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NIA Village, Sauyo, Quezon City


Learning Area: English

Grade and Section: 8 – Curie

Teaching Dates/Time: January 15, 2020, 12:30-1:20

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as
mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.

Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive
speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance,and behavior.


Learning Competency

A. Explain the meaning of a word through structural analysis (prefixes, roots, suffixes)

(Curriculum Guide, EN8V-IIIb-15.3)

Specific Objectives

A. Analyze the structure of a word by identifying its affixes

B. Explain how affixes can change the meaning of a word
C. Create new words from the root word using affixes
D. Use affixes properly in written and oral communication

I. Content

Topic: Affixes

Integration: Science

II. Learning Resources

References: English Time 8 Vol. No. XXII. No. 2, pages 3-5


Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

III. Procedures

A. Before the lesson

1. Motivation ( 3 minutes)

Nothing but the ROOT! Present a picture of a plant and let the students identify its parts.

Question: Which part do you think is the most important? Why? (Possible answer: ROOT)
(Explanation may vary)

Say: In English, the word ROOT is important in making a word--- Like a root in a plant; a word is
not a word without its ROOT. It is the source of a word….
B. During the lesson
1. Presentation

Discussion (15 minutes)

Using the same picture, the plant will be divided into three parts: The Plant, The Roots, and The
Soil. Explain that the picture will become a word and using the divided parts, they will be making new

Put a word in the root and add prefix and suffix. Let the students read the newly formed word.



Question: Did the meaning change when we add letters before and after the word? How? What do we
call these groups of letters?

Let the students explain the meaning of affixes.

Divide the students into three and assign each group with the word prefix, root, and suffix. Reveal one
by one an affix or root. Then, let the students shout their name group (PREFIX, ROOT, AND SUFFIX). Let
the students arrange the affixes and root word and tell the meaning of it.


Famous artists’ lines!

The teacher will flash a famous line from famous movies. The students need to complete the
line by making new words out of the selected word.

“…and I’m so stupid to “…How could you give

make the (BIG) up so (EASY)? How did
mistake of (FALL) in you not find a reason
love with my best to stay?”

Engagement Activity

Group Activity (20 minutes)

With the same group, write the lyrics of your favorite English song and underline the words that have
affixes. Present it afterwards.

2. Generalization ( 1 minute)

What is an affix?
C. After the lesson
1. Application
We have positive and negative affixes, how can you use it properly in communication?
2. Evaluation(8 minutes)
Add the following prefixes or suffixes given in the box to the root word to make a
meaningful word. Then write complete word in the blank. Please note whenever a prefix or
suffix can’t be added leave the box blank.

Im Un Re

Full Ly Less

Prefix Root word Suffix


Im Possible


Ed Un Re

Full s Less

Prefix Root word Suffix


3. Homework
Each of the words below has a prefix or suffix or both. Find the base word.
1. _____precooked
2. _____discussion
3. _____ disagreement
4. _____ unpopulated
5. _____ pleasure

IV. Remarks:
V. Reflection:
A. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Pointers why it worked well
B. Talk about the learners who did well in the lesson and those who need help
C. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Assistance from my
Master Teacher In-Charge

Mrs. Nerissa G. Domingo

Head Teacher III
Mr. Joseph Palisoc

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