM-3 V2AS3, 6.00.00 C can offer 1 x 100% stram of HP Heaters in case he finds the same to be an
internationally acceptable standard configuration of super critical steam turbine.
optimized solution.

Blanking devices for emergency stop and reheat stop valves and other items as
Temporary steam blowing piping will be excluded in Toshiba's scope of supply.
TM-4 V2AS3,8.00.00 a) C required for steam blowing operation along with temporary steam blowing piping
This shall be provided by erection contractor of steam turbine.
and quick opening valve as specified in Volume: IID of this specification.

The performance tests of steam turbine shall be conducted in accordance ASME PTC6 alternative test with condensated flow measurement basis is
TM-5 V2AS4,1.06.07 C
with the latest version of ANSI PTC 6.0. applied for STG perofomance test.

As per V2AS10 3.0 - 4.0 of guarantee item which is "CATEGORY-A",

The performance tests shall be carried out with the unit operating at the "CATEGORY-B", the performance guarantee of partial load such as 80%, 60%,
TM-6 V2AS4,1.06.09 D
guaranteed point conditions corresponding to 100%, 80%, 60%, 50% TMCR. 50% TMCR shall not defined. So we will execute limited performance guarantee

The allowable stresses shall be reduced so that life expectancy to minimum

Since piping materials will be adopted in accordance with ASTM/ASME B31.1,
TM-7 V2AS4,12.00.00 C 2,00,000 hours of operation can be achieved. The Bidder shall discuss this
this requirement will not be applied.
aspect in his technical proposal.

All primers shall be well marked into the surface, particulary in areas where It is not practical to apply first priming coat within four hours considering
TM-8 V2AS4, 15.01.00 D pitting is evident and the first priming coat shall be applied as soon as possible preparation of painting procedure, we would like to apply the first primer within
after cleaning, within four hours msximum. eight hours after cleaning in accordance with Toshiba's standard process.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
The paint specification for the equipment shall be applied based on
manufacturing standard considering environment condition specified in the
TM-9 V2AS4, 15.04.00 D Painting System
Toshiba's standard painting specification is attached in our proposal.

In case any local standard is published before finalisation of the Contract, the
In case any local standard is published before contract bidder shall have
TM-10 V2AS4, 17.01.03 C Bidder has to comply the more stringent of the above norm or the new local
sufficient time to evaluate the impacts of such local standards.

Turbine rotor balance test will be conducted in Toshiba's factory.

Where accurate alignment is necessary for component parts of machinery
CAAS(Conputer Aided Assembly System) will be applied for steam turbine,
TM-11 V2AS4, 18.01.06 D normally asembled on site, the Contractor shall allow for trial assembly prior to
instead of actual trial assembly.
despatch from place of manufacture.
Please refer to supplemental document attached in our proposal.

All pressure parts connected to pumping main shall be subjected to hyrauric

testing at a pressure of 150 % of shut-off head for a period not less than one The period of hydrauric pressure test shall be 30 minutes in accordance with
TM-12 V2AS4, 18.01.08 D
hour. Other parts shall be tested for one and half times the maximum operating Toshiba's standard procedure.
pressure, for a period not less than one hour.

At any stage during the performance of assignment, the Contractor may be

required to make certain changes/modification/improvements in
design/drawing/other documents, which in the opinion of the Owner ............
Such changes/modifications/improvements required could be identified by
Any design changes/modifications/improvements from the contracted
TM-13 V2AS6, 4.03.00 D Owner and/or consultant and mutually discussed.
specifiation shall be subject to cost adjustments and time of extensions.
Owner requires the Contractor to incorporate such action in the subject
assignment appropriately without any additional cost liability and time implication
to the Owner and same shall be within the responsibilities and scope of the

The detailed Quality Plans for manufacturing and field activities should be drawn
Manufacturer's standard format for detailed quality plan shall be applied
TM-14 V2AS7, 2.01.00 D up by the Bidder, separately in the format attached at Annexture-I and will be
regarding manufacturing equipment.
subjectted to Owner/Authorised representative for approval.

No material shall be despatched from the manufacture's works before the same
is accepted subsequent to pre-despatch final inspection including verification of Further detailed explanation for this requirement are necessary, because scope
TM-15 V2AS7, 2.05.00 C records of all previous tests/inspections by Owner's Engineer/Authorised of this requirement are not clear.
representative, and duly authorised for despatch issuance of material Despatch Toshiba's quotation does not include this requirment.
Clearance Certificate (MDCC).

This requirement shall not applied to all equipment which are provided and/or
Such qualification test shall be conducted in presence of Owner/his authorised
TM-16 V2AS7, 2.08.00 D manufactured by Toshiba, because Thoshiba will guarantee equipment quality
including welding quality.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

IBR, which is not indicated in reference standard specified in Vol. 2A Section IV,
For welding of pressure parts and high pressure piping the requirement of IBR
TM-17 V2AS7, 2.08.00 D "ANNEXURE-I : LIST OF STANDARD FOR REFERENCE", shall not be applied
shall also be complied with.
to the Turbine Island equipment.

All the purchase specifications for the major bought-out items, list of which shall
This requirement shall not applied to all equipment which are provided and/or
TM-18 V2AS7, 2.11.00 D be drawn up by the Contractor and finalised with Owner shall be furnished to the
manufactured by Toshiba.
Owner for comments and subsequent approval before orders are placed.

The Contractor shall be required to submit two (2) copies of the following Quality
Assurance documents within three (3) weeks after despatch of the equipment ;
a) Material ……..
b) The Inspection …………….. Further clalification and discussion are required, because some items of these
TM-19 V2AS7, 3.01.00 D c) ……... requirements are too much from Toshiba's standard test records, it is very
. difficult for Toshiba to follow this requirement.
h) Inspection reports .............
i) Letter of …………..

TM-20 V2AS10 , 2.02.02 D Initial Operation, Reliability Run To be informed later.

We have requested Owner to coordinate BMCR values as 102% flow of VWO

condition, considering VWO output guarantee of 105% of TMCR with 3% make
TM-21 V2AS10 , 3.01.03 D No fuel oil support shall be required above a load of 40% BMCR up at 57mmHg condenser pressure.
In order to guarantee VWO output of 105% TMCR, BMCR margin as 102% flow
of VWO is necessary.

a) Maximum continuouse output at generator terminals corresponding to all HP

Make up flow at performance test condition shall not be limited. Correction from
TM-22 V2AS10 , 4.03.01 D heaters out of operation under rated steam conditions, at a condenser pressuer
base condition shall be applied with normal manner.
of 57 mm Hg (a) and 3% make-up.

b) Maximum continuous output at generator terminals corresponding to one HP

One HP heater train out of operation is not applied because we will propose 1 x
TM-23 V2AS10 , 4.03.01 D heater train out of operation under rated steam conditions, at a condenser
100% stream of HP heters as base offre.
pressure of 57 mm Hg (a) and 3% make-up.
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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Owner requires this LTSA requirement to the EPC contractor, this is not included
in Toshiba's Quotation.


The minimum continuous operation load is 40 % TMCR for our proposed STG
TM-25 V2CS1A , 1.01.03 C The load will be controlled from about 25% loading to the maximum capability.

·Reheat Steam Temperature, ℃

We would like to propose 566 ℃ of steam temperature as reheat steam
TM-26 V2CS1A, 1.02.04 D
Base : 595 temperature considering plant economical optimization.
Alternate : 580 - 600

TM-27 V2CS1A,1.02.05 D Arranement:: Tubes Tubes parallel to turbine shaft
perpendicular to turbine shaft

TM-28 V2CS1A,1.02.05 D Air removal equipment: 2×100% liquid ring Vacuum pumps with AC motors will be applied.
3×50% liquid ring Vacuum pumps with AC motors

(High pressure heater drains)

Proven, Toshiba's standard drain system will be applied.
TM-29 V2CS1A,1.03.08 D Each heater shall feature an automated alternate route direct to the deaerator for
Please refer to P&IDs attached proposal.
operation when the lower pressure heater is out of service.

(High pressure heater drains)

Proven, Toshiba's standard drain system will be applied.
TM-30 V2CS1A,1.03.08 D Each heater shall also feature an automated alternate route direct to the
Please refer to P&IDs attached proposal.
condenser for “heater out” operation.

Factory Test and Report

110% overspeed test shall be carried out in accordance with Toshiba's standard
TM-31 V2CS1A, 2.04.02 D Turbine Tests
test procedure, considering material damage remaining by overspeed test.
Overspeed test of rotor with blades at not less than 120 % rated speed.

Internationally acceptable standard (proposed by Toshiba), proven and reliable

Turbine blading shall be stainless steel and shall be securely and adequately
TM-32 V2CS1A, 2.06.04 D blades material and design shall be applied to the steam turbine blades, which
anchored and shall be readily renewable.
can be renewable.

Provide double valves at all steam drains Double valves for steam drains of steam turbine and heaters will be provide
TM-33 V2CS1A,2.06.08 D
above 28 bar. above 40bar in accordance with Toshiba's standard.

We propose based on the application of Fat Acid Ester, which is fire resistant
TM-34 V2CS1A , 2.07.02 C System shall use fire resistant fluid such as FYRQUEL.
fluid, as contorol electrohydraulic fluid.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

The rotor stresses are automatically and continuously calculated.

System shall automatically and continuously calculate rotor stresses that occur
TM-35 V2CS1A , 2.09.00 C In the case of rotor stress increase, warning sign will be announced and plant
when temperatures change with machine loading.
operation shall be controlled manually by operators.

One full capacity positive-displacement or centrifugal-type jacking oil pump, if

required. If a jacking oil pump is provided, two full capacity jacking oil pumps We will not provide jacking oil pump (JOP) because we judged that JOP is not
TM-36 V2CS1A , 2.11.01 C
shall be installed if the unit cannot be started by using the motor driven main oil required for this size of our offered STG for Long Phu 1 Project.
pump when the jacking oil pump is out of service.

Oil pressure piping shall be seamless steel with welded joints, and a minimum of
TM-37 V2CS1A,2.11.03 C Oil supply piping as pressure piping will be applied seamless steel.
flanged connections.

Lube oil piping will be shielded, guarded, and/or routed in such a way so that any
Drains shall have adequate capability of returning the oil supplied to any area in potential leakage will not spray hot surfaces. But, the supply oil piping which is
TM-38 V2CS1A,2.11.03 D
the event of a complete rupture of the oil supply pipe in that area. close the hot parts such as intermediate turbine gland will be run within the
return oil pipe.

High water level switch in gland steam condenser isn't provied in our proven
TM-39 V2CS1A,2.12.02 D High water level switch in gland steam condenser. design.
We provide the drain trap and piping to condenser in our system.


HP Heater #8 will be install outdoor on the turbine house roof.

TM-40 V2CS2,1.01.03 D All heaters will be installed within the turbine house.
Please refer to general arrangement attached in this proposal.

We would like to apply drying of heater instead of a water-soluble rust preventive

Factory Test and Reports
compound of hydraulic test because environmental limitation of emission need to
TM-41 V2CS2, 2.04.02 D b) A water-soluble rust-preventive compound shall be added to the test water to
be considered.
leave a rust-inhibitive film on the internal surfaces during storage and shipment.

Heater Shells
We consider that anti-flash baffling is not necessarybased on manufacturer's
TM-42 V2CS2, 2.06.01 D d) Provide anti-flash baffling in all condenser neck mounted heaters to retard any
standard design.
flashback into turbine.

TM-43 V2CS2, 2.07.01 D d) Tube shall be thickened at U-bends where needed to meet minimum We would like to comply minimum thickness of ASME Code.
thickness requirements of the "HEI Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters".

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Tube Sheets and Support Plates
Circular grooves is not applied to HP Heater because the tube of HP Heater is
TM-44 V2CS2, 2.07.02 D b) At least two parallel circular grooves shall be machined into each hole in tube
welded and expanded to tubesheet.

TM-45 V2CS2, 2.07.04 D We would like to use stainless plate TP304 as sliding plate.
The sliding support shall be on heater shell and shall have graphite impregnated
bronze slide plate, instead. Teflon shall be bonded, glass-filled type.

We consider that the supporting suddle for dismantlement is not necessary
TM-46 V2CS2, 2.07.04 D a)
because the dismantlement for tube bundle is not too often.
Provide a third saddle support under heater shell at front end of the shell.

TM-47 V2CS2, 2.07.04 D Provide one common tube bundle removal cradle with adapters to permit it to be ditto
used for all heaters which are to be dismantled by pulling the tube bundle, or
provide separate cradles for each heater.

b) Heater which are to be dismantled by pulling the shell shall be equipped with
TM-48 V2CS2, 2.07.04 D supporting saddles mounted on steel wheels or rollers to facilitate removal of ditto
shell as follows:

a) Low-pressure heaters: Tubes - ASME SA688/SA688M, Grade TP304 - 0.05 (maximum carbon) for
TM-49 V2CS2,2.09.01 a) D
Tubes - ASME SA213/SA213M, Grade TP304 - 0.05 (maximum carbon.) LP1&2(in cond.neck), ASME SA556/SA556M, Grade C2 for LP3&4

b) High-pressure heaters:
TM-50 V2CS2,2.09.01 b) D Tubes - ASME SA688/SA688M, Grade TP304 - 0.05 (maximum carbon) or Tubes - ASME SA556/SA556M, Grade C2 for HP HTRs
ASME SA213/SA213M, Grade TP304 - 0.05 (maximum carbon).

Tray-type deaerating section with trays, tray supports, supports,saddles, and Offered Deaerator is one shell type and have both deaerating section and
TM-51 V2CS2,4.01.01a) D
pipe connections to storage tank of heater. storage capacity in one shell.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

TM-52 V2CS2,4.06.02 D Sufficient equalizer pipes between deaerating heater and storage tank Equalizer pipes are not provided because of one shell type Deaerator.

TM-53 V2CS2, 4.09.01 D We would like to use stainless plate TP304 as sliding plate.
Each sliding saddle shall have Teflon slide plates.

TM-54 V2CS2, 4.11.01 D We would like to use stainless TP410 that is Our proven standard material.
b) Tray assemblies - stainless steel AISI 430, either riveted or formed.

TM-55 V2CS2, 4.11.01 D We would like to use stainless TP410 that is Our proven standard material.
c) Tray suppports - 316L stainless steel or 430 stainless steel

TM-56 V2CS2, 4.11.02 D e) Perform wet fluorescence magnetic particle of interior of all shell longitudinal We would like to apply magnetic particle inspection and fluid penetrant test.
and girth weld seams.


(Field Performance Test)

TM-57 V2CS3,2.05.01 D After a period of initial operation, a performance test will be conducted on the The performance test for BFP is conducted at a manufacture's factory only.
complete power plant.

b) Mechanical seals shall be manufactured by John Crane or Ownerapproved

TM-58 V2CS3,3.07.02 D We provide mechanical seals which is selected by pump manufacture.

(Condensate Pumps)
TM-59 V2CS3,5.01.01 D Furnish and install 3x50% condensate pumps each complete with electric 2 x 100 % capacity condensate pump will be proposed.
motor drive and accessories as specified.

Unless otherwise approved by Owner, for single suction first-stage impeller

Operating speed of pumps shall be determined by pump manufacture
TM-60 V2CS3,5.06.02 D design the maximum operating speed shall be 1,000 rpm. For double suction
considering equipment proven design and reliability.
first-stage impeller design, the maximum operating speed shall be 1,500 rpm.


The condenser will additionally serve the main boiler feed pump drive turbine
TM-61 V2CS4,1.01.02 D N.A because BFPs are driven by Motor not steam turbine
through a separate exhaust inlet in the shell.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Tube material and gauge, BWG
We would like to apply 0.5mm of Tube thickness to condensing and air removal
• Condensing section Titanium Grade 2 / 22
TM-62 V2CS4, D section, 0.7mm for impingement area that is peripheral row as the thickness is
• Air removal section Titanium Grade 2 / 18
Toshiba proven standard.
• Impingement areas Titanium Grade 2 / 18

TM-63 V2CS4, Number of passes: 2 One pass type shall be applied.

Toshiba would like to propose that Maximum O2 and noncondensable gases is

21ppb under following conditions because Toshiba consider that it is difficult to
satisfy the maximum limitation of O2 and noncondensable gas after studied past
plant operating data.
Maximum O2 and noncondensable gases - Vacuum control is not carried out.
TM-64 V2CS4, D in condensate sampled at condensate - Any drains containing O2 do not enter from other connected lines.
pump discharge, ppb: 7 - CW Temp is not abnormally low.
- Amount of air inleak is not too much (within normal level).
- Operating condition is in stable load.
- 50% and higher load.

TM-65 V2CS4, D Hotwell capacity above centerline of outlet connection, minutes: 5 Hotwell capacity is 2minutes based on HEI

Tubes shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B338 for the appropriate
TM-66 V2CS4, D Tube will be tested in accordance with ASTM B338 grade 2 only.
grades. Tests shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Welded connections shall be covered with 18-gage metal caps sealed to the
TM-67 V2CS4, D Welded connections are covered with temporary prastic caps.

The condenser for the main turbine is expected to consist of two separate
TM-68 V2CS4, 2.06.01 D One shell type shall be applied.
shells, arranged as follows:

Of welded construction, stiffened as required, to withstand internal and

external pressures imposed by maximum vacuum and hydrostatic test We would like to use JIS SS400 carbon steel that is equivalent to ASTM A285
TM-69 V2CS4, D
pressures without permanent deformation, using ASTM A285 Grade C, or Grade C.
ASTM A516 Grade 70, steel plate.

Have quick-opening, hinged access manholes in the dome, above the tubes,
TM-70 V2CS4, D We would like to apply flange cover type manholes.
and in the hotwell.

Please confirm that the steel cover is welded to shell plate.

Have an access opening in the dome with a welded-steel cover, large enough
TM-71 V2CS4, D We Toshiba has no experience to provide this access opening, we will not
to remove the largest expansion joint furnished with the extraction piping.
provide this for this offer.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

We would like to use JIS SS400 carbon steel that is equivalent to ASTM A285
TM-72 V2CS4, D ASTM A285, Grade C, or ASTM A516/A516M, Grade 70, steel plate.
Grade C.

We would like to use JIS SS400 carbon steel that is equivalent to ASTM A285
TM-73 V2CS4, D Free machining steel plate, ASTM A285, Grade C.
Grade C.

Tube sheet is welded to shell plate because base plate of titanium clad tube
TM-74 V2CS4, D Bolted to the shell.
sheet is carbon steel that can be welded and can be sealed tightly.

We would like to use JIS TP270H of titanium cladding metal that is equivalent to
TM-75 V2CS4, D Be titanium in accordance with ASTM B265.
ASTM B265.

As an alternative to being solid titanium, titanium clad steel plate,

Titanium clad steel plate is manufactured as JIS G3603 that is equivalent to
manufactured from ASTM A285, Grade C, or ASTM A516/A516M, Grade 70
TM-76 V2CS4, D ASTM B898. Base metal is manufactured as JIS SGV480 that is equivalent to
base metal with Grade 2 titanium cladding in accordance with ASTM B898
ASTM A516M Gr.70. Cladding metal thickness is 4mm that is Toshiba standard.
may be utilized. Cladding metal thickness shall be not less than 6 mm.

TM-77 V2CS4, D Have serrated holes for fitting of tubes on outside 4 rows of tubes. The hole of tube sheet is no groove and all holes is same.

The inlet end of tube is not belled because the both ends become smooth after
welded to hole of tube sheet.
TM-78 V2CS4, D Be belled and rolled at inlet end, and rolled at outlet end, welded at both ends. In case of titanium tubes condenser Toshiba has no experience to apply belled
end since the titanium tube hase enough strength and erosion by inlet attack is
not occured.

The belt shall be removable from the condenser and protected from velocity
TM-79 V2CS4, D erosion by exhaust steam with a 9 mm (1/8-inch) stainless-steel protection 3.2mm thickness of carbon plate is supplied as protection shield for rubber belt.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : General & Mechanical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

Fabricated from ASTM A106/A106M, Grade B, standard weight seamless or

ASTM A106M Gr.B and Rolled JIS SS400 carbon plate is used for extraction
TM-80 V2CS4, D electric resistance welded pipe complete with standard weight butt-weld

Studded with one-inch bar stock lagging blocks 3 inches long, located six
TM-81 V2CS4, D inches on center around pipe and 2 feet on center along pipe, for affixing 1.5 Lagging is installed in accordance with our standard.
mm (1/16-inch) stainless-steel lagging.

TM-82 V2CS4, D • Provide thermal sleeves on all connections operating at 200°C or higher. Thermal sleeve nozzle is applied to more than 350 degree C temperature.


One (1) centrifuge oil purifier with drive and accessories. (Alternate oil purifier
Based on Toshiba standard, Toshiba will provide an off-line coalescer filter type
with proven track record may be offered, subject to however, Owner's approval).
V2CS5 , 2.01.02 oil purifier.
TM-83 D Almost of all our experience to supply oil purifier is coalescer filter type.
Each purification system shall have a flow capacity per hour of 20% of the total
V2CS5 , 3.01.00
oil in the oil system (i.e. the total quantity of oil required to fill the oil system of
We will apply 6000l/h coalescer filter type oli purifer.
turbo- generator unit), or 6000 litres per hour whichever is higher.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

The hydrogen dryer will not be required for hydrogen gas control system of
Steam Turbine Generators.
For hydrogen gas control system of the both generators, the continuous
scavenging system supplying high purity hydrogen gas to inside the generator at
any time will be applied.
Hydrogen cooling system equipment and controls including associated piping,
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / A continuous scavenging system is used for the generator as a method to keep
TE-1 D valves, coolers and control panels as required and necessary, CO2 system
2.03.00 hydrogen gas purity in the generator casing. Some amount of gas is
manifold, piping, including drier and monitoring instruments.
continuously scavenged. It is for the purpose of scavenging the hydrogen gas of
low purity around the seal ring due to the air or moisture contained in the sealing
oil. By means of this scavenging method, the hydrogen gas inside the generator
casing is kept at good condition with high purity after generator is filled up
hydrogen gas.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-2 D e) Online partial discharge (PD) monitoring The partial discharge (PD) monitoring will not be provided.

The generator casing will be filled with hydrogen gas to a pressure of several
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-3 C bars. This gas will be circulated through the main components by a cooling fan The cooling fan will be assembled near the both ends of the rotor.
mounted on the non-driven end of the rotor.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / • Liquid cooling or gas cooling of the armature winding (stator), winding
TE-4 C The bushings are cooled by hydrogen gas.
3.05.03 connections and terminal bushings.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / The slip rings are not designed to measure their temperature. Therefore, the
TE-5 D • Slip rings (where applicable) (measured by thermometer) : 120 deg C.
3.06.00 temperature of slip rings will not be measured.

IEC 60034-3 clearly specifies that Generator shall be capable of continuous

rated output at the rated power factor over the ranges of +/- 5% in voltage and
+/- 2% in frequency.
And, according to Vietnamese Regulation on the Power Transmission System,
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-6 C b) Frequency variation (-) 6% to (+) 4% Thermal power generation units is capable of generating and keeping generation
in time duration corresponding to following frequency levels: Continuously
generating at system frequency between over 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Generator is designed according to these requirements.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

IEC 60034-1 specifies that the Maximum (I2 / IN)^2 x t value under fault
The Generator shall be capable of withstanding, without injury, any other short
conditions is calculated by the following formula;
circuit at its terminals provided the integrated product of (I2)2 x t shall be equal
(I2 / IN)^2 x t = 8 – 0.00545 x (SN – 350)
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / to or more than eight (8), where "I2" is per unit negative sequence current and `t'
TE-7 C where I2 is the negative-sequence component of current, IN is the rated current,
3.10.00 is the duration of fault in seconds, and the maximum phase current is limited to a
SN is the rated apparent power in MVA.
value which does not exceed the maximum phase current obtained from 3-
From this formula, (I2 / IN)^2 x t value is
phase fault.
(I2 / IN)^2 x t = 8 – 0.00545 x (750 – 350) = 5.82

IEC 60034-1 specifies that the Maximum (I2 / IN)^2 x t value under fault
The Generator shall also be capable of withstanding, without injury, any other
conditions is calculated by the following formula;
short circuit at its terminals provided the integrated product of (I2)2 x t shall be
(I2 / IN)^2 x t = 8 – 0.00545 x (SN – 350)
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / equal to or more than ten (10), where "I2" is per unit negative sequence current
TE-8 C where I2 is the negative-sequence component of current, IN is the rated current,
3.10.01 and `t' is the duration of fault in seconds, and the maximum phase current is
SN is the rated apparent power in MVA.
limited to a value which does not exceed the maximum phase current obtained
From this formula, (I2 / IN)^2 x t value is
from 3-phase fault.
(I2 / IN)^2 x t = 8 – 0.00545 x (750 – 350) = 5.82

IEC 60034-3 clearly specifies that coolers shall be designed so that, if one
section is intended to be taken out of service for cleaning, the unit can carry at
Capacity of hydrogen coolers shall be such that in the event of one gas cooler least two-thirds of rated load continuously, without the permissible temperatures
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / being out of service, the generator shall be capable of carrying at least 75% of (Class F) of the active parts of the generator being exceeded.
TE-9 C
3.13.00 rated load (MVA) continuously, without the permissible temperature of the Generator cooler is designed according to this IEC requirement.
machine being exceeded.
And, Clause 4.02.04 of thie Specification specifies the same requirement as the
above IEC requirement.

All phase and neutral terminals shall be of silver coated copper having octagonal
configuration & brought out from the bottom of the generator (nondriving end)
and located in a non-magnetic steel terminal box. Phase terminal bushings shall
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / be spaced to permit connection to isolated phase bus duct to provide complete The terminal box of Generator is made of magnetic steel (not non-magnetic
TE-10 D
3.14.04 phase isolation directly upto the generator housing. Adequate spacing shall be steel).
provided between phase and neutral bushings to permit connections of the
neutral enclosure. All phase and neutral side bushings shall be suitably designed
to accept all bushing mounted current transformers.

Provision shall be made for hydraulic jacking of the shaft, if needed during start-
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / up and turning gear operation. Each bearing shall be provided with a well for Jacking oil system is not required for offered Generator.
TE-11 C
3.14.07 thermometer in the oil return line and an illuminated sight glass to observe Under the turning operation, sufficient oil film can be kept.
bearing oil flow.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

Seal oil supply and control system shall be provided including AC and DC motor
operated pump sets, cooler, filters, pressure regulators, oil tanks, de-gasification
tanks, regulating and control valves, gauges, thermometers and other
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / The Hydrogen gas can be scavenged successfully without the blowers in our
TE-12 C instruments, interconnecting piping and valves etc. Blowers for venting out H2
3.14.08 system.
gas liberated from oil shall be provided suitably mounted at places where such
gas accumulation is likely to occur. The shaft seals and oil piping shall be
suitably insulated to prevent flow of shaft current

Hydrogen shall be circulated in the generator in closed circuit by the axial

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-13 C fans/compressors located on rotor shaft at either end. The fans/compressors The cooling fan will be assembled near the both ends of the rotor.
shall be locked against tangential or axial movement.

Seal oil cooler is not applied in our system, because our system is such that lube
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-14 C Temperature detectors for seal oil, in case seal oil cooler is provided. oil, which is cooled by Lube oil cooler, is also used for the seal oil system.
Therefore seal oil cooler is not necessary in our system.

At least 6 nos. of pickups at each end of over-hang portion of the winding to be

provided, symmetrically located around the periphery with connection to “Turbine
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-15 D Supervisory system. Provision shall be made to connect the same to DCS. The winding vibration monitoring system will not be provided.
Contractor shall wire up all the pick-ups to a junction box outside the generator

IEC 60034-3 clearly specifies that Generator shall be capable of continuous

rated output at the rated power factor over the ranges of +/- 5% in voltage and
+/- 2% in frequency.
And, according to Vietnamese Regulation on the Power Transmission System,
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-16 C i) Frequency variation : 47 Hz to 52Hz [for continuous operation] Thermal power generation units is capable of generating and keeping generation
in time duration corresponding to following frequency levels: Continuously
generating at system frequency between over 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Generator is designed according to these requirements.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / d) Minimum Capacitive MVAR There is a discrepancy between the requirement of Clause 3.04.00 and this
TE-17 C
3.14.12 rating at zero MW : 280 MVAR Clause.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
IEC 60034-3 clearly specifies that Generator shall be capable of continuous
rated output at the rated power factor over the ranges of +/- 5% in voltage and
+/- 2% in frequency.
And, according to Vietnamese Regulation on the Power Transmission System,
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-18 C b) (-) 6% to (+) 4% of the rated value for frequency variation Thermal power generation units is capable of generating and keeping generation
in time duration corresponding to following frequency levels: Continuously
generating at system frequency between over 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Generator is designed according to these requirements.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / c) AVR Reference voltage set point adjustable range - 15% to + 10% of nominal
TE-19 D The voltage set point range is +/- 10%.
3.14.12 voltage for all loads

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-20 C e) Nominal exciter response ratio greater than 3 per second Excitation Response Ratio is greater than 2 according to Clause 4.04.01.

Thyristor rectifier is capable of operating at rated excitation current with one

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-21 C Sufficient parallel diodes to allow for 20% failure without derating exciter rectifier element out of service as per our standard design practice (N+1

The seal oil stream shall have 2x100% AC & 1x100% DC motor driven pump.
One pump will be normally running and other standby for automatic cutting in on
Discharge pressure of the main seal oil pump is monitored by a pressure switch,
loss of seal oil pressure. Upon failure of both pumps, the seal oil supply shall be
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / and in case that the pressure decreased below the limit, the emergency seal oil
TE-22 C maintained by a 100% D.C. motor driven seal oil pump without any interruption.
4.01.00 pump (ESOP) driven by DC motor should be started for back-up operation (not
There shall be individual starting/control panels for each pump and one common
stand-by AC motor) for safety reason.
signalling panel. The A.C. seal oil pump shall also be connected with D.G. set to
cater emergency.

Seal oil coolers (if required) and filters shall be of 2x100% capacity designed for Seal oil cooler is not applied in our system, because our system is such that lube
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-23 C 34°C cooling water (DM quality) temperature. The piping and valve arrangement oil, which is cooled by Lube oil cooler, is also used for the seal oil system.
shall permit taking out any cooler/filter without affecting operation of the system. Therefore seal oil cooler is not necessary in our system.

Seal oil system shall have connection to turbine main oil system for make-up
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / and also for excess return. The turbine main oil system shall also serve as a
TE-24 C The seal oil is supplied only from the lub oil system.
4.01.00 back-up to seal oil system. The H2 side oil drain shall be suitably degassed
before being returned to main oil system.

14 / 22
Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
The hydrogen dryer will not be required for hydrogen gas control system of
The major system components are H2 and CO2 gas manifolds, H2 gas coolers,
Steam Turbine Generators.
side stream H2 drying equipment, inter-connecting pipings, fittings, valves,
For hydrogen gas control system of the both generators, the continuous
gauges and other instruments, control monitoring panel complete with
scavenging system supplying high purity hydrogen gas to inside the generator at
annunciation. Hydrogen shall be circulated in the generator in closed circuit by
any time will be applied.
fans fitted on the rotor shaft at either end. H2 gas is cooled by DM water heat
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / A continuous scavenging system is used for the generator as a method to keep
TE-25 C exchangers located in the generator housing. The cooler shall be of
4.02.04 hydrogen gas purity in the generator casing. Some amount of gas is
sectionalised design such that with one cooler section out of service, the unit
continuously scavenged. It is for the purpose of scavenging the hydrogen gas of
can carry at least two-thirds rated load continuously, without exceeding the
low purity around the seal ring due to the air or moisture contained in the sealing
permissible temperature limits. Hydrogen coolers shall be so designed that it is
oil. By means of this scavenging method, the hydrogen gas inside the generator
possible to meet the full load requirement of the machine with at least ten (10)
casing is kept at good condition with high purity after generator is filled up
percent of the tubes in each cooler plugged.
hydrogen gas.
The hydrogen dryer will not be required for hydrogen gas control system of
Steam Turbine Generators.
For hydrogen gas control system of the both generators, the continuous
scavenging system supplying high purity hydrogen gas to inside the generator at
any time will be applied.
Two (2) full capacity refrigeration type H2 - drier with in-situ reactivation facility A continuous scavenging system is used for the generator as a method to keep
shall be provided. The arrangement shall be such that one drier can be taken out hydrogen gas purity in the generator casing. Some amount of gas is
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-26 C of service for reactivation without affecting the system performance in any way. continuously scavenged. It is for the purpose of scavenging the hydrogen gas of
H2 Storage and handling Unit shall be located as per the rules of Indian low purity around the seal ring due to the air or moisture contained in the sealing
Explosives. oil. By means of this scavenging method, the hydrogen gas inside the generator
casing is kept at good condition with high purity after generator is filled up
hydrogen gas.

H2 Storage and handling Unit is located as per the rules of International

The stator cooling system comprises the closed loop, demineralised (primary)
water circuit for direct cooling of stator windings, the leads and the terminal
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-27 C bushings. Primary demineralised water shall be cooled in the stator coolant heat The leads and the bushings are cooled by hydrogen gas.
exchanger by means of secondary demineralised water, which is a part of the
plant auxiliary cooling water system.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / The pumps, heat exchangers and the filters shall have 100% standby. The
TE-28 C 2 x 80% water coolers are provided for each generator as OEM standard.
4.03.01 standby pump shall be switched on automatically.

• Redundancy
The excitation system shall have two (2) 100% channels including complete Thyristor rectifier (power converters and controls) is capable of operating at
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-29 C independent AVRs, power converters and controls. Each shall be equipped for rated excitation current with one rectifier element out of service as per our
`Auto Operation’ with the facility for selecting either channel in `Auto’ or `Manual’ standard design practice (N+1 redundancy).

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

4.04.02 Voltage Regulator

The excitation system shall be designed in such a manner that due to any fault Thyristor rectifier is capable of operating at rated excitation current with one
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-30 C in AVR firing circuit pulse transformer, rectifying elements in any channel etc. rectifier element out of service as per our standard design practice (N+1
excitation system shall be available with its full capacity. All rectifying elements redundancy).
shall have over voltage and short circuit protection.

IEC 60034-3 clearly specifies that Generator shall be capable of continuous

rated output at the rated power factor over the ranges of +/- 5% in voltage and
+/- 2% in frequency.
And, according to Vietnamese Regulation on the Power Transmission System,
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / b) Frequency range of operation
TE-31 C Thermal power generation units is capable of generating and keeping generation
4.04.02 47.0 Hz to 52 Hz
in time duration corresponding to following frequency levels: Continuously
generating at system frequency between over 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.

Generator is designed according to these requirements.

Duplicate Digital Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) will be provided.

It consists of duty channel and stand-by channel (back-up ) and the AVR system
will automatically transferred to stand-by channel when duty channel fails.
During on load operation with the grid, we recommend to used duplicate AVR
system for stable operation and safety reason.
e) Max. change in generator voltage when AVR is transferred from auto to MEC will force operator to control the machine at any risk.
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-32 C manual under all conditions of excitation. When fluctuation in power system occurs, operator is required to carry out
Less than 0.5% proper action to control adverse condition such as over/under excitation,
over/under voltage, etc over a short time and such operation by MEC is very
risky and dangerous for plant operation,
Manual excitation control (MEC) will be provided, however it is only used for
commissioning purpose.
AVR will not be automatically transferred to manual operation (MEC).

e) Power System Stabiliser

PSS shall be suitable for damping the (PSS) various modes of electro-
mechanical oscillations at all frequencies in the range of 0 to 3 Hz under varying
PSS is NOT suitable for damping the (PSS) various modes of electro-
generator loading and power system network configurations. PSS shall be
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / mechanical oscillations at all frequencies under varying generator loading and
TE-33 C adaptive to varying operating conditions with features to compute optimum
4.04.02 power system network configurations.
stabilizing signal alongwith suitable scheme for identifying external reactance of
PSS is NOT adaptive to varying operating conditions
the generator. Facility for remote manual switch off on alongwith indication shall
be incorporated. Automatic supervision and blocking/ switch off facility alongwith
indications, etc. shall also be provided.

16 / 22
Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Duplicate Digital Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) will be provided.
It consists of duty channel and stand-by channel (back-up ) and the AVR system
will automatically transferred to stand-by channel when duty channel fails.
During on load operation with the grid, we recommend to used duplicate AVR
l) Automatic changeover system for stable operation and safety reason.
Automatic change over shall be possible from Auto to manual from `Auto’ to MEC will force operator to control the machine at any risk.
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-34 C `Manual’ in case of When fluctuation in power system occurs, operator is required to carry out
: Generator protection circuit operation i.e., after field forcing and over excitation proper action to control adverse condition such as over/under excitation,
condition with a time delay. over/under voltage, etc over a short time and such operation by MEC is very
risky and dangerous for plant operation,
Manual excitation control (MEC) will be provided, however it is only used for
commissioning purpose.
AVR will not be automatically transferred to manual operation (MEC).

c) Power Thyristor Convertor

• Type
Thyristor rectifier (converter) is capable of operating at rated excitation current
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / Fully controlled three phase, full wave bridge type facilitating fast and high
TE-35 C with one rectifier element out of service as per our standard design practice
4.04.03 ceiling performance. Suitable to ensure trouble free service of the cells under all
(N+1 redundancy).
fault conditions. The convertor shall have redundancy features as mentioned in
clause “Equipment Design and Sizing Criteria”.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / Bushing Current Transformers for Generator From structural feature of Generator bushings, a maximum of 4 sets of BCT can
TE-36 C
4.05.00 A) Line Side be installed. (7 sets of BCT cannot be installed.)

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / Bushing Current Transformers for Generator From structural feature of Generator bushings, a maximum of 4 sets of BCT can
TE-37 C
4.05.00 B) Neutral Side be installed. (5 sets of BCT cannot be installed.)

The tests listed below shall be carried out on each and every generator to be
supplied against this project. If possible, running trials shall be conducted for the
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
TE-38 C generator, exciter and automatic voltage regulator equipment combined as a
5.01.00 The test coupled with generator and AVR cubicle will not be performed.
unit, on the test bed, and the Bidder shall clearly indicate in his bid whether he is
able to meet these requirements.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-39 C iii) Determination of generator open circuit characteristics. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-40 C iv) Stator Phase Sequence Checking. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-41 C v) Measurement of mechanical losses. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-42 C vi) Determination of short circuit characteristics. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-43 C vii) Measurement of core losses at the rated voltage & frequency. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-44 C viii) Determination of direct axis synchronous reactance & SCR. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-45 C ix) Determination of potier reactance. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

x) Equivalent heat runs to determine temperature rises comprising of an open

circuit run at 110% of the rated stator voltage followed by a short circuit run at
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / the rated stator current. A zero excitation heat run may be conducted at the
TE-46 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 supplier's option but in the absence of such a test no correction for the inclusion
of zero excitation losses in both the open circuit and short circuit heat runs will
be allowed in the calculation of temperature rises of the stator & rotor windings.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / xi) Determination of generator efficiency by the separation of losses at 100%,
TE-47 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 80% and 60% load.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / xii) AC high voltage test of stator winding and stator terminal bushings after heat
TE-48 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 run test.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-49 C xiii) Measurement of rotor winding impedance. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / xiv) AC high voltage testing of the field windings after the heat run test, with the
TE-50 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 rotor revolving at 3000 rpm and also with the stationary rotor.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / xv) High voltage testing of resistance temperature detectors after the heat run
TE-51 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 test.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-52 C xvii) Calculation of the temperature rise of the stator and the rotor. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-53 C xx) Hydrogen leakage test. Hydrogen leakage test will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-54 C xxi) Partial discharge test. Partial discharge test will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-55 C xxii) Measurement of ?ve phase sequence impedence. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

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Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-56 C xxiii) Measurement of zero sequence reactance. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-57 C xxiv) Residual voltage measurement. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-58 C xxv) Phase sequence. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-59 C xxvi) Shaft voltage Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-60 C xxvii) Vibrations Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
i) Sudden 3-phase short circuit withstand test at 50% of the rated voltage and
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /
TE-61 C measurement of all reactances and time constants, SCR and synchronous Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / ii) A single-phase short circuit test at reduced excitation to determine the zero
TE-62 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 and negative phase sequence reactances.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-63 C iii) Telephone influence factor and harmonic analysis of the voltage waveform. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-64 C iv) Impulse withstand voltage test on the terminal bushings. Impulse withstand voltage test will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-65 C ii) Measurement of bearing vibrations. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-66 C iii) Overspeed test. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-67 C iv) Hydraulic test on coolers. Hydraulic test on coolers will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-68 C v) Hydraulic tests on machine housings. Hydraulic tests on machine housings will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-69 C d) Air leakage test on hydrogen cooled stator frame. Air leakage test will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-70 C • Gas tightness after test bed assembly Gas tightness will not be performed.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-71 C • Mechanical loss and core loss test. Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.

19 / 22
Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : Electrical 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons
Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B / • Measurement of bearing vibration level during running with and without
TE-72 C Rotating Electrical performance test (Running test) will not be performed.
5.02.00 excitation and also during short circuit test.

Vol. II-C / Sec.-1B /

TE-73 C iv) Hydraulic tests on coolers. Hydraulic tests on coolers will not be performed.

20 / 22
Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : C&I 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

Transmitters shall be smart type. Each smart equipment shall communicate in We confirm that handy terminal (communicator) will be provided, which can be
Vol. II-E / Sec.-1 /
TC-1 C the form of analog signal 4-20 mA DC with superimposed digital signal, zero used at terminal of local and control cabinet. However, dedicated system for
adjustment, calibration and diagnostic from remote location. transmitter maintenance will not included in DCS scope.

…………… Smart relays shall be connected to DCS via multidrop RS 485 or

Vol. II-E / Sec.-1 / Modbus or any other suitable links. Similarly, protective relays having optical We clarify that necessary signals for smart relay and protective relay will be
TC-2 D
4.33.03 ports may be connected to DCS via OFC connected to DCS via hardwired, not data links.

We understand that this clause requires Vibration Monitoring System (VMS) for
rotating equipment which has analysis function.
Continuous monitoring and analysis of the mechanical health of rotating
We clarify VMS for steam turbine and generator will be provided. For HT motors
Vol. II-E / Sec.-1 / equipment viz, Turbine, Generator & Exciter, turbine for BFP drive, & pump and
TC-3 C and their driven equipment which are BFP and CEP in TG island scope,
4.36.00 all HT motors & their driven equipment shall be performed by proven and latest
vibration measuring instrument will be provided and signals will be connected to
design "On line Rotating Machine Condition Monitoring Systems".
DCS for monitoring.
Please note that tuebine driven BFP is not offered.

Distributed Control system (DCS) for closed loop control, open loop control,
sequence control and bulk data acquisition system for steam generator & its
auxiliaries, turbine generator & its auxiliaries, station I & C, electrical distribution
system and other auxiliary systems, complete with operator's work stations,
We clarify that advanced control system, servers for management information
Vol. II-E / Sec.-2 / historical storage units, alarm & sequence of event recording, advanced control
TC-4 D system, intelligent field device maintenance terminals will not included in the
2.01.07 system, servers for management information system, intelligent field device
proposed DCS scope.
maintenance terminals, engineering & diagnostic terminal, required highway &
interconnecting cables and devices, interposing relays for signal exchange with
electrical system, peripherals including printers etc. and links for interface with
third party systems with all associated software.

Vol. II-E / Sec.-2 / Plant view & Management Information System server and terminals as client for
TC-5 D We clarify that MIS will not included in the proposed DCS scope.
2.01.32 MIS function.

We understand that this clause requires Vibration Monitoring System (VMS) for
rotating equipment which has analysis function.
Rotating Machine condition monitoring system for all HT drives & their driven
We clarify VMS for steam turbine and generator will be provided. For HT motors
Vol. II-E / Sec.-2 / equipment and TDBFP & Turbine including all monitors, servers with on line
TC-6 C and their driven equipment which are BFP and CEP in TG island scope,
2.01.33 decision support system and required cabinets, cable including optic fiber
vibration measuring instrument will be provided and signals will be connected to
/special cable & accessories for each unit
DCS for monitoring.
Please note that tuebine driven BFP is not offered.

21 / 22
Project : Vietnam Long Phu 1 2x600MW(Gross)
Part : C&I 2011.02.28
No. Spec. Clause no. Specification requirement Deviation taken with reasons

We confirm that unit performance calculation and log functions are provided,
Vol. II-E / Sec.-2 / Plant performance analysis, diagnostic & optimization system through advanced
TC-7 C however, performance analysis, diagnostic and optimization system through
2.01.34 control.
advanced control will not be included in the proposed DCS.

All materials shall be of tested quality, supported with duly correlated test
Vol. II-E / Sec.-8 / certificates and wherever called upon by the Indian Boiler Regulation or by the Indian Boiler regulation shall not be applied to the turbin, generator and its
TC-8 D
8.03.04 design code, the test pieces shall be prepared and tested as per such auxiliaries equipment.

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