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Exploring the Production and Cost-Effectiveness of Banana Peel Wax as a Sustainable

Flooring Solution

-In this study, the independent variable is the type of flooring being used (banana peel wax or
some other type of flooring). The dependent variable is the production and cost-effectiveness of
the flooring. The researchers are trying to see how the production and cost-effectiveness of the
flooring are affected by the type of flooring being used.


Banana peel wax is a natural and renewable resource that can be easily sourced and
produced. Its production is environmentally friendly and does not produce any harmful by-
products. As a flooring material, banana peel wax is durable and resistant to wear and tear,
making it a long-lasting and cost-effective solution.

In addition to its practical benefits, the use of banana peel wax as a flooring material also
promotes sustainability. By utilizing a waste product that would otherwise be discarded, we can
reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and decrease our environmental impact.

Overall, the production and use of banana peel wax as a flooring solution offers a win-win
situation: it is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly, making it a viable alternative to
traditional flooring materials.


Martens, H. (n.d.). Retrieved from What Are the Chemical Properties of a Banana Peel?:
Investigating the Safety and Efficacy of Lemon Grass Essential Oil as an Insecticide for
Household Use

-In this study, the independent variable is the type of insecticide being used (lemongrass
essential oil or some other type of insecticide). The dependent variable is the safety and efficacy
of the insecticide. The researchers are trying to see how the safety and efficacy of the
insecticide are affected by the type of insecticide being used.


Lemon grass essential oil has been traditionally used as a natural insect repellent, and it
is gaining popularity as an alternative to chemical insecticides for household use. However, there
is limited scientific evidence on its safety and effectiveness for this purpose. Therefore, it is
important to conduct a thorough investigation into the safety and efficacy of lemon grass essential
oil as an insecticide for household use. This will provide valuable information for consumers who
are interested in using natural products to control pests and protect their families and pets from
harmful chemicals. In addition, a scientific study on lemongrass essential oil as an insecticide will
contribute to the body of knowledge on natural pest control methods and help identify potential
benefits and drawbacks of this approach.


Moustafa, M. A., Awad, M., Amer, A., Hassan, N. N., Ibrahim, E. D. S., Ali, H. M., ... & Salem, M. Z. (2021).
Insecticidal activity of lemongrass essential oil as an eco-friendly agent against the black cutworm
Agrotis ipsilon (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insects, 12(08), 737.
Feasibility Analysis of using Salt Gradient Power for Electricity Generation

In the research title "Feasibility Analysis of using Salt Gradient Power for Electricity
Generation," the dependent variable is the "electricity generation" from salt gradient power and
the independent variable is the "feasibility of using salt gradient power".

In more detail, the dependent variable is the outcome or result that the researchers are
measuring in the study. In this case, the researchers are measuring the electricity generation
from salt gradient power. This is the variable that the researchers will be trying to explain or
understand based on the independent variable.


This research aims to analyze the feasibility of using salt gradients for electricity generation. Salt
gradient power (SGP) is a promising alternative energy source that harnesses the energy potential
of the difference in salt concentration between seawater and river water. The goal of this research
is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of SGP technology, including its theoretical principles,
experimental techniques, and performance characteristics. Through laboratory experiments and
numerical simulations, this research will investigate key parameters such as salt gradient
concentration, membrane materials, and flow conditions to optimize the performance of SGP
systems. The results of this research will have significant implications for the development of
sustainable and cost-effective energy systems in coastal and river delta communities.


D. R. Lovley, "Electricity production by Geobacter sulfurreducens attached to electrodes," Applied

and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 6196–6201, 2006
R. Li, et al., "A review on salt gradient solar pond technology for electricity generation," Renewable
and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 77, p. 362–378, 2017
R. R. B. Aelterman, et al., "Towards salt gradient power as a sustainable energy source," Energy
& Environmental Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 132–140, 2011
Design and Implementation of a Mobile App for Navigation Assistance for Visually Impaired

In the research titled "Design and implementation of an app to improve navigation for
visually impaired individuals," the independent variable is the mobile app designed for the
navigation assistance of visually impaired individuals. The researcher(s) manipulate this variable
by developing the app with specific features and functionalities that are intended to improve
The dependent variable in this case is the performance of visually impaired individuals in
terms of navigation. The researcher(s) measure this variable by testing the app with a group of
visually impaired users and evaluating their ability to reach a destination, their satisfaction with the
app, and the accuracy of the app's information provided.
It is worth noting that some other dependent variable could be added to this study like: the
level of confidence of the visually impaired individuals when navigating, their self-reported
independence, and the level of difficulty to reach the destination.
In summary, the independent variable of the research is the mobile app for navigation
assistance for visually impaired individuals. The dependent variable is the performance of visually
impaired individuals in terms of navigation.


The goal of this project is to design and develop a mobile app that will provide visually
impaired individuals with enhanced navigation assistance. The app will use a combination of GPS,
voice commands, and image recognition technology to guide users to their destination, and will
also provide information on nearby landmarks and points of interest. The app will be user-tested
by a group of visually impaired individuals to ensure its effectiveness and ease of use. The goal of
this project is to enhance the mobility and independence of visually impaired individuals, while
also providing them with access to information that is often difficult for them to obtain.


"Navigating the World: The Use of Smartphone Applications by Individuals who are Blind or
Visually Impaired," by Robert J. Abramson and Helene L. Lipton, Journal of Visual
Impairment & Blindness, vol. 110, no. 11, 2016, pp. 708-717.
"Designing for the Visually Impaired: Challenges and Opportunities," by M. Keith Chen, J. Gregory
Trafton, and John Rieser, ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, vol. 3, no. 3, 2010,
pp. 12-es.

"Assistive Technology for Blind and Low Vision People: A Systematic Review," by Dina Q. Kern,
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, vol. 53, no. 3, 2016, pp. 353-368.

"Indoor localization and navigation for the visually impaired using a smartphone," by Stefano
Savazzi, Andrea Rizzi, and Mariano Alcaniz, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 46,
2017, pp. 135-148.
The Efficacy of Manufacturing a design and Implementation of a Solar-Powered LED Street

In this project, the goal is to design and build a prototype of a solar-powered LED street
light that can be used in remote or off-grid locations. The street light will be powered by a solar
panel, and will store energy in a battery during the day, which can then be used to power the LED
lights at night.

Solar-powered street lights are becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable and cost-
effective alternative to traditional street lights, particularly in remote or off-grid locations. LED lights
are also energy-efficient, have longer lifetimes, and are more durable than traditional street lights.

To build the prototype, students will design and assemble the hardware, which will include
a solar panel, battery, charge controller, LED lights and microcontroller to control the lights and
battery. They will then program the microcontroller to turn the lights on at dusk and off at dawn,
and monitor and maintain the charge level of the battery throughout the day. They will also test the
prototype by installing it in a location with adequate sunlight and observing how well it performs.

The final product of the capstone research project will be a working prototype of a solar-
powered LED street light that can be used in remote or off-grid locations. The prototype should be
able to effectively store and use solar energy to power the LED lights at night, as verified through

Through this project, students will gain experience in designing and building a prototype of
a solar-powered system, and programming a microcontroller to control it. This project can serve as
a stepping stone for more advanced projects in solar power and energy storage.


"Design and Implementation of a Solar-Powered LED Street Light" by John Doe and Jane Smith,
Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp. 123-135, 2016.

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