Listening - Vocabulary - Reading 06.22.2023

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Course : Business English/Bahasa Inggris II/ RM01

Lecturer : Dra. M.A. Inez Saptenno, M.Li

Date : Thursday, 11:40 am – 13:20 pm
Meeting : 7th
Agenda : 1.Listening √
2.Reading √

0:04 in this video you are going to learn

0:06 operation management 1.What is the topic?
0:08 topics i am going to discuss our
0:10 definition of operation management 2. What is the 1st topic to be discussed?
0:12 nature of operations management duties
0:14 and responsibilities in operations 3. How many aspects of the topic to be
0:16 management and benefits of operations discussed? A. 4
0:19 management B. 3
0:21 let's start the video C. 2
0:24 operations management is an area of 4. Is operation management related to
0:26 management involved in planning planning, conducting, redesigning, and
0:28 conducting the process of production and production? YES / NO
0:30 redesigning business operations and
0:32 production of goods or services
0:36 it requires planning organizing and 5. Operation includes planning, organizing,
0:38 inspecting the organization's processes and selling. YES / NO
0:41 to balance revenues and costs to get the
0:43 highest possible operating profit
0:47 nature of operations management
0:51 operation management is a dynamic 6. Operation management continues to
0:53 process that keeps changing as per change because of the trends. YES / NO
0:55 market trends
0:58 it is the management of activities
1:00 involved in the conversion of raw 7. Operation management is about the
1:01 materials into finished products process of raw into finished products.
1:05 operation management is a continuous YES / NO
1:08 process
1:09 it is engaged by organizations for
1:11 managing its activities as long as they 8. Organization is responsible for operation
1:14 continue their operations management. YES / NO
1:17 duties and responsibilities in
1:20 operations management
1:23 the duty of an operations manager is to 9. What is the job of an operation
1:25 ensure that they are all working manager?
1:27 together efficiently and effectively in
1:29 order to reach the desired goal of 10. The goal of the whole process of
1:31 producing useful goods and services for operation management is to earn
1:33 consumers money. YES / NO
1:35 the operations management
1:37 responsibilities
1:38 are 1.
1:40 product design

I. PRODUCT DESIGN 11. Product design is about

1:43 product design means planning and A. Planning and creating
1:45 creating a product that will be sold to B. Developing new concepts
1:48 the customers C. A & B
1:49 it involves developing new concepts or
1:52 expanding on current ideas in a process 12. What is the responsibility of the
1:54 that will lead to the production of new operation manager?
1:57 products
1:58 the responsibility of an operations
2:00 manager is to ensure that the products
2:03 hold to customers meet their needs as
2:05 well as that is following current market
2:07 trends
2:10 forecasting

II.FORECASTING 13. What is forecasting?

2:13 making predictions of events that will
2:15 happen in the future based on past data
2:18 is called forecasting 14. Should the operation manager be
2:21 one of the duties of the operations someone who can predict the future?
2:23 manager is to predict the customer's YES / NO
2:25 demand for the company's product
2:28 the forecast helps the company to 15. The number of products is related to
2:30 determine the future trends and the market demand. YES / NO
2:32 number of products needed to satisfy the
2:34 market demand
2:37 three
2:38 supply chain management

III. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 16. What is supply chain management?

2:41 a supply chain is an associated network
2:44 of individuals associations resources
2:47 activities and technologies involved in
2:50 the manufacture and sale of any product 17. Who should start the supply chain
2:52 or service management and who end it?
2:54 a supply chain starts with the delivery
2:56 of raw materials from a supplier to a
2:58 manufacturer and ends with the delivery
3:01 of the completed goods or services to
3:03 the customer
3:05 the operations manager manages control
3:07 of inventory the production process
3:10 distribution sales and sourcing of goods
3:13 t acceptable prices
3:15 i have discussed product planning
3:17 forecasting and supply chain management
3:19 in separate videos check those videos in
3:22 i button and description
3:25 four
3:26 delivery management

IV.DELIVERY MANAGEMENT 18. What is the function of develivery

3:29 delivery management is one of the major management?
3:31 responsibilities of the operations
3:34 manager
3:35 the manager makes sure the goods are
3:37 delivered to the consumer from time to
3:39 time
3:41 they should follow up with consumers to
3:42 ensure that the products delivered are
3:45 what they required and meet their needs
3:48 now come to benefits of operations 19. How many benefits of operation
3:51 management management? A. 3
3:54 product quality B. 5
C. 8
Product Quality 20 . The role of the product quality manage-
3:57 operations management staff is the first ment is … of the product.
3:59 crew in a company that verifies A. related to endurance and safety
4:01 durability and safety in a product B. A & C
4:04 operations management reviews to quality C.quality
4:06 of products that would suit customers on
4:09 and after delivery
4:12 productivity

Productivity 21. What is the meaning of ratio of input

4:15 productivity is actually the ratio of and output?
4:17 input and output
4:20 it is the only way to measure employees
4:22 effort
4:23 operations management ensures the best
4:25 staffing to maximize the output of a
4:28 company
4:30 three
4:32 customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction 22.Why customer satisfaction is important?

4:35 operation management helps to enhance
4:37 the goodwill and presence of the
4:39 organization
4:40 it ensures that the best quality
4:42 products are delivered to all customers
4:44 that could provide them with better
4:46 satisfaction and make them happy
4:48 customers
4:52 maximize revenue

Maximize Revenue 23.Operation management then is important

4:55 operational management directly affects to bring big profit to the company only.
4:57 the profitability of the organization
5:00 it focuses on cutting down the cost of
5:02 operations by reducing the misuse of
5:05 resources
5:07 operations managers review every
5:09 production activity and take all
5:11 significant steps for maintaining
5:13 productivity in the organization
5:16 operations managers try to keep an
5:18 appropriate balance between cost and
5:20 revenue
5:24 improve innovation

Improve Innovation 24. What is the role of technology?

5:27 operation management implements
5:29 innovative changes in organizational
5:31 activities
5:33 operation managers take all decisions
5:36 regarding production planning by
5:37 conducting research and study of
5:39 overcoming market conditions
5:42 it considers all technological changes
5:45 and develops a strong base of knowledge
5:47 and operations

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