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testing equipment for quality management


Measuring and
Testing Equipment for
Coatings Technology

Sheet metal testing Surface testing Corrosion testing Materias testing


The absolute reliability of your

test results is our top priority. All
our research, planning, development,
construction and production is geared
to achieving this objective – not only in
the past, but today and in the future.

Björn Erichsen

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950

1910 It was probably true Viking

spirit and the urge for discovery
This test procedure was initially
patented, but has since been
1928 A.M. Erichsen set up his first
small factory in Teltow near Ber-
that impelled the engineer adopted by all industrial coun- lin. Research and experiments
A.M. Erichsen from Porsgrunn/ tries within the framework of the led to many further inventions.
Norway to settle and set up busi-
ness in Berlin-Reinickendorf. His
first invention, a water-cooled
International Standards Organi-
sation (ISO). Just as temperatures
are measured throughout the
1932 the inventive Norseman A.M.
Erichsen introduced tools for cup-
ingot mould which to this day world in Celsius or Fahrenheit, the ping test dies to the market,
constitutes one of the most fre- standard for sheet metal quality without which the batch produc-
quently used casting processes
for semi-finished products in the
foundry industry, enabled him to
is the ERICHSEN deep-drawing
index. 1930 the German State Chemico-
Technical Institute successfully
tion of deep-drawn parts made
of sheet metal would hardly have
been possible. Numerous innova-
secure the financial position of applied the ERICHSEN deep-draw- tions and improvements follow-
his company. A.M. Erichsen's next ing method to measure the ela- ed. A.M. Erichsen not only posses-
invention – the cupping test – sticity and adhesive properties of sed a forward-looking inventive
was just as significant. This was paints and lacquers. The results urge, he was also talented in
the very first test method for were so convincing that the pro- commercial matters and soon
determining the quality grade cedure has since been adopted enjoyed international renown.
of sheet and strip metal. by the paint industry all over the Satisfied customers were evidence
world. of the quality of his products.

ERICHSEN / Editorial · Chronicle

the name means commitment.

As the world’s leading nology and exceed internatio- measuring instruments cali- We would be delighted to
manufacturer of well-known nal demands on accuracy. The brated with the help of measu- welcome you in our show-
and proven testing machines ERICHSEN Reference Class is ring equipment calibrated and rooms, where we can convince
and instruments for the coa- our answer to the control of certified by DKD. This guaran- you of our competence. Please
tings industry, we ensure that measuring and test equipment tees the supply of a precision consult us in all aspects con-
our experience and knowledge described in the QM standards. measuring instrument in com- cerning your testing problems
is incorporated into the deve- All test instruments of the pliance with highest demands. – especially in the event of
lopment of our products. REFERENCE CLASS are supplied An incoming inspection is no customised solutions. We will
with a Manufacturer’s Certifi- longer necessary – which be glad to pass on our expe-
This results in perfect and cate M (in accordance with DIN means a reduction in costs for rience and our knowledge!
innovative high quality pro- 55 350, part 18)! Product iden- your company.
ducts with excellent long term tification ensures traceability.
stability which only needs a We are also in a position,
minimum of maintenance. The characteristics concer- upon request, to calibrate and
These products meet global ning the quality are determi- certify your ERICHSEN test
requirements on testing tech- ned by means of high precision instruments already in use.

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2014

1949 Following the turmoils of the

war and the loss of his company,
1975 Björn Erichsen joined the
company after completing his
1998 The decision was made to
incorporate tensile and pressure
2014 In the course of 100 years the
extensive Erichsen product range
A.M. Erichsen resolved to start up technical and business manage- testing machines, hydraulic and has been built up based on the
again in the west of Germany. His ment studies at the Polytechnic in electronic load and pressure cells, technical fields of metrology and
best partner – his son, Dr.-Ing. Per F. Munich and at the George Wash- as well as calibration equipment test engineering. ERICHSEN pays
Erichsen – had studied mechanical ington University in the U.S.A.. with extreme measuring accuracy stringent attention that their
engineering in Hanover, graduated After taking over from his father – into the production programme – machines and equipment comply
at the Metallurgical Institute of the who entered well-earned retire- reverting to the field of mechani- both with the testing regulations
Technical High School in Aachen, ment from the active manage- cal metrology earlier controlled by of national and international stan-
and did his doctorate at the Coal ment of the business in 1977 and the company. Support was provi- dards and with the acceptance
Research Institute of Dortmund. died in 1988 – he is now the third ded by a group of competent for- terms of the industrial sector. These
Establishing the new company pro- generation to lead this company mer employees from ERICHSEN provide the basis for global under-
ved difficult – without machines, which has long since gained Wuppertal whose knowledge and standing between the manufactu-
tools, or construction drawings – in international renown. Under his experience in conjunction with rer and the user wherever the qua-
a factory kitchen of the ironworks management the range of instru- great insight into the latest in the lity of raw materials, semi-finished
in Sundwig. Ideas and determina- ments has been expanded, prima- field of hardware and software and finished products is concerned.
tion were the order of the day – rily by the addition of modern, has resulted in a wide range of Design precision, perfect function
initially the parts were made exter- non-destructive measuring devi- modern products. and absolute fulfilment of pur-
nally and assembled by themselves. ces for surface engineering appli- pose: these attributes have top
The modern factory we operate cations. priority at ERICHSEN.
today is located not far away.

Deep Drawing Tests.
Testing machines and instruments
for physical and optical tests on all
kinds of surfaces. Dependable tests
ensure efficient production.

One of the best-known test assessment. The forming of

ERICHSEN-Cupping Test methods for coated sheet metal cracks during the ERICHSEN
world-wide – patented as early Cupping Test is observed visually
and Deep Drawing Cup Test as 1913 by the founder of our with the eye or preferably with a
company – is the ERICHSEN microscope. This simple, but
Cupping Test. To conduct this useful test method is frequently
test, a coated sheet metal panel used in the incoming inspection.
The following two test is clamped between blank hol-
methods represent the point der and drawing die and then The ERICHSEN Deep Drawing
of origin of our company and dented (cupped) with a harde- Cup Test is a practice-orientated
provide only a minimum ned spherical punch. In this pro- ductility test for stamping lac-
insight into the wide variety of cedure the coating is subject to quers and similar coatings
physical and optical test an increasing elongation and under intensified conditions. For
methods that can be carried bending stress until first cracks this test method, a blank is cut
out using our testing instru- appear. The displacement of the - in one operation - from a sheet
ments. As one of the few exi- spherical punch in mm is known metal coated by the stamping
sting manufacturers of the as the Erichsen cupping value lacquer to be tested and drawn
German testing machine indu- “IE”, abruptly to a cylindrical or
stry, we gladly respond to our the measure for the ductility of square standard cup. The Deep
customers special requests. the coating and for its adhesion Drawing Cup Test subjects the
ERICHSEN / Surface Testing

Specimen Preparation. Coating Tests.

The following pages con- To facilitate the search for appropriate testing instrument tise of our product specialists
tain brief descriptions of our the test instrument complying to enable the user to carry out guarantees the realisation of
products intended for the solu- with your requirements, the tests in accordance with a speci- your quality demands as a
tion of a variety of testing pro- products have been grouped fic standard. result of the best possible
blems in the lacquer and coa- thematically and according to attendance.
tings industry (for different raw their application. These groups We will, of course, gladly
materials as well as for lac- are numerically classified in the assist you with our advice, our You will, upon request,
quers, paints and coatings following Table of Contents. wide experience and our com- immediately receive detailed
before and after application). In Additionally, you will find a Key petence in finding solutions for technical information. For this
addition, this catalogue gives a Word Index with lateral connec- your particular testing pro- purpose, please make use of
survey of testing instruments tions from test property to pro- blems. Your requirements will our fax form at the back of
suitable for testing purposes duct group. be dealt with individually and this catalogue, or contact per-
related to fields of application, confidentially. As manufacturer, sonally:
dealing with the quality of sur- The most important stan- with the use of our own re-
faces or with the subject of coa- dards to which the test instru- search and development labora-
ting/substrate (e. g. printing ments mentioned in this catalo- tory, special types of serial Tel. + 49 (0) 23 72-96 83-0
inks, adhesives, plastics, paper gue can be related, are listed in instruments and individual Fax. + 49 (0) 23 72-64 30
etc.). This completes our range the Standard Index on page 07. solutions, are part of our daily
of testing instruments. This list will help to find the routine. The professional exper-

The ERICHSEN-production range:

Machines for testing the forming properties of coating materials I Viscometers and consistency measuring instru-
ments I Density measuring devices I Equipment for determining the electrical properties of paints I Devices for
ascertaining grain size and pigment dispersion I Instruments for determining opacity I Devices for producing films
of defined thickness I Instruments for testing drying properties I Film thickness gauges I Flexibility testers I
Adhesion testers I Instruments for testing adhesives I Impact resistance testers I Hardness testers I Abrasion
resistance and scrubbability testers I Instruments for conducting chalking tests I Gloss measuring devices I Den-
simeters I Equipment for corrosion and weathering tests I Film applicators for printing ink I Special testing instru-
ments I Torque measuring equipment I Calibrating equipment I Force and pressure gauges I Tensile and pressu-
re testing machines I Deep Drawing test I Equipment for specimen preparation I Sheet metal marking

coating on the specimen to the med in the wall of the drawn

International standard same stresses which would be cup. Tinning factories as well as
for lacquer Deep Drawing Cup Test
encountered in the practice by the coil coating industry often
and paint deep drawing with blank holder prefer square standard cups
force, i. e. the coating must fol- with an edge length of 40 mm
ISO 1520 low the compression, elongation or 70 mm for quality compari-
and bending of the substrate sons of their products.
Cupping Test material under considerable
pressure. The cylindrical stan-
dard cup is drawn from a blank
of 64 mm dia. using a standard
drawing punch of 33 mm dia.
This allows comparative tests
between manufacturers and
users of stamping lacquers.

To intensify the test and to

numerically determine the
remaining deformation abilities
of the coating, a bead can be for-
ERICHSEN / Index and Key Word Index

Subject Matter Group Page
Formability of Coating Material 1 08
Viscosity and Consistency 2 08-10
Density 3 10 ERICHSEN quality.
Electrical Properties of Paint 4 11 Our REFERENCE CLASS Seal:
Grain Size and Pigment Dispersion 6 11
Opacity and Hiding Power 7 11
Film Application 8 11-13
Drying Properties 9 13
Film Thickness 10 14-16
Flexibility 11 16-17
Adhesion 12 17-18
Impact Resistance 13 18-19
Hardness 14 19-21
Abraison Resistance and Scrubbability 15 21-22
Chalking 16 22
Appearance 17 22-23
Colorimetry 18 23-24 All test instruments of the REFERENCE CLASS are
Brightness 19 24 supplied with a Manufacturer´s Certificate M (in accor-
dance with DIN 55 350, part 18)! Product identification
Porosity 20 24
ensures traceability.
Corrosion and Weathering 21 24-27
Surface Inspection 25 20
Physical Measuring Technique 27-28

Key Word Index

Test Property/ Test Property/ Test Property/
Instrument Group Page Instrument Group Page Instrument Group Page
Abrasion 15 21-22 Density 3 10 Mar test 14 19-21
Adhesion 12 17-18 Drying time 9 13 Material-moisture 27-28
Appearance 17 22-23 Elasticity 1, 11 08, 16 Moisture 27-28
Application 8 11-13 Electro-cupping test 1 08 Opacity 6, 7 11
Automatic spraying 8 11-13 Electro-static paints 4 11 Pencil hardness 14 19-21
Bead test 1 08 Film application 8 11-13 Pendulum hardness 14 19-21
Bending elasticity 11 16-17 Film spreading 2 08-10 pH/Redox measuring 27-28
Brightness 19 24 Film thickness 10 14-16 Porosity 20 24
Chalking 16 22 Fineness of grind 6 11 Pull-off-test 12 17-18
Chemical resistance 21 24-27 Flexibility 1, 11 08, 16 Pycnometer 3 10
Climatic stress 21 24-27 Flow cup 2 08-10 Reflectance 17 22-23
Coil coatings 1 08 Flow rate measuring 27-28 Sagging 2 08-10
Colour 18 23-24 Foil thickness 10 14-16 Salt spray test 21 24-27
Colour difference 18 23-24 Gloss 17 22-23 Scratch hardness 14 19-21
Condensation water test 21 24-27 Grindometer 6 11 Scrub resistance 15 21-22
Conductivity 4 11 Hardness 14 19-21 Stone hammer blow 13 18-19
Conductivity measuring 27-28 Hegman gauge 6 11 Temperature 27-28
Consistency 2 08-10 Hiding power 6, 7 11 Tension 17 22-23
Corrosion test 21 24-27 Humidity test 21 24-27 Test cards 7 11
Crack form 1, 11 08, 16 Impact test 13 18-19 Tinting Strength 19 24
Cross cutting 12 17-18 Impact folding test 13 18-19 Viscosity 2 08-10
Cupping test 1 08 Levelling 2 08-10 Washability 15 21-225
Deep draw cup test 1 08 Mandrel bending test 11 16-17 Weathering 21 24-27

ERICHSEN / List of Standards

List of Standards
Standard Model Group Page Standard Model Group Page Standard Model Group Page
ASTM B 117 606 21 26 ASTM G 85-A4 617 21 27 EN ISO 1524 232 6 11
608 21 26 ASTM G 85-A5 615 21 27 EN ISO 2177 GalvanoTest 10 16
610 21 26 617 21 27 EN ISO 2409 295 12 17
613 21 26 DIN 5033 565 18 23 404 12 18
615 21 27 DIN 5036 565 18 23 430 P 14 21
617 21 27 DIN 6173 T1 / T2 425 MC 18 23 EN ISO 2431 243 2 08
ASTM B 287 606 21 26 DIN 6174 565 18 23 243 T 2 09
608 21 26 DIN 50017 (w) 519 21 25 322 2 09
610 21 26 529 21 26 460 FC 2 10
613 21 26 608 21 26 EN ISO 2808 MikroTest 10 15
615 21 27 610 21 26 MiniTest 10 16
617 21 27 615 21 27 PenTest 10 15
ASTM B 368 606 21 26 617 21 27 QuintSonic 10 16
608 21 26 DIN 50018 519 21 25 233 10 14
610 21 26 DIN 50021 606 21 26 234 10 14
613 21 26 608 21 26 296 10 14
615 21 27 610 21 26 333 10 14
617 21 27 613 21 26 433 10 14
ASTM B 504 GalvanoTest 10 16 615 21 27 455 10 14
ASTM D 522 266 S 11 16 617 21 27 497 10 15
312 11 17 DIN 50958 519 21 25 518 MC 10 15
ASTM D 523 503 17 22 529 21 26 548 10 15
507 17 23 DIN 50986 455 10 14 EN ISO 2811-1 290 3 10
560 MCX 17 22 518 MC 10 15 EN ISO 2811-2 475 3 10
562 MC 17 22 548 10 15 EN ISO 2812-5 432 9 13
565 18 23 DIN 53109 352 15 21 EN ISO 2813 503 17 22
ASTM D 823 481 8 13 DIN 53150 415 9 13 507 17 23
510 8 13 DIN 53159 241 16 22 560 MCX 17 22
ASTM D 1005 233 10 14 DIN 53167 (w) 606 21 26 562 MC 17 22
296 10 14 608 21 26 565 18 23
ASTM D 1200 243 2 08 610 21 26 EN ISO 2815 263 14 20
243 T 2 09 613 21 26 EN ISO 3231 519 21 25
460 FC 2 10 615 21 27 EN ISO 3668 425 MC 18 23
ASTM D 1210 232 6 11 617 21 27 EN ISO 4541 617 21 27
ASTM D 1212 234 10 14 DIN 53211 (w) 243 2 08 EN ISO 4623-1/-2 617 21 27
ASTM D 1475 290 3 10 243 T 2 09 EN ISO 6270-2 519 21 25
ASTM D 1729 425 MC 18 23 321 2 09 529 21 26
ASTM D 1735 606 21 26 460 FC 2 10 608 21 26
608 21 26 DIN 53754 352 15 21 610 21 26
610 21 26 DIN 53778 T2 (w) 494 MC 15 22 615 21 27
613 21 26 DIN 55670 PoroTest DC 20 24 617 21 27
615 21 27 DIN 55677 (w) 419 2 09 EN ISO 6272-1/-2 304 13 18
617 21 27 DIN 67530 503 17 22 EN ISO 6880 312 11 17
ASTM D 2244 565 18 23 507 17 23 EN ISO 6988 519 21 25
ASTM D 2247 519 21 25 560 MCX 17 22 EN ISO 7253 606 21 26
529 21 26 562 MC 17 22 608 21 26
ASTM D 2457 503 17 22 565 18 23 610 21 26
507 17 23 DIN 68861-2 352 15 21 613 21 26
560 MCX 17 22 EN 438-2 305 13 18 615 21 27
562 MC 17 22 352 15 21 617 21 27
565 18 23 413 14 21 EN ISO 7784-1/-2 352 15 21
ASTM D 2486 494 MC 15 22 EN 13329 352 15 21 EN ISO 8780 T2 392 2 10
ASTM D 2745 527 19 24 305 13 18 EN ISO 9117-1 416 9 13
ASTM D 2794 304 13 18 EN 13523-1 MiniTest 10 16 EN ISO 9227 (D) 606 21 26
ASTM D 3170 508 SAE 13 19 EN 13523-2 503 17 22 608 21 26
ASTM D 3265 527 19 24 507 17 23 610 21 26
ASTM D 3359 295 12 17 560 MCX 17 22 613 21 26
404 12 18 562 MC 17 22 615 21 27
430 P 14 21 565 18 23 617 21 27
ASTM D 4138 455 10 14 EN 13523-4 293 14 20 EN ISO 11997-1 (D) 617 21 27
ASTM D 4212 343 2 09 EN 13523-5 304 13 18 EN ISO 11998 494 MC 15 22
ASTM D 4366 299/300 14 20 EN 13523-6 202 EM 1 08 EN ISO 16862 419 2 09
ASTM D 4400 419 2 09 295 12 17 EN ISO 17872 404 12 18
ASTM D 4414 333 10 14 404 12 18 426 21 24
433 10 14 430 P 14 21 427 21 24
ASTM D 4541 525 12 18 EN 13523-7 266 S 11 16 428 21 24
ASTM D 5071 522 21 25 312 11 17 463 21 25
ASTM D 5125 243 2 08 EN 13523-8 606 21 26 EN ISO 20567-1 508 VDA 13 19
243 T 2 09 608 21 26 EN ISO 20567-3 408 13 18
322 2 09 610 21 26 GME 60280 430 P 14 21
460 FC 2 10 613 21 26 ISO 4586-2 305 13 18
ASTM D 5796 518 MC 10 15 615 21 27 352 15 21
548 10 15 617 21 27 413 14 21
ASTM E 308 565 18 23 EN 13523-12 249 14 20 ISO 4532 305 13 18
ASTM E 1164 565 18 23 EN 13523-16 352 15 21 ISO 5435 527 19 24
ASTM G 85-A1 606 21 26 EN 13523-22 425 MC 18 23 ISO 7724 565 18 23
608 21 26 EN 13523-23 519 21 25 ISO 9352 352 15 21
610 21 26 EN 14322 352 15 21 ISO 11341 522 21 25
613 21 26 EN ISO 1518 249 14 20 ISO 11503 519 21 25
615 21 27 EN ISO 1519 266 S 11 16 ISO 15184 293 14 20
617 21 27 EN ISO 1520 200 1 08 SAE J 400 508 SAE 13 19
ASTM G 85-A2 / -A3 608 21 26 202 EM 1 08 UNI 9397 522 21 25
610 21 26 212 1 08 VW PV 3952 430 P 14 21
615 21 27 242 1 08
617 21 27 EN ISO 1522 299/300 14 20 (D): Draft / (W): withdrawn


Model 200 Group 1 Model 202 EM Group 1

Lacquer and Paint Testing Machine Lacquer and Paint Testing Machine
Mechanical testing machine for This simple to operate Lacquer and
ERICHSEN Cupping Test on painted or Paint Testing Machine is used for
plastic coated sheet metal specimens rapid and accurate measurement of
up to 1.25 mm thick. the elongation and adhesion pro-
perties of protective paints and
other coatings of all types using the

The cupping speed is infinitely

variable from 2 mm/min to 60
mm/min. On Model 202 EM the
sheet metal specimen is clamped
automatically. Due to the laterally
opening of the cylinder also larger
sheet metal panels can be accom-
modated in the test head.

At option:
Microscopes for observing the test

Model 227 Group 1 Model 212 Group 1

Bead Test Instrument Cupping and Deep-drawing Cup Test Machine
For numerical evaluation of the Intended for the ERICHSEN Cupping cup (blanking, drawing and ejec-
quality of stamping lacquers and Test and for the Deep Drawing Cup tion) in one operation. The sheet
plastic coatings on cylindrical stan- Test. Electro-hydraulic drive, varia- thickness to be tested depends on
dard cups. ble drawing speed as well as a blan- the quality of the material and on
king press integrated into the test the required test method.
Accuracy up to 20 μm. head allow the manufacturing of a

Blanking force: 200 kN

Drawing force: 120 kN

Model 242-Basic Group 1 Model 243 Group 2

Cupping and Deep-drawing Cup Test Machine Flow Cup
Especially intended for coil coatings, Flow Cups conforming to internatio-
this machine is suitable for the nal standards. Optional accessories:
ERICHSEN Cupping Test as well as adjustable tripod and thermostati-
for the Deep Drawing Cup Test pro- cally controlled jacket to ensure
ducing cylindrical and square cups. reproducible results; thermometer
To intensify the material stressing it and digital stop watch with calibra-
is possible to conduct a first and tion certificate.
second re-drawing operation. Blanking,
drawing and ejection of the cup is
carried out in one operation. The
sheet thickness to be tested
depends on the quality of the mate-
rial and on the required test

Blanking force: 265 kN

Drawing force: 200 kN

08 For detailled technical product information please visit:


CUPTIMER 243 T Group 2 Model 301 Group 2

Flow Time Measuring Instrument Visco Test Blade
DIN, EN ISO, ISO, ASTM acc. to Rossmann
Objective determination of flow time A simple reliable instrument for
for viscosity measurements using stan- checking the required brushing or
dardized flow cups. Including tempera- spraying consistency of coating
ture bath and adapter rings for the dif- materials. Invaluable for users of
ferent flow cups. Automatic measuring paint. Serves also as stirrer for thin-
sequence with optical detection of the ning down small quantities.
efflux stream of sample. Flow times up
to 200 s can be read from the LCD with
an accuracy of 0.01 s.

Model 321 and 322 Group 2 Model 343 Group 2

Dip Flow Cup DIN - Model 321 Zahn Flow Cup
Dip Flow Cup (EN) ISO - Model 322 ASTM
Well-known, handy instrument for Simple dip flow cup used particu-
quick and convenient establishment larly in the U.S.A.. 5 cups available for
of viscosity, directly from the contai- different viscosity ranges.
ner, by simply dipping in and measu-
ring run out time. Internal dimen-
sions in accordance with DIN 53 211
(Modell 321) and (EN) ISO 2431
(Model 322), respectively.

Model 419 Group 2 Model 458 Group 2

Levelling Test Blade and Sag Tester Viscosity Nomogramme and
EN ISO, ISO, ASTM Viscosity Temperature Comparative Dial
Film applicator frame with gaps ASTM Version For rapid conversion between diffe- Krebs-Stormer units, Gardner-Holdt
arranged in pairs and with steps of Combined instrument for levelling rent viscosity units (ASTM seconds, units) at defined temperatures (tem-
increasing depth, separated and at and sag testing acc. to DIN seconds, cSt, Engler degrees, perature-dependent viscosity scale).
equal pitches. ASTM D 2801 (withdrawn)
ASTM D 4400.
DIN Version
Sag testing applicator acc. to
DIN 55 677 (withdrawn)
(EN) ISO 16862.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 09


VISCOSOFT® 460 FC Group 2 RED DEVIL 392 Group 2

Software Paint Shaker
Software for rapid conversion be- A world-wide well known machine manufacture of paints and lacquers.
tween viscosity and efflux time, for for grinding, dispersing, mixing – The RED DEVIL has several decisive
use with standardised flow cups. three concepts related to important advantages: A perfected shaking
Converts between dynamic and processes in the system with 3-way orbital mixing
kinematic viscosity. Clearly arranged action achieves optimal disper-
graphics, easy to use. sing results whilst at the
same time ensuring shortest
cycles. The operating method
of the RED DEVIL is so convin-
cing that it is prescribed by DIN
EN ISO for standardizing the
dispersing behaviour of pigments.



The DISSOLVER 492 I is a precisely volume ranges of 0,25 up to 2 liters,

controlled laboratory high speed stir- and can be operated with a steplessly
rer. It is suitable to produce colloidal variable speed of up to 10.000 min-1.
suspensions with very fine solid parti-
cles integrated by high speed into
fluid, as well as mixing and dispersing The DISSOLVER 492 II equates in func-
of mill feed material within common tion, construction and application/
paint/lacquer matters (Here are clu- usage in principle DISSOLVER 492 I,
sters of powder-type components but for a higher vessel volume range
disintegrated by shearing force of 0,5 up to 8 liters, and can be opera-
during the dispersing procedure, to ted with a steplessly variable speed of
cover in ideal case their primary parti- up to 9.000 min-1.
cles with the fluid phase.). A low-
noise drive system with continuous
adjustable speed as well as high-tech
PID electronics to ensure a constant
speed even when viscosity - and due
to this also the shear rate - changes,
are already included in the delivery
specification. The DISSOLVER 492 I
has primary been created for vessel

Model 290 Group 3 Model 475 Group 3

Pycnometer Density Ball
To measure the density of coating natively, stainless steel. Available for For rapid determination of density of
materials and similar liquids. Robust 50 or 100 ml capacity, also with offi- liquids. A sphere of volume 100 or
and light weight design, made of cial calibration certificate. 10 ml is immersed in a beaker the
black anodized aluminium, or alter- contents of which have been pre-
viously weighed. The increase in
liquid level given in grams (g) corre-
sponds with 100 or 10 x the value of
the density. The equipment is easily
cleaned after use.

10 For detailled technical product information please visit:


Model 515 Group 4 Model 232 Group 6

Paint Resistance Grindometer acc. to Hegman
Measuring Instrument EN ISO, ISO, ASTM, NF
To measure electrical resistance of A robust instrument for gauging shaped grooves and drawn down
paints in the range from 0-20 MÝ. the degree of fineness of grind of with a blade. Rippling occurs at the
Specially suited to establish charac- liquid dispersions of pigments in point where pigments particles are
teristics of dipping paints and monito- the range 0-15/25/50/100 μm. The bigger than the depth of the groove
ring spray paints for electrostatic pro- substance is filled into the wedge- measured in μm.
cesses. Portable measuring system.
Display of measuring value after defi-
ned measuring time. Easy to clean dip-
in measuring probe with annular gap.

Model 451 Group 7 Model 238 Group 8

Contrast Charts Duplex or Triplex Film Applicator acc. to Biddle
24 test card versions available, in dif- To produce 2 or 3 parallel paint films comparison or to build up a colour
ferent sizes, patterns and colourings, on test cards under identical and tone collection. Standard film thick-
including special penetration cards reproducible application conditions. nesses 100/150/200/250 μm.
for watery systems. Paint specimens produced for visual

BIRD APPLICATOR 284 / BAKER APPLICATOR 286 Group 8 Model 288 Group 8
Film Applicator Film Applicator System Wasag
Special film applicator with 4 gap Duplex film applicator for film widths
heights and film widths of 50/75/ 80/120/180/230 mm. Made of corro-
100/150/200/250 mm. Standard gap sion resistant steel. The two gaps can
heights are 50/100/150/ 200 μm. be chosen as desired from the range
Instrument made of corrosion-resi- 15-2000 μm.
stant steel.

Film Applicator
Special film applicator with 4 gap
heights and film widths of
/250 mm. Standard gap heights are
30/60/90/120 μm. Instrument made
of corrosion-resistant steel.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 11


Model 334 Group 8 Model 358 Group 8

Centrifugal Film Applicator Spiral Film Applicator

To produce specimen panels with an Well proven film applicator for any film widths 80/150/220 mm and
evenly applied paint film of defined kind of film forming liquid. Particu- wet film thicknesses between 10
thickness. Variable speed from larly suitable for applying films to and 200 μm. Made of stainless steel.
100-2500 min-1. flexible substrates. Available for

Model 360 Group 8 UNICOATER 409 Group 8

Quadruple Film Applicator Film Applicator
An inexpensive special film applica- available for other wet film thick- Motor-driven film applicator for the dimensions). Adjustable speed up to
tor with 4 heights of gaps for widths nesses in the range from 15-2000 application of coatings of an even and 99 mm/s. Maximum application area
of film 13/40/60/90 mm. Standard μm. Model 360 is made of corro- defined thickness onto glass plates, approx. 330 mm x 345 mm. To be used
gap heights 30/60/90/120 μm. Also sion-resistant steel. contrast charts, foils, etc.. Equipped optionally with glass plate, vacuum
with a multi-functional applicator suction plate or flexible application
support appropriate for most of the substrates.
normally used applicators (spiral film
applicators, gap applicators of various

MULTICATOR 411 Group 8 Model 421 Group 8

Film Applicator Staggered-Gap Film Applicator acc. to Krause

A film applicator with variable gap micrometer screw (accuracy 1 μm). Produces 6 or 10 Film stripes of properties in relation to film thick-
height. Clearance adjustable in the Available for film widths 80/150/ graded Thicknesses in one opera- ness: opacity, color strenght, drying
range 0-1000 μm by means of a 220 mm. tion. Film thickness range: 10-500 properties etc.
μm. Suitable for assessing paint

12 For detailled technical product information please visit:


AUTOSPRAY 481 Group 8 COATMASTER 510 Group 8

Test Panel Spraying Applicator Type APL 1.2 Film Applicator
This modern and inexpensive spray A combined application- and testing coating materials’ drying time cha-
applicator for test panels has been machine, attached with a foil key racteristics (acc. to DIN 530150 and
designed for reproducible application pad. Especially within the constant in comparison to each other)- plus an
of coating substances onto various precisely defined as well as reprodu- additional function: The use of the
substrates. It is easy to operate and cible application of coating materials ERICHSEN Hardness Rods 318 and
can also be used in hazardous areas. it leaves nothing for contingency. It 318 S as well of the Mar Testing rod
The control unit of the AUTOSPRAY fulfills two essential basic functions - 435 and the Adhesion- and Scratch-
allows not only the use of The use for high precision applica- testing Rod 435 S.
fixed programmed spray- tions and for the determination of
ing parameters such as
step sizes, horizontal stroke
speeds, number of spraying strokes
and ventilation time, but also permits
to adapt to practically all conceivable
requirements of coating technology
by altering the settings. The AUTO-
SPRAY 481 is pre-fitted to enable the
use of one or two automatic flow cup
spray guns. Optionally a material con-
veyor unit as well as a "cross-path"
programme can be supplied.

Model 415 Group 9 Model 416 Group 9

Drying Time Tester Through-Dry Tester
A simple plunger type press for mea- For testing the degree of through dry-
suring degree of dryness in accordan- ing of a coating. A test plunger faced
ce with DIN 53 150 in the range from with nylon fabric and loaded with a
2 to 7. A glass tube Ballotini dispenser defined weight is lowered onto the
to measure degree of dryness 1 is test surface for a period of 10 s, and
available as accessory. then turned through 90°. The resulting
effect on the coating is evaluated after
lifting the test plunger.

Model 432 Group 9 Model 504 Group 9

Gradient-oven Drying Time Recorder
The Gradient-oven, Model 432, is a baking temperature, and time. The Motorised instrument for automatic can be performed in parallel. Running
testing instrument for the assess- very good repeatability of measure- recording of drying process of paints time selector for 6, 12 or 24 hours for
ment of the baking and drying beha- ments allows a remarkably accurate and similar coating materials. 6 tests different drying times.
viour of paint and powder coatings, determination of the present limiting
resins, plastic materials and similar. values. Depending on the gradient-
The production process can be simula- oven type coatings can be tested with
ted by programming heat-up speed, temperatures up to 320 °C.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 13


Model 233 Group 10 Model 234 Group 10

Dry Film Thickness Gauge acc. to Rossmann Wet Film Thickness Gauge
The difference in level between sub- Measuring range 0-1000 μm in A hardened and ground double cam is read on a scale as wet film
strate and film surface is gauged by 5 μm divisions. wheel with an eccentric cam in the thickness. Total measuring range:
the contact point of the dial indicator. centre is rolled over a newly applied 1500 μm, available in 8 different sub-
film. The wetting line on the centre ranges.

Model 296 Group 10 Model 333 Group 10

Wet and Dry Film Thickness Gauge acc. to Rossmann Wet Film Thickness Gauge acc. to Rossmann
Same principle of measurement as For measurements on wet films the Simple operating instrument. The Model 333 S
Model 233. contact point is raised by means of a stainless steel „comb“ with tooth Large version acc. to BASt for road
knurled screw and then lowered lengths varying by equal amounts is marking paint.
until it touches the surface of the applied perpendicular to the wet film
wet film. and the film thickness can be read on
the last tooth that made contact with
the wet coating. 3 versions with mea-
suring ranges 120/600/1200 μm.

Model 433 Group 10 Paint Inspection Gauge P.I.G. 455 Group 10

Wet Film Thickness Gauge Coating Thickness Gauge
One instrument only for 4 measuring This comb-shaped instrument, made A successful instrument using the Measuring ranges:
ranges: 5-100 μm, 100-500 μm, of stainless steel, stands for high standardised wedge cut method. 200/500/1000/2000 μm
300-700 μm, 700-1500 μm. accuracy. Indispensable for film thickness
measurement on any substrate. In Also for adhesion tests in accordan-
the case of multi layer coatings ce with AS 1580 (method 408.1).
complete and individual layer thik-
kness can be measured.

14 For detailled technical product information please visit:


Model 497 Group 10 PAINTBORER 518 MC Group 10

Foil Thickness Gauge Coating Thickness Gauge
To measure the thickness of foils, Measuring range: For film thickness measurements Specimen table for extremely small
cards, paper, with and without coa- 1000 μm, accuracy 1 μm using the wedge cut technique. Com- specimens (dia. 10 mm) available as
ting. Indispensable for scrubbing bines the advantages of P.I.G. 455 with accessory. Due to the mobility of the
resistance tests on Leneta foils and greater ease of operation: a conical microscope into two directional axes
for colour and opacity measure- bore of defined angle is made in the (turned by 90° from one another) with
ments on contrast cards. coating. Measuring microscope, easily the possibility of turning the scale, the
and accurately focused over the cut PAINT BORER 518 MC is especially sui-
out. Minimum specimen damage table for the evaluation of elliptical
allows a large number of test points. holes that arise with curved specimens.


Coating Thickness Gauge Thickness Gauge
The small, universally applicable thick- In accordance with the standardized At option: A “ 50 x ” Measuring Micro-
ness gauge, used for non-destructive, wedge cut method in which the speci- scope, with illumination.
fast and precise coating thickness men is cut at a defined angle. It has
measurements. The LAYERCHECK 750 been developed to extend the range
USB FN provides the magnetic induc- of the application of the PAINT BORER
tion principle as well as the eddy-cur- 518 S, especially targeting sensitive
rent method. Due to this, it is available drillings, especially into rigid/brittle
in two versions: LAYERCHECK 750 USB materials. It is possible that, already at
F for all non-magnetic coatings on minor eccentric irregular running of
steel (0-3000 μm). LAYERCHECK 750 the drill used or of its centre axle, such
USB FN for all non-magnetic coatings materials can be subject to breaking
on steel (0-2000 μm) and all insula- off of the cutting edges including
ting coatings on non-ferrous metals. chipping off. To minimize these limita-
Both versions are equipped with stati- tions the PAINTEXPLORER 548, a con-
stics function, illuminated display, USB venient table top unit, is equipped
Interface, Standard-/ 1-Point-/ and 2- with an improved rotating/sliding
Point-Calibration. Software as free high precision axle-bearing device. It
download. is a laboratory equipment, either be
At option: calibration certificate. held in hand or used in connection
with the measuring stand that is
included in the scope of supply.

PenTest Group 10 MikroTest 5, 6 Group 10

Coating Thickness Gauge Coating Thickness Gauge
Inexpensive instrument using the For non-magnetic coatings on steel Mikrotest 5 and 6:
magnetic pull-off method for rapid using the non-destructive magnetic 9 analog versions for a total mea-
non-destructive measurement of pull-off technique. No electrical suring range 1 μm - 20 mm, also for
non-magnetic layers on steel. Measu- current required. Measuring result electro-plated nickel layers on
ring result held mechanically. No held mechanically. With unique various base materials.
electrical supply required. automatic measuring system for
reproducible results, even under
Measuring range: 25-700 μm extreme measuring conditions.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 15


MiniTest 720, 730, 740 Gorup 10 MiniTest 3100 Group 10

Coating Thickness Gauge Coating Thickness Gauge
New generation of portable coating probe or with the possibility of an inter- Up-to-date technology in a handy for use with 20 different probes (F, N,
thickness gauges with a completely changeable internal/external probe. precision instrument. Alphanumeri- FN, CN). Total measuring range 1 μm
new, modern signal processing (SIDSP). Data export via IrDA 1.0 interface (infra- cal LCD, touch pad keyboard, micro- to 100 mm. Other features: Automa-
For non-destructive, highly reproducible red). In addition, display with bak- processor controlled calibration and tic hold and battery switch off. Stora-
measurement of nonmagnetic coa- kground light, statistics, monitoring measuring sequence, statistic modu- ge of up to 10.000 measuring data.
tings on steel (F) and insulating coa- (visual and acoustic) of limiting values le, bidirectional interface. Designed
tings on nonferrous metals (N). Also as well as measured value memory for
available as combined version (FN). up to 100,000 data.
Supplied with an internal probe, a cable

GalvanoTest Group 10 QuintSonic 7 Group 10

Coating Thickness Gauge Ultrasonic Coating Thickness Gauge
To measure metallic single or multi Special electrolytes for more than Ultrasonic Coating Thickness
layer coatings on a metallic base by 70 combinations of coating and Gauge for up to 5 layers measured
electrochemical removal. Particular- base material. Minimum measu- in one single measuring action. For
ly suitable for galvanic coatings. ring area: 0.25 mm2. Interface RS layers of paint, lacquer and plastic
Total measuring range: 0.5-75 μm. 232 C for printer or PC. on plastic, metal, wood, glass and

Measuring ranges: 10 μm....356

μm, 890 μm, 1900 μm, 3900 μm,
7500 μm (at 2375 m/s Sonic Veloci-
ty in all layers) Resolution: 0,1 μm.
With graphic Display (160 x 160
Pixel Backlight LCD) showing the
results. Interfaces: IrDA® 1.0, USB
and RS 232.

LayerScan 590 Group 10 Model 266 S Group 11

Coating Thickness Gauge Cylindrical Mandrel Bending Tester
Touchless & Non-destructive Coating sion and characteristics. The method Lever-type instrument for testing determines the greatest cylinder
Thickness Gauge, acc. to the principle is suitable for dry as well as also for the flexibility and the adhesive pro- diameter at which a coating will
of Thermic Layer Examination. The wet coatings. Due to this, several dif- perties of coatings when these are show cracking or flaking subsequent
surface of the coating layer to be ferent coating materials in combina- subjected to bending stresses. With to bending. Model 266 S allows the
measured is heated by flashing light. tion with various substrates can be 14 easy changeable mandrels (dia- testing of samples up to a width of
The recorded gradient of temporally measured in a comfortable as well as meter 2 - 32 mm). Testing with the 100 mm.
reflected heat energy allows some precise manner. Also an Online/Inline cylindrical mandrel bending tester
essential conclusions regarding the application is possible.
coating material’s thickness, adhe-

16 For detailled technical product information please visit:


Model 312 Group 11 Original TABER® STIFFNESS TESTER 362 Group 11

Conical Mandrel Bending Tester Bendability Measuring Instrument
To establish the limiting extension culated. With rapid clamping device Precision instrument for measuring sed measuring process. Analogue
of coating materials on sheet metal for faster operation. bendability in accordance with and digital versions available, with
specimens by bending around a standards for flexible materials accessories covering a total measu-
conical mandrel (1/8" - 11/2" or 3 mm (metal and plastic foils, cardboard, ring range of 0.01-10.000 Stiffness
- 38 mm dia.). From the diameter of paper etc., max. thickness 3 mm). Units.
the mandrel at the point where the Outstanding measuring accuracy
crack starts, the maximum relative (up to 0.1 %) achieved with motori-
extension of the coating can be cal-

Model 295 Group 12

Folding Rulers/SCROLLRULER
These folding rulers feature for each for Mod. 295/XII is especially even for innovative design with ball type top The SCROLLRULER 295/XV is a univer-
possible of the concerning required the cutting distance for tests acc. to handle, a comfortable as well as fati- sal ruler for cross hatch cuts, where
cutting distance the right ruler thik- Daimler-Benz, also attached with gue-proof performance. All Folding the desired cutting distances (6 x 1
kness, without necessity to add them rulers of 1,5 mm thickness. The Folding Rulers are also separately available! mm, 6 x 2 mm, 6 x 3 mm, 11 x 1 mm,
by single 1 mm steps. The Folding Ruler Ruler for Mod. 295/XIII allows by its 11 x 1.5 mm) can be adjusted very
easily as well as comfortable, simply
by turning a thumb wheel.

Folding Ruler for Model 295/III: Folding Ruler for Model 295/XII: Folding Ruler for Model 295/XIII: SCROLLRULER 295/XV:
with 10 swivel-mounted rulers of 1 with 10 of each swivel-mounted with 5 of each swivel-mounted rulers universal cross cut ruler, adjusted by
mm thickness /each. rulers of 1 mm and 1,5 mm thickness. of 1 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm thickness. turning a thumb wheel.

Model 295 I Group 12 Model 295 IX Group 12

Multi-Cross Cutter Multi-Cross Cutter
Well established, manually guided 60 μm. Further types with other Advanced version for manually guided dence of the evaluated results. Many
tool for cross hatch cutting tests. standard-according cutting distan- cross hatch cutting tests. For the appli- users value the use of this Mod. quite
For the application of 6 parallel cuts ces, for testing the adhesion of lay- cation of 6 parallel cuts with a cutting fatigue-less and due to this also more
with a cutting distance of 1 mm ers with higher thicknesses, are distance of 1 mm, for adhesion tests at comfortable! By simple turning the
between them, for adhesion tests also available from the standard layers with a thickness of up to 60 μm. unit’s interlock ring, the connection
at layers with a thickness of up to delivery range. To simplify the performance, Mod. IX between handle and cutter can be lok-
(as well as also X and XI) has a free tur- ked stiff, if desired. Further types with
nable axle between handle and head. other standard-according cutting
The axle promotes a more homogene- distances, for testing the adhesion of
ous spread of the applied scratch force layers with higher thicknesses, are also
over the full range of cutting width and available from the standard delivery
enables due to this a lower user-depen- range.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 17


Model 295 XIV Group 12 VarioCut 404 Group 12

Multi-Cross Cutter Cross Hatch Cutter
Due to numerous enquiries of users, covered with an extremely hard Multifunctional applicable tool for attached with a smooth-running bea-
now, by Mod. 295/XIV a variously layer, mounted in an adaptor block, common Cross Hatch Cutting tests at ring, to support a homogeneous spre-
usable single blade instrument for with holder. A flexible steel ruler, sui- coatings as well as for defined stan- ad of applied scratch, but force. At
the application of free cuts on cur- table for several of the “curved” dard compliant test specimen prepa- choice lockable by turning the end
ved surfaces is available. It consists applications, is already included in ration for Corrosion Tests (Scratching knob. All types of common Cross
of a single cutting tool additionally the delivery specification. of coated Sheet Metal Panels). Several Hatch Cutting tools available as well
different Testing Heads and Tool Fit- as the different common types of
ting Devices available. The comfort- scratch tools for Corrosion Tests. A
ably handy holder is – at its frontal Collet Chuck allows the additional
connection to the testing tool – use of several types of individual
tools already available at the user’s
site .

Model 525 Group 12 Model 525-B Group 12

Adhesion Test Apparatus Adhesion Test Apparatus
To measure adhesion of coatings in application in the field. Complete Special pull off test instrument
accordance with ASTM D 4541 by test case with necessary accesso- version for concrete surfaces with
pulling off stuck on dolly. Robust ries. 3 versions for measuring ran- 50 mm diameter dollies and measu-
unit requiring no electrical supply ges 5/10/25 N/mm2. ring range up to 4.5 N/mm2.
and therefore particularly suited to

Model 304 Group 13 Model 305 Group 13

Variable Impact Tester Impact Tester acc. to Wegner
For tests on coatings for crack forma- Portable and handy instrument espe-
tion, breaking off, adhesion and ela- cially designed for tests on enamel in
sticity. A bulge is formed in the sheet accordance with DIN EN ISO 4532.
metal by a falling weight with a Enables the user to carry out tests on
hemispherical end. The coating can site.
be on the outside or on the inside of
the bulge. The energy of blow can Optional accessory: Special support
be varied either by using different for testing plastic surfaces.
falling heights or different dropping
weights. Variably combinable basic
unit, even also for the indirect impact
acc. to EN ISO 6272-2 as well as for
impact tests on pipes/tubes.

18 For detailled technical product information please visit:


SPLITT II/III 408 Group 13 Model 471 Group 13

Single-Blow Impact Tester Bend and Impact Tester
Testing instrument designed as dance with the standard, also display- The performance of a coated sheet
bench-top unit, for single-blows using ed on LCD. The angle of impact shows metal panel, previously formed to a
steel balls (dia. 2 mm). SPLITT II 408 is a deviation of 2° to the vertical. To pre- U-shape when it is deformed by
equipped with two testing tempera- vent icing of the specimen the test conical bar in a sudden blow can be
tures (+23 °C or –20 °C), SPLITT III 408 is room can be swept with nitrogen. A examined.
equipped with three testing tempera- scale at the specimen aperture facilita-
tures (+23 °C , 0 °C and –20 °C), inter- tes the positioning of the bombard-
nally controlled and displayed on LCD. ment. This test method is already pres-
Variable speed of the bombardment cribed in the works specifications of a
preset to 250 km/h for tests in accor- renowned vehicle manufacturer.

Stone Hammer Blow Testing Instrument acc. to VDA SAE Stone Hammer Blow Testing Instrument
EN ISO, ISO, Peugeot-Citroen, Renault, VDA ASTM, SAE, GM, VOLVO
Originally developed in reconciliation shoot/impact angle of 54°. With fur- The MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE of tests conducted (total/ tempora-
with the Association of Car Manufactu- thermore, it is possible to equip the features a good repeatability and ry) can be read off alternatively.
rers (VDA), it is an even currently still MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 VDA within a reproducibility of the test results.
valid “Stone Hammer Blow Tester” few minutes with the conversion kit
which meets the prescriptions of natio- (offered as an accessory) for carrying It is equipped with an adjustable
nal as well as international standards. out tests in accordance with the speci- impact angle. The bombardment of
The shoot procedure acc. to VDA acts fications of Peugeot-Citroën (vertical the test panels is carried out with
with defined sharp edged Steel Shot impact). determinate grit (according to
accelerated by compressed air in an ASTM D 3170). Dependent of the
specifications of
further standards
other shot materials
can be used.

The shot is entered

automatically using
an adjustable vibra-
tory feed. On a multifunctional
display the working pressure, the
duration of the test, the setting of
the vibratory feed and the number

RIMpact Group 13 Scratch Test Station 450 Group 14

Impact Cabinet for Stone Chipping Simulation at Wheel Rims Scratch Test Station acc. to BMW/ERICHSEN
Impact Cabinet for Stone Chipping Shot Gravel quantities, Shoot Peri- Versatile instrument for the execution touch-screen control panel. Adjustable
Simulation at Wheel Rims; an access- ods and Shoot Pressures. So, the user of scratch resistance tests on lacquered are the test speed of the movements in
ory for Multi Grit Tester 508 SAE. is free to use it in accordance to the and plastic surfaces. Supplied with a the x and y direction, respectively, the
Enables the user to test complete current standards’ stipulations he servomotor-driven X-Y specimen table scratch length in x or y direction re-
rims i.e. in principle also several has to follow as well as for individu- and a universal tool holding fixture spectively, the selection of the required
other specimen, which up to now – ally tailored tests. with vertical linear guide and pneuma- scratch pattern (linear/curved/plane)
due to their big sizes – would have tic tool feed motion. The Scratch Test as well as the preselection of the num-
to be previously segmented by cut- Station is operated by means of a ber of the test cycles.
ting them. The Wheel Rim to be
tested is turnably fixed, so each
single spoke can be tested different-
ly by choice with varying combina-
tions of Shot Gravel, Shoot Cycles,

For detailled technical product information please visit: 19


LINEARTESTER 249 Group 14 Model 263 Group 14

Scratch Hardness Tester Indentation Hardness Tester acc. to Buchholz
To establish the ability of a surfaces to reciprocating beam, making use of a A steel block with an inserted impression hardness in accordance
resist damage by scratching, also for setting scale. When testing insula- impression body is applied onto the with Buchholz is established from
several other tests: Scribe/Scratch ting coatings on conducting substra- test surface and produces a pressu- the length of the impression, using
tests, To and fro-cycle abrasion tests, tes, an electric recognition of the re mark, the length of which is the standard table.
Crockmeter tests, MEK tests, tests through-scratching offers an addi- measured with a microscope. The
determining the resistance against tional security for setting the scrat-
solvents in general or wipe test, ching force. There are three fixed as
respectively. The required scratching well as one freely programmable
force in the range of 0.5 to 40 N is set test speeds available. A wide pro-
by moving the weight along the gram of available test tools is tailo-
red to cover a lot of testing require-

Model 456 USB Group 25 TriForcePencil 293 Group 14

USB Microscope Scratch Hardness Tester
High-resolution digital microscope Pencils of increasing hardness are which apply by the principle of levera-
to be connected with PC/Laptop: 2 pushed across the surface of the coa- ge the appropriate test load on the
million pixels CMOS image sensor, ting at a defined angle and under a pencil tip, according to their positio-
integrated light (adjustable), video defined load. The film hardness is ning. Setting the correct height or the
function, live view, direct image established by the two hardness gra- defined projection of the pencil out of
capture directly from the object, des between which there is a limiting the weight block, is ensured by rota-
shootings with microscopic preci- effect of surface marking and inden- ting an adjusting screw
sion, scalable precision measure- tation into the surface. The advanced with distance tip.
ment. ERICHSEN TriForcePencil 293 is (due to
several enquiries especially also from
The scope of supply includes: the Asian market) equipped with
Camera with USB cable, 1 tube three test loads (5 N/7,5 N/10 N)
stand for 20x magnification, 1 tube instead of usually only one (7,5 N). The
stand for 40x/200x magnification, 1 weight block of the TriForcePencil 293
swivel-type special stand, software is equipped with three pencil guides,
CD, instructions.

Model 299/300 Group 14 Model 318/318 S Group 14

Pendulum Damping Tester Hardness Test Pencil
Damping of the oscillations of a with automatic adjustment: in The Hardness Test Pencil 318 is a is equipped with a rolling head so
pendulum resting on the coating accordance with Koenig and Persoz. well tried and extremely useful that only the test tip used can leave
material in accordance with the In addition, two different measu- scratch hardness tester in the form a scratch on the test surface. Supp-
standards. Two pendulum versions ring modules: basic version with of a pocket instrument. Also suita- lied with a carbide ball tip of 0.75
manual pendulum excursion and ble for tests on curved surfaces. For mm dia.; optionally 0.5 mm or 1.0
automatic version. Measuring a convenient operation on surfaces mm dia. Test load 0 – 20 N divided
values are shown on the digital that are highly sensitive to scrat- into 3 measuring ranges using 3
display of the control terminal. ches the Hardness Test Pencil 318 S spiral springs.

20 For detailled technical product information please visit:


Scratch Hardness Tester Scratch Hardness Tester
Compact rotary table instrument of different geometries. Four inter- Multifunctional machine for testings metallic substrates. The only world-
for determination of the scratch changeable diamond or carbide against mechanical influences: Cross wide established machine for testing
hardness and scratch resistance of test tools with defined test geome- Hatch Cutting Test, Scratch Resistance, the scratching resistance of “leather
lacquered, glass or plastic surfaces tries are available. Including two Writing Effect. Adjustment of the type structured” plastics materials for
(especially HPDL coatings). If pro- weights movable on the graduated test/scratch force (up to 50 N) manually car interiors. Due to this already suc-
ceeding in the appropriate manner, load arm, load range 0.01 to 1 N (Mod. 430 PI) or electromotive (Mod. cessfully established at a lot of well-
it is also possible to test small parts and 0.1 to 10 N. 430 PII) by pressing key buttons. 9 pre- known nameable
set cutting patterns in accordance to car manufactu-
the common standards as well 1 free rers as well as at
adjustable cutting pattern. 2 speeds a lot of their
and 2 cutting path lengths, to be com- suppliers.
bined user-defined free. With quick
clamping device for the specimen to be
tested and optically indication for
through cutting of insulating layers on

Model 435 Group 14 Model 435 S Group 14

Mar Tester acc. to Oesterle Adhesion and Scratch Resistance Tester

The pocket instrument model 435 or steel disc) is applied with a preset When using Model 435 S, the direc- suitable for testing the scratch resi-
serves to determine the scratch resi- force and drawn across the test sur- tion of the test movement is rota- stance of surfaces against “blunt”
stance of lacquered and plastic sur- face. Spring force 0 – 20 N, divided ted by 90° so that the adhesion of effects where the application of the
faces. The test body (plastic, copper into 3 measuring ranges. coloured markings (e. g. of the dials Hardness Test Pencil, Model
of speedometers) can be tested by 318/318 S has turned out to be too
“lateral slipping”. It is particularly aggressive.

Original TABER® ABRASER 352 Group 15 Original TABER® LINEAR ABRASER 364 Group 15
Abraison Test Instrument Abrasion Test Instrument
Internationally established abrasion Instrument for testing the abrasion ber, leather and textiles. Equipped
test instrument. Standardised tests for resistance as well as the scratch hard- with TABER®‘s famous abrasives or
plastics, decorative coatings, paints ness of finished products of any size or with a universal attachment
etc.. Suitable for abrasion simulation shape. The free-floated test head of for customised test means.
of all types by applying appropriate the Linear Abraser follows the con- Optional attachments convert
abrading wheels and the use of a wide tours of every sample. Therefore parti- the Linear Abraser to a Scratch
range of accessories. Also available as cularly suitable for testing shaped pla- Tester or a Crockmeter.
dual version for simultaneous testing stic parts, automotive components,
of two specimens. printed graphics, optical products, rub-

For detailled technical product information please visit: 21


Model 494 MC Group 15 Model 241 Group 16

Washability and Scrub Resistance Tester Chalking Rate Tester acc. to Kempf
Robust instrument for standard paints and similar coating materi- Damp photographic paper is pres-
tests of washability and scrubbabili- als. Available accessories: standard sed by a rubber pad under defined
ty as well as cleanabilty of emulsion brushes, PVC foils, dosing pump. force onto the film surface in accor-
dance with DIN 53 159. Evaluation
of chalking mark by comparison
with sample scale.

PICOGLOSS 560 MCX Group 17 PICOGLOSS 560 MC-S Group 17

Gloss Meter Gloss Meter
The PICOGLOSS 560 MCX actually be- 560 MCX features an automatic cali- The PICOGLOSS 560 MC S is, as well 3 mm), which has been developed
longs to the smallest portable gloss bration as well as an extremely long- as the PICOGLOSS 560 MC, one of the due to numerous enquiries from
meters available. It is smaller than a PC life LED as light source and a USB inter- smallest Glossmeters ever. The main potential users (up to now, mainly
mouse and therefore particularly sui- face and integrated statistic function. difference to the 560 MC is the from the Automotive matter). It ena-
table for use in situ. The universal 60° The instrument is operated by a round remarkable small aperture of the bles now the gloss measurement
measuring geometry and the automa- cell, the capacity of which is sufficient 560 MC S (round, with a diameter of even on small parts.
tic change-over of mirror-gloss make for at least 10.000 measurements.
this instrument suitable for a wide Measuring ranges: 0-150 or 150-
range of applications. The PICOGLOSS 1000 gloss units.

PICOGLOSS 562 MC Group 17 PICOGLOSS 503 Group 17

Gloss Meter Gloss Meter
The two-angle gloss meter with the gloss ranges i. e. high and medium A compact portable battery-operated as well as Bluetooth® interfaces ena-
measuring geometries 20°/60° is one gloss. The PICOGLOSS 562 MC is provi- gloss meter in SMD-Technics with high ble the data transmission to a PC.
of the smallest portable gloss measu- ded with an automatic calibration as accuracy and three measuring geome- Additionally, also the power supply can
ring instruments which have ever well as extremely long-life LEDs as tries of 20°, 60° and 85°. In case of e. g. be provided through the integrated
been designed. The measuring geo- light sources and a USB interface. The high gloss metallic or chromium-pla- USB (Mini) interface, by a PC. A Data
metries 20°/60° and the automatic instrument is operated by two round ted surfaces the instrument switches Analysis Software is already part of the
change-over of mirror-gloss meet the cells the capacity of which is suffi- over automatically to mirror gloss delivery specification.
requirements of the mostly used cient for at least 10,000 measure- easurement. The integrated USB (Mini)

Measuring ranges 20° mode:

0 - 150 and 150 - 1999 GU,

Measuring ranges 60° mode:

0 -150 and 150 -1000 GU,

22 For detailled technical product information please visit:



Gloss Meter Facilities Color and Gloss Unit
Consisting of measuring head and dust protected versions on request. The overall appearance of a product color (geometry 45/0) and gloss (geo-
supply and display unit for non-con- An electrically controlled traversing is influenced by color and gloss. A metry 60°).
tact gloss measurement on the pro- device carrying the measuring head sample of the same color but higher
cess line. 10 mm measuring distan- can also be supplied. gloss level is visually perceived dar- - SPEKTROMASTER 565-D,
ce. Built-in calibration standard and ker and more saturated than a low for simultaneous measurement of
gloss sample. In order to get a uni- color (geometry 8/d) - (Ullbricht’sche
form appearance, both attributes Kugel) - and gloss (geometry 60°).
need to be controlled. The Spectro-
meters of the very most other sup-
pliers are only able to measure the
color value. In comparison with this,
the SPEKTROMASTER 565 is able to
measure color and gloss both simul-
taneously! Thus, the cause of a mis-
match can be clearly defined in any

Two different versions are available:

for simultaneous measurement of

EasyCo 566 Group 18 MATCHMASTER 425 MC Group 18

Color Unit Colour Comparison Cabinet
EasyCo 566 enables a high level of - Contact-free color measurement. Microprocessor controlled colour Control panel with foil pad keybo-
precise measurements with additio- - Due to the new chip, efficient and comparison cabinet. Automatic ard and LCD. Display of operating
nal possibility of visual reproduction rapid color measurement. operation based on manually preset hours and number of switching
of a color on a screen, with excellent - Quick & easy data transfer via programme sequences. 3 types of cycles for each light source.
authenticity. EasyCo 566 represents a Bluetooth interface. illuminants: A, D65 and TL84. Facili-
new generation of color measuring - Portable color measuring instru ty for adding UV light to clarify Accessories: Pivoting specimen
instrument in the family of colorime- ment, almost anywhere. response to the fluorescent effect. table, light diffusor.


Colour Comparison Cabinet Colour Comparison Cabinet
The Standard Light Cabinet MATCH- times of illumination. The user can The standard light cabinets MATCH- these three standard light sources at
MASTER 425 MC II is a colour com- programme a sequence of the indi- MASTER 425 III and 425 IV are colour arbitrary time intervals in any de-
parison instrument with five diffe- vidual light types (up to 10 changes) comparison instruments with three sired order. Each cabinet comes with
rent light sources (D65, TL84, A, in any desired order. light types. There are three standard a Test Certificate (light quality). Both
TL83, UV) for perfect assessment light types available: D65, A and bench models consist of metal
and comparison of colour under TL84. It is possible to switch over sheets lacquered conforming to
various light types. A automatically or manually between standards and can be assembled
light diffuser provides a without any tool within
uniform distribution of some minutes. The
light. Upon request light colour comparison cabi-
types can be exchanged, nets are open at the
e.g. CWF (cool white flu- front side. A control
orescent). A Calibration panel with illuminated
Certificate (light quality) toggle switches -
is included in the scope the symbols of the three
of supply. An electronic light sources are shown
light automatism ena- above - provides an
bles a programmable easy operation of the
automatic change of instrument.
light sources in connec-
tion with adjustable

For detailled technical product information please visit: 23


MATCHMASTER 425 IV Group 18 TINT TESTER 527 Group 19

Colour Comparison Cabinet Brightness Measuring Instrument
The standard light cabinets MATCH- automatically or manually between Special laboratory version for dark ASTM D 3265/2745 also for standard
MASTER 425 III and 425 IV are colour these three standard light sources at paste type test layers, with 4 1/2 digit brightness measurements. Can be
comparison instruments with three arbitrary time intervals in any de- LED display and special measuring equipped with BCD/RS 232/analogue
light types. There are three standard sired order. Each cabinet comes with head. In addition to tinting strength output.
light types available: D65, A and a Test Certificate (light quality). Both measurement in accordance with
TL84. It is possible to switch over bench models consist of metal
sheets lacquered conforming
to standards and can be
assembled without any tool
within some minutes. The
colour comparison cabinets
are open at the front side. A
control panel with illumina-
ted toggle switches -
the symbols of the three light
sources are shown above -
provides an easy operation of
the instrument.

PoroTest 7 Group 20 Model 426 Group 21

Pinhole Detector Scratching Tool acc. to van Laar
A pinhole detector for A practical instrument with tungsten
finding flaws and po- carbide tip 0.5 mm in diameter. The
rous areas in insulating instrument is used for standardised
coatings such as paint, scratching of corrosion test samples.
plastic and enamel on
electrically conducting
substrates Portable in-
strument, battery oper-
ated. Version for stan-
dardised direct voltage
tests, with 3 high voltage
probes, respectively, within
a range up to 35 kV. Max.
layer thickness 11,3 mm.
Special accessories for particu-
lar applications.

SCRATCHMARKER 427 Group 21 HANDCUTTER 428 Group 21

Scratching Tool Scratching Tool acc. to Clemen
Portable instrument to apply defi- A practical instrument with tung-
ned scratches through coatings on sten carbide tip acc. to Clemen. The
specimen panels used for corrosion instrument is used for standardised
tests. Compact construction for scratching of corrosion test samples.
fatigue-free operation. Scratch tool A test tip acc. to van Laar is additio-
with van Laar geometry. Defined nally available.
adjustment of the depth of the
scratch in increments of 25 μm.

24 For detailled technical product information please visit:


SOLVENTCHECKER 434 Group 21 Model 463 Group 21

Corrosion Test Instrument Scratch Stylus acc. to Sikkens
Simple and practical instrument for This hand operated instrument com-
testing paints and plastics for their plete with carbide cutting tip provi-
resistance to chemicals under static des a convenient means of scoring
conditions giving results simultane- a 1 mm (optional 0.3, 0.5 mm or
ously for the effects of liquids and 2 mm) wide rectangular track in a
vapours as well as in the threshold surface coating - for corrosion tests.
area. 4 tests can be performed in

SOLARBOX 522/522 RH Group 21 Machu-Test-Bath 530 Group 21

Light Exposure Test Apparatus Machu-Test-Bath
Compact instrument to determine Optional: Programmable flooding Test instrument for the execution
the resistance to exposure to sun system for periodic wetting of spe- of a short-term corrosion test
light using a Xenon high pressure cimens. which lasts over a period of 48
lamp (1.5 kW or 2.5 kW). Adjustable hours. This test is used to obtain
level of irradiance, uniform illumina- the QUALICOAT labels (quality com-
tion by special mirror system, exchan- munity for industrial coating). The
geable filters for variable UV fraction. cross-cut of the coating is applied
Four versions available: with Mod. 463, Sikkens scratching
- SOLARBOX 522/1500, 522/3000 tool.
- SOLARBOX 522/1500e, 522/3000e
(each without and with microproces-
sor controls)

Light Exposure Test Apparatus

- SOLARBOX 522/1500e RH
- SOLARBOX 522/3000e RH
are extended versions of Model
522/1500e and 522/3000e with addi-
tional control/monitoring of relative
humidity in the test chamber during
the test.

Bac Ford-Bath 531 Group 21 HYGROTHERM 519 / 519 FA/SA Group 21

Bac Ford-Bath Humidity Cabinet
Immersion-Test to determine the resi- Fully automatic corrosion test appara- as well as evacuation and replacement
stance of a coating to the immersion tus for standardised tests in condensa- of air (manual operation also possible).
in deionised water thermostated to tion water climate with and without Test chamber volume 300 l. Model 519
40 °C +/- 1 °C. The test plates are SOc addition, using a programmable SA equipped with a semi-automatic
immersed under an angle of 15° logic control (PLC) for the automatic control system, i. e. acid draining, eva-
during several days. sequence, i.e. control of heating, acid cuation and replacement of air as well
feeding and draining, filling and drai- as the control of the heating system
ning of the bottom trough water tank are executed automatically.

For detailled technical product information please visit: 25


HYGROTHERM 529 Group 21 Model 606-Basic Group 21

Humidity Cabinet Corrosion Test Apparatus for Salt Spray and Condensation Tests
For tests of bulky parts in condensa- 2000 l is available. The instrument The compact Corrosion Testing capacity, with a built-in control unit
tion water climate (without addition consists of a control unit and a sepa- Instrument, Model 606-Basic, to per- and built-in storage tank for the
of gas), e. g. in accordance with (EN) rate test chamber, hemispherical or form salt spray and condensation spray solution as well as the necessa-
ISO 6270-2, this instrument with a rectangular design at choice (Model tests, is made of impact resistant, ry control instruments. A dosing
test chamber capacity of 1000 l or 529/2000 l only rectangular version). ecofriendly polypropylene material pump serves for an infinitely variable
and is delivered in a rectangular adjustment to achieve optimum con-
design. It consists of a test chamber, sumption of spray solution.
available either of 400 l or 1000 l

Model 606 Group 21 Model 608 Group 21

Corrosion Test Apparatus for Salt Spray Tests Corrosion Test Apparatus for Alternating Tests
To carry out the mostly required salt Corrosion testing equipment consi- For testing with cycles of changing With touch screen, for the display of
spray tests and condensation water sting of regulation unit including salt- corrosive effects in accordance with the present projected and the actual
tests in accordance with the current solution-reservoir with operator e.g. VDA 621-415. Basic concept, states and for the input of the test
standards. Corrosion test apparatus friendly controls and up to 2 individu- design details and dimensions as for conditions selectable with volumes of
with circular or rectangular chamber al test chambers selectable with volu- Model 606 consisting of a regulation 400 l, 1000 l and /or 2000 l.The control
of plastic construction system. mes of 400 l, 1000 l and/or 2000 l. unit including salt-solution-reservoir and adjustment of the test instru-
Special dimensions upon request. and up to 2 individual test chambers ment is effected by a Siemens S7-200
PLC (programmable logig controler).

CORROTHERM 610/610 E Group 21 CORROCOMPACT 613 Group 21

Corrosion Test Instrument Corrosion Test Instrument
To carry out the mostly required fog equipped with a key control for test The CORROCOMPACT 613 is manu- plastic material and is suitable for
tests and condensation water tests in selection. The more sophisticated COR- factured in an unconventional chest/ continuous salt spray tests. The 120 l
accordance with the current stan- ROTHERM 610 E is provided with a cabinet design facilitating the pla- desk top version complies, among
dards. The test instruments CORRO- micro controller offering the possibili- cing of the test panels. The standard other standards with, the ASTM B 117
THERM 610/610 E are available with ty of programming individual test version of the instrument is available Standard. The 450 l and 1000 l ver-
two different chamber capacities each sequences. All relevant test parame- in three different sizes (120 l, 450 l sions fulfil all current salt spray
(400 l or 1000 l). The version 610 is ters are displayed on a multiline LCD. and 1000 l). It is made of resistant testing standards.

26 For detailled technical product information please visit:



Corrosion Test Instrument Corrosion Test Instrument
The CORROCOMPACT 615 is designed The CORROCOMPACT 617 is designed
like Model 613, however, in a more like Model 615, however, in a universal
sophisticated version enabling an version, allowing the performance of
operation via full color touch screen. tests in varying climatic conditions
This allows to fetch all relevant (e.g VDA specification) or freely
instrument parameters and to programmed test cycles. The
enter programme sequences as test instrument, available in
well. The test instrument, available in three different sizes (450 l,
four different sizes (120 l, 450 l, 1000 1000 l and 2000 l), is pro-
l and 2000 l), is made of resistant pla- vided for fully automatic
stic material and is suitable for all operation. All instrument
salt spray and condensation water parameters can be fetched
tests. Each one is equipped with a and the freely programm-
humidity sensor which registers able test sequences can be
the humidity continuously. entered using a full color touch
screen. A humidity sensor is situated
in the test chamber which is connec-
ted to the processor unit. Consequent-
ly, Model 617 is in a position of under-
taking complicated test sequences
with regulated chamber humidity.

CORROCUTTER 639 Group 21 GTH 1170

Test Panel Scratcher Digital Quick-response Thermometer
Comfortable, manual instrument usually put to fingers and wrists Quick response measurements on
for fatigue-free application of defi- when scratching specimen in large surfaces, in liquids, air/gases etc..
ned scratches on coated specimen series. Using adequate scratch tem- Incl. Surface Probe GOF 400 VE.
panels intended for corrosion tests. plates available as accessories, it is
Provided for use of scratching tools possible to apply 90° cross scratches High precision, low power consump-
in accordance with Clemen, van as well as 60°/120° St. Andrew's cross tion, min-/max-value memory, hold
Laar and Sikkens frequently used in scratches. function, auto-off function, down to
practice. Avoids the great strain -25°C ambient temperature, °C and
°F, offset/scale

GTH 175/PT GLF 100

Digital Precision Pocket Conductivity Measuring Device
High-precision measurements in All-purpose conductivity measuring
liquids, core measurements (using device with electrode, adjustable.
insertion probe), for air/gases or as
reference device for calibrating other, Main field of application:
more expensive systems! Battery - Water,
operation, complete with probe. - Waste Water,
- Chemical Solutions

For detailled technical product information please visit: 27


GFTH 95 GMI 15

Hygro-/Thermometer Digital Indicator for Moisture

in Wood and Buildings
Quick-response humidity and tempe- Device for high-speed determination
rature measurements in EDP rooms, of moisture in buildings, contracting
museums, galleries, churches, office work etc. The GMI 15 allows detec-
complexes, workshops, storage tion of moisture in wood down to a
rooms, swimming-baths, private depth of approx. 3 cm and in concrete
buildings, greenhouses, for refrigera- or wash floor down to a depth of
tion engineering, air conditioning, approx. 4 cm. Detection of moisture
for building sites/technology, for behind ceramic tiles and/or various
inspectors or rendering of expert opi- wall or floor coverings. To check moi-
nions etc.. sture simply place device on the sur-
face to be measured - no injection
into the measuring object required.

GMH 3431 GMH 3350

Digital Precision Conductivity Measuring Device Humidity, Temperature and Flow Rate Measuring Device

Including conductivity measuring Double display of humidity and tem-

cell, double display for conductivity perature. Incl. Humidity- and Tem-
and temperature; display of resi- perature Probe, TFS 0100 E. Compact
stance, salinity or TDS; automatic probe for humidity and temperature
temperature compensation, serial measuring resp. flow rate measuring
interface; battery and d.c. operation. (probe exchange without re-calibra-
tion). Calculation of dew point tem-
perature, dew point distance and ent-
halpy. Additional NiCr-Ni-socket for
surface measurement. Min-/Max
value memory, Hold function. Serial
interface, device can be connected to
bus system (up to 5 devices can be
connected to one PC interface). Batte-
ry/d.c. operation, 2 integrated logger
functions. Optical and acoustic min-
/max- alarm. Real-time clock with
day, month and year.

GMH 3531 GMH 3851

pH-/Redox-/Temperature Digital Material-Moisture Measuring
Measuring Device Device with Data Logger
Double display for pH or redox and This instrument is indispensable for
temperature. Incl. Additional Set the documentation of material state
GMH 35 ES. Redox mode allows for by quality assurance systems. Incl.
automatic conversion to a hydrogen Wood Moisture Measuring Set 38 HF.
system. Automatic or manual tem- By means of the integrated data log-
perature compensation. Automatic ger there can be recorded up to 10000
buffer detection. Automatic detec- measuring values and processed on
tion of measuring value stability. rH- demand. Additionally there can be 4
measurements. Min/Max value material curves individually pro-
memory, Hold function. Evaluation grammed by the user to data acquired
of probe quality. Battery and d.c. by reference measurings with dry
operation. Serial interface, device ovens or CM-method. This instru-
can be connected to bus system (up ments finally makes the usage of
to 5 devices can be connected to one paper correction tables and so on
PC interface). Device can be used as obsolete.
thermometer, too.

28 For detailled technical product information please visit:



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Our solutions in
testing technology for you.
ERICHSEN is your capable partner for
all questions concerning modern Please request the conden- Recalibration of equipment
testing techniques. We are in the posi- sed catalogue or individual
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website: Furthermore, our service
measuring and testing requirements technicians can visit you in
Service: In our quality con- order to check and calibrate
to secure your demands for a high trol department we produce your equipment in situ.
level of quality in manufacturing. Con- Manufacturer's Test Certificates
and Calibration Certificates for
vince yourself of our competence. most of our products.

Sheet metal testing Surface testing Corrosion testing Materials testing

Cupping Test Formability of Specimen Preparation Load Cells

Stretch Draw Test Coating Materialn Condensation Water Tension and Compression
Deep Draw Test Viscosity and Consistency and Salt Spray Test Testing Machines
Specimen Preparation Density Cyclic Corrosion Test Torque Measuring Devices
Sheet Metal Marking Electrical Properties of Weathering Test Calibration Devices
Grain Size and
Pigment Dispersion
Opacity and Hiding Power
Film Application
Film Thickness
Impact Resistance
Abrasion Resistance
and Scrubbability
Print Coat Instruments
Special Test Instruments
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Surface Testing EN 03/2014

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