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People today are having plagued by noises that make in public places in the cities.

Theses noises
are mainly produced by various object found in the cities. Noises are produced from different objects. As
for me, state authority should solve the noise problem by encouraging and educating the citizens.

One of the major sources and undeniable fact of noise is the sound of the automobile engines.
This problem steadily getting worsens on busy road with many cars stuck in traffic. Few drivers press the
alert or warning button when waiting on the street. Therefore, noise is often received in the
environment. People who talk loudly in crowded public areas or on mobile phones create the noise
problem. Most of the people in our country seem to be screaming while talking on the phone and in
crowded public areas.

The best measure to solve the problem is to increase use of public transportation. This is
thought to be an efficient way to lessen the amount of noise made by private vehicles while they
transport commuters. To combat this, state officials can provide people discount for using public
transportation which will effectively cut down on the number of automobiles in the city. Secondly, the
residents must take part in maintaining their community’s peace by learning how to be respectful and
responsible at the same time. This will be definitely effective at reducing the city noise. As a result, there
will be no excessively loud noises in the cities.

In conclusion, building, transportation, and electric devices are the most potent sources of
noise pollution. However, there are many approaches to address this issue, including tightening
governmental restrictions, educating the populace, and cooperating with one another to lessen noise by
acting appropriately at the appropriate times.

In conclusion, excessive noise in large public spaces in urban areas is caused by a number of problems,
one of which is the overuse of private transportation by the local population. Therefore, using public
transportation to travel from one location to another is a viable option.

In summary, the noise problem is not so easy to solve with so many vehicles entering
and leaving the city every day. However, the best way to alleviate the situation is to give local
governments certain discounts on the use of public transport and provide free parking in rural areas.

Two maps of the island show before and after construction of some attractions.

In general, there will be some modernization between the current map of the island and the new
development. One of the islands has not been visited, but the other has seen significant changes in

According to the current island, there are few palm trees on the plain. However, the island's future plans
are to build many attractive houses and restaurants for tourists. In addition, a visitor-friendly sidewalk
will be created that will connect to the chain of houses. Two yachts are observed surfing.

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