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Lemon, like in any dish, must be used carefully and precisely.

Too much lemon and it’ll ruin the

whole dish, too little and the dish will feel like it’s missing something. Moral of the story is that a
ribeye steak is better than a sirloin.

“I said take a seat Alice” Cane repeated himself, he held the gun to the back of her head as he stood
behind her, her had shifted his position when she had lunged at him, resulting in her facing the
couch and him her blind spot

“Grrrr…Not… Alice” growled “not Alice” trembling with what appeared to be sheer rage and
frustration over the fact that she had been defeated almost instantly

“Hmm… well we can talk about that but first…” he didn’t finish but instead used the muzzle of his
colt to nudge her towards the couch, that now held a unconscious guard. They slowly made their
way towards the seating area; she was extremely pissed but he never let his guard down.

They both took a seat, opposite to each other, “Alice” shoved the barely breathing guard off the
couch roughly and began using him as a footrest,

“restraints” Cane ordered softly pointing with his other hand towards the metal bar with hand cuffs
attached to it, they would only last a few seconds if she tried to fight him but that was plenty of time
for him to kill her in such an event

Glaring at him the entire time she kicked the fallen man out of the way and placed the cuffs on her
left wrist with the same face a child makes when forced to eat vegetables

Placing the gun on top of the small safe next to his chair, making sure it was in arms reach he then
grabbed his clipboard off the nearby coffee table, careful to keep his eyes on her the entire time, as
to avoid being torn apart

At this point the girl had stopped snarling at him and appeared to be analyzing him with a critical
eye, she was clearly disturbed by how calm and in control he seemed despite the circumstances, as if
this were just a normal Monday

Not gonna lie, for cane between the screaming inmates and less than legal *cough* business this
really was just another day in the bronks

Going over his notes silently he began to decide ethe course of questioning he would take before
deciding on the best if not most blunt approach

“So…Alice” he started earning another throaty growl from his patient “how long have you existed?”

Cane couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as he watched her face change rapidly from aggressive
to confused to shocked and finally to mildly terrified within the span of just a couple seconds.

“W-what do you mean?” she stuttered looking scared, he had to admit the change in tone made him
question if he was now talking to normal Alice for a few seconds before he did a double check on the
clawed hands and sharp teeth, throwing out the idea

Giving her a small style “well it says here that you were created when Alices abilities manifested, so I
just wanted to confirm” of course he had another theory, but he had wanted to make sure it was
plausible “so… is it true”
“o-of course it is, otherwise, I would have started killing much earlier!” she gained confidence as she
spoke and added a feral grin “had I been around I would have killed much more than 30 people!”

“Aah yes… 30 people “he said turning the page of his file “the deaths include the parents of Alice
Dawson and her teachers, as well as her classmates, correct?” she gave a dark chuckle and nodded
“so tell me…Fangs” she looked rather shocked by the nickname “why them?”

Her face twisted with confusion “what do you mean?”

“Well, its just if you were only freshly born… how did you know exactly who you wanted to kill?” she
looked rather shocked by the question but he could see a tinge of panic in her eyes “if you just
wanted to kill, why not go berserk? Instead of killing randomly, you hunted down select victims
whether they were at their homes, school or work”

“Wait…” she muttered quietly as if she couldn’t choke out the words

“If you were freshly born… how did you know who to hunt, how did you know every thing about
them! But most importantly… why them”

“Because they had it coming!” she snarled, rage burning in her eyes. She seemed to be panting out
of so me form of mental exhaustion, a few seconds her eyes widened as she realized what she had

He couldn’t help but let out a small internal chuckle as she had all but confirmed his theory “they
had it coming huh?... now, what did they do?” for the first time their eyes met fully and he stared
into her soul, she knew he knew and she was panicking “this couldn’t have anything to do with the
reported rumors could it?... the ones mentioning words such abuse and bullying”

He knew he was likely doing this in a way that most therapists would frown upon but who cares at
this point “do you know the main cause of dissociative identity disorder?” he looked at her, not
letting her gaze escape his

“Please stop…” he didn’t expect tears to form in her eyes or for her to look at him with an expression
that was practically begging him to stop but he pressed on

“it’s generally the result of abuse, neglect or trauma during childhood… not through gaining

It was almost like a pin drop went off in the room, as Alice slump her shoulders and seemed to be
curling up, trying to hide

“you’ve been around much longer than anyone thought… haven’t you” he said as softly as he could,
not trying to hurt her, just talking now “you were never just killing… you were avenging”
The room was silent

Silent like the aftermath of a death, where it was so sudden no one could react. Where no one made
a sound as to not make the moment real. Silence so thick you could drown in it, yet also more fragile
than a sheet of ice

And shatter it Alice did

It started as a change in her face, her teeth seemed to sharpen then go dull, only to once more
lengthen, her ear grew points before returning to their normal shape, but the most noticeable
change was her eyes. They seemed to be constantly shifting from blue to red, or purple

It was as if her entire existence was warping and fighting against his nullification

Finally, her eyes two different colors and her teeth moving, she opened her mouth and let out a
sound “WhY, ArE yOU DoINg THis” her voice warped and shifting. Cane could almost see the fighting
between the two different personalities through her eyes and expression. He could have answered
but instead chose the path of staying silent and letting her continue

“WhAt Did WE dO?!, tO dEsErVe BeIng IN ThIs PlAce!?” veins were popping out on her forehead and
white throat, tears were flowing freely “Why ArEn’t YoU RUnnInG?!?!” she seemed to be having a
complete breakdown, and couldn’t keep her two selves seperate

Rising from his chair slowly and throwing back the last of the glass he had poured, he made his way
towards her, slowly, step by step. She watched him for a few moments before realizing he was
getting closer to her, and then reacted

“NoOooO!, sTay BAcK!!” she screamed curling up into a ball on the couch, her now clawed and
twitching hands on the sides of her head, he stopped for a few seconds before continuing to cross
the small distance between them, stepping over the now conscious and trembling guard on the floor
and crouching in front of the small terrified girl. She seemed to be almost trying to shield herself but
was instead drawing blood from her head accidently with her claws and painting her silver haid with
strokes of red

Giving a reassuring smile and placing a hand on one of the ones on her head and slowly, gently
prying them from her face, careful to make sure the now grown talons didn’t cut her or himself.
Meeting her gaze, he said “Alice its okay… they are gone… and I am here” he peered into her eyes
and found a mix of emotions swirling alongside the colors, “Which one are you talking to?” she
whispered, looking at him with teary eyes of red and blue, her bottom lip was trembling, but one
side of her small mouth was tilted up in the faintest of smirks

“It doesn’t matter” he whispered back, gently taking her small hands “you are both my patients after
all” he knelt there for nearly half an hour, just looking into her eyes and holding her hands, as she
would let out a small whimper or even a small growl, all the while crying

Eventually He noticed that while freaking out she had snapped the small cuff on her wrist and it was
hanging off her wrist like a bracelet, digging into her skin and cutting her

He began to stand once more and slowly turned in order to go and get the keys but as he did he felt
two small hands grab roughly onto the back of his shirt, taking it in an almost iron grip and pulling
him back
“DoN’T LeaVE!!” Alice nearly screamed at him from the couch, her eyes turning a vibrant purple and
nearly falling off the couch during her fierce tug on his shirt, turning back to her he saw desperation
and fear on her face… a dangerous amount of it

Letting out a tired sigh he gently turned back to her and began to gently lift her it his arms, being as
slow and gentle as needed as to not scare her. As he made his way back to his small couch and safe
only a few meters away he didn’t see her face turn a red color that seemed to vary in tint and depth
depending on her eyes color, with blue being near scarlet and red eyes sowing a much smaller pink

Placing her on his seat he took a small metal key and unlocked the cuff from her wrist before taking
out a small first aid kit from the far wall, she never let go his shirt the entire time as he treated her
wrist and all of the small cuts and abrasions she had gained likely during her scuffle with the gaurds
or possible from rubble that flew out when she through said guard through the wall

He continued to check on her condition until the gurds finally arrived all of an hour after she had
gained freedom… he would need to talk with them about that. As they arrived her reassured alice
and she allowed them to albeit hesitantly restrain her without putting up a fight although Cane had
to step in when they tried to put her in a muzzle.

As they began to escort her back to her cell, or more likely solitary confinement she walked up to
him despite having more than six guns aimed at her and wrapped her arms around him, not saying a
word before blushing and leaving as he watched her go

[??? Pov]

CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe
cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe
CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine
Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine


Cane was getting rather… frustrated

It had been nearly one week since his last meeting with Alice, and it was getting rather boring as he
had to listen to his clients scream and sob EVERY SINGLE SESSION. After her little breakdown Alice
had been taken to solitary confinement, which is where she would stay for another two weeks

Apparently, she had gone on a small rampage before arriving in her office and as such had caused a
large number of casualties, whether to the guards or her fellow inmates didn’t seem to matter. Not
to mention the few hundred thousand dollars’ worth of damage she had created, luckily for her
Catacombs were government funded, extremely heavily funded

Cane had just a few moments ago finished his sixth and final session for the day, another inmate that
had simply sat on the couch sobbing and begging for Cane to “return” his powers. His infamy
amongst both the inmates and the guards as the man who had survived the wolfs rage and the
“power snatcher” had all but assured that when he walked through the corridors and cell blocks, he
was given a wide berth as the once cackling convicts went deathly silent
He may have finished his work for the day but unlike usual where he would make his way directly
out of the building and straight home, he was instead making his way to the office of the “Warden”
of the asylum as they were nicknamed

Stalking through the concrete maze of the building and peering out the barred windows every once
and a while to see the giant wire and steel dome surrounding the building, he eventually found
himself in front of a large wooden door with the official title of Overseer

Giving a knock on the door he was responded with a rather harsh “Not now, I explicitly said I didn’t
wish to be disturbed!” the sound was muffled but was clearly that of a male

“Are you sure about that Mr. Wilfred?” he couldn’t help but let a little of the annoyance he was
feeling seep into his voice like venom on a snakes’ fangs “Do you really want to waste MY time?”

As he spoke, he could clearly hear a loud crash accompanied by two yelps, one male and one not. It
was shortly followed by the sound of hurried footsteps and finally the door swings open so hard that
it almost was torn of the hinges

“AH Mr. Barlow! Forgive me!” the man in front of hm appeared to be in his late forties, possessing a
tall and thin frame accompanied by some rather large sideburns “I-I was just spending some
*cough* Time with my lovely wife here…” he said rather flushed as he gestured to the woman next
to him who appeared to be trying to stealthily fix her skirt

Giving a small smile and letting the venom out of his voice he said “I hate to interrupt your moment,
but I am here on business”

“Oh please, come in, come in” the rather nervus man responded ushering him in enthusiastically
“whatever I can do for the man who keeps our inmates in line” he continued giving a nervus chuckle

He was correct, ever since his arrival at the institution he had taken an active role in the calming and
restraining of dangerous inmates, casualty rates had sunk nearly 40% since his employment and had
been lowering further since his last session with “Little Red” who was well known as one of the most
dangerous prisoners in the building.

Taking a seat on one of the small seats in the office he returned his gaze to the man and his wife “I’m
here for a switching of patients” he told them in his most business-like tone

The overseer began to nod understandingly and give a smile “of course I understand, I expected as
much” his grin grew, and he began to rub his hands together nervously “I will inform the guards of
the future change of Alices psychologist and…”

“I’m not talking about Alice” he interrupted

“w-what?!” the man stuttered shocked

“I want you to replace one of my other clients with another” he continued not caring for the man’s
pale expression or the shocked faces on either of the husband or wife “I have grown rather tired of
the constant shouting and crying, and so I want you to give me someone who is actually coherent”

“B-but you do realize the risk Alice poses to you!?... and I must for warn that any other inmates that
could mentally withstand the loss of their powers would likely have to come from the… Demented
Category” as he talked, he seemed to grow more and more quiet
The Demented Category consisted of the worst inmates within the Catacombs, those that had
committed at least serial or mass murder, as well as being confirmed to be completely unstable.
Alice was a part of this category

“Mr. Wilfred… do I look like I care” he said softly giving the man a shock “I got along perfectly fine
with Alice and even beat her in a fight, I do not particularly care for the risk…” he couldn’t help but
chuckle “besides, if I have to listen to nothing but lunatics screaming for the next year or so I might
just end up losing it myself”

Ignoring the stunned and slightly fearful expression of his supposed superior he rose from his chair
and made his way through the door “just send me the file and have them in my office by the end of
the week” he said as he left

After making his way home and making his dinner, he made his way to his computer and found a
new file that had been emailed to him

Jasmin Rantin

The Wendigo


A voice was blaring over the loudspeaker at a high pitch, informing all employees and inmates of the
coming release. Code Black within the catacomb was stated to be a protocol plan in the event of an
inmate with an above A rank threat level, where all free personnel that where not busy doing
something that was integral for the safety of personal, inmates or the institution itself where to
assist in the guarding of said inmate

Within this singular institution there is a confirmed number of 3 above A rank patients and one of
them had been transferred to Cane Barlows care. Sitting In his office he listened to the blaring
loudspeakers and rush of footsteps echoing through the halls as he waited for his new patient.
Unlike usual he would only be treating her today for just an hour before he would be expected to go
home for the day.

Of the three patients of Code Black each had their own set of rules and procedures, Jasmin Rantin
also known as the wendigo was to replace one of his patients and he would be having a session with
her every 2nd day until he either died or asked for her to be transferred and judging from the
trembling guards outside his office, they knew what to expect

Eventually after some amusingly tense moments the large metal door that served as the entrance
for patients opened to reveal his new patient, or rather her escort and restraints which where
thorough and big enough that he could barely see the actual person
They were being wheeled in on a metal chair and had a black bag over their heads, as well as a full
body straight jacket that had a further level of leather bindings over it. As they wheel them
in and replaced the couch with her chair, he pulled out both the colt and clipboard from his
safe placing them next to him

As the dozen or so heavily outfitted guards began to funnel out of the room, one began to explain
the rules of engaging with Miss Rantin “you are never to get within a two meter distance of
her, the bag is two stay on her head at all times, otherwise we cannot guarantee your safety
should she ever breach containment, as last time she hunted down any and all personnel
she saw the faces of and killed dozens of staff.” He then went over the remaining small rules
such as codes and certain things he could do in order to signal to the guards outside such as
tap his left knee twice if he wanted the session to end or crack his knuckles if he wanted

After going over the procedures the guard then took out a syringe and injected it into the neck of
the patient who was drugged unconscious and hightailed it out of his office

Cain didn’t have to wait long as he began to perceive small movements in the “sleeping” woman, the
mask began to move slightly more as her breathing sped up slightly and her foot twitched

“There is no point in pretending to sleep Miss Rantin, I wont fall for it” he whispered to her smirking
“you might as well participate in our session, besides if you behave, I’ll remove that sack on
your head” he didn’t particularly care about procedure and if she did try to hunt him she
wouldn’t succeed

The figure in front of him let out a sigh before slowly straightening and looking towards him, must
have found his position through sound “Male, young possibly twenties, well off money wise,
confident yet not arrogant and European?” she appeared to have already analyzed more
than most could from just his voice than some did in an hour

Not surprising really, after all Jasmin Rantin was a confirmed genius, a genius with psychopathy

“My father was European, so yes you are correct” he answered getting up and making his way
towards her “all correct except one, I’m plenty arrogant” he said tugging off the black bag
covering her head and returning to his seat before returning her analytical gaze

She possessed light blue hair that was short cut and rather raged looking and yellow eyes that
seemed to be staring into his soul. He couldn’t make out the lower half of her face due to it
being covered by a muzzle that reminded him of Hannibal lector.

“I admit I was unsure if you were telling the truth about removing the bag, do you think I won’t or
can’t hunt you down Mr. handsome?” she said in a voice that despite being soft was filed
with a dark amount of malice

“No, I just know that you my dear place yourself above all and that the overseer was warned you
that if you kill me, you’ll spend the next year in solitary, which I imagine would be rather
inconvenient” he countered

she gave what might have been a smile behind the mask before whispering “Liar”

“Guilty as charged” giving an equal smile before picking up his clipboard “now then… it says here
that unlike most of the inmates within this facility you are recognized by the media as an
actual supervillain?”
“That is correct” she gave a nod and another smile, but unlike his there was nothing but a void in her
eyes, no warmth “During my little…outbursts I encountered a hero by the name of…Baron
Volt I think it was… he pursued me over the course of nearly a year in which we had a few
encounters and he followed my trail of bodies before eventually catching me and putting me
in here” she recounted the story with a little heat but it seemed to be more competitive
than wrathful surprisingly

“a Sherlock to your Moriarty, if you will” he said giving a nod in recognition before looking towards
his clipboard “and how do you think of the 300 some people who died during this game of
cat and mouse of yours?”

She looked at him for a few seconds before looking at him with a little surprise in her eyes ‘’….
interesting… I can tell you actually don’t care about them, not even remotely…” she looked
at him closely before giving a shrug

“They were either in the way or they were food”

Food or in the way


What a mobster mentality, one he could see eye to eye with… not that he could tell her that.

“So, tell me miss Rantin” he said after taking a few seconds to let that information sink in “you are a
confirmed cannibal, correct?” he asked returning his gaze to her file once more as if this
where a normal discussion to have.

“Yes, I have eaten my fair share” she said giving a nod, followed by a small chuckle as if they were
taking about a high score or something else considered normal “although… I have never
eaten a clown… do you know why?” she was smirking at him

“Because they taste funny” he answered causing them both to release a small laugh. If another
person where to look in on them they might think they were two old friends having a small
chat over lunch or possible even a relaxed couple. He would ask her a question and she
would answer with a grin and a question of her own which he would answer in the same
manner, but the reality was very different…

It was all a game; Cane knew it and so did Jasmin Rantin.

From the moment the sack had come off they had began playing this childish yet lethal game, as
they talked, they were also each sizing each other up and deciding on whether the other was
a real threat to themselves and search for possible weaknesses, while covering their own

While they talked Cane would notice that she favored her left side, only for her to begin using her
right predominantly and Jasmin would surmise that he was nervus through how he would
often tap his knee while looking at her file only for him to suddenly change mannerisms and
force her to question her previous thought process

It was a game of cat and mouse except neither knew who the cat or the mouse, the prey or the
hunter was
The game didn’t end until the loudspeaker blared over the building indicating the end of their
session and when it did all pretense ended, they both simply stared at each other with grins
on their faces until a sack was torn over jasmines’ head so she could be escorted back to her

Once the supervillain and her twenty or so heavily armed guards left the building and only then did
Cane release the joyous smile he had been holding in, he had been worried that his new
patient would be boring or that much like the other they would simply break down at the
loss of their ability’s but instead… Jasmin Rantin THE Wendigo had walked (wheeled)
through his doors

It might sound strange, but Cane had missed the Crime family lifestyle, as a child he had needed to
watch his back for enemies and his food for poison but after he had either killed off his
competitors or they had died from separate courses that had stopped and it was so… boring

Sure, for the first few years it was nice to relax but by now he missed dodging the constant snipers
and bomb threats that had become part of his everyday life… not that he had a death wish
or anything, his life was just… uneventful

But now… now he had entered a game that had a completely uncertain ending, it could end in his or
her death or both or even neither and that was how he wanted it

Rising from his chair he fished his small phone from his pocket and began to call Damian, he dialed in
the number and unlike last time he was immediately answered with the usual scratchy voice
of his informant

“Cane ol’buddy what are you calling little old me for?!”

“I need another file” he couldn’t help but smirk knowingly he imagined his “friends” reaction to the
news of his new client

“Oh, and what monster have you come across his time?” he responded enthusiastically “Is it the
crawler of Wallstreet? No no let me guess… Cthulhu himself” he could hear a chuckle as
Damian laughed at his own joke, Cleary amused

“Jasmin Rantin AKA Wendigo” he answered smugly

The line went completely dead, he couldn’t even hear his breathing as if just the name had made
him faint before…

“THE FUCKING WENDIGO!!?” like last time he had to hold the phone away from his ear, although
this time the shout was markedly louder and more terrified “The babe who sit at rank three
of the most brutal and grotesque killers of the decade! THAT JASMIN RANTIN?!”

“Sigh just send the file” he held the bridge of his nose as he made his way towards his car

[??? Pov]

What a good-looking therapist, much better than the last one. The previous ones had all been either
elderly or straight up boring looking. They had just sat their terrified and the face they made
in their sessions was barely any different from the face they made when she gutted them.

This one however…

She hadn’t gotten his name, something she needed to do next time, but He had taken off the hood
and HE had played the game! Nobody wanted to play cat and mouse these days, to afraid of
a slow and horrific death, the cowards. But now the hunt had started, and nobody knew
when or how it would conclude

HE was now bound to her till death!

And he looked… delicious

The day had ended, and Cain was now sitting at his desk in his apartment going over his notes. They
were a combination and mix of the information he had gained from his clients personal and
private files, official record arrest records, reports from their imprisonment in the catacombs
and his personal experiences/judgments that he had gained from his sessions

The first file was that of Alice:

Alice Dawson, aged 21, originally the owner of a small flower shop going by the name of The Moons
Scent and arrested May 20th the prior year to this repots creation. Hunted and eventually
arrested after a period of 3 weeks of police evasion for the mass killing of thirty confirmed
people consisting of her parents, former friends and classmates as well as any and all
teachers she had during her schooling years past the age 12. Her known abilities and powers
consist of enhanced strength, speed and senses as well as a beastly transformation caused
through using the previously mentioned powers, thus granting claws and fangs similar to
those of the canine family tree. Originally it was thought that her ability caused the creation
of a secondary dark personality to form within her psyche and outside of her control but
after my own personal conversations with the patient, I have come to the conclusion that
the entity known only as “the wolf” is instead a repressed personality created during her
childhood as a coping mechanism due to possible neglect and abuse, however this is simply
my personal hypothesis and I hope to gain further insight upon spending more time with

The file went on to mention the details of our conversations and her actions in response to question
in order to credibility to the report and such, however what he was having an issue with was
instead his personal notes with individual known as Jasmin Rantin

Aged 23 and arrested one and a half years ago on July 16 th after a manhunt that took an entire 6
months to complete despite the assistance of multiple strike forces created by the police,
FBI and even foreign organizations including the Russian FSS (formerly known as the KGB).
There were multiple heroes and vigilantes that joined the hunt but in the end Baron Volt the
hero/private investigator who had been hunting her from the first murder was the one to
eventually apprehend her. However, this was not before she killed, butchered and even
cannibalized over 300 people in an extremely brutal fashion. She is confirmed to have
escaped the catacombs on multiple instances which resulted in the deaths of multiple staff
members of the facility, however for unknown reasons she always returns to her cell by
morning. During our singular session I was only able to understand small parts of said
individual, I hope further sessions will shed more light. She is a confirmed psychopath, that is
undeniable, she shows no consideration or empathy towards the deaths or suffering of her
victims and when questioned would instead crack a joke or answer with another question.
However one thing of note is that she has displayed little to no instances of Narcissism witch
is a fairly common trait amongst those with her affliction. Further notes will be taken on
after more sessions have been completed.

Sighing and closing his computer he stood up and made his way out of his office before making his
way towards the kitchen, before he noticed something was off. Taking out his pistol from a
hidden cabinet under the dining table he began to investigate.

He noticed two things immediately, one the door of his room was slightly ajar, which was impossible
considering he knew he had locked it behind him when he left this morning, after all he
didn’t want to have to worry about one of his competitors for the for the position of head of
the Barlow family leaving him a “gift” and seeing as he hadn’t entered during the time he
had returned that meant one of two things either someone had snuck in while he was gone
or more alarmingly… they had entered while he was in the office, without his knowledge.
But as he investigated the second clue that another had entered his home, he knew it was
the latter


Not muddy or even from dirt… blood

Making his way towards the room he held his gun Infront of him and grabbed a small flashlight from
the cupboard, holding it under the arm holding the pistol in a relaxed grip he gently pushed
his way into the room, checking all corners for possible threats.

Sure, that there was no threat he made his way to the closet and swung it open, never letting the
gun drop from his sight… empty

Nothing behind the curtains

Nothing under the bed nor on the ceiling

However, the window that had once been locked shut was now open, with the lock discarded and
broken on the floor. Who ever had entered his house had both done it while he was home
AND had left without his knowledge! He began to search for any signs of something being
taken but froze when he saw something sitting on his bed, Infront of the pillows… something
he didn’t own before

A plushie

It was a mix of white and brown, covered in thick brown fur and with a large out of proportion head,
that appeared to be a deer skull, it had little white plush extreme dies sticking out the front
to resemble rib bones

An admittedly cute Wendigo Plushie

Cane woke up to the sound of his phone ringing and let out a yawn

It had been two weeks since Jasmin ranting had escaped and returned to the facility, during said
escape she is noted to have killed nearly a dozen guards before she had arrived at his house
to deliver her gift.
The small plushie after being x-rayed by himself personally and checked for any types of poison or
hazards was now sitting on his nightstand holding up his now buzzing phone as it released a
light jingle.

After said incident Jasmin had been kept in a new heavily reinforced cell and he had been required
to move from his apartment to another location for his safety before being allowed to return
to his work

So he had moved… to the apartment across the hall from his

Now that the moving process was completed and security on Jasmin had been placed at an all-time
high, he could once again begin her therapy

Picking up his phone and seeing that it was from the overseer of the facility he picked it up and

“This is Dr Barlow; how may I be of assistance Mr. Wilfred?” he answered and asked

“…So that’s your name…” a voice that was clearly not that of MR. Wilfred answered. A voice that
was much to light and soft to be that of a forty-year-old overseer of the catacombs… a rather
familiar voice

“Ahh, Miss Rantin… might I ask how you came into possession of this phone?” he requested as he
got up and put the phone on speaker as he began to prepare his clothes for after his shower. “I
doubt the owner would be too pleased at the theft of property… wouldn’t want you to get in any
more trouble.”

“He doesn’t realize it was taken and if you don’t tell him this conversation can be… our little secret
Hehe” releasing a little giggle as if finding the idea of keeping information from his “boss” secret
“besides I haven’t been able to you since you invited me into your room…”

“Interesting interpretation of events because I seem to be unable to remember letting you in my

home” he countered as he made his way to the bathroom “thanks to that I had to move

“My apologies” she responded taking on a clearly fake tone of regret “if you want, I can tell you
where I had to move or even visit you in you r knew home” she whispered in a now seductive tone

“I already know the location of your cell” Judging from the audio she was likely in her cell right now
if he was to judge from how there was a complete lack of background audio which would only make
sense if she was somewhere soundproof “and I now live in room 207 of the same apartment building
if you must know”

Telling a literal psychopath where he lived would normally be a terrible idea but judging from his
interpretation of the woman, he had noticed one outstanding trait… she liked a challenge. So, by
telling her where he lived, she wouldn’t need to find it, reducing the challenge of killing him in his
home dramatically and therefore reducing the chance of it happening due to her being less
interested in that option

“Now then I’m sorry but I must hang up now, as I would rather not bring my phone into the water”
he apologized as he began to turn pick up his phone and make his way to the shower

“I don’t mind… we could facetime…” she countered with a suddenly childish tone
He hung up

He had work to get ready for

[Jasmin Pov]

Aww he hung up!

Oh well, I’ll see him later today… whether he wants it or not…hehehehehehehehehe

Barlow huh… what a nice name

Sounds like he’s getting ready for work, so I get to see him soon! WAIT he didn’t want to bring his
phone into the water?

Cain in the shower? Naked!? Wet and shiny!?

I can’t help but drool at the thought.

I hope he liked my gift… he can be my gift

[ Alice pov]

1 more week until we can see Dr Barlow! Cane!

[7 days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes and 604,800 seconds… 604,799 seconds… 604,798 seconds]

Ooooh I miss him so much, his black hair, his green eyes shining like emeralds in the sky and his
perfect muscles that seemed to just show through his shirt…

[you’re drooling]

We’re drooling

I just miss him so much! I heard that he has a new patient! THAT BITCH! I heard she broke out of the
facility and broke into Canes house! How enviab… I mean how barbaric!

[Nice Save]

Only we can have him, we love him! WeNEEdHIm! wE WaNt HiM! He’LL LovE US… BUt WE Wont
FORce HiM TOO, No no no Any ONE whO HurTS CANe WiLL DIE!!

CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe
cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE CaNe cANe
CAnE caNE CaNe cANe CAnE caNE

[normal pov]

Having gotten ready Cane made his way to the car and began the drive to his work, passing through
the buildings he first made a stop at the bank to make a withdrawal, after all moving house was
expensive even if you only move a dozen meters
Standing in the line to the front desk he was waiting patiently until suddenly three men rushed into
the bank, one with hands ablaze and the others toting assault rifles




Hi guy just a quick message! I am starting a patreon!

Don’t worry I will still be updating and everything, I will just be putting up chapters a day earlier

It just a way to make some pocket money,

Love you guys

“This is a robbery!”

“You’ve got to be joking”

Cane was completely speechless, not only had he picked today of all days to make a withdrawal but
also just in time for a robbery!? What are the odds?

Inspecting the men, he saw the flames coming out of the hands of the man who appeared to be the
ringleader of the crew as well as the machine guns the other two were carrying who were now
hearing the civilians into the center of the bank

“Amateurs…Great” he muttered under his breath, silently cursing his luck. not only did they only
have three crew members which was a issue considering you realistically need two people watching
hostages and another two for the actual safecracking and money grab, not to mention the getaway
driver. On top of that the two men with the guns where clearly high strung and their fingers never
left the guns triggers.

A scared gunman is always more deadly than a professional

Carful not to move and sett them off he watched as the ringleader and one of the gunmen ran off
deeper into the bank while the third man was yelling and forcing the civilians to lay on the ground
while taking their phones and jewelry

Eventually making his way towards the line that Cane was in he began to take them one by one,
taking valuables and throwing them to the floor “hand em over!” he screamed pointing his weapon
towards Canes face and holding a small bag

Cane began to slowly take out his wallet and phone before reaching in his jacket for his pocket
watch… or at least that what the gunman thought he was reaching for
BANG Two shots rang out in the bank as Cane whipped out his pistol and shot the man in the chest,
causing him to fire his own rifle. Difference was that while cane tilted his head to the side and only
got a small cut on the cheek, the gunman got a bullet directly in the heart, killing him instantly

While the laying down people where screaming he wiped the blood from his cheek, he took the
man’s drifle and pointing it towards the door yelled “everybody out!” and that was all it took as they
scrambled to their feet and ran through the doors nearly trampling each other in the process

Cane himself ran further into the bank as not only was he pissed at the would-be robbers for ruining
his morning but also to avoid the police that would inevitably storm the building now that the
robbers had no leverage

Having been a member of this particular bank for a few years now he knew the actual location of the
vault he made his way down a few flights of stairs before arriving at a now open circular door.

Slowly stepping in and checking his corners he made his way in and listened for any voices…

“We’re gonna be rich! I mean when you told me about this job, I thought you where nuts but GOD

He didn’t recognize this voice as the one that had originally announced the robbery meaning that
this would have to be the second gun man

“I told you! Easy snatch and grab! We get in and I get out with everything!”

That was the ringleader

“Yeah!... wait what do you mean?”

Cane felt a rush of heat from inside the vault followed by a lot of begging and screaming before the
sound of footsteps began to get closer and closer to him, jumping into a nearby supply closet he hid
and peaked out watching as the masked man he recognized as the man whose hands had been
spewing fire walked out alone with two large duffels of money, he ran down the hallway unaware
that he had a new secret admirer following his every step

Cane followed him through the building and through an emergency exit that connected to a small
alleyway, seeing the empty car at its end that was missing its license plate he could surmise that was
the getaway car as the man began to dump his bags into the back seat

Letting out a whistle and alerting the man of his presence he couldn’t help but let out a smirk at the
mans panicked expression at being caught

“Who the hell are you?!” he squeaked looking at the revolver that Cane had pointed at him

“Someone whose morning you ruined” he couldn’t help but let out a grumble

“FUCK OFF OR DIE!” the man now screamed igniting his hands and pointing them towards cane

“You know… I don’t think I will” he said softly releasing a small mocking chuckle

“RAHHHHH!” releasing a war cry the man shot an entire wall of fire towards Cane, he could feel the
heat as it moved towards him melting the glass and cracking the brick within the alleyway

Giving a triumphant laugh the man watched the blazing inferno slam into the strange man… but his
expression soon changed to pure shock
Once the flame disappeared instead of seeing a charred corpse he instead saw the same man
untouched, not even sweating from the intense heat and unlike the ground near himself that was
singed and blacked all the ground near man looked as if nothing had happened, as if their was never
a fire at all

“Nice try” Cane softly said, like a mother would after seeing her child fail to walk for the first time
before putting a bullet in the mans shocked face

Dialing a number into his phone and walking over the dead body and sitting in the driver’s seat of
the car he began to drive away

“Hello Damion? Do you still run that money laundering gang? I appear to have…found a large
amount of dirty money”

After dropping off both the car and duffle bags that likely had a value of up to a few hundred
thousand dollars at a Barlow Family drop point Cane was given a lift back to the car park where he
had parked his car when he had originally chosen to get to the bank

Finally getting back to driving to work Albeit now with a bit more money in his account and a fresh
cut on his cheek he began his drive to work, for which he was late by an hour for… not like they
could replace him any way

20 minutes later he was finally sitting in his office one more going over his notes once more and
waiting for his next patient, who today was the lovely Miss Rantin, sadly their session would be
much shorter this time due to both his tardiness and how she was under near complete lockdown
after her escape and would be only a mere 30 minutes

Hearing dozens of pairs of feet and the squeaking of wheels he lifted his head from the files to see
Jasmin now with even more chains than last time being wheeled in, the sack on her head now had
the words “do not remove” printed on it

Not saying a word and watching the armored men make their way out of the room whispering to
each other like a group of maids who saw their lady with a commoner.

Once they left he noticed that despite her being unable to see she appeared to be staring at him “I
was worried I had scared you off when I heard you were late” she said in a pleasant tone, or at least
he thought it was… it was hard to tell through the sack

Getting up from his chair and talking while walking towards her and slowly untying the straps that
help the hood in place “you’ll find its rather difficult to get rid of me Miss Rantin” he answered her
with an smug smile

“so where were you?” she countered in a rather demanding voice “also call me Jasmin”. He didn’t
respond as he lifted her hood and tossing it on the couch next to her, he was surprised however
when instead of seeing her usually piercing eyes, there was a blindfold

“Hehe yeah they thought that if you took of the sac again that this might deter you… does it?”
whispering towards him in a teasing tone as she felt his hands enter her hair slowly searching for a
knot to untie the cloth
“hardly” he returned in an equally mischievous tone as he found the knot and began to untie it, they
where practically hugging at the point, close enough that he could fell the leather and metal mask on
her face press against his chest

He didn’t however notice they perverse smile on his clients face or the quiet sniffing she was silently
subjecting him to as she tasted his scent, like one would waft a cooking meal

As he finally undid the knot, he got a direct gaze into her eyes… they where yellow and gold… the
eyes of a predator, somehow soft and warm as she looked at him but at the same time looking at
him with a cold and calm gaze as If memorizing his features and any plans she had made concerning
his capture

Suddenly her face moved towards his at an extremely fast speed and her heard her teeth slam
tother as if she tried to bite him even form behind the mask, he slipped and fell on his behind as she
genuinely startled him and looked up at her to see her trembling with laughter and leveling an
annoyed gaze at her before laughing himself and making his way to his chair

As they lapsed into a calm and collected quiet and began to once more analyze each other she
surprised him by talking first

“Did you like my gift?” she asked looking at his face, he couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.
Normally when she asked a question it in answer to one of his own or had some hidden meaning or
threat or joke behind it, but this… he could tell that this was nothing but a sincere question out of
curiosity and something that he couldn’t place

Deciding to b honest with her he responded “I’m not normally one for stuffed toys, but yes, I did like
it, it has a nice little mix of adorable and horrifying imagery to it” giving a chuckle seeing her try to
hide her relief at his answer before returning to the usual state of relaxed awareness and analysis
that had become the mood of the past session and now this one

This session was much like the last one, with the finding of weakness and soft spots within each
other’s psyche and body although he was able to get a small amount of information form her in
return from his own

She had revealed that she had been raised by her sole parent mother at the cost of him revealing his
personal heritage concerning the ethnicity of his parents and she had told him about her school life
in exchange for information on how his sessions with other clients went, although he hadn’t told her
about Alice

As their session was ending, he checked the clock and decided they had time for one more question
at most so he decided to cut to the thick of it “Jasmin… nobody alive fully understands your abilities,
can you tell me about them?”

When she heard his question her face returned to the blank expression that he had first seen on her
when they had first met, the same expression she had in the pictures of her killing heroes, guards
and alike before a smile grew in its place

“for a price” her smile seemed to grow further, warping and twisting “That bandage” she said
pointing towards the one that was on his face, that he had used to cover the cut from the bullet

“I want it”
Not a genius

That is what Cane would describe himself on a normal day, he knew he was smart but also knew he
was nothing when compared to people like Einstein, Hawking or even the woman in front of him

He did however have the brain power to know the possible consequences of taking this deal, giving a
known cannibal and even the one attached to the deal offer itself. If she was offering information
now for a small bloody bandage what was to stop her from later raising the “price” and more
importantly the fact that she wanted it in the first place meant that she was gaining interest in him
of some kind

And if he were to give her the bandage, he could see at least three main consequences

1. If he were to hand it over to her there is a possibility that she may gain a taste for it or at the
least have an increased interest in him which could ultimately result in his death or injuries
due to her a taste
2. This was completely against company regulation and a directly reverse action compared to
the idea of rehabilitation and the entire point of therapy, which if the institute learned of
what he was doing could result in him being fired and having his therapist license revoked
(AN: is that a thing?)
3. And likely the most dangerous consequence of this action was that she would gain some
amount of blackmail against him and would as such gain some sway in their sessions

However, in all honesty he found his curiosity about her abilities outweighing his sense of caution,
which he knew was what Jasmin likely wanted

“May I ask why you want it?” he already knew the answer to his question but felt it might be best to

Not letting the slightly demonic smile slip for a second, she replied bluntly “I’ve wanted to know
what you tasted like since we met and this just seemed like the best way to do so” her words and
actions could have been considered seductive if not for the actual subject matter “Besides, you’ve
been taunting me with the smell of your blood the entire session… I think I deserve a reward for
my… restraint”

Going over the risks and the rewards one more time he got up and keeled in front of her, staring
directly into her cold as gold eyes “if I give you this I expect that from now on, every question I ask
related to your powers is to be answered… am I clear” his tone had changed from the usual soft
spoken mannerism that he used in therapy to the iron, no argument voice he used when cutting
deals, deals that he hadn’t made since leaving the family for university so that he could join this very

He felt her breath get slightly heavier and her face had gone slightly red, but he dismissed it as
simple excitement at the idea of his blood, she was after all a convicted cannibal. Knowing there was
not a single camera of listening device in his office because he swept it daily, he looked at the doors
and windows to see if anyone was looking and then slowly peeled of the bandage

However as he began to think about where to put it he ran out of time as sirens began to go off
indicating the end of their session, pulling close to her and drawing a surprised gasp from her
reached his hand towards her muzzle, shielding with his body so that it simply looked like he was
checking her restraints he whispered into her ear
“DO.NOT.BITE.ME” and then shoved the bandage along with his fingers into the muzzle, feeling
around he shifted it until he felt her teeth gently bit the fabric and slowly guide it to a side of the
mask where it sat, taking his had out and looking towards the now opening metal doors he
whispered once more “until our next session” he told her and backed away letting the guards take
her away and place the sack of her head once more

After the guards had taken her away and the siren had stopped, he found himself with nothing to
do, just like last time, after a session with Jasmin all sessions where to cease for the day and he
would normally go home an sort his files of perhaps see a movie, but today he had a different idea

He was going to visit Alice

There was only a week left of solitary confinement for her and she had finally stopped attacking
people on sight, meaning that visitors where technically allowed even though nobody had ever
visited Alice since her confinement

Making his way through the halls he took a few left and a few rights, typed in a few passwords on
some doors and even did a retina scan before finally arriving in what was nicknamed “The Bunker
Wing” it had been given its name in the early days of the facility when it was remarked by an
inspector that the cells in this wing could likely survive a nuclear explosion… all 50 of them

Making his way through the halls and ignoring the screams, taunts and sexual invites coming from
the cells he made his way towards cell B 43. The cell of this wing consisted of a square of solid metal
and concrete that was meters thick along with one wall that had a retractable wall of lead and
titanium that hid a sheet of ridiculously strong glass, glass that even he didn’t know how was made,
all he knew was that it could survive a literal predator missile

And inside cell B 43 sat a small woman, talking to herself and surrounded by carving of words, he
couldn’t tell what the words or even word was due to how much it had been written over itself


(I Apologies to those *cough* pussies *cough* who may find this chapter disturbing)

(Yanderes For The Lord!)

Jasmin POV


That was all I could feel, smell and taste

Because blood contains iron, rubbing blood over skin produces a similar metallic smell and when HE
placed that beautiful gift in the muzzle I now wore as I was wheeled back to my cell, HE had no idea
of the sheer rapturous torture he was putting me through

As we moved through the halls all I could see, smell and even feel was him, when he had wrapped
his arms around me and when he had placed his hands with the range of my teeth all I could feel
was an immense possessive hunger, not just for his flesh and blood, no no no this went so much
further. I wanted him, his proximity, his breath on my neck, his whispers in my ears, his very soul and
I wanted them to be mine

It was different from the urges that I felt daily, the hunger I would feel when seeing someone
stronger than me or the physical hunger that made me drool as I looked at other “humans”. It made
those feeling feel small and weak in comparison and made me want to crush them for being so

If I was a queen, he must be my consort… not equal yet never far from my side or my bed…

As the pathetic insect wheeled me towards my cage, I felt an excitement that reminded me of my
very first few hunts, I could already imagine the sickly sweet yet metallic smell and taste of the
blood, it was true tragedy that I had to get it from something as mundane as a bandage, I would
rather take it from the very source, gorge and drink his very being

And yet…

If did so, he would be gone… a momentary pleasure and the bliss of being one would not last

Maybe I should try and find a way to a solution to this problem… a way to keep him and feed, to
grow stronger yet never be alone

Cloning, advanced healing, pain nullification, genetic modification, grown meat. A thousand ideas
began to flash through my head for ways I could feast on him safely

But first I need him to be mine, to belong to me and only me, for him to be addicted to me as much
as I am him, worshiping optional… for now

From what I saw in his home, there was a lack of family photos meaning no one to threaten, he
doesn’t seem to find me repulsive so maybe I can seduce him? From what I hear he isn’t attached to
any of his patient except… that two-sided bitch

If she gets to close, she’ll need to be removed from the picture… slowly and as painfully as possible

Oh doctor… you have no idea what you’ve started

[A.N: it is REALLY hard to write about a cannibal girl without sounding too disturbing]

Alice POV

Running out of space

We were running out of space, we had bee writing canes name on the walls for the past few days
now, after discovering that our body didn’t require rest if we kept switching places we hadn’t

I would eat, drink and stare at the wall out of sheer boredom but my thoughts always returned to
him, he would sneak into my thoughts and refuse to leave… not that I would ever try to get rid of
him. But it was so hard… the more I or Wolfey as I had come to call her, thought, or talked about
him, the more it hurt to be separate from him

Sometimes all that would be within our two minds was just his name… Cane, Cane and Cane, it was
near maddening, but I didn’t want to stop and even if i didn’t SHE did
The first time we had ever entered our cell I had drawn pictures of my parents and “friends” trying
to think of the supposed good times before the other side would take over and, in a rage, destroy
any carvings or words

And I thought that was maddening…

Turns out having two personalities combating each other over something is nowhere near as
consuming as having them obsess over the same person

{someone is coming}

Hearing her warning I separated myself from the thought of self-contemplation and HIM to listen to
the sounds emanating from the hall, the normally quite cell block had erupted into yells and…

{can you smell that?}

“Not everyone has a freakish sense of smell Wolfey” I whispered under my breath… to myself

I could hear the sound of footsteps drawing closer, and just as Wolfey had said a certain smell
entered my nose, it was the smell of ink and cologne, not overwhelming like the stink that some that
some of the guards but more like a slight whiff of air, like I had entered an office or hotel

Only one person had that smell… it seemed to both sooth and alert the scenes, both chilling and


Not daring to look up in case it was just a figure of my imagination, a cruel joke of the senses, I sat
and raised my knees to my chin looking down

Until by the grace of God I heard a voice

Both silky and rough, deep and beautiful, a voice I had imagined many of my days… and lonely nights

“Hello Alice”

And low and behold there he was


“hello alice”

Cane had been waiting for nearly 5 minutes for her to notice him or acknowledge his presence until
he got bored and decided to instead call out to her

The moment he did her head snapped towards him and her eyes seemed to flash, not like the
flashes of colour he had seen in their last session where her eyes had shifted from red to blue and
purple, signifying the internal battle between her two sides but instead like that of a puppy or child
seeing the return of their parent

Within the span of only a few seconds she had scrambled to her feet, shot across the room and
slammed herself into the glass wall between them, shaking the frame

He couldn’t help but wince at the impact as he saw her get slammed back onto her behind but at the
same time let out a chuckle at her situation and dazed expression, as she shook her head and got
back two her feet her faced turned red out of embarrassment and she let out a small pout

“where have you been” she whined, sounding like a toddler who hadn’t been bought a toy,
surprisingly her blue eyes changed to a vibrant red as a frown took over her face and she pressed
herself against the glass “why didn’t you come visit us!”

Letting out a soft smile he answered her “Come now Alice, I do have a job you know… and I couldn’t
come here when you kept throwing tantrums and setting the cellblock on lockdown” looking over
her head he began to inspect her cell. Despite the unintelligible scratches marking nearly every
surface of the room he could see that her living situation was actually pretty good, she had a nice
bed, carpet, a bookshelf stocked with comics and even a small fridge “I doubt you’ve had too hard of
a time without me” he joked

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say…

The second the words left his mouth her eyes returned to their normal state and began to fill with
tears, and she began to tremble “that’s w-where yourrrr wrongggg!” she began to sob. Falling to her
knees and crying uncontrollably as she pressed her hands against the glass, trying to reach him

He knelt in front of her for a few minutes but seeing that she wasn’t going to stop any time soon he
sighed and began through his pockets, during one of the retinae scans he had two do he had
pickpocketed one of the electronic key cards for the cells off them

Swiping it on the nearby metal door he took a breath and walked into her cell

She clearly hadn’t been paying attention to him, as she was too deep in her own sorrow, so she
didn’t notice either when he sat down next to her and place a comforting hand on her head, right
between the two wolf ears she appeared to have sprouted

Not entirely sure how that was possible in his presence, but he decided to ignore it for now as the
mental state of a patient was his responsibility, gently stroking her head he listened to her cries
slowly get less and less vocal and turn to whimpers until she eventually raised her head

Admittedly he had been expecting her to do the usual blushing and apologizing that she usually did
after losing her composure in their sessions, so he was not expecting her eyes to suddenly turn
purple and for her to lunge at him

Knocking him onto his back with her small body and sitting above him with her hands next to his
head she began to let out small growls as she began to… Sniff him? She started at his chest and
moved upwards towards his face, her breath and clear blush getting heavier until she reached his
face and her face turned near black

Sounding angrier than he had ever heard her before she leaned down and whispered “who is she?

This was the first time he had ever seen her like this, and he had to admit… it was a little hot
“I assume you are referring to my newest client” he responded calmly and raised an eyebrow at her
attitude “after you were detained, I was left with nothing to do but listen to my clients scream and
whale, so I had a new patent transferred”

Again… not the right choice of words

“YoU RePlAced US!?” her face was beginning to warp out of sheer anger, and he felt that he should
likely diffuse the situation as to avoid harm to himself, her, or the facility

“nonono why would I replace you!?” he said speaking more hurriedly that he had in a while shaking
his head gently. He had to admit even when she was hot, she was surprisingly scary “I had one of my
other patients swap with her”

She went quiet for a few seconds before getting closer to his face once more, they were so close at
this point that he could see into her eyes, they were practically void of any emotion or thought, like
the ones he had seen when he had shot that robber, dead eyes

“You still didn’t answer our question” she softly said, her breath tickling his chin and feeling awfully
similar to that of a blade, ready to cut his throat. Drawing even closer, so that their lips where almost
touching “WHO.IS.SHE”


He had a feeling she wouldn’t like miss Rantin too much

Thinking of the only thing that he could do in order to avoid a lethal fit of fiery rage his pushed his
head forward and placed his lips on hers, he felt her grow stiff on top of him before suddenly she
was slamming her face against his

They didn’t separate for a few minutes but eventually he felt her go limp against him

She fainted

Picking her up and placing her on the bed, he gave a silent goodbye and left before she regained

As he made his way back to his car Cane was kicking himself, while he normally didn’t question his
decisions, he knew kissing Alice was not going to go well in the long run for a whole list of reasons,
namely that it could cost him his job and by extension his running for the position of head of the

While he didn’t like to admit it, he knew that he had done something he had been trained not to do
in pressuring situations, something he thought he could no longer do

He panicked…

Something about her eyes, the complete lack of life and how her voice was filled with more rage and
obsession that he had ever heard before especially when contrasted to Alice’s usually meek and
crybaby personality. Add that panic to the small amount of attraction he had been feeling for her at
the time and you got a situational solution based upon lust instead of logic
Now that he had a clear head, he could see the immediate conundrum in front of him. It wasn’t hard
to see that both sides of Alice appeared to be suffering from obsessive love disorder, a disorder
where a person may become obsessed with one person, they think they may be in love with [A.N:
real disorder by the way] and him kissing them was likely to make the situation even worse

The amount of emotional buildup that she had bottled over the two weeks since being put in solitary
was likely going to be nothing to the amount she would feel now that he had shown indication of
returning her feelings, meaning he would either have to visit her every day until her return or deal
with the explosive release upon their next session which could potentially be much higher than the
one, he had just seen

However something that was worrying him now was how Alice’s powers appeared to be still working
under his nullification, first during their last session when the wolf had still been able to use how
powers although to a limited degree, the second time just before in the cell when not only had she
been able to sprout ears and her eyes had been constantly switching colors, meaning that unlike
their first few session the wolf was no longer repressed by him meaning that they had either gotten
stronger or that both personalities were working together

Either option could mean problems for him

As he made his usual route to his car and then his drive back to his apartment he began to think
about his options. After such a serious lapse of judgment he couldn’t afford to make another… he
could either go to her every day and contain the emotional explosion that could happen at the risk
of her further misunderstanding his feelings towards her or not visit her and deal with her emotion
explosion at their next session

Looking at it objectively letting her explode in a controlled environment and clearing any
misunderstanding while within his office would likely be better in the long rung at the cost of risking
mental and physical damage to himself and Alice

And he always was a gambler

High risk high reward if he managed the situation properly, watching his words and attitude to not
give the girl the wrong idea and at the same time not causing her mental stress would be difficult but
not impossible

One thing to be careful of was outright rejection her, those who suffer from obsessive love disorder
have been shown on multiple occasions to commit horrible acts of violence upon rejection or even
minor feelings of suspicion

“Hell, hath no fury like a woman scorned” he couldn’t help muttering grumpily as he reflected on his

Making his way to his apartment he checked the date, it was the 22 nd and Alice was due for release
from solitary on the 27th giving him five days to prepare for her return as well as having two more
sessions Jasmin. He was going to have one hell of a week

When he arrived he poured himself a drink and took a sip, feeling the warm sensation in his stomach
and making his way to the office, where their was now two briefcases sitting on his desk, they had
the Barlow family crest on them in bright red, a rams skull surrounded by budding and wilting roses
with a bright star sitting above them all
Bac in his childhood, his father had told him that unlike what you thought only the star represented
the Barlow family, with the skull symbolizing the dark side of the world and the roses people
growing and dying. The star sat above it all because the family ruled over it all… life, death and

Placing his drink on the shelf he made his way over and gently opened the case closest to himself
with a crisp CLICK and peered inside… money, hundred notes stance on each other, filling the case to
the brim. While the money in these cases was not likely even half of what he had taken from the
robbers, he knew the family and “cleaners” would have already taken their cut as was tradition

Taking a case in each hand he brought them into his bedroom and over to his closet, walking past
the little plushie on the nightstand. Opening the cupboard and felling around he eventually flicked a
switch revealing a hidden compartment! It opened in the back and showed a moderate amount of
space, in which he slipped the two cases

At least something was going right today

(Jasmin Pov)

I feel the urge to kill something

(Jasmin pov)

Two flights of stairs, 17 right turns, 8 left, 1 escalator and 9 armed guards

Just like clockwork, that was how she was escorted or more accurately wheeled back to her cell by
the guards with only two main differences in this seemingly normal escort

For one, if you looked carefully, you could see that the usually near airtight straps holding the bag
over her head where not fully clasped and seemed rushed, this was due to her lovely therapist
taking it off during their last session and had allowed her two sneak a peak at the faces on 3 separate
guards. Putting this information away for a later head hunt she returned her thoughts to the second

It was something that had held her rapt attention for the first ten minutes of her escorting to her cell
but even now when she had tried to turn her focus elsewhere she couldn’t stop, normally during one
of her escorting from place to place she would focus on ever sound, smell and taste in the air, in
order to gain information on her surroundings in the event she chose to escape or she felt the need
to kill and feast

But now… her focus was extremely skewed, and her judgment lapsed. Had it been the her of 1 and a
half weeks ago she would have instantly chosen to find and destroy the cause of such distraction but
now she didn’t care

All her focus was on the small object in her muzzle and the torture it presented, a bandage… bloody
and fresh from the face of her dear “Dr Barlow” as she had nicknamed him in her mind, he after all
acted with relative surgical precision in their sessions and games
It was sitting in her muzzle, out of the site of the guards and her self-thanks to the darkness provided
by her hair and the bag over her head, it sat gently against her lips, almost tickling her. Thankfully
unlike the first few minutes of her escort to her cell, the smell was no longer overwhelming her like a
steak in front a wolf and had instead given the feeling she imagined a chef would have when
surrounded by amazing food.

A feeling of both paradise and torment as she slightly shivered form the beautiful iron aroma and
the hunger it gave rise to, it took much of her resolve to not simply take it in her mouth now and
devour it instantly but no

Such things must be savored

Thankfully at this point after a further 2 lefts and another flight of stairs she had reached her cell,
two guards opened the cell, providing retina scans and a further two gently wheeled her through the
thick metal automatic doors, leaving her in the center of the room the gauds quickly filtered out and
the door closed behind them

After a few seconds a beep sounded in the room as the electronic restraints on her wheelchair and
straitjacket disengaged, slowly standing from the contraption and removing the tight jacket from her
admittedly sweaty body she took off the bag and muzzle

Looking around her room she saw that it was the same as when she had left, clean and luxurious. As
protocol, inmates that were of higher levels of threat where usually provided with top tier
accommodation and food as to keep them “appeased” as to avoid a tantrum and needless deaths…
after all they were “innocent because they were unaware of the wrongfulness of their actions and
required mental and medical help” as the warden had said in her court hearing

Gently sitting on her large bed, she gingerly tied over the mask and the small red bloodstained
bandage fell into her lap, she took it slowly like a other would her child and rased it to eye level, it
was nearly fully red on the inside, which spoked about how deep the cut was, she would have to ask
about that in her next session

“nobody gets to make him bleed exempt me” she whispered as she brought it closer to her face, had
another person heard her words or seen her action, they would likely fainted on the spot as her
body was literally radiating a red aura, that seemed as deep and bloody as the obsession in her
words “if they dare to mare his precious flesh again I will make them feel more pain than any being
has ever felt since the dawn of time”

Gently pressing the bandage against her lips in a kiss felt some of the glorious ichor flake onto her
lips, taking off the bandage, she felt her breath get heavier and her face get hot as she slowly licked
her lips… and then she took another taste through the same method, and another, and another


No word came close to describing the sheer taste and power she felt in his blood

mouth-watering, appetizing, tasty, flavorsome, delectable, toothsome, inviting, enjoyable, palatable,

succulent, luscious, rich, sweet, savory, piquant, none could describe it

she had tasted the blood and flesh of hundreds, even with her ability she had never found one that
came close
her ability, she realized that she would now have to divulge its information to Dr Barlow but in
reality, she felt that in this bargain she was the ne who robbed him blind, maybe it was related to his
genetics, maybe he was her soulmate, maybe it was his abilities, but it didn’t matter

he tasted so good to the point of perfection and divine, even the first time she tasted the flesh and
blood of another wasn’t as impactful

he would be hers, she had decided that almost three hours ago in their session, when he had
whispered in her ear and placed his fingers in her muzzle, trusting her to not hurt him

but now, it was not a choice, it was a must

he would be hers; she would be his, a queen and a consort

she would have him hold her in his arms, bare and in bed as she took him body, soul, and blood

and if someone got in the way of the queen?

heads would roll and nations would burn

The smell of blood and gunpowder was overpowering

A small street in the middle of La Wiser two men where in the center of a mound of corpses, one
standing victorious and the other dead on his feet

The dead man sporting a large hole that had burrowed through most of his torso was named Jason
De Maggio, the second in line for the position of head of the De Maggio family, he had the same
brown eyes and black hair trademark by his family and a tattoo on his neck of a dagger with an
engraved white hilt and sheath

The symbol of the ivory syndicate

Within the syndicate there exist 4 families and 1 council

The families are the Barlow’s who run the black markets, the De Maggio’s who are responsible for
ensuring laws and traditions are kept within the syndicate, the August family run politics and finally
the Drake family who oversee muscle and assassinations

The 4 families directly take orders from the ivory council, there are five members, consisting of the
heads of each family and one person voted by the heads to enter the council, any and all decisions
made by the council must be unanimous and are law,

And what has happened on this originally quiet street is what is known as survival of the fitness, one
person or group wipes out another for survival or personal gain, the man standing victorious
amongst so many bodies also has the name De Maggio, or to be ore specific his name is Alec De
Maggio, the once fifth in line for the position of head but now the 2 nd after he ruthlessly killed his
brothers tonight, one by one until reaching Jason

Wiping his hands clean of the blood on them and turning his back on the massacre Alec took out his
phone and dialed a number, a number that belonged to one Cane Barlow. When it picked up he
heard the sound of running water and faint movement

“Kind of in the middle of something here” a voice answered, smooth and deep enough to make even
Alec who was quite the singer when he had spare time jealous “couldn’t you call at a better time?”
Smiling to himself and letting out a chuckle he replied “If your bath time is so important, I guess my
news can wait” taking a fake mocking tone “just wanted to let you now that tonight ran smoothly
and that your info was spot on”

“of course, it was, I have a great informant… does this mean”

“yeah” he continued taking a somber tone “they’re dead… Jason, Ben and Fiona”

The line went silent, it wasn’t hard for Alec to understand after all, they had all been friends… once
upon a time

Before they realized what was needed to survive

“so that only leaves, veronica I guess” Cane eventually spoke, having personally killed most of his
own siblings he knew how things were going for Alec, in the council having good relations with the
other heads was always extremely important, that was why Cane was helping him after all, simply
growing allies “once she’s gone all that’s left is for you to complete your own trial and then you
succeed the position”

Every family of the syndicate had their own traditions, much like how cane had to work in a
catacomb for a year Alec had his own, members of the De Maggio family all had to have killed three
powered individuals with at least ten years of training in combat before becoming the head. A
barbaric tradition but still an effective trial none the less and seeing as he just killed Jason in head-to-
head combat unlike the previous assassinations of Fiona and Ben, he already had one down

While he continued his thought process and began planning his next move, he didn’t see the man
behind him, pull out a knife and he didn’t know of the danger he was in until a sharp pain erupted in
the back of his neck

As he collapsed dead on the floor the same hand that had plunged a knife in his neck picked up the
phone and began to speak “it appears you picked the wrong brother”

(Cane pov)

Hearing a gurgling voice enter his phone followed by a large crash Cane immediately knew what had
happened and the second he heard the voice he new who it was

“it appears you picked the wrong brother”

“Hello Marcus”

Marcus De Maggio, the oldest son and the 1 st in line, also someone Cane hated rather deeply, unlike
his siblings Marcus had never gotten along with Cane and to this day was responsible for more
assassination attempt on him than all of his siblings combined

“so, I guess you decided to crawl out of that silver plated shell of yours” the rough voice taunted him
“finally got tired of looking after the insane ghosts of the Christmas past and got back into the big

“no, I just was waiting for Alec to call me back after a gave your head to him on a platter” Cane
parried back “sadly I guess your neck was too fat for his forklift”
The line went silent for a few seconds as Marcus decided what to do next, he never was too smart
“sigh, I guess it was nice to hear your voice” he said surprising him “I now know your tongue is
something I want to cut out”

“I dare you to try” Cane mocked before hanging up “Ciao”

Now he had to find a new replacement for Alec


Despite having lost his main ally in the De Maggio house Cane was rather happy this morning

After all today was the day where Miss Rantin would be telling him about her abilities, something
that not a single person alive knew the details of. All that was confirmed was that she seemed to
have the ability to control some form of red mist or energy force

After having a shower and getting dressed Cane began his drive back to the Complex dome of wire
and insanity that made up the catacombs, even if he didn’t particularly like being forced into an
unneeded and risky job in a place that was more often then not smelling of blood, he had to admit
there was never a dull moment

Within half an hour he was sitting on his couch going over his notes, admittedly a little exited about
the coming session and as the sounds of blaring alarms and rushed footsteps entered his ears, he let
out a small, contained smile

When Jasmin arrived in his workplace like usual, in a wheelchair surrounded by nearly twenty men
who looked close to soiling themselves he couldn’t let out a chuckle at her predicament, it appeared
that after his continues breaking of the rules by removing the bag and blindfold from her face the
company had decided to step things up

Unlike the previous bag and leather straps that had held it on to hide her vision she now had some
form of iron mask cross helmet that obscured her vision as well as acted as a muzzle and boy did it
look uncomfortable

Letting out a small laugh as he it, he watched the guard funnel out of the room like usual before
walking up to her to inspect the contraption on her face, it was held together with wire at the back
of her head like some sort of reverse beartrap mixed with a luchador mask

Gently lifting her hair causing her to release a small inaudible gasp, he began to use his fingers and
one of his shirts cufflinks to untie the wire, they sat in near complete silence aside from the squeak
of the helmet and their breathing

Had Cane not been behind her and had she not been wearing a mask; he would have seen the light
yet intense blush taking over Jasmine face and the predator sheen her eyes had taken the second his
hands had touched her

But in reality, he saw no such thing as he finally and gingerly removed the mask from the back,
making sure not to cause the metal to pull her hair or scape her face
As he took it off and tossed it onto the couch beside her, he walked back to his seat and sat down
before returning his gaze to her face and getting the greatest shock of the week… aside from being
pinned down by Alice

Because the mask had been acting as both her muzzle and blindfold, when he removed it there was
no longer anything covering her face, so for the first time he saw face complete and bare of any

Although he was completely used to her predatory eyes, he was surprised to see how good looking
she was, red lips, delicate cheekbones, and perfect skin. To say the least she was model tier

“Enjoying the view” she teased with a smug smile, seeing his shock, and taking it as a complement
“don’t worry, I’ll still be here if you blink” she continued with a giggle

Not realizing he had been staring, he shook his head and quickly cleared his head of any thoughts of
his “slight” attraction. “So do you remember our deal?” he asked changing the subject “… that you
were going to share the details on your abilities?”

She gve a knowing smirk as she saw me change the direction of the conversation before answering
“yes..” she seemed to be looking through my eyes and into my soul as she continued “what do you
already know?”

Glancing over his notes and flipping the page he answered “you have the ability to manipulate a
form of red energy, it appears to be able to change between forms as it has been reported as a gas,
liquid, solid and form of electricity making it extremely versatile and deadly in the right hands… your
hands to be exact” reading through the page he kept going “however what is not known are facts
such as its origin, when you developed these abilities, what fuels it, the limits and what the energy
actually is. Just to name a few blanks”

“Thorough aren’t you” she gently mocked, enjoying the slight signs of curiosity showing on his face
“well then… I guess we should start at the beginning”

“My abilities manifested during my surgical training, I was in college and had already gained my
medical degree but that wasn’t what I wanted, I wanted to earn large amounts of money in order to
leisurely live my life away from the loud and smelly masses. “Suffering” form psychopathy doesn’t
really make you want friends so I mainly worked alone” she had a slight mocking tone in her voice as
she said this “of course I could make them if I wanted to, I just didn’t see the point in fraternizing
with a bunch of horny and drunk monkeys… anyway one night I was practicing late one night on one
of the colleges fresh practice cadavers (corpse) and that was when it happened!” she appeared to be
getting actually exited in the telling of her story

“I made a mistake and accidently cut a main artery, due to the corpse being unused there was still
some pressure within, causing it to splatter, getting in my eyes… and mouth”

“That was when I awakened”

“Nothing and I mean, nothing had ever tasted that good”

Her breathing had picked up and Cane could see a faint blush on her cheeks

“I don’t know if that was the moment my powers manifested or If they had been around for much
longer, just needing a catalyst. Either way I didn’t care at the time, all I saw was red, all I felt was
blood and gore and all I tasted was… ecstasy” her Voise had held such joy when she spoke that he
couldn’t help but find her beautiful… in an extremely insane way “to this day only a few moments
have matched that taste and feeling, and only one has ever topped it… I didn’t even realize I had
cannibalized the corps, flesh, bones and all until I had consumed almost half it.”

“That was when it happened, my ability activated… a red smog seemed to exit my body, through the
pores of my skin and clouded over the body before lowering onto it. It seemed to absorb and
dissolve the body like a sponge mixed with a woodchipper as it crumbled and turned to red mist,
then after it had taken the entire body leaving only a bloody pile it reentered my body… and I tested
that taste all over again, it seemed like I had tasted every part at once all over my body and oce I
stopped spasming on the floor in pleasure I knew two things”

“I was stronger… I felt like I could snap a neck with my bare hand, like I could bend steel and… I
wanted more” she seemed to have finally calmed down now, but he could see her eyes shift
everyone and a while back to the cut on his cheek “from their you know what happened, I indulged
In my hunger and sated myself whenever I wanted, taking the lives of hundreds and enjoying the
process of doing so, before I felt something missing… if you eat 5 star meals every day, you get bored
so I found a new way. Hunger is the greatest sauce on food, and in order to be hungry you need to
work… work for your meal.”

“so, I got sloppy, leaving a trail, hoping a dog or even a wolf might chase it and eventually they did, a
few heroes here, a government agency there until eventually I found my sherlock, one Mason Durres
AKA Baron Volt, the special investigator. Having killed his niece in one of my hunts he personally
began t hunt me down as I killed, our mutual pursuit for meaning lasted months, sometimes he
saved one of my meals, other times I ate my fill until eventually I was caught and imprisoned… did
you know that I was meant for the death sentence? I would have hung by the neck till death if not
for an insanity plea from the last person I expected”

“Baron Volt saved me!” she let out a vicious cackle and seemed to shake in her restraints, from
laughter or anger he couldn’t tell “he claimed that I was sick and needed help, but I knew the truth!
He needed me, he needed someone to hate, someone to pursue and someone to add meaning to
that pathetic life of his and now here I sit, in a prison I could easily leave bored out of my mind if not
for a few pleasant amusements… and do you know why I haven’t left?” she asked looking at him

“spite” he answered for her “he wanted you to escape and give him meaning, so you stay here,
keeping that form him” he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the irony

“…maybe once…”

“Pardon?” he didn’t hear what she said “what was that?”

“Nothing!” she answered looking unusually flustered, she looked towards the clock on the wall to
see the time and exclaimed “oh would you look at that! Times up! I’ll answer the rest of your
questions net time… Friday right!?” she asked looking hopeful

“No” he answered shaking his head “sadly you’ve been pushed back due to one of my other clients
leaving solitary confinement that day”
The room seemed to drop in temperature

“What was that?” her eyes seemed to be boring into his head as her voice turned cold “that CAN’T
be right, surely I hold precedent over some bitc- I mean some inmate who was punished for bad
behavior” she started to giggle, and Cane could swear he saw her eyes flash red

“SURELY the overseer knows the TROUBLES that occur him if don’t get my dose of Can- I mean
THERAPY at least three times a week…. RIIIIIGHTT?” He could swear her eyes seemed to no longer be
reflecting light and she began muttering something he couldn’t hear “…Will…roll…heads…roll…
heads” he couldn’t make it out

She kept muttering and twitching as the guards entered and began wheeling her out, placing a new
bag over her head

(Jasmin pov)

They are trying to take him from me

She is trying to take him… THAT WOLF BITCH!

They forgot who I am… I am the Wendigo; I am the queen!

Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will
roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads
will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll
Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll
2:30pm Friday was the appointed time of Alices return from solitary

At 2:00pm She would be released from her cell in the Bunker Wing and escorted to he original cell in
the cell block personally patterned for inmates of the Disturbed category, from their she would be
given ten minutes to requinto herself with her surroundings before being escorted to his office

She would be his 4th client of the day and was expected to be the only one who would engage in
conversation as his other clients still had fits upon the loss of their powers and even resorted to
violent methods to stay out of the range of his nullification

However unexpectedly at 2:15 when Alice was likely on her way to his office alarms and siren began
to blare over the intercom causing an electronic voice to begin broadcasting and for the doors of his
office to automatically shut and lock themselves, indicating a lockdown


Cane couldn’t help but feel a slight sinking feeling as he knew that the facility only had one inmate of
A+ threat level and very few S rank inmates


“I guess our session is postponed ha-ha” He couldn’t help but wryly chuckle, pouring himself a small
glass of vodka, after drinking the last of his spiced rum the guards had been kind enough to provide
him with more liquor “I guess I’ll just sit here and wait until the fight ends or…”

He didn’t finish his sentence as he was shocked to hear the ringing of a phone, not just any phone
either, specifically the phone that sat on his desk, the one that the overseer had assured would
never be called except in the event of an emergency

Originally when he was hired one reasons he was hired was because his power of nullification could
be vital in the containment of certain inmates… inmates in the so called “Victim wing”. the Victim
Wing was a sublevel built under the catacombs designed for the protection and containment of
individuals who where unable to control their abilities, which was the original catacombs before the
institution was built upon it to contain those who were much less powerful and much more insane

People within the Victim wing where not hardened criminals or serial killers like Jasmin or even Alice
but instead extremely powerful individuals contained for the safety of the Populus and themselves,
they generally had abilities that warped the sorrowing area, minds of people or even reality itself in
a certain area

Getting up and hitting back the last of his drink he took out the gun from his safe and took out a
small keycard from his desk, designed to undo the lockdown of any wing in the catacomb and his
only way to the sublevel. He swiped it in front of the large door that usually was used for bringing in
inmates for therapy, the same door Jasmin had been wheeled through for each of their sessions and
began to make his way directly to the cell blocks

The entrance to the Victim wing consisted of one and only one elevator that sat between cell blocks
F and G and was the only way in or out, the issue with that was that if it was Alice who was the cause
of all this trouble that meant she had either gotten in a fight or been ambushed on her to his office,
meaning that he a high chance of accidently running into her and whoever she was fighting
Which was a bad thing if you considered that she was likely fully taken over by the wolf and had a lot
of emotional buildup towards him, who knows what she might do to him… could be very bad or very
good and he did not feel like betting

Making his way cautiously through the corridors and deathly quiet mess halls he could hear the
distant sound of explosions, breaking glass and tearing steel, as he got closer and closer to cell block
F he could clearly make out the signs of the fight, dead guards, inmates and rubble were strewn
across the floor and walls with the occasional appearance of someone impaled on the ceiling, held
up by spears that seemed to be made of a red and pulsing energy, clueing him into who Alice was


Once he saw the crimson weapons that where jutting out of the dead bodies of guards and inmates
alike across the halls it all clicked, if he were to judge correctly he could surmise that due to her
averse reaction of having her session pushed back in favor of someone else she had felt insulted and
some extreme amount of jealousy causing her to attack said person

And as he reached cell block F his thoughts where confirmed, bodies… dozens of bodies looking as if
whole chunks had been bitten off them. Remembering Jasmine description of her abilities this type
of damage matched perfectly

And as he inspected the bodies an explosion went off nearby indication how close their conflict was
to his location, hell they where likely only a cell block away from him. Quickly straitening and jogging
his way over to the elevator sitting next to a flight of stairs

Getting in and repeatedly pressing the button that said sublevel, while pressing his keycard against
the scanner he let out a small breath of relief as the doors began to close, but not before a flash of
red ignited the entire cell block, showing a woman flying through a new hole in the wall, possessing
white hair, red eyes and looking a lot like Alice except much taller and sporting wolflike features such
arms that seemed to be those of a werewolf form the elbow down and claws that where bared in a

Had nice abbs too

As the doors closed instead of elevator music all he could hear was howling

(Alice pov)

“Shy… he must have been shy”

{Maybe he couldn’t come back}

This was a discussion that had been going on in her head for the past few hours, Cane after visiting
and even k-kissing them had not visited them despite an entire week passing by. I knew he wasn’t
dead because there would have been some form of announcement or message and he hadn’t quit
because she would have been told if she was transferred to a new therapist

{maybe he’s busy with someone else… that blue haired bitch!}
After discovering that Cane had a client transferred to him after her confinement, they had
completely lost it, they got angry and nearly hurt him and they only got angrier when they found out
it was a Woman… how had they found out?

Guards were generally pretty loose lipped when they knew you would be out of the cage soon, as to
avoid potential painful death


“And how would you have done that?” she asked as she was pushed out of her cell roughly by one of
the guards who were in charge of escorting her to her actual cell, back in the Deranged Ward

{First, we ************ followed by a rough and hot ********** before making him *** and
******* our **** *******}

Wolfy continued describing what Alice could only label “a degenerates dream” as they were
escorted back to their cell all the while terrifying the guards with her now redder than blood face
and heavy breathing

Needless to say, that when she found out she would have ten minutes before seeing Cane, she did
not spend her time “getting used to her surrounding” and instead spent her time in the bathroom
doing… things

Eventually the guards returned, and she left the bathroom, feeling refreshed and ready to see the
love of her life, despite her previous worry about him not visiting her and her annoyance about him
having another woman (Client) she was simply too excited to think of such things and instead
followed the guards at a speed that forced them to move faster to avoid being overtaken

Sadly however she was interrupted from her thoughts and fantasies about the man she loved as
suddenly the men who were supposed to guard her began to convulse simultaneously before they
erupted in small fountains of blood and gore, crimson swords and axes piercing out of their bodies
as if they had been run through


“I don’t know but they die tonight” she whispered darkly, feeling immense rath take hold of her
mind at the idea of someone trying to keep me away from her love “COME OUT WHOEVER YOU ARE

And to her surprise a figure stepped into the light from the path in front of her, directly blocking the
path between her and her beloved, but that wasn’t what she was concerned with, what was sending
fiery anger down her veins and causing claws to grow on her hands was the face of said person

It was the same face that she had seen in photo given to her by a terrified guard, the same face as
the woman she had asked about

{the blue hair bitch!}

“You…” she couldn’t even muster the words to describe the sheer amount of disgust and hate she
felt for this woman

“Hello you she-wolf SLUT”

(Jasmin Pov)

14 minutes

It took her 14 minutes to breakout of her room, kill the 12 guards who had foolishly attempted to
contain her along with the six guarding the she-wolf whore and finally stare into the eyes I so
desperate wanted to pluck out, not even to eat… just to hurt her

I would pluck them out and crush them under my heel for daring to stare at my consort

“Hello, you she-wolf SLUT” she mockingly called across the hall, not even taking the usual calm
unnerved attitude she had adapted when hunting. This wasn’t a hunt…

It would be a crime against life itself when she was finished

This was the slut who had taken away her time with Dr Barlow, even if it were simply an hour it was
more valuable than anything this bitch could kill, fuck, earn or sire in her pathetic lifetime

She wouldn’t eat this one, no she didn’t even want to risk a cell of her body touching Dr Barlow, if
she ate her and were to have her way with her dear later, some residue might sully him and she
would rather eat molten glass than have this… thing! Touch her lover

She had even heard her call him Cane during the recordings of their therapy sessions, she had
touched him with her filthy skin!

As the seconds pass the air seemed to get heavier and heavier, had a normal human entered the
hallway they would likely have a heart attack out of sheer primal terror

And at the exact second that seven seconds had passed they launched themselves at each other,
Jasmin used her ability to form bloody mist around her like a smog and Alice taking a larger and
more beastly form, growing taller, more muscular and going a set of claws and teeth

They slammed into each other with an impact that shocked the floor and walls, Jasmin used her
blood fog to form weapons launching them at her while Alice would use her new speed to dodge
and strike while running on all fours

Carnage ensued

They slammed each other through walls, used bystanders as weapons or shields, bit, scratched
mauled and sliced

Fought with their hands and with weapons, tore each other apart, Alice for once giving complete
control over to her other side giving her strength equal to that of Jasmin

And they kept fighting until they slammed through the wall of cell block F where they picked up a
scent that seemed to drive them both utterly insane and at the same time calm them

The scent of Cane

Coming from a now closed elevator

Not knowing that he had been discovered and unaware of the coming storm Cane let out a relieved
sigh as the elevator began taking him to the sublevel

The sublevel that contained the patients of the victim wing sat roughly 30 meters below the actual
facility and normally the only human interaction allowed was the delivery of food, water, and other

The reason behind this was that all interaction between the inmates and other people was rarely
needed due to many said inmates being contained through the use of an induced coma. The only
people that were allowed any amount of interaction where those that had abilities that only
activated under specific circumstances and in no way impacted the human psyche

The wing was divided into 3 small blocks the A1 block which was also known as the storage room
because it was where those that were put under induced comas where put, A2 was where those
who impacted the human mind unconsciously were kept and A3 was an extremely heavily guarded
secondary wing that housed the true powerhouses… reality warpers

Luckily for him however the security breach was in block A2 because if there was a breach in A3…
even he couldn’t stop them

As the elevator stopped and the doors opened, he found himself assaulted with a level of quiet that
was terrifying, normally even if the only people allowed within the victim wing was those who
worked restocked the iv drips and food there would still be a fair amount of Hussle and bustle due to
the large amount of staff needed to run this wing

The signs of human life where still present, trolleys full of full iv bags and food where left scattered
through the halls and every once and a while he would find a discarded jacket or hat. Making his way
towards block A2 the closer he got the more discarded items he found, a watch or a book even a
insulin pump

And that was when bodies started showing up, unlike the ones he had seen above stairs they
weren’t ripped to shreds or ripped apart, no they appeared to have been killed by regular old
people. Some guards left bloody and collapsed at a doorway from being peppered with bullets, a
nurse that appeared to have been strangled to death but mainly they appeared to have beaten each
other to death

Key word: each other

It appeared that these people had gone insane and started fighting each other…

And he only knew of one person within the facility who could cause that, pulling out his phone he
began to scan through the files he had on the victim wings patients until he found the person he was
looking for and what cell they were in

Cell 0235

Heading in the correct direction he began to count each door and as he got closer and closer the
number of bodies kept increasing

Cell 0134: 1 body next two it

Cell 0156: three bodies close by

Cell 0198: the bodies had become so common he had to step over them
And when he turned a corner, he saw something hat confirmed his theory, a mob of people where
engaged in a vicious brawl, surrounded by piles and piles of bodies that had to be at least sixty
people all up

Taking out his pistol he decided that he might as well just wait for the group to kill each other off
before handling the breach… no point wasting bullets

So, he simply sat down, amongst the corpses and waited for the fight to end, rooting for one until
they lost and moving his gaze to another before repeating the process over again, listening to the
primal snarls and continues screaming of the words “mine”, “precious”, “darling” and so forth.

thankfully he didn’t have to wait long as it appeared that the fighting had mostly concluded by the
time he arrived, meaning no new members entered the melee and only a small group was left to
fight it out

eventually there was only one person standing, a surprisingly small women, completely drenched in
blood and holding a boxcutter. Now having won the battle she gave a wide and creepy smile
whispering the words “now we can be together” before reaching for the cell door that the whole
brawl had occurred in front of

of course, she never even touched the door as Cane put a bullet in the back of her skull to prevent
any further breaching or any kind.

Making his way towards the large metal door and stepping on the bodies (no room to step around
them) he turned his gaze to a small box sitting next to it,

Now for an explanation

The person that had caused all of this carnage was a woman by the name of Akari Yuu

her ability was the continues and unconscious release of a special blend of dopamine and a related
hormone, norepinephrine. These chemicals were normally what caused the mental effect within
one’s brain of falling in love, gaining her the moniker “Siren”

this would normally be a perfectly fine ability if it was not for her releasing a SPECIAL blend which
caused a level of infatuation that resulted in high levels of obsession and emotional instability, with
is what caused the people within the facility to fight over her

under normal circumstances her ability only affected those she touched or who where in proximity
with her for a short period of time. This was counteracted by a machine within her cell that released
counter radio waves, causing the nullification of her powers

however, the computer that programed and controlled said frequency was much like the other
controllers and generators powering the victim wing, scattered through the facility as to avoid
someone accidentally or intently releasing the entirety of the victim wing. but due to being damaged
by the fight between Alice and Jasmin, now instead of canceling it

it was broadcasting it
??? Pov

The fighting had stopped…

It had taken a bit but eventually the constant cacophony of voices had been silenced by the sound of
gunfire and the constant groaning of animals in heat had ceased

She wasn’t entirely sure of what could have caused the canceling effect of her cell to go haywire but
she could guess that it had something to do with the fierce rumbling she had literally felt coming
from the upper levels of the catacombs

This rumbling seemed to have caused a flux in the radio waves and caused her situation, sitting on
her bed in a cell surrounded by the feral and dying calls of beasts in heat

They would paw at her door, begging to be let in, sounding as if they would die if she neglected
them but in the end they all resorted to violence… they got angry that she wouldn’t talk to them and
blamed each other. Before losing themselves in a bloody rage and killing those they originally called

Only for the cycle to start again

And again

And again

As dictated by human nature, disgusting as it was. And now as footsteps rained out from the corridor
she waited for the usual soft and “loving” voice to enter her ears…

She was shocked when instead the door opened

Cane Pov

After inspecting the small box that sat next to the cell door, which he actual knew to be the control
mechanism for the power cancelation frequency he found two problems, it appeared that during the
fight between Alice and Jasmin upstairs they must have damaged one of the hidden generators for
this cell or at the least severed the wires while throwing each other through the walls meaning that
the cell was now getting far less power than it normally would, causing the frequency to somehow
amplify her abilities, not that he knew how that was possible

Normally this could be fixed by a flick of a switch and the cell would begin taking power from its
personal backup, causing it to run itself independently until the damage was repaired. However this
was where the second dilemma came into play, during the large scale brawl it appeared that
someone had slammed the head of their opponent against this box… multiple times judging by the
skull fragments and grew matter on it, causing damage to the box itself meaning that it was now

Luckily for him however a second box existed within the actual cell itself in case of an emergency just
like this one, so he simply walked over to the door, swiped his key card and walked in.

Only to narrowly miss getting his face removed with a katana

It got so close to his face that he felt the air flow from the cut brush against his nose, and after he
regained his senses from the admittedly large shock he raised his gun, causing his attacker to freeze

Akari Yuu, The women who had caused all this… admittedly by accident

“don’t even try it” he warned as he saw her readjusting the grip on her sword “bullets fly faster than
you might think”

Despite the situation he couldn’t help but admire her looks, she had bright blue hair, similar to
Jasmin but it was longer, both of her arms where covered in tattoos that where heavily reminiscent
of the Yakuza and she had quite a large amount of disgust and suspicion in her glowing red eyes

“death before dishonor, as they say” her mouth was in a grim line and he likely would have turned to
stone if looks could kill “you touch me and I swear I’ll cut you into so many pieces, they’ll think you
fell into a woodchipper” her voice, much like her moniker was practically hypnotic, even without her
powers affecting him he could still feel the attraction

Sighing he couldn’t help but leave small amounts of annoyance in his tone as he explained “I’m here
to fix your cell, I have no real interest in sleeping with you” he began to explain his situation, telling
her about what had happened upstairs and the reason he was here. As he did so she didn’t lower
the sword for a second, the mistrust never left her face and the disgust only changed to a lesser form
of distaste “anyway if you could put the sword down, which I have no idea how you have that and
LET ME DO MY JOB!... I can be on my way” he told her losing his patience for a moment as she raised
her sword at his words, before regaining his patience

She seemed kind of shocked at his attitude towards her but he didn’t really give a shit, right now he
needed to fix the cell before more people died and it was taken out of his paycheck and then he
needed to calm down his patients before they caused him any more problems

“Now please move” he said indicating towards the bed and box attached to the wall near it, it was
identical to the one outside except much less gory, she seemed to be judging her next move as her
eyes roamed over him. Finally, after an entire minute of staring she clenched her jaw and moved out
of the way

“Try anything and I’ll castrate you” she threatened, her tone taking a cold and metallic tone as she
watched him

Sighing and giving a small thankful nod he made his way past her, making sure she never entered his
blind spot and placed his key card against the metal surface of the box, releasing a click the box
opened horizontally and the metal that was once its walls folded into the wall.

Taking a few seconds, he adjusted the wiring as he had been taught how during the short but
informative introduction to his duties that he had been given upon his first day between clients

roughly a minute later he had finished and a genital hum filled the room indicating that the
frequency was now operational. Then he simply left the cell and the now shocked woman behind

Akari Pov

He left?!

He didn’t even try anything?

What a strange man


After the cell of Akari Yuu, Cane began his short walk back to the elevator, and after treading on so
many bodies and piles of blood he couldn’t help but notice the state of his pants and shoes, they
were ruined

Coming from a rather violent mob family Cane had learned over the years that no amount of lemon
juice or cleaning fluid was ever enough to get blood and grey matter out of Italian Fabric… meaning
his pants were ruined as the entire ankle width had gone from black to a dyed crimson, the same
applied for his shoes which had gone a new shade of maroon

Even if he didn’t mind the colors, the blood would soon congeal and begin to smell within a few
days, and even if red complemented his black hair and complexion the stink never did

Finally, after practically wading his way through the bloody halls he arrived at the elevator, only to
find it practically torn open, covered in claw marks, and smelling like blood, although could just be

As he began to inspect the condition of the elevator, he was suddenly talked by someone, reacting
by instinct he rolled with the impact as to end up on top, holding his gun to the head of the attacker
who he found was someone he knew


Although he could hardly tell thanks to her being near saturated in blood and her face was just as
red “h-hey C-C-Cane” she seemed to be on the verge of fainting just like she had last time he had
seen her before suddenly her eyes shifted to a glowing purple “WE MIsSed YoU SOooOO MUcH!”

She tried to roll him to end up on top but as she was clearly unshifted she was unable to do so with
her meager weight, beside Cane remember the last time she was on top of him and wasn’t going to
let that happen again any time soon, so he just sighed for the tenth time today and got off the girl

Pouting at the lack of physical contact Alice also got to her feet, standing slightly too close and
looking up at him with eyes that where now red “Why Didn’t You VISIT US!” she asked, demanding
answered like a petulant child, which he had to admit was cute

He was about to answer her but suddenly a boxcutter flew across the room between them and
imbedded itself in a near by wall which was MADE OF CONCRETE by the way

Turning his head, he saw a new sight! Jasmin bare of her wheel chair or any restrains standing across
the room from them, she looked a mix of happy to see him and pissed at the Alice. “Hello Dr Barlow”
she gently called to him, walking across the room and taking a seductive tone “I must say… all this
death and you aren’t even bothered, maybe we ARE destined for each other” she released a small
chuckle at her words, but Cane had a strange feeling that she was dead serious

A cracking sound rang out as Alice “Accidently” crushed the skull of a nearby corpse in frustration
while giving Jasmin the deadest gaze Cane had ever seen

Despite the situation Cane couldn’t help but chuckle “yes it’s good to see you girls too” he had
turned his head to inspect the body of a corpse hoping to find a phone, hoping he could get the
overseer to send a small team to pick him up, because that elevator looked quiet damaged, so he
never saw the bright blush light up the girls faces “although I wish I could have seen you without
restraints under better circumstances”

(Alice Pov)

“Oh, he looks so handsome in the red light” she couldn’t help but think, loving how the crimson light
of the broken elevator lights showered her love and added a beautiful definition to his muckles and
made his eyes shine like a guiding light

{maybe we should have our way with him here and now!} Wolfey seemed to be panting despite not
having control at the moment {I’m sure he wouldn’t mind If we asked!}

“Have some Class!” she began lecturing Wolfey for like the forth time today about her blunt
behavior as she felt her face heat up “Besides this place smells of nothing but blood and death”

{doesn’t bother me!}

Alice was about to respond but then Cane suddenly began undoing his shirt

{HOLY SHIT DID HE HEAR ME!} Wolfey suddenly began panicking {I-I MEAN I WOULD LOVE TO BUT

“He can’t hear you” Alice quietly spoke turning red as she pointed towards Cane he was now
fastening his shirt around one of the Elevator wires “he getting ready to climb out”

(Jasmin pov)


Cane had taken of his shirt and near given Jasmin a heart attack

Even with a genius level IQ and being a literal psychopath the sight of the man that she had decided
as her own shirtless sent a rush of blood through her whole body and left her hotter and redder than

She had to hold herself back by just a thread to avoid taking him now amongst the Ambrosial smell
of blood and fresh corpses, but she knew if she did that not only would she leave herself vulnerable
from an attack by the wolf fucker and likely wouldn’t be able to hold herself from eating him whole

The only thing that stopped her was the thought that he would be all hers one day

(Cane pov)
“This climb is going to suck” he grumbled looking up through the torn roof of the elevator and seeing
the distance he needed to go, not knowing the amazing feat of stopping two yanderes from fighting
he had accomplished by simply taking of his shirt

Word of advice for when climbing an elevator shaft shirtless with two insane women who are likely
obsessed with you


Cane had thought that the hard part would be the extremely long and treacherous climb or the
whole not falling but instead it was the CONSTANT bickering between Alice and Jasmin that were
driving him up the wall

They had all agreed that a truce was necessary during the climb as a mistake could cause their
deaths or more specifically Cane’s death as he had no way to survive the fall with his abilities and his
powers would make it impossible for them to save him with their own abilities. So, a fragile Pease
had been made between the two girls, but that didn’t stop them from constantly arguing with each
other while climbing behind him

It was nothing to crazy or serious just the constant childish name calling and insult you might expect
between two competitors

“Stop staring at Cane you Bitch!” he heard Alice call out behind him, making him slightly concerned
for his sanity as this was the twentieth time in the past five minutes, he had heard one of them say
something like this “I Swear to god if you look any harder your eyes are going to pop out your

“Oh, and you’re soooo much better you drooling Fuck!” Responded Jasmin in a voice that seemed to
be a mix of childlike distaste and God level annoyance “don’t think I haven’t noticed how closely
you’re hugging the ledges he climbed, it’s the closest you’ll ever get to him!”

They had been climbing for nearly twenty minutes at this point and he was ever so close to throwing
himself down the shaft he had just clambered up, letting out the first words he had spoken since the
start of the climb he yelled


He yelled so loud that his words echoed in the shocked silence for nearly an entire minute before
the two inmates seemed to exit their shock and yelled simulatively

“CONTRACT!?” they seemed to only have realized one part of his outburst and he couldn’t help but
feel quite irritated before realizing himself what he had just let slip


“Mr Barlow…” he heard Jasmin coo behind him, shivers going down his spin and sweat gathering on
his forehead at her frozen tone “does the phrase “end of my contract” imply that you will be leaving
eventually and are not a permanent employee here at the catacombs?” he eventually shook off the
shivers, but he could feel two gazes practically Flaying him with their gaze behind him
Clearing his throat an pulling himself up a few more meters up the ledge, his arm glistening in sweat
he answered “*Ahem* Y-yes I am employed under a temporary contract”

“AnD HOw LoNG WIlL tHAt CoNTraCt Go fOR?” he couldn’t see Alice but as he sped up his climbing,
he could see slight purple reflections coming off the nearby steel

“One year in total” he answered trying to regain his confidence and put some steel into his voice
“after that I have to handle some… family matters”

As he said this, he felt both gazes leave him and the atmosphere get a little less heavy, he had
expected Alice to back down a little when he mentioned family matters but was surprised that
Jasmin also calmed down… then again knowing her she could probably guess what form of matters
he was talking about from his voice

After that the climb was quiet aside from the random groan or grumble from the hard work followed
by what felt to be a gaze staring a hole into him from above and while he couldn’t see them, he
guessed they might be using him as a form of motivation… whether because they were trying to do
as well as him or soothing else, he didn’t really care to think about

Eventually he finally reached the door to the ground level of the facility and pulled himself up to it,
thankfully there was an actual platform he could sit on unlike before where he had to hud the beams
and wires to take a small break. it was the same door he had originally came through except now
was marred by claw and knife marks, evidence of the girls fights on the way down

Within a few seconds the two girls pulled themselves up to the same ledge as him and next two him,
either side. They where all breathing heavily and drenched in sweat, their clothes stuck to them and
hiss bare upper body made him seem as if he escaped a rainstorm

Taking the rags left of his shirt that he had torn apart and divided amongst the group as hand
protectors off and using them to wipe himself off he began to manipulate his ability

See his ability was the nullification of abilities within a ten-meter space this didn’t mean he couldn’t
alter the shape of said range, while the field always took up ten meters and was always thinly
surrounding him, he could shift it to the side or horizontally as he was doing now

Tipping the field towards the right he moved it off Jasmin and allowed her the use of her powers,
which she immediately felt and looked towards him shocked before noticing the look he was giving
her, a look that said “Behave” before nodding towards the elevator

Jasmin turned her gaze towards the marred steel and her eyes turned red, raising her hand a red
mist seemed to exhaust out of it and collided with the door and nearly in awe he watched as the
likely reinforced steel melted like butter

Eager to exit to elevator he jumped out immediately…

And didn’t see the two girls give each other one last glare before they each grabbed one of the left
behind rags he had used to wipe his sweat
Ever have that feeling that things were all an inch from hitting the fan?

That’s what Cane was currently experiencing. After their escape from the elevator and escorting the
two girls two their respective cells, he had made his way back to his office only to be rudely stopped
by multiple armed guards, holding rifles to his head, and telling him that the warden wanted to see

Obviously, he had complied… and the ha found the wardens office to be emptier than a failed
kidnapper’s basement

Sitting on one of the chairs and waiting for someone to arrive he had a sinking feeling; he knew the
warden couldn’t do jack shit to him without risking his own life for upsetting the main candidate for
the position of the Barlow family as unlike the rest of the facility’s staff and workers he was aware of
his family history

But this feeling was different from the usual intuition, less harsh than the instinct that he followed
when his life was on the line, yet also more suffocating than a simple hunch or awareness of things
to come.

Adjusting himself in his seat as an unusual sign of worry he slowed his breathing and began to listen
to his surroundings, for five minutes all he could here was the footsteps and erratic conversations of
the two guards outside the room before he perceived another newer and heavier set of steps getting
closer. Unlike those of the guards or even the warden these sounded far calmer and more confident
and soon he heard the sound of the door opening

Keeping his gaze forward and looking towards the empty desk of te warden he paid the person no
mind and instead began adjusting his power to slowly cover the new guest as he did so he felt a
hand land on his shoulder and looked towards it

Calloused and muscular, the hands of a man who had spent much of his life toiling away, not in a
field or factory but a battlefield. Machining his way up he perceived the man standing over him, a
giant. Even leaning over to touch his shoulder the man stood taller than the average man, built like a
siege weapon as hard skin covered by ropes of muscle and veins covered his showing arms

Dress ed similar to him but more casual and informal, with the sleeves of his expensive looking shirt
rolled up to the elbows and the first few buttons undone, on his arm sat a tattoo, golden as his eyes
and hair In the shape of a lion with a main of swords

Leandro Drake, the 1st born son of the Drake Head and judging by the joyous grin on his face fresh
from succession

“Good to see you, my Friend!” the man bellowed jovially, despite e the glare Cane was sending him
“I haven’t seen you in what… Two years?”

“it’s been two months Lean” Cane responded tiredly, having seen all of his friends antis by this point
“or did the amount of alcohol you drank blot out the memory” he asked putting fake mockery in his
voice remembering how Leandro had literally drank half the party, Cane and himself under the table
in his own way of saying Goodluck

Afterall two months ago was the day Cane had gained employee at the Catacombs and Leandro had
said goodbye as hard as he could
“No, I still remember that night… or at least half of it!” he chuckled loudly and gaining a wistful
expression on his face “Oh the fun we had! Did I really destroy a chandelier?”

“Reduced to atoms” Cane sighed, grumpily answering him, remembering how Leandro had
destroyed nearly an entire room when he had tried to use his power to open an entire cask of
extremely strong vodka only to crush it and set fire to the entire room when said liquor caught fire

As Leandro’s power was a body that was ridiculously strong durable, he was completely fine and
Cane had found him sleeping drunk in a charred room, holding the chandelier in his arms like a teddy
bear and crushing it

“HaHa good times!!” the golden giant laughed; Cane couldn’t help smiling as the mans good humor
was infectious even at the worst of times. After the laughter died down Leandro gained a somewhat
serious expression and took a firmer tone “So… I became head”


The originally light aura of the room dropped and became a sad darker shade, What Would normally
be a cause for celebration among friends was instead dark news

See of the four families only the Drakes were seen as lesser, originally the four families were equal
and tied closely but a couple decades ago the Family had done something stupid.

Being the military force of the ivory syndicate, they attempted a takeover… and failed miserably,
when faced with the immense wealth of the Barlow family, the political connections and sway of the
August family and the De Maggio family who were established literally for this kind of situation they
were crushed

And as a punishment they were reduced to little more than the muscle, disposable and more paid
help than equals

But of course, it didn’t stop there, they also changed the succession tradition, originally the way for a
member of the Drake family to become head he had to be unanimously considered the strongest of
the family by literally fighting every single other competitor that existed at the time, in one-on-one
combat… of which there were dozens. Who were all powerful and needed to beat every single one
of their rivals through either surrender or incapacitation?

they made a single change, instead of beating your competitors all one on one and to knockout or
surrender they made it into a to the death free for all where brothers, uncles, sisters and mothers
were forced to slaughter each other

this massive loss of key members kept them weaker than the other families and made sure the next
head was decided quickly and efficiently

just as Leandro had

“Let’s get a drink” Cane sighed “the war of succession is now in full swing”
In the city of La Wiser there exists a small bar by the name of The Spiders Egg, while not well known
its owners acted as both bartenders and informants within the establishment and had once apon a
time became the Ivory syndicate’s place of Pease and celebration

A home away from home if you would

And now Cane was sitting in one of the stools in the back of the room watching his friend make a
fool of himself, even having arrived only a few hours ago, Leandro had gotten himself drunk to the
point of regressing to a toddler and was now lifting entire tables and promptly throwing them at
certain patrons

One moment he had been drunkenly flirting with a woman, the next he had been resting his head in
her lap and being comforted like a baby. However, one of the other patrons had, somehow not
seeing the giant resting in her lap, slapped the woman’s ass in a rather greasy way of flirting and
promptly ended up literally tossed through a wall

This had of course pissed off the man’s drinking buddies and now Leandro had engaged in a rather
amusing destructive brawl much to the dismay of the owners, thankfully for both the thugs and
owners however Cane had used his ability to cancel all abilities in the building as to make sure
Leandro didn’t reduce the men to red paste in his drunken anger

“Oi! You joining in or what?!” Leandro shouted across the room at Cane, wearing a shit eating grin
and winking at the woman whose lap he had been in, causing her to blush heavily “We got trash to
burn!” he yelled before charging back into the fray which had somehow grown even bigger, to the
point where the entire bar was involved

Cane couldn’t help but chuckle at his friends anticks, had he been in his place he would have simply
shared a toast for the dead and gone home shortly after but that was never what Leandro was about

Fighting, drinking, and fucking was how the man lived, grieved and would be how he died

Cane began to brush himself off and before making his way into the fight he walked over to the bar,
where the two bartenders/owners were standing horrified at the state of their bar, he took out his
check book, wrote a six digit sum and handed it over

“This is for the damages, drinks and lovely view” he said handing it over and giving his best smile to
the woman bartender, causing her to go a deep red, much to the chagrin of her male counter part

And then he promptly picked up a stool and smashed it over the head of the closest brawler


A few hours later three individuals stumbled out of the bar, a bit of blood and booze covering them
and one being caried by the other two, these were Cane, Leandro and the woman Leandro had been
flirting with, whom he had learned was called Linda De Maggio, a member of the De Maggio branch
family from France

Despite being uninjured Leandro had to be carried by the other two as even after the brawl he
hadn’t stopped drinking, causing him to lose the ability to walk in a straight line, leaving him to be
supported by a grumbling Cane and blushing Linda

What had probably surprised cane the most tonight however was when Linda had actually entered
the brawl, fighting back-to-back with the boys, wielding a pool cue with the fury of a thousand suns,
she was problem the main reason Leandro was never injured as every time someone tried, she beat
them down with a cold fury that reminded him of two certain inmates

Now however the three just talked while waiting for a cab, though Cane could tell he was a third
wheel in this dynamic as Leandro and Linda conversed about normal things like pets, hobbies, and
favorite movies, leaving Cane to simply watch them flirt

Eventually however a taxi arrived, and they had stuffed the big man in, with cane taking the front
seat next to the driver and Linda sitting in the back with a now sleeping Leandro on her shoulder,
looking joyous

Once they reached his home, Cane said his goodbyes, getting a friendly Farwell from Linda and a
sleepy mumble from Leandro, as he got out and watched them drive off, he couldn’t help but look at
his phone and the photo he had taken, Leandro curled up like a child on Linda’s lap and Linda with a
warped grin that seemed all too familiar

“What did he call the Alice and Jasmin…Yanderes?” he questioned out loud, remembering his
friend’s reaction to the stories he had told of his work, he looked back at his phone and chuckled

“Looks like he’s got his own”

(Linda pov)

“How adorable” she couldn’t help but think as she ran her hands over the man’s golden hair “I
always wanted a puppy”

He was so nice!

He had at first just seemed like another drunk just trying to get into her pants but as they talked
more, she realized how similar they were, as he laid in her lap (no idea how we ended up like that)
he had told her about himself and what had happened and what he had to do

Leaving himself bare to a complete stranger, trusting her

So pure and innocent,

and then when that rodent had touched her, he had defended her, fighting the entire bar… for her!

And as she fought beside him (and his friend… he was okay)

She had felt it! A bond! Just like her voices told her

“If you feel the bond as you fight beside another, you will be together forever!” they had told her

And she had found him

Her little lion

As Cane began walking to his apartment, he found that the elevator to the fifth floor was under
mainetense so with a sigh he began the long climb up to the fifth floor, while the building his
apartment was actually fully owned by the Barlow family and was as such usually empty aside from
himself the only real reason, he resided on the higher floor was just the view

As he marched up the stairs, he felt a buzz from his pocket and pulled out his phone to see that the
overseer of all people was calling him slightly confused as to this new development he answered and
brought the phone to his ear

“Cane Barlow speaking, how may I be of assistance?” he spoke, keeping his tone neutral and
continuing his climb up the stairs

“Ah Dr. Barlow! Glad I could get a hold of you” the man exclaimed over the phone, even over the
phone Cane could see him rubbing his hands together and sporting his usual nervus smile, “I’m
calling because of todays events and your contributions!”

“I assume you are referring to the Containment breach caused by Little Red and Wendigo?” he
asked, calling the girls by their monikers as to keep thing professional and not give him any idea of
his… odd relationship with the inmate “if you are calling about the matter concerning a reward or
such, you know very well that I don’t need one”

The man went silent for a few moments and Cane simply stood there waiting for him to answer “…
A-actually I wasn’t calling about any reword… Or punishment for that matter!” the man hurriedly
finished his sentence, clearly trying to avoid a misunderstanding “its just your actions have drawn
some attention”

Cane leaned against the wall of the stairway and let some menace enter his voice “Whose

The line went completely silent, and he could swear he heard the man gulp like a fish

“Mr. Wilson?”

“The CRC”

“…What do they want” Cane sighed in announce

The CRC or the Catacomb Representative Council were directly responsible for all facilities within the
UN and as such monitored all inmates, victims, and staff. They were the ones who ran every single
aspect of his work and the facility he worked at and as such the only real threat in this line of work as
they had free reign to create any transfers or firings

The overseer took a more confident voice an began to explain, sounding as if he were reading off a
sheet of paper “well in light of your work and great success concerning Alice Dawson who was
extremely instable and even strong enough that she has taken the rank of S rank threat after her
recent outbreak as well as surviving multiple encounters with Jasmin Rantin, a murderer of the
highest degree the CRC has decided to transfer one Akari Yuu who the Dr has already met and
amazingly survived by reasoning with her to the degree where she allowed you to fix her cells

The overseer finally took a breath

Cane couldn’t help but feel some irritation towards his situation, he could barely deal with Alice and
Jasmin let alone another inmate!

He began to walk up the stairs again, all the while going over the details of her therapy, it would
appear that after the previous situation the CRC had created a new schedule and change to his hours
to avoid any further issues among the inmates, they would allow him to talk to Alice, Jasmin and
Akari on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and removed that annoying rule of having to take the
rest off after having a session with Jasmin and instead adjusted his hours so that he could have up to
eight clients on those days and have the day off when he would have normally had his hysteric and
boring clients on Tuesday and Thursday

This left him now working less days than days he had off, but he now was allowed much less paid
leave… not that he needed it at all. Eventually he made his way to his apartment and went directly
to his bedroom, today had been crazy with the whole breach fiasco and partying with Leandro so he
just wanted to sleep

Hanging up on the overseer after saying his goodbyes he collapsed on his bed, grabbing the Wendigo
plushy that he had made a habit of using as a pillow (hey even mafia need a plushie after a hard day)
and closed his eyes

Only to be interrupted by a sound that shook him to his core…


One second, he was lying in bed comfortable and dozy the next he had thrown across it, grabbing
the pistol off the nightstand and using the bed as cover as the room lit up with new beams of light.
He couldn’t help but curse his own carelessness as he hadn’t checked the windows like usual
because of his fatigue

Scrambling across the floor, he raced towards the door but as he did, he felt a blinding pain erupt
from his shoulder and left leg as he took bullets. He couldn’t help but let out a bellow of pain as he
dragged himself out of the bedroom and into the windowless bathroom

Slamming the door closed and pressing a hidden button on the sink he heard the second metal door
shut over the first one and leaned himself against the bathtub

The authority’s would likely already be one their way now and with them hopefully an ambulance

“I would rather not die like” this he thought as he felt his conciusness slip and collapsed

Still holding the now bloody wendigo plushie

(Jasmin Pov


Mostly considered to be the worst day of the week, due to it being the first day a person returns to
work or school after a long relaxing time over the weekends or holidays. However, in the catacombs
Mondays meant something different entirely, Jasmin was unsure how a normal prison worked as she
had never bothered to find out but here the therapist always got the weekend off

And seeing as every day was essentially the same as any other, they had never really stood out to
Jasmin, Mondays had originally been something she had detested due to the constant whining and
questioning of the shrinks until she met him… her dearest Dr

Now Mondays where her favorite days of the week, she got out of bed fully energized and began her
morning shower humming all the while and began to wonder about the hours ahead. Had her
previous self-seen her acting like this, like a maiden in love she would likely have killed herself at the
thought but then again, the past her hadn’t ever met her true love

She did her usual morning routine with far more vigor than she once had, brushing her short blue
hair to a point of perfection, taking care with her skin routine, and even ironing her uniform before
sitting on her bed stroking the small bandage that was now completely clean of blood or any sign of

However, unlike the usual robotic voice that would screech over the loudspeakers, informing her
that it was now her time for a weekly session of mental “help” the voice that she heard was
completely human and obviously terrified

“Interrupting the usual broadcast t-the company would like to inform the resident that Dr Barlow is
unable to come to work at the moment and as such inmate 945 will be transferred to the care of Dr
Banks for the foreseeable future”

For a few minutes she just sat frozen on her bed her smiling expression unchanged and her body
unmoving and frozen, from the outside it seemed as if time had simply stopped entirely until with a
near audible SNAP the setting completely changed

She moved so fast that she seemed to teleport onto her feet, her face changing from a girlish smile
to a nearly emotionless slate, the only hint of her pure and unadulterated rage sat within her eyes
that had change from their usual predator gold to a dull and empty void

She then spoke, addressing the person on the speaker as she knew he could hear her through the
microphones placed in the room, one under the bed and the other behind the cupboard

“What do you mean UNABLE TO COME TO WORK” she demanded in a voice that was so cold it
seemed to lower the temperature of the room “are you perhaps trying to keep him away from me…
I know he wouldn’t skip a day of work”

Hearing nothing from the voice only confirmed her thoughts… they were trying to keep them apart!
First that little skank and now the whole catacomb! She would tear them apart, squeezing her hands
together so hard she drew blood she walked to the door of her room and raised a fist, preparing to
destroy all in her path until she found Dr Barlow
But before she could throw the blow the voice screamed over the speaker, different this time a voice
she knew, the Overseer had made an appearance

Literally screaming for her he called to her “WAIT! WAIT! Its nothing like that” the man appeared to
understand the gravity of the situation and was now trying to calm her “Dr Barlow was genuinely
unable to come today, I personally can confirm this! I was the one who got the call!”

The call, two words that rolled in her head, not that her dear actually called the overseer but instead
that he “Got the call”. She couldn’t lie, that alone was setting off warning bells in her head that had
never rung before

“WHAT.WAS.THE.CALL” she demanded, squeezing each word out individually, using all her strength
to not just launch herself through the door and go on another rampage like two days prior

“The Hospit-“

He never got to finish his words as Jasmin disappeared in an explosion of red energy that enveloped
the room, destroying the furniture and tearing into the thick concrete walls and even the steel
reinforcements, all anyone could see was pure red

By the time the energy dissipated all that could be seen was devastation and an empty cell


He was hurt! Jasmin was within the span of mere seconds blocks away from her cell, moving at
inhuman speeds generated by the red energy coming out of her like tendrals, pulling her forward
and shredding any in the way

They said he would be away for days, meaning that the injury must be serious! She doubted her dear
concubine to be would get hurt by an accident but that meant…


She would rip them apart molecule by molecule!

she would burn, break, cut, maul, shred, sear, crush, impale, melt, evaporate, snap, choke, gouge
and flay them until they were nothing but a gelatinous screaming THING the size of her thumb


but first she needed to find HIM, HER DOCTER… SHE NEEDED TO KNOW CANE WAS SAFE!

But how could she find him! She didn’t have time to search all 12 hospitals of La Wiser, she didn’t
have time! He needed her!
but HOW!

She knew where he lived but that was only the first step!


She knew how to find him

She needed the slutty She-wolf

(Alice pov)

“1 hour, 37 minutes to go!”

“In just above an hour and a half we get to see Cane!” Alice said aloud in a sing song voice,
practically bouncing off the walls

{Shut Up!} Wolfy yelled, giving Alice a minor headache {I’m trying to sleep here!}

She had been rather cranky this morning, even more than usual, when Alice had asked her about it
all she had gotten silence, before getting the same response over and over again

{it’s probably nothing!} the voice whined, obviously annoyed by her friends accusing thoughts… yes
that right! Her friend! Turns out they had a lot in common!

After learning the truth of her secondary personalities past Alice had become more understanding,
even going as far as to let her take over fully on the weekends

{Why can’t I take over when we see Cane, its not fair!} Wolfy demanded in a sulky tone {when ever
we see him you never let me take first!}

They had discussed this multiple times, in their free time between reading, talking about the man of
their dreams, and looking for ways out of the cell, so they could “Visit” their love but -the main
reason it was impossible for Alice to let Wolfy take over fully before meeting cane and let her speak
on their behalf was…

“You’d molest him!” She screamed with a red face, admittedly both embarrassed and…warm at the
idea “We both know what you want to do with him and how fast you go into heat! If given the
chance to overpower him who knows what you might do”

Wolfy went silent for a few moments before returning in a shamelessly offended tone “How dare
you! You now very well that I would never harm Cane in any way!” sounding as if she were taking a
breath she continued “besides he would never say no to me… unlike you”

Alice nearly stumbled and fell at the condescending tone Wolfy had taken before asking “w-what are
you talking about!”

{oh please! If he were to pick between your small and flat body against my rugged curves we know
who he would pick!} she yelled in a mocking tone {we both felt his gaze on my body! MY ABBS} she
yelled triumphantly

Alice was literally seconds from an aneurism as she turned crimson and started to reply “It’s OUR
body you idiot! What the hell are…”

She didn’t get to finish as suddenly the door of her cell was ripped entirely off its hinges with ear-
piercing shriek, as she saw who stepped in she began to shift, her body growing and eyes turning a
bright red

Taking the initiative they charged at her, pouncing at speeds impossible for any normal to perceive
and aimed a clawed hand at her throat planning on ending the fight as quickly and ruthlessly

Only to suddenly be unable to move!

Moving so fast that even they didn’t see it coming two tendrils launched at them and wrapped
themselves around her, and held her tight

As they began to struggle and scream in feral rage Jasmin began to speak, her voice held a level of
rage that shocked even Alice, a depth of sheer wrath that made their rampage seem as if it were a
mere inconvenience, as she said words that turned their world upside-down

“Canes hurt, I need-” and that was all they heard, it seemed as if Jasmin lips were simply flapping on
their own, soundlessly and without purpose as all the split minded girl could, feel, hear, and see was

She could feel her very form shift and change with her mind, breaking and twisting painfully at an
extent that seemed to shock even the Wendigo. Her arms, legs, skull, and spine snapped and
crackled into new jagged forms, the skin split praying blood across the walls and floor before new
flesh formed out of the peaking bone and fur grew over it

But they didn’t feel the pain, yes, they were in pain but not because of what was happening to them

SOmEoNE Had hUrt CANE!?!?

As what seemed to be fire shifted through her veins, she felt her viewpoint change and she ran on all
fours out the door, barely fitting and not even noticing the tendrils she had torn through or how
Jasmin was now ridding her back, wearing an expression that matched her feelings

They broke through doors and walls, moving at such a speed and with such ferocity that any in their
way ended up crushed under them or simply splattering against them like bugs on a windscreen,
further adding to their bloody visage

Only when they had broken out into the yard and multiple spears of red energy crashed through the
fence, they were charging did the girls realize they had a passenger, but they didn’t care

Today as long as she didn’t get in the way they could be best friends for all she cared, if she helped
her find Cane, she would even maybe let her live

This day later grew to be one of the most terrifying days in the lives of those who encountered them,
as they watched a wolf, eyes purple and aglow, covered in blood and purple veins charged howling
through the catacomb walls, their building and friends while ridden by an equally terrifying woman,
soaked red with cold blue hair and black eyes

Not that the wolf cared for the bugs it squashed, it simply charged through the whole in the fence,
crushed any its path, climbing the buildings it could and smashing through the ones it couldn’t. The
only thought in its for-now melded finds was an instinctual drive, a drive to find the one they loved,
the one that was theirs

Their therapist!

Their Mate!

Their CANE!
“This show sucks” Cane grumbled as he turned off the show, he had been hospitalized for the past
two days and for most of it he had been heavily drugged, as to not cause him to reopen his wounds

Yesterday however Leandro had visited and with him he brought a gift in the form of a disk
collection, or at least it had appeared to be a gift but after dealing with it for the past few hours he
was no longer so sure and couldn’t help curse Leandro for bringing this horror into his life


As he was unable to move and could only wait for his men to find the shooter, Cane had spent the
better part of yesterday binging show after show, watching horror, romance, action, and slice of life
indiscriminately and without remorse for his sleep schedule

And after all that time only three had truly stuck out, and each for different reasons, one was based
off two “handymen” who did jobs for any who could afford them, legal or not and had often
reminded him of his own life and was the first one to drag in his attention

The second one to stick out, had stuck out for an entirely different reason, he had no idea why
Leandro had suggested it to him, but he couldn’t help but worry about his friend if that was what he
liked to watch, it was actually disgusting to watch and Cane had only made it a few episodes in
before literally burning it, it was called Boku no …something he couldn’t remember

And the third one had easily been the one to draw out the most reactions form him, it wasn’t
actually the anime that caused him to react but instead one of the characters, she possessed red
eyes, pink hair and was definitely afflicted with Obsessive love disorder, seeing her insane and
erratic actions had caused his mind to quickly think of three other people that he knew and he finally
discovered what Leandro had called a yandere

However, since these three he had yet to find an anime that had any impact on him and he was now
growing bored out of his mind, that was until he started hearing screams

At first, he had thought they were possibly siren or birds but as they grew louder and closer, he
could soon make them out clearly, and the second he heard the howl of a wolf he felt his stomach

He had called the Overseer, hadn’t he? He told him to inform the girls that he was busy… surely, he
didn’t tell them he was hospitalized? … Right? Unless they chucked a fit, he ….


Suddenly the screams quieted and this gave him an even worse feeling

Hoping that was he wrong, Cane gently rose out of the medical bed, taking care to not reopen his
wounds and peered out the window, only to be met with two pairs of dead eyes one black the other

“Hello Dear” the woman he assumed to be Jasmin whispered, it was hard to tell with all the blood
and gore “Hehe we found you” the girl giggled before promptly gently collapsing and falling Infront
of him, though the window, unconscious
taking a few seconds to process both the sleeping bloody girl and the giant wolf holding onto the
staring through the window at him, its head was so big the head couldn’t fit

“sigh what did I do to deserve this” Cane internally whined, putting a hand to his forehead, deciding
to deal with what was likely Alice first, as she was likely clinging to the outer wall of the hospital with
just her claws he pulled Jasmin across the room and out the way before gingerly approaching the
giant wolf

Who was giving puppy eyes?

“Heeeey, Alice” he said, taking a tone similar to the one he used to take with her when she
experienced frequent breakdowns, early in their therapy “what happened to you huh?”

Instead of giving an explanation or even a sentence she whined at him

Deciding to not even bother with questions Cane gently began to stroke her large snout “I didn’t
even know you could do this” he muttered, letting the slight awe he was feeling enter his voice’

He received another whine that seemed to say “neither did we”

“Now I need you to listen closely” cane whispered to her as her ears perked up “you need to change
back, if you don’t, they are going to see and they might take you away”

That got a deep throaty growl out of her, shaking his ribcage

“Besides how are you going to talk to me like this?” he continued, making sure to keep her relatively
calm “I would miss you…” he finished, inserting a tone of longing into his voice

That did the trick as within a few seconds, the sounds of tearing and snapping went off and soon the
now naked and bloody form of Alice fell through the window, much like Jasmin

“Cane” the girl whispered as she fell into his arms, only half conscious


“I’m going to kill them” she whispered looking into his eyes before falling asleep

At her words Cane couldn’t help but release a small and genuine smile as he carried both her and
jasmine under each arm to the bathroom, to wash them clean of all the blood and gore

He must be even more messed up than he thought, to find the two of them adorable after a murder
A literal blood bath

That was what Cane had just experienced, within the small hospital bathroom, the wall and floor
where nearly painted a new color due to the sheer volume of blood that had caked the two girls. It
was as if they had swum In the Nile River after Moses turned it into blood

Choosing to wash Alice first, as she was already naked, he had turned on the shower before walking
out to grab a hospital robe and tie a bandage around his eyes to give her some modicum of privacy,
leaving him only able to see shadows and shapes before returning to find her already laying under
the flowing water, giggling like a baby. That led to an interesting discovery

By the looks of it, when Alice had taken that wolf form it had caused a near perfect synchronization
between her two personalities, and so it stood to reason that when she exited that form it left her
with some, hopefully temporary mental issues… well more than the usual amount

It was hard enough to scrub the girl blindfolded, but it only got much harder when she couldn’t sit
still, trying to hug him and just acing like a general child, by the time he had finished he was
completely soaked and she had once more past out, meaning he had to carry her to one of the
medical beds, now squeaky clean or at least as much as he could tell with the bandages obscuring
his vision

Now he finally made his way back to the bathroom to wash off Jasmin, simply walking in and picking
the woman up by the armpits he stood her up gently before gingerly taking off her clothes and
underwear, avoiding his eyes in a rare case of embarrassment. Eventually after that he slowly
dragged her to the shower and sat her down on a chair, he had placed their when he had gotten sick
of Alice flopping on the ground like a salmon

Then he began the slippery prosses of gently sponging her down before scrubbing with a brush to
get out the congealed blood, when you live in the mafia you learn pretty quickly how to clean off
blood, going from her legs to her arms and other spots that her clothes hadn’t protected, such as her
face and a line along her stomach and hips that seemed like a demonic version of sunburn

As he washed off her face and began to brush her short hair, he felt her begin to move and knew she
had woken up, and as if to prove his point he felt a hand brush his cheek under the bandage before
hearing a teasing voice

“You know you can look right?” she teased, taking an inviting tone, which acted as if he didn’t hear
“you’ll probably see it at one point or another”

That made him pause for a second as the words registered in his head “…. *Ahem* please stop
moving, I can’t wash you If you keep shifting” he said, deciding to act as if she hadn’t said that “Alice
already provided enough trouble”

Thankfully she took her hand off his cheek and began to sit still for hi before he heard her ask “you
washed Alice?”

Hearing her soft tone, he couldn’t help feeling sweat gather on his forehead, even though he didn’t
know why, when he didn’t reply she must have gotten annoyed, and he felt his blindfold get yanked
away before to hands held his head

“Excuse me I asked a question” she said, acting as if he were the one being rude, even though she
was both naked and smiling he saw how cold her eyes were
“Yes, I did” he answered in a neutral tone, stopping to see the emotions disappear from her dead
eyes before continuing “I wore a blindfold just like I did with you, but it was difficult because her
overusing her powers appears to have rendered her into a childish state” he said quickly feeling
surprisingly nervus

Women are scary even to the mafia

When he heard his answer her grip on his head loosened and she looked more gently at him “a
childish state?” she repeated his words, seemingly curious

“yes” he replied nodding “it appears turning into a giant wolf comes with some drawbacks”

Having got her answer she Looked at him closely for a few seconds with a gaze that seemed to stair
through him, before turning back around and gesturing with her head for him to continue cleaning

However, when he reached for the bandage to recover her eyes she tossed out a nearby window
giving a noncommittal “oops” covering her expression with a hand, attempting to hide her grin.
While he was tempted to just walkout on her and leave her to clean herself, he decided against it as
he felt a little bad for the state she had been in when she arrived at his window so he just grit his
teeth and continued scrubbing

The next five minutes had to be one of the most tense moments of Cane life, every time he went to
wipe her he had to keep his gaze from shifting across her body and it didn’t help that Jasmin seemed
to delight in taunting him, when he wiped down her back she took carful consideration to lean back,
nearly showing Cane her “front” before he could look away and letting out a sensual giggle at his

Having been homeschooled in a secure location for most of his life to avoid assignation attempts and
other mob related dangers Cane had only really met women his age that weren’t part of the
syndicate during his 4 years at university and even then, he had mostly kept to himself, dating only a
few women here and there

So as he finished washing her up, and carried her back to his hospital room, and she snuggled up to
his chest breathing heavily he couldn’t help but feel some amount of defeat
Heavy and dark

As cane regained consciousness, he couldn’t help but notice the two weights that were holding him
restrained to the bed

At first, he was extremely confused but as he remembered the previous hours events he realized
what was going on. After he had finished the washing off Alice and Jasmin, he had been extremely
tired thanks to a combination of physical fatigue and heavy painkillers

As he had carried Jasmin back to his hospital room/ward, which he had thankfully reserved for
himself and himself alone, leaving a multitude of empty beds and space, he had attempted to simply
drop her down on the bed parallel to the one he had already placed Alice in previously only for the
girl to drag him with her

Apparently she had somehow “fallen asleep” in the short time from him walking from the door to
the bed which was less than ten meters away, and even though he could still feel her fingers digging
into his hospital gown, could actively see the red hot blush on her face and the visible hot breaths
exiting her mouth that only increased in volume the closer he got to the bed he had simply been to
tired to bother fighting her. So, he had just collapsed with her onto the passed out, likely leaving her

But that was not his problem… at the moment

And as he woke up to the now dark room and felt the two weights clinging to him, he sighed and
lifted the blanket, they were both awake and staring at him, Jasmin had curled herself around his
arm, her breasts sandwiching his upper arm and her thighs holding his hand captive as her leg curled
around him and pushed into Alice

It appeared that a small silent battle had undergone while he slept, one that Alice had lost as she
was curled up around his waist, holding tightly around him as to not be kicked off by her new
nemesis, her hair ruffled and one of Jasmin’s feet placed firmly on her shoulder

Sighing and shaking his head as he saw the picture before him, he tried to get up but was only met
with two pairs of hands taking his shoulders, holding him firmly in place as their owners crouched
above him

“Do not move” Alice ordered, her voice unusually firm and eyes a cobalt blue “you’re injured as is,
we had to redo your bandages while you slept”

Jasmin nodded in agreement, which left Cane shook

Noticing his clear shock Jasmin gestured between Alice and herself “I have decided to allow the bitch
to live, until you are fully healed” she spoke imperiously as if leaving no room for argument “while I
would love to rip her apart molecule by molecule, a fight between us could cause you damage…
besides I need her for something”

“What?” Cane asked tilting his head, genuinely confused at the fact that she was willing to work with

Surprisingly it was Alice who answered his question, her voice taking a tone that sent shivers down
his spine “HUnTinG!”
Nodding Jasmin continued for her “We are going to find the person who did this to you” she
answered matter o factly, as if it were a complete guarantee “Could you please tell us what
happened?” despite her gentle tone Cane could feel that he had no choice in the matter

And so he began to recount the events of the night, how he had gone to the bar with Leandro, which
he could tell the girls didn’t give a rats ass about, come back to his apartment while having a
discussion with the overseer about the new schedule he would be taking, as to keep the girls
“happy” and finally how he had come to his apartment, immediately collapsed onto the bed only to
immediately hear gunfire and make his escape, taking a few hits along the way

It was at this point where Jasmin and Alice had gotten EXTREMELY pissed off, it had taken nearly an
hour before Alice had stopped tearing the furniture and appliances apart WITH HER TEETH, and
nearly as long before Jasmin stopped smiling and staring off into space, a smile that made gunfire
seem friendly

Once they had calmed down, they went over specifics, what building had the shooter been on, what
kind of gun, how long until he stopped shooting and what the police had found on their own, which
was jack of course

Even heroes had no interest in saving the mafia

Over the course of the night, thanks to mainly Jasmin they had a complete timeline of the events
and Cane discovered that the girls had found out about his background a few days ago

When he asked how all they would say was “y-you said you had family problems, so I wanted to find
out who to ki- I mean help” (Alice) and “does it matter?” (Jasmin) before returning to their works
smiling all the while

Eventually Cane, still under the effects of the painkillers had passed out again and didn’t wake up
until the next day, but instead of two girls all he found was two plushies, one a wolf and the other
his blood covered Wendigo alongside a note

MY Dearest Cane

The Cannibal freak and I have left for our “business” and will likely not see you until you return to
work, so you better heal fast!... the catacombs count on it

Wish you good health


For some reason after we redressed your wounds all the bloody bandages disappeared, wonder
what could have happened

Sincerely Alice

Cane couldn’t help but smile reading the note, now he nearly felt sorry for the basterd who shot

Just kidding!

He hoped it was slow and painful

[First step of hunting!] Wolfey Announced [Start at the beginning of the trail!]

“Oh Really” Alice asked, she had taken a backseat during the hunt, giving full control over to her
other side and watched from the backseat

[Yes! never underestimate the importance of the first scent!]

“Then why are we going through Canes dirty washing?!” Alice yelled, feeling both annoyed that they
were wasting time and jealous that she wasn’t the one who got to do it... mostly just jealous

[we didn’t get to do anything on our first visit here and knows likely our only chance to take a trophy
or two] her lupine side whined, taking out a pair of jocks and a shirt from the basket [think of it as a
payment for our help! NOT LIKE I WOULDN’T HELP ANYWAY!]

Alice couldn’t help but contemplate her words, when they had arrived at Canes apartment for the
first time it had been during the desperate hunt for a wounded Cane, they had been led here by
Jasmin who had been riding them, only to leave the second they caught his scent, not taking any
amount of time to look around

And once they had found him, they reeeaaally struggled to leave his side, not only was sleeping with
her love an experience that brought more comfort and warmth than any other in her life, but it was
more addicting than any drug could ever hope to be

[we could have had a better time with him if not for that bitch!] Wolfey Growled, still pissed at the
events that had just occurred [she not only tried to kick us off the bed, but she’s locked herself inside
of his room!]

Yes, once they had arrived at Canes office for the second time the first place both the girls had gone
to was the bedroom, and while Alice had nearly gone feral seeing the large amounts of blood that
covered the now flipped and holy bed Jasmin had taken the opportunity to quiet literally through
her out of the room and lock herself in it

Thank God the room was soundproof as Alice really didn’t want to hear what Jasmin was currently
doing in that room, but judging from the heavy breathing and blush she had when chucked Alice out
of the room she bet it was something that under normal circumstances she would slaughter her for

However not wanting to waste her free time in the den of her mate Wolfey had immediately found
an old empty briefcase and was now shoving whatever she wanted in it, so far between Alices
suggestions and Wolfeys pure level of hornyness they had found quite a lot of precious loot

All together their haul consisted of Canes toothbrush, Cane’s used towel, a pair of Cane’s socks, a
half-finished sandwich from the fridge, a comb, a hoodie, a couple of spoons and the unwashed
Boxers and shirt they had just stolen

They had just finished gently packing up all the items into the brief case when Jasmin came out of
the bedroom, her hair messy and clothes ruffled, she also smelt of sweat and… sexual pheromones

Seening the tall form of Wolfey closing a brief case and holding it against her chest like a mother
holds a baby she scowled and demanded

“What the hell are you doing with MY loves belongings!?”

Not Iterested In her shit they just responded with a question of their own “What were YOU doing in
MY Mates bed!?”
The air went tense for a moment as both women struggled to stop themselves from launching at
each other but in the end the both released an angry sigh followed by a glare as they decided to let
the other live another day’

After all they needed each other if they were going to find the basterd who hurt the man they loved

“just forget it” Alice whispered to Wolfey “we need her for now”


“WE NEED HER… for now”

Grumbling Wolfey listened to her, and she begin to move away from the source of her annoyance
and began to make her way to Canes office, until they heard her say softly

“While I was… in Canes room I saw the building that Cane told us the shooter was in” she said
watching for any change of expression on the face of her rival before contining “and judging from
the trajectory of the bullets we can assume that they were likely on the roof…”

While Alice and Wolfey where nowhere near the level of intellect that Jasmin possessed they could
see what this was

An olive branch… one that admittedly didn’t try to hide the dagger in her other hand but still… an
olive branch

They were quiet for a moment, both on the inside and outside before their eyes shifted to a shadeof
purple so dark that it seemed to suck in the light of the surroundings leaving their face dark and
ominous, and both Alice and Wolfey stopped existing

they just were yet they were not

“ThEn LetT ThE huNt BeGIn” she said as she ran, picking up Jasmin and holding her under her arm, in
the direction she pointed and smashing through the nearest window

As they began to fall into the street below, she felt Jasmin crawl onto her bask like a bag of sorts
before two red tendrils shot past her shoulder and latched onto the nearest buildings, creating a
slingshot that sent them up towards their goal

As they landed roughly on the wall of the building in question, Alice/Wolfey dug their claws into the
concrete and began to scale up the side of the large apartment building, not caring for the loose
shards she pulled loose that fell onto the people below, who were just making their way to work

And as they reached the pinnacle, they picked up a smell, spicy and rough yet faint, tickling their

Stalking over to the source of the scent Alice felt Jasmin drop of her back and watched as she jogged
ahead of her

Not taking her eyes off her, the for now singular minded girl walked over to her a looked over her
shoulder, something she normally wouldn’t have been able to do due to their height difference, but
thanks to fully shifting she now stood a few inches over her

“Here!” Jasmin whispered emotionlessly, pointing towards some scratches that were engraved onto
the edge of the roof, merely a few feet from the edge of the north side “these scratches along with
the slight, darkening of the concrete are from a rifle. When the shots were fired from the rifle, the
stand left these marks due to the recoil”

“sO yOu gUesSing tHe WiNdoW beFoRe, As tHe moSt liKely sPot foR thE sNIper waS JUst bUllShit
huh?” Alice remarked, her voice taking a mocking tone despite its demonic sound. Something she
had noted previously was that this voice was likely a result of both of her personalities talking at
once, combined

“I was… busy, the bullet trajectory was the last thing on my mind” Jasmin countered

Deciding to ignore her words Alice knelt beside her, bending to get a smell of the ground, and the
sent attached to it

The scent was extremely faint, likely due to being left in the open air for multiple days amounst the
usual cacophony of smells in the city, but she was still able to get a few things out of it

Adult Male, heavy cologne, coffee, obviously gunpowder, salt and a strong smell of ink

When she gave this information to Jasmin the girl went silent for a few moments before she began
to think aloud

“him being Male and wearing cologne are relatively useless concerning information unless you can
somehow recognize them amongst an entire crowd” she speculated “the same with gunpowder and
salt is likely just from sweat, coffee is likely because he was staking out the place at night… ink

“Ink?” Alice repeated confused

“Yes Ink!” Jasmin yelled triumphantly, before running off at a high speed, as Alice followed she
explaining as she ran “see in order for the scent of ink to last as long as it did and still be the most
prominent scent he would have had to be practically covered in the stuff right?”

Nodding Alice agreed “YeS?” she was still unsure where this was going

Seeing her still struggle Jasmin continued “there are only a few places in this side of the city that
would have enough ink in them to leave an imprint on a mans scent and I can only think of one that
a hitman would have any reason to visit!” she paused as she used her tendrals to pull her to the roof
of another building “in the southern sector of the city there is a small hidden arms dealer guild
housed in an abandoned ink factory, that’s where we start!”


Over the course of the next sixteen hours, the girls continued to hunt, they first found the arms
dealers and “persuaded” them to hand over the list of clients that had bought rifles recently, before
then killing the arms dealers themselves slowly
after all It was partially their fault Cane got hurt

After that it was a simple matter of finding the addresses and identity of every customer before cross
referencing it by those who would be willing, stupid, or desperate enough to try and kill a member of
the Barlow family which was hard to do now that all of Jasmin’s former informants had either been
arrested or killed during her time in the Catacombs

That crossed off the 2 small time crime bosses who bought rifles in bulk, the American bunker
owner, multiple men working for terrorist cells and the people who just wanted a gun without a

And that left only one person, one Edwin Harrison

Small time muscle with a drug addiction and two different alimony payments overdue, not only was
in the right mindset but the girls both had a gut feeling, one that seemed to light their souls on fire
with pure, feral rage

It was only a simple matter after that of finding his apartment, where Alice was able to confirm that
this was the male scent AND cologne that she had smelt at the roof, and to only make thing more
certain they found a Rifle hidden behind a false backboard in his cupboard, missing seven bullets, a
number of missing bullets that matched the number of holes in CANES HOME AND CANE HIMSELF!

Seeing as he wasn’t home Jasmin hopped onto his computer and checked his emails, thankfully he
hadn’t skipped town and appeared to have gone out to meet some friends at a pub

Finding said establishment took more time than it took them to get there, and allot less time than it
took for the girls to regain their composure as to not simply walk into the pub and slaughter
everything inside’


He wasn’t going to get a quick death like that

Soon the man they had spent so long searching for walked out of the building, his face slick with
sweat and cheeks red indicating him being drunk

It took every fiber of Jasmin’s Being to not simply walk up to him and rip his spine out through his
throat and Alice nearly went insane as she had to hold her two sides from splitting apart and tearing
both themselves and him apart

And as they followed him home broke the weak lock with their bare hands, destroying the only
barrier between them and the man who had touched…HURT THEIR LOVE… Dark expressions and
smiles took over their faces

Smiles that promised pain

Promised suffering

Promised vengeance
{WARNING! Torture imminent!}

Authors note: I’d say people without balls would skip this, but we all know that’s an insult to
women! Besides at this point if you’re still reading, you likely don’t care about human life anyway

Also luck you! I was feeling inspired and ended up writing an extra long chapter!

??? pov


Cold and damp

As He felt his consciousness return all he could see was black and al he could feel was the cold, damp

The first thing he experienced was as he woke up was a deep feeling of confusion, this wasn’t his
bedroom! He clearly remembered passing out on his mattress! But soon that confusion gave way to
a deep gnawing feeling of fear

If he wasn’t at home than where was he!? The air was stale, and he could feel something, a cloth
wrapped around his eyes and another between his teeth, keeping him from yelling out, as well as
another four holding down his limbs keeping him in uncomfortable spread-eagle position. once he
regained his wits- no who was he kidding he was still terrified but even then, he knew what had

He, Edwin Harrison had been kidnapped in his sleep!

However before he could freak out further a deep shiver slammed into his spine, he could feel the
air on his arms, neck and legs go stiff and goosebumps grow on his skin as he suddenly realized
something, he couldn’t see and the room was silent as a grave but his instincts began to go crazy, his
skin crawling and sweat coating as his forehead as his mind began to scream to him, repeating a
message that he knew was true even if he had no proof

He wasn’t alone!

Even bound and gagged he could feel the presence of the person or persons in front of him, he could
feel them and as a man who had worked on multiple actions with the scum and villainy of this city,
he dam well knew that the level of primal fear he was experiencing, the same fear that had turned
his legs to jelly and his throat to stone always meant danger

And as if the gods in a rare incidence of dark humor had decided for once to prove him correct, he
heard the sound of footsteps moving towards him, they seemed strange though, unnaturally deep
and long lasting as if he were hearing a recording slowed down

And after what felt like weeks the footsteps stopped and Edwin someone tug on his blindfold, it
came off as if in slow motion as the world suddenly became much brighter and much… much more

Two women stood peering at him from above of his laying form, they were bountiful, a man’s
dream, one had long, shining silver hair encircling her perfect face, seemingly highlighting her deep
and glowing purple eyes. The other had short blue hair and yellow eyes that gleemed like that of a
hawk, her face much sexier and more seductive than her partner, a complete babe

And normally Edwin would have cracked a joke or flirted with such women, even in the state he was
in, after all humor was his coping mechanism but… not this time

There was something so off about them, maybe it was their unblinking eyes that seemed to stair
through him, maybe it was the dark aura that seeped out of them like black smoke or maybe it was
the completely warped, unchanging smiles that seemed to twist and pull their faces but none the
less they made him feel more fear than he had ever felt

As he laid there petrified and near pissing himself, he watched the one with the yellow eyes begin to
speak, here mouth moving as if in slow motion and her voice sounding warped

“Hello Edwin” she said smiling,

he might have been calmed down by such a beautiful voice and smile yet instead it caused his gut to
twitch in horror

there was no warmth in her voice, not a spark, it was as she spoke on the behalf of the arctic itself

“Good to see you awake” the other piped in still smiling and her voice also sounding wrong, exept
while it was slow and warped like the other, it sounded as if not one but instead two people were
talking “How are you feeling? anything feels weird?”

He didn’t speak to afraid and they had yet to remove his gag

“I should hope so!” the hawk eyed one answered before turning back to him, her smile seemed to
grow “tell me Edwin… are you familiar with the drug Serenity?”

Confused and near hysterical he shook his head slowly, or at least it seemed slow to him

she stopped smiling and began to simply stair at him, her eyes seemed to rotate like two blackholes,
terrifying him to the point he nearly passed out

“Serenity was an experimental drug created twelve years ago by a brilliant scientist by the name of
Abraham Rantin… my grandfather” her words seemed to get slower and slower as she talked until it
seemed like she was saying a word a minute “it was designed to be used by soldiers in battle against
heroes. It causes the mind to enter a state of hyper acceleration so fast that the world simply seems
to slow down, allowing even the weakest of cannon fodder to move through a battle ground like a
speedster, seeing, thinking and FEELING everything like it were going on for days instead of just a

As she talked she turned around, going over a tray of items he had only now noticed now, hammers,
scalpels, pliyers and even some power tools

It was at this point Edwin began to struggle against his bindings

But as he tried it seemed as of his body where moving at a glacial speed, as if he were moving in
hardening concrete

Ignoring his struggles the blue haired women continued to go through her tools, at this point barely
moving at all and after what felt like nearly an hour of struggling he heard another voice, the voice of
the silver haired woman- no the silver haired demon!
“We are going to torture you now” she stated simply, her eyes showing a level of pure hate and
venom that made Edwin tremble. Her words warped and so slow that he felt himself cry out of
frustration “for us it will feel like mere hours but for you… it may feel like years”

As she finished saying this, she moved her arm towards him, it moved towards him at snail’s pace,
but he felt more fear than he ever had in his life, in any of his past lives if he had them

He tried to escape, tried to pull away but it kept getting closer and close, he cried and begged but no
matter what it KEPT.GETTING.CLOSER

And as it finally reached his chest, now a crooked claw of talons and tore through his skin, he felt it
cut layer by layer, molecule by molecule, it felt as if years had passed by the time, it had ran itself
across his skin, leaving deep valleys of slowly using blood

In one cut they had broken him into a weeping mess, his throat feeling raw from what felt like an
eternity of screaming and his face felt wet from the oceans of tears he had spilt

And as he looked up once more to see another clawed hand moving like an unrushed and
unstoppable force and saw the woman with those golden predatory eyes looking towards him now
holding a hammer and chisel, moving towards him he felt despair

And that night in a certain broken-down ink factory a man felt more pain than any other in history
ever had

His screams bloody and agonized echoed by the shrill laughter of his torturers

Author note: this was my first time writing a torture scene, reckon I should keep it this graphic, get
more graphic or chill out. Also just saying, seeing as these yanderes are probably going to do a LOT
more torturing and killing over the course of the plot only important enemy’s or offenders will be
tortured “on screen”
Walking out of the hospital arm in a sling Cane couldn’t help but release a relieved sigh, even if the
staff where nothing but polite one could only spend so much time in a medical facility before going

It had been three days since the girls had visited and the doctors had finally cleared him for release,
he would have been released earlier but the bullet that hit his shoulder had torn a fair number of
muscles and even grazed a tendon so if not for a certain hero with healing abilities being in dept to
him he would likely have been stuck there for a while longer

Walking to the curve and waving a cab he sat down on what looked to be the cleanest part of the
backseat and told the driver where he wanted to go, the catacombs. While the doctors had told him
to take it easy for a few days otherwise the newly mended muscle could tare, he honestly could care
less, he really didn’t feel like dealing with another rampage because of his absence

Speaking of the girls he hadn’t seen them since they left in the night at the hospital, he had however
seen they’re not so subtle message

He had woken up during the night, one full day after the girls left on their “hunt” and opened the
window to let in some fresh air and the cool breeze only to find a sight that made a smile blossom on
his face, spraypainted across the building opposite him in red glowing spray paint was a giant love
heart with some words inside it

Get well soon Darling/Dear xoxoxo!

Lots and lots and lots and heaps and tons of love!

Ps look at your email, we got him!


After letting out a gentle laugh at the girls shows of affection, and admittedly feeling happy he
checked his email

Messaged to him under from an unnamed user was a bundle of images, in all honesty he had no idea
how they were able to get his personal email, but all he could do was hope they didn’t cause any
permanent harm to any of his associates

The photos consisted of mainly selfies of the two girls, a few peace signs and teasing cleavage shots
here and blood splatters marking their cheeks (on their faces) but the final photo was the one that
drew the most attention

It was a photo of both the girls smiling at the camera while kneeling over a surgical desk, on it a
bloody corpse. No bloody could barely describe it, its skin had been peeled back, eyes and tounge
gouged out and an expression of such immense agony on its face that it made even him feel

That was eye-opening

Not the corpse mind you, despite its ridiculous amount of damage, reminding him of the photos of
Mary Jane Kelly, the final victim of jack the ripper and his most gruesome murder

It was the fact that the girls had done it for HIM, don’t get him wrong, Cane didn’t find the girls any
less attractive nor was he now repulsed by them or anything like that, hell he was from the Barlow
family! His heritage was built on the blood and suffering of the innocent, but it was eye opening in
the fact that he now realized the scope their affections

There was a very large defense between killing someone out of passion and torturing someone to
death for hurting that someone, and judging from the level of damage he could say they had likely
been working on him for hours on end

He continued thinking this over for multiple days and had not stopped even now as the cab pulled
up at the catacombs

All he could come down to was one simple thought process

He couldn’t escape them without either his own death or theirs, he didn’t really want to anyway, he
found them attractive, they obviously wanted him so… why resist?

Only issues with this were that the were his patients and as such were supposedly “forbidden” and
that both Jasmin and Alice wanted to rip out each other’s throats out

Pushing aside the thoughts for now he stepped out of the cab, passing the driver a fifty dollar not
and walking away, not caring for change and began to walk towards the giant metal dome

When he arrived at the gate he removed his sunglasses, about to do the usual retina scan when
suddenly the gate buzzed open on its own, reveling the familiar face of Mr Wilson the overseer
walking towards him waving. Stepping through the now ajar metal door and walking meeting him he
put on his best smile and gave a greeting

“Mr Wilson!” he exclaimed, taking a fake tone of surprise and joy at his arrival, that he wouldn’t
normally take had he not been in dept to him for not firing him due to the whole fiasco of the girls
rampage “good to see you!” he finished offering his hand

Taking his hand happily the man smiled up to him “even better to see you Mr Barlow! I have so
much to thank you for!”

“Really?” Cane asked doubtfully

“Yes, my boy!” the overseer exclaimed spreading his arms “thanks to that little tantrum the girls had,
we were finally able to get a number of fundings and permissions granted that I have been applying
for years now”

“What policies?” Cane asked both doubtful of the situation and surprised at the overseer not caring
for the number of guards and civilians that where slaughtered by his girls

His girls? When did that happen? How odd

“Mostly minor problems with infrastructure and security” Mr Wilson answered waving his hand
nonchalantly “however we have finally been given permission to hire ex-military and mercenary
personnel!” he exclaimed “…speaking of which”

“Pardon?” Cane asked not hearing that last part

He wasn’t answered as suddenly he walked headfirst into the chest of probably the biggest woman
he had ever seen


That was the word that popped into canes head as he felt himself walk into someone, he felt his
head lodge halfway into a large set of pillows before bouncing off and falling on his ass. However,
before anyone could offer him a hand, he quickly shook his head regaining his senses and got back

As he stood up and brushed himself off, he couldn’t help but feel some heat enter his face as
embarrassment hit him, thankfully however he quickly cleared his head, taking in the woman before

She was big… in every sense of the word

Even standing at a fair height of six foot he had to look up to her, she stood at least seven feet tall
and was built like a truck her legs, arms, and shoulders rippling with muscle and looking as if they
could crush his bones with just brute strength. She wore an outfit that seemed to be a mix of biker
and military style, the silver pins and chains causing her hair and bright amber eyes to shine as well
as teased her partially uncovered ripped stomach and large breasts.

“Enjoying the view, handsome?” she teased, her face taken over by a smug smile, as she saw his
obvious display of looking her over “Not even a hello first?”

Clearing his throat with a light cough Cane changed his expression to the same one he always used
when meeting new work associates, a look of polite neutrality, he spoke

“My apologies” he said giving a small smile “I was a caught me unawares and I was surprised to see a
new face in these parts”

“Ha-ha! no problem!” she said giving a jovial chuckle “I doubt you see too many new people around
her! On account of the crazies and all”

“Quite true” he answered, returning her chuckle

“Ahem” sounded the warden from behind him, he was clearly not bothered by the insult towards his
patients and was instead grinning happily “Mr. Barlow, allow me to introduce Kira Valeriya! She will
be acting as both the leader of our newly hired security and your new bodyguard!”

Since when did he need a bodyguard? Cane couldn’t help but contemplate, but as he took in his arm
that was now in a sling he decided not to complain, instead reaching out for a handshake

“I look forward to your care” he said giving his best smile

Taking his hand Kira also smiled but hers was more out of mirth that politeness “Ah! So, you must be
the renowned miracle shrink!” she exclaimed and seeing the now confused look in Canes eyes she
elaborated “ever since me and my team got here all we’ve heard about is the miracle therapist who
somehow survived not one but THREE S rank inmates as well as somehow charmed two of them so
much that they broke out to visit him in hospital!” she retailed dramatically

Not sure how to react aside from rubbing the back of his neck and giving the overseer a quick glare,
he let out a tired grumble “that’s me”

“Come on, no need to be so modest!” She laughed, putting an arm around his shoulder, and walking
him down the hall “you have to tell me as much as you can before we reach your client!” she
demanded jokingly

“Client?” Cane repeated confused, as far as he knew his first client of the day was supposed to be
Alice, who he was informed had returned to the facility two days ago along with Jasmin but due to
her once again being in solitary for her breakout he was supposed to have an hour free before his
next client

“Ah yes!” the Mr. Wilson interjected looking sheepish “seeing as you were going to have two spare
hours due to two of your usual clients being… unavailable, I moved forward your first appointment
with the young miss Akari Yuu. You will be meeting her in the victim wing shortly” he explained
before quickly running off, not leaving Cane any chance to argue

Sighing and turning back to Kira who appeared to be studying him silently he began to walk “so tell
me miss Valeriya, what brought you to my facility” he asked, making small talk

Shrugging with the same grin he had seen on her face since the beginning she answered “money
mainly, me and my little troupe of outcasts, were looking through the web for any work when we
stumbled upon a certain, very lucrative, security job”

“Troupe?” he asked, the overseer had mentioned that she oversaw the new security

She nodded, her smile becoming that of a proud parent “my own little jungle or animals and
monsters, all been with me for years and fiercely loyal. Sixteen members in total, all from different
walks of life and packing enough firepower and abilities to take on most counties.”

“Needless to say, extremely expensive” Cane surmised

Looking down at his and giving a smile that reminded him of a hungry bear she answered, “Damn

They kept up the small talk s they walked, getting a few weird looks from the usual guards, seeing a
handsome under the man of a beautiful and gigantic woman, they talked about random things, Kera
cracking a few jokes here and there, even causing Cane to let out a rare laugh as she retailed stories
of her battles in multiple countries and the blunders of her men

(Pov Kira)

For a shrink, this guys not so bad! Totally my type too!

Maybe after his shift I should pull him into a broom closet or something Ha-ha!

No In all seriousness how the hell is he so good looking? All he needs is some more scars and I might
have too lock him in a room with me for a few… decades
“Forgot that was broken”

Cane was now standing in a rather familiar corridor sitting between cell blocks f and g looking rather
sheepish next to Kira. Well, it could hardly be considered a corridor since all the nearby walls had
been smashed to ruble by a certain duo during one of their increasingly common tantrums

“Really?” Kira questioned with a surprised expression, pointing towards elevator that looked like a
tin can attacked by wolves “didn’t you have to like, climb out of this thing?”

“correct” he nodded before letting out a sigh and holding the bridge of his nose with his available
hand “however due to a certain two vixens and a visit to the hospital my mind has been occupied”

Cane couldn’t help but reflect on how much his life had sped up over the two moths since he gained
employment here, he had gotten… sloppy, a few moths ago there was no way in hell that he would
have gone to bed without checking the windows and there was no way that he would have forgotten
soothing as simple as a broken elevator. The only excuse he really had was he painkillers he was on
but even those were quite weak

Feeling someone pat his shoulder he looked up to Kira who was now giving him a grin that seemed
way too exited for the topic of a broken elevator

“as much as you are going to have the story behind that I get the feeling we have more important
matters” she teased before pointing towards a rope that was attached to the roof of the broken
elevator shaft “we’ve been using a pully system for the past few days to let the staff enter and exit,
we attach a harness” she pointed towards a rack of said items nearby “and lower you down”

Walking over to the rack and putting on a harness of his size he asked “I assume my bodyguard will
be the one lowering me down” making a pointed glance towards her muscular arms and stomach

Flexing her muscles jokingly with a huff and pout she asked “I hope you aren’t going to doubt my
athletic prowess” she said in a fake offended tone “I’ll have you know I’ve thrown around plenty of
men your size before” before begging to go over his straps making sure everything was set properly,
carful of his slung arm, before promptly picking him up by the waist and attaching him to the pulley

“P-Please be gentle” Cane couldn’t help but tease causing the woman to both chortle and lightly
blush “I-it’s my first-time doing bondage”

“Best get used to it” she said with a wink “I’ll be harnessing you up every day that you go the victim
wing until the elevator is fixed” she smiles mischievously before suddenly dropping him

“Ohhhhh Noooooooo” he yelled playfully as he drooped down the shaft hearing the woman’s
laughter echoed through the shaft

He fell for a few more seconds before his decent slowed gently and he soon saw the light coming
form the lower levels illuminating the darkness and soon his feet gently kissed the ground, untying
himself and giving a tug on the rope and yelling an “All Good!” he then made his way through the
sublevel giving a few short greetings to the newly hired staff and making his way to the citadel

The citadel was a room within the victim wing that cane had only been informed of during a call he
had received from the overseer during his stint in the hospital, based at the very back of the wing,
surownded by every safety measure that could be thought of the citadel was the one place members
of the victim wing could go to get social interaction
Not that it was ever used, due to the nature of most inmates’ abilities they were usually denied any
physical contact, kept in a medically induced sleep or simply had nobody alive to visit them, meaning
the room simply sat, gathering dust, untouched through the years until now

After a five-minute walk, following the signs plastered to the walls and the directions of the staff he
eventually found a door, completely covered in bolts and locks, a variety of ores, minerals and
technology attached to it, designed to be relatively ability proof to the inmates that it was designed

Cane simply puled out his wallet and showed the scanner his security card and walked in, and then
let out a low whistle at the room, the originally desolate and empty room Cane had seen in the
photos the overseer had sent him during his debriefing had been replaced with a lavish and rich
setting identical to that of his own office, including lighting, the armchair and couch and even his
little safe, equipped with a large bottle of whiskey

Sitting down and making himself at home, cane checked his watch and brought up Akari’s files on his
phone, going over them one more time, as to make sure he didn’t get any information wrong in their
session, or at least not get the information wrong on accident

After all the need to correct a falsity was more often than not a good way to make a patient open up.

And as he finally finished his reading, he heard alarms go off and a door different from the one he
had come through opened and revealed Akari Yuu, understandably not escorted by any guards as
that would just cause another slaughter

“welcome, please take a seat”

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