Natsci Paper

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Our body is full of chemical reactions. We need these chemical reactions to stay alive.

As a nursing student, it is essential that we know the chemical reactions happening in a

human’s body to better understand and know what is abnormal from normal. We will be able to
better understand the causes and the effects of these changes, of these alterations with our
normal body function which also affects the normal chemical reactions in our body. With this, we
will be able to understand the pathophysiology of their condition. It is also important to know
about this because disturbing the normal chemical balance in our body can result in a disease
or illness.

For me, a chemical reaction that is important to my chosen career or profession is the
carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system wherein carbonic acid, bicarbonate ion and carbon
dioxide balance are being kept to maintain the blood pH and also for the metabolic function. It is
represented in a chemical equation of CO 2 + H20 H 2CO3 HC03- + H+. How and why is
this important to my chosen career or profession?

As a student nurse learning about the various diseases, their pathophysiology and their
effects to the body, it is vital that we also know about this carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer
system. This buffer system keeps the acid-base balance of our body so knowing this, student
nurses will be able to create appropriate diagnosis and nursing interventions for the client
experiencing acid-base imbalances. Certain diseases/illnesses or conditions might also affect
the pH balance of the body such as having kidney dysfunction and respiratory conditions.
Imbalances in this buffer system may cause acidemia or alkalemia specifically if it concerns the
carbon dioxide imbalances, the patient might have respiratory alkalosis or respiratory acidosis
and if it concerns the bicarbonate imbalances, the patient might have metabolic acidosis or
metabolic alkalosis. These certain conditions affect the whole body state of the patient so
knowing this and how it works, I am able to understand the cause of the condition of the patient,
if it is an effect of the primary illness of the patient or if this acid-base imbalance is a risk factor
for the patient. For example, a patient who has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder might
develop Respiratory Acidosis or a patient undergoing shock or sepsis might have Metabolic
Acidosis. Through this, I will be able to make a good diagnosis and interventions centered on
the management of the primary condition of the patient while reducing the chances of him or her
having an acid-base imbalance also. Since I already know what might affect or what causes
changes and imbalance to this buffer system, I would be able to prevent further complications
which may arise. Having knowledge about these basic things might save a life and that is what
nursing is all about--- giving the best appropriate care to the patient to prolong their life.

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