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Week 1 :

Week 2:
Week 3

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami
Week 3

● Introduction to Linear Algebra - Quiz

1. State True/ False: Linear Algebra routines can be implemented very efficiently on large data using
Vectorization techniques.

2. State True/ False: A matrix is a collection of vectors.


3. Which of the following is the result of dot product of two vectors?


4. Choose the technique used to find features from a dataset containing thousands of features.
Principal Component Analysis

● Quiz - Types of Matrices

1. State True/ False: Diagonal matrix can have zero along its main diagonal.
2. State True/ False: Identity matrix of dimension (n, n) is a Diagonal matrix.
3. State True/ False: A Diagonal matrix of dimension (n, n) is a Symmetric matrix.

4. State True/ False: Transposing an Upper triangular matrix results in a Lower triangular matrix.
5. State True/ False: A Square Matrix is a Diagonal Matrix.
6. What is the shape of given matrix A ?

● Quiz - Operations over vectors and matrices

1. State True/ False: Vector addition operation can be performed on two column vectors of different
2. State True/ False: Matrix addition operation can be performed on matrices of different dimensions.
3. Compute the inner product of the vectors A and B, where
A = (4, 5, 6) and B = (-1, 4, 8)

4. Consider a matrix A of order 3x2 and a matrix B of order 2x1. Which of the following options is possible?
(* denotes matrix multiplication)
5. How many distinct permutation matrices can be created from an identity matrix of order 5?
6. Determinant of a Diagonal matrix of order 2 is:
Product of diagonal values
7. What is the inverse of the Identity matrix (I) of dimension (3,3)?
Identity matrix (I3)
8. State True/ False: Vectors v1(2,3) and v2(4,6) are linearly independent.
9. What is the rank of the following matrix A?

Week 4
Week 5

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami

Week 5

● Probabilistic Model - Quiz 1

1. Identify the type of Sample Space for the following experiment

The output voltage of an electric generator is between 220V and 240V.
S ={220,220.001,220.1,220.6,226,230,235.5,……240}
Ans:Continuous sample space
2. Identify the type of Sample Space for the following experiment
Rolling of a 6 faced die.
S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Ans:Discrete sample space
3. Choose the correct option
Consider an event of rolling a dice twice. Let Event A be the event of getting ‘6’ on
the first roll and Event B be the event of getting ‘2’ on the second roll. Identify the
type of events A and B are likely to be:
Ans:Independent events

● Set Theory - Quiz 1

1. Choose the correct option

If S={10,24,1,6,49,75,65,15} which of the following is/are subset of S
X={24} Y={1,6,9,65} Z={10,75,15} W={49,1}
● Venn Diagrams - Quiz 1
1. Choose the correct mathematical representation for a given Venn diagram.

Ans:Only iv

2. Choose the correct mathematical representation for a given Venn diagram.

Ans:Only iv

● Counting Techniques - Quiz 1

1. There are 3 destinations A, B and C.

The number of routes between A and B is 5, and the number of routes between B
and C is 6. A man can travel round-trip in a number of ways from A to C via B.
If he does not want to use a route more than once, in how many ways can he make
round trip?
2. Determine the total possible ways in which a team of 11 players can be selected from
20 players. 2 players out of 20 have to be included always and 3 players out of 20
have to be excluded always?
3. Identify the count of all possible 9 digit numbers that can be made using the digits 0
to 9 without repetition.
● Computing Probability - Quiz 1

1. There are two coins that are tossed simultaneously 1000 times, and it was observed
that we get two heads 305 times and one head 275 times.
What would be the probability of getting at least one tail?
2. There was a survey conducted over 400 students, it was observed that the number of
students who opted for the data science course was 320.
what would be the probability that a student is chosen at random who opted for data
science course.
3. The total number of students in a school is 10000, out of which it was observed that
410 are girls. Also, it is known that 10% of the girls are currently studying in class XII.
What would be the probability that a randomly selected student who is chosen
studies in Class XII given that the chosen student is a girl?

● Conditional Probability - Quiz 1

1. There was a boy with the name Peter. He was known to speak truth 75% times.
Having said that, we want you to calculate the probability of the following situation.
Peter throws a fair die and reports that it is a six. Find the probability that it is actually
a six.
● Extending Conditional Probability - Quiz 1
1. In a car manufacturing factory having two plants, A and B. Total production from
Plant A is 70% of cars and that of plant B is 30%. Out of all the cars, it was observed
that 80% of the cars at plant A and 90% of the cars at plant B are rated of standard
quality. Now if a car is chosen at random and is found to be of standard quality. What
would be the probability that it has come from plant A?
Week 6

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami

Week 6

● Range - Quiz 1
1. The daytime temperatures for 5 consecutive days was recorded as 16.7οC , 17.6οC,
14.2οC, 18.1οC, 17.3οC. What was the range of temperatures over 5 days?

Ans: 3.9

● Variance - Quiz 1

1. For a data, we have the total sum of squares equals to 20 and the sample variance is
5, what would be the total number of observations?

Ans: 5

2. If the variance of a data set with 40 observations is 25. What would be the standard
deviation of the new data set if we add 11 to every observation?

Ans: 5
● Standard deviation - Quiz 1
1. Find out the standard deviation for the given values: 1,3,4,8.

● z-score - Quiz 1
1. Consider in a university a test was conducted and over 50 people, the reported mean
is 50 and the standard deviation of 10. For a student who has scored 70 points in the
test what would be his Z-score?
Ans: 2.0
2. The mean for test scores of students in a class is 50. The standard deviation is
known to be 10. If a particular student has a Z-score of 3.0, what is his actual test
Ans: 80
● Quartiles - Quiz 1
1. Find the percentile for marks 70 in following scores in a test:

marks ={64, 47, 40, 45, 54, 63, 12, 21, 79, 95, 58, 74, 30, 50, 10, 21, 48, 85}

Ans: 80th percentile

● Interquartile range - Quiz 1

1. The interquartile range of a data set is:
1)The difference between the third quartile and first quartile values
2)A better measure in comparison to range

● Measures of dispersion - Quiz 1

1. Identify the FALSE statements amongst the following:
1)Measures of dispersion are used independent of measure of central tendency
2)Measures of dispersion can be negative numbers
Week 7
Week 8

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami

Week 8

● The Normal Distribution - Quiz 1

1. Normal distribution is also known as:

Ans: Gaussian distribution
2. In case of normal distribution, spread is increased and curve height is decreased for
Ans: larger value of standard deviation
3. Identify the relationship between mean, median and mode in normal distribution.
Ans: Mean = Median = Mode

● The Negative Exponential Distribution - Quiz 1

1. For negative exponential distribution, what is the condition on mean (µ) ?
Ans: µ must be greater than zero
Week 9
Week 10

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami

Week 10
● Sampling Methods - Quiz

1. Every employee in your organization wrote his name on a card and dropped the card
in a designated box. Names of 500 lucky employees in your organization were
selected from this box. The method used to select the employees is:
Ans: Random sampling
2. A pharmaceutical company selects 30 patients from different age groups to test the
effectiveness of a drug. It divides the patients into three different age groups, namely,
age < 25, 25 <= age <= 50, age > 50 and selects 10 patients from each age group.
The sampling involved here is an example of:
Ans: Stratified sampling
● Parameter Estimation - Quiz

1. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE?

(1)Method of maximum likelihood estimation deals with finding conditions under
which the likelihood equation attains maximum value.
(2)In likelihood equation the population parameters are unknown.
Ans: Both statement 1 and 2
2. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
(1)Maximum likelihood estimators are always unbiased.
(2)An estimator is unbiased if its expected value is equal to the population parameter.
Ans: Statement 2
3. Which of the following option(s) is/are TRUE?
(1)Sample mean is the maximum likelihood estimator of population mean.
(2)Sample mean is the unbiased estimator of population mean.
(3)Expected value of sample mean is population mean.
Ans: All statements 1, 2 and 3
4. Which of the following distribution can be used to estimate the confidence interval of
the population mean, when the sample size is small (less than 30) ?
Ans: t-distribution
5. An estimator is:
Ans: A sample statistic to estimate the population parameter
Week 11

Mathematics for Data Science

Foundational Data Science

B_30_Rushikesh Swami

Week 11

● Performing Hypothesis Test to Validate the Estimates - Quiz

1. The hypothesis which is assumed to be true is called:

Ans: Null Hypothesis
2. A __________ occurs if an investigator rejects a null hypothesis that is actually true
in the population.
Ans: Type I Error
3. The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is given as:
Ans: Level of Significance
4. Which of the following tests is appropriate if the estimated value is greater than or
less than a certain range of values ?
Ans: Two-Tailed Test

● Comparing Two Populations by Conducting Two Sample t Test - Quiz

1. An instructor would like to compare the performance of students at the start of school
i.e. 10 am and at the end of school i.e. 3.30 pm. The instructor selects 10 students.
The students take a test at 10 am and at 3.30 pm. The marks scored by the students
are analysed. The samples are an example of which of the following data types?
Ans: Paired Data
2. ________ is an unbiased estimator of the difference between two population means.
Ans: Difference in sample means
3. Which of the following distributions is the basis of two sample t test?
Ans:The sampling distribution of difference in two sample means
4. A two sample t test is to be conducted to check if the quality indexes of soft drinks
prepared by two manufacturers ABC and XYZ are different. Which of the following
can be the null hypothesis?
Ans: H0 = There is no statistically significant difference between the mean
quality index of the two soft drinks
5. Two sample t test is conducted to check if the quality indexes of soft drinks prepared
by two manufacturers ABC and XYZ are different. Following are the calculated
t-statistic = -0.6770
t-critical = +0.701 and -0.701
Based on the test results, you ___________ the null hypothesis since t-statistic lies
in the ______________ region.
Ans: fail to reject, acceptance
Week 12
Week 13

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