Catalogueofmilit00glen 47

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2 [GG eee ealWi ee

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G & Go. ==
7 Blenheim Ricas: New Bond Street, {||||)
(l e n, Wat
Londoao et!
& Catalogue of |

-Military & Naval Medals.

a and Decorations
i (2
| oo la lz
a (eis ata

a2|i Friday, November 7th, 1952

Commencing at 1 p.m. precisely.

Day prior and Morning
of Sale,

ea eo e a ae

First.—The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute

arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute
shall be immediately put up again and resold, provided
the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute.
SECOND.—No person to advance less than 1s.; above five pounds
-5s.; and so on in proportion.
Turrp.—All lots are put up for sale subject (a) to any reserve
price imposed by the seller and (b) to the right of the
seller to bid either personally or else by any one person
who may be the Auctioneer.
FourtH.—The purchasers to give in their names and places of
abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more in
part of payment, or the whole of the purchase-money,
if required; in default of which the lot or lots so purchased
to be immediately put up again and resold.
FirtH.—Each lot is believed to be genuine, but should any lot
prove to be a forgery, or reprint, or wrongly described
in the catalogue, the purchaser is at liberty to take or
reject it, provided always that notice of such rejection
be made and the lot returned within seven days from
date of sale.
Sixta.—The Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible
for any action that may arise, acting solely as agents
between buyer and seller and for both equitably.
The Auctioneers do not hold themselves responsible for
the safe custody of any lots left more than three days
after the date of Sale.

Please Note.
The metal in which the coins are struck is indicated thus : —
A’ =gold, AR=silver, A’=copper or bronze.
El=Electrum (an alloy of gold and silver).
Bl=Billon (an alloy of silver and copper).
Care is taken to describe accurately the condition of coins
and medals, using the following scale: Extremely fine, Very fine,
Fine, and Good. Where no condition is stated it may be assumed
that the coins and medals are not in good condition.
Catalogue of

Military & Naval Medals

and Decorations
Lot Buyer Buyer Buyer
Marriage Spink Whitehouse
Spink Hearn Baldwin
Baldwin ao. do.
do. do. Spink
Seaby do. Seaby
Heara do. Baldwin
do. do. do,
do. do. Spink
do. Tinlin do.
Hammond Baldwin do.
Tinlin do. Hearn
Hearn . Jefferies Whitehouse
Hearn Spink
Orr Baldwin
do. Spink Hearn
Tamplin do. do.
Seaby Hearn Seaby
Baldwin do. Baldwin
Hearn Seaby
Spink Tilling do.
do. Hearn Baldwin
Bain Seaby Spink
Caldwell Baldwin do.
Hearn Turner Hearn
do. Vincent Baldwin
Baldwin Spink do.
do. Baldwin Tebbs
Spink Spink Baldwin
Baldwin Hearn Tebbs
Spink do. Seaby
Baldwin Seaby Baldwin
do. Jefferies Hearn
Hearn Jackson do.
Caldwell Whitehouse Spink
Baldwin Divers 113. Tebbs
Spink Baldwin Hearn
Benedictine Hearn Everett ,
Hearn Seaby 116. Tebbs
Lot Buyer Lot Buyer Lot Buyer
Li. Hearn 168. do. ZO. Durand
118. do. 169. Whitehouse 216. Spink
119. Purves 170. Peters 217. Seaby
120. Hearn yee Baldwin 218. Baldwin
az! Baldwin We # Hearn 219. Tebbs
122. do, 173. do. 220. Hearn
123. Spink 174. do. Zeal.
124. Baldwin 178. Caldwell yagi
125. 176. Whitehouse 223.
126. Weds Seaby 224:
Aa. Baldwin 224a. Jackson
Baliwin Peters 224b. do,
. Spink Hearn 224c. Seaby
Baldwin Spink 224d. Spink
Hearn do. Zoo. Hearn
Baldwin Hearn YHA Spink
Purves Patman 227. Webb
Hearn Baldwin 228. do.
Spink Hearn 229. do.
Hearn Baldwin 230. Donald
do. Hearn - 231. Hammond
Baldwin Baldwin Bae. Clarke
Hearn 233. Webb
Seaby 234. do.
Spink 235. Campbell
Baldwin 236. Hammond
143. Tregoning 237. Fleming
144. Caldwell 238. Webb
145. Phayre 239. Baldwin
Peters Caldwell 240. Maconochie
Newnham 241. Clements
Peters Spink 242. Anthony
Baldwin Hearn 243. Maconochie
Seaby Newnham 244. Clements
Baldwin Johnson 245. Young
Hammond Spink 246. Keightly
Baldwin Turner 247. Anthony
Seaby Hearn 248. Seaby
Baldwin Whitehouse 249. Clements
Seaby Withdrawn 250. Clarke
Spink 207a. Spink 251. Turner
do. 207b. Johnson 252. do.
Tinlin 207c. do. 254. do.
Hearn 207d. Seaby 255. do.
Baldwin 208. do. 256. do.
Hearn 209. Withdrawn 257. Pe ctoy
Whitehouse Pais Withdrawn 258. Baldwin
Newnham ail. Isaacs 259. Thompson
Baldwin 212. Seaby 260. do,
do. 213. Baldwin 261. Walters
do. 214. Jackson 20m, Withdrawn

Military & Naval Medals

and Decorations

Friday, November 7th, 1952

at | p.m. precisely

Waterloo 1815 (Thomas Lowrie, Gunner, Royal Foot Artillery).
ine) —— (Serjeant Williamson, Ist Foot Guards). Very fine.
—— (Thomas Cole, 2nd Batt., Grenad. Guards). Not original
suspender: otherwise fine.
-=—_— (Charles Shields, 3rd Batt., Grenad. Guards). Very fine. 10
Brunswick, Hanoverian, Nassau and Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg ih) ui

Waterloo medals. Lacquered: otherwise very fine.

Naval General Service, one bar 1 June 1794 (George Taylor), ol
Able Seaman, H.M.S. “‘Valiant’”’. Very fine.
“ Shown on Roll as also entitled to bar “‘23 June 1795’’.
He apparently had two medals with one bar on each.
—— One bar Martinique (William B. Harris), Carpenter’s
Crew, H.M.S. ‘‘Cleopatra’’. Lacquered: otherwise very

— — One bar Guadaloupe (Henry Cherry), Ormstr’s Mte., H.M.S.

“Statira’’. Very fine.

—— Three bars Copenhagen 1801, Trafalgar, Algiers (Francis

Leonard). Very fine.
* Served as Boy in H.M.S. “Royal Sovereign’ at Trafalgar
and Coxwain in H.M.S. “‘Queen Charlotte’ at Algiers.
10 —— One bar Navarino (John Howes), Syria (John Nute).
Silver St. Jean d’Acre medal. Davison’s bronze medal for
Battle of the Nile. Very fine.
*, J. Howes served as Able Seaman in H.M.S. “‘Asia’’ at~
Navarino, and J]. Nuite served as Able Seaman in H.M.S.
“Benbow” at Syna.
ou Siege of Seringapatam 1799, silver (English die) and pewter
medals. The former lacquered: otherwise very fine.
Cabul 1842 (Pt. Thomas Lloyd, H.M’s. 9th Regt.). Very fine.
Punjab, two bars Goojerat, Chilianwala (14th Lt. Dgns.). New
Zealand, undated (40th Regt). Abyssina (26th Regt.). The
first partly renamed: otherwise all very fine.
Crimea, four bars Alma, jBalaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol;
three bars Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol; one bar Alma.
All to Grenadier Guards and impressed. Very fine.
nN —— Four bars Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol
(Coldstream Gds.); two bars Sebastopol, Azoff (Lieut. H.
Donaldson Selby, H.M.S. “‘Simoon’’), Alma, Sebastopol;
one bar Sebastopol; without bar. The first impressed: the
last three to Grenadier Guards. Mostly very fine.
ul 16 Baltic, Silistria and Kars medals. China, three bars Fatshan
1857, Canton 1857, Taku Forts 1858; one bar Taku Forts
1858; without bar. All uninscribed. The last two lac-
quered: otherwise all very fine.
17 Mutiny, three bars Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow, Delhi (9th
Lancers); without bar (60th Rifles); one bar Delhi (Sir T.
Metcalfe, Civil Service), Central India (R. Arty.). The
first three very fine.
18 India General Service, three bars Burma 1885-7, Burma 1887-
89, Chin Hills 1892-93 (2ist Madras Infy.); one bar Pegu
(Rl. Irish Regt.), Jowaki 1877-8 (2/9th Foot), Chin
Lushai 1889-90 (K.O.S.B.), N.E. Frontier 1891 (4th
K.R.R.C.), Burma 1885-7 (R.A.). Very fine.
10 Canada General Service, one bar Fenian Raid 1866 (Pte. G.
Hay, 2/7 R. Fus.). Lacquered: otherwise very fine.
0 20 —_— One bar Fenian Raid 1870 (Dr. P. Walsh, 69th Foot). Very

ul mah Afghanistan 1878-79-80, two bars Ahmed Khel, Kandahar (2/

~ 60th Foot); one bar Kandahar (R.A.); without bar (R.A.).
South Africa 1877-78-79, one bar 1879 (57th Foot) (official
re-issue), 1877-8-9 (90th Foot). The last lacquered: other-
wise all very fine.
29 Egypt, three bars Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin 1884, El Teb-Tamaai to 10 0
(3/K.R. Rif. C.); two bars The Nile 1884-85, Kirbekan
(1/R. Highrs.); one bar Tel-el-Kebir (R.E.), Suakin 1885
(3/Gren. Gds.); without bar (1/Shrops. L.I.). Khedive’s
Stars (3). Very fine.
North West Canada 1885 (Sergt. S. Bell, G. Co., Mid. Batt.).
Ashanti Star. Very fine. in)

Cape of Good Hope General Service, one bar Bechuanaland

(Tpr. E. J. Boxall, Landrey’s L. Hse.). Very fine.
West Africa, one bar Sierra Leone 1898-99 (H.M.S. ‘‘Alecto’’),
Benin 1897 (H.M.S. “‘St. George’). China 1900, one bar
Relief of Pekin (RI. Welsh Fus.); without bar (H.M.S.
“Goliath’’). Boer War, eight bars (Gren. Gds.). Very
fine. on

Africa General Service, two bars Somaliland 1902-04, Jidballi

(Pte. E. Seddon, 4th K.R.R.). Fine and rare.
*. Only twenty-five of the K.R.R. Co. received the medal with
these bars.
27 India General Service, one bar Waziristan 1919-21 (R.A.), Mala-
bar 1921-22 (R.A.), Waziristan 1921-24 (Welch R.), North
West Frontier 1930-31 (Durh. L.I.). Middle East, two bars
Kurdistan, Iraq (Lieut. H. R. Lowis). The first two lac-
quered: otherwise all very fine. ou
Group of three to Benjn. Hurst, 29th Foot: Sutle] medal for |(9)
Ferozeshuhur 1845, one bar Sobraon; Punjab, two bars
Goojerat, Chilianwala; Long Service. Group of three to
Pte. T. Cannon, K.O. Yorks. L.I.: India General Service,
two bars Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah 1897-98; Boer War
pair, six bars on Queen’s medal. The former group worn:
the latter very fine.
29 Group of three to Corpl. M. Moore, 48rd Lt. Infy.: South Africa
1853; Mutiny, without bar; New Zealand, undated. Pair
to Percy H. Hawkins: 1914-18 War and Mercantile Marine
medals. The group lacquered: otherwise all very fine. uo

30 Hong Kong Plague Medal (S.L.I.). George V Indian Meritor- 10

ious Service Medal (Mahratta L.I.). The former lacquered:
otherwise both very fine,
31 Group of three to Cr. Sergt. W. Stewart, 92nd Foot: Afghanistan on
1878-79-80, three bars Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar; Kan-
dahar Star; Long Service and Good Conduct. Egypt, four
bars Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin 1884, El Teb-Tamaai, The Nile
1884-85 (Pte. J. Simpson, 1/Gord. Highrs.). Long
Service and Afghan medals, slightly pitted: otherwise all
very fine,

32 Group of six to Q.M. Sjt. F. Larard, 19th Hussars and R.A.M.C.:

Boer War pair, six bars (three unofficial) on Queen’s medal;
1914-18 War, Victory and Territorial medals; Territorial
Efficiency. King’s Boer War medal re-named: other-
wise all very fine.
a. 8 Family group of seven. C. Ray: George V, Distinguished
Conduct Medal (2/N. & D. Regt.); India General Service,
one bar North West Frontier 1908 and Delhi Durbar 1911
(1/R. War Rgt.); re-named 1914 group (Notts. & Derby
Ret.). Serjt. W. H. Ray, D.C.M., 5/Notts & Derby R.:
George V, Military Medal. Very fine,
2 15 34 Group of eight to Q.M. Sjt. H. de L. Wilson, 3/K.R.R.C.: Boer
War pair, four bars on Queen’s Medal; 1914-15 group with
oakleaf on Victory Medal; Delhi Durbar 1911; Meritorious
and Long Service Medals. Very fine.
3 0 iS)uo Victorian Volunteer Officer’s Decoration. Edward VII Imperial
Service Order. George V, Imperial Service Medal. Very
16 O 36 Star and silver gilt Collar of the Portuguese Order of the Tower
and Sword. Very fine.
BS. & 37 Badges of the Fourth and Fifth Classes of the Turkish Order of
the Mejidie. Badge of the Chinese Order of the Golden
Crop. Suspender of first loose: otherwise all very fine.
1 15 38 Victorian Long Service: Army, Navy and Volunteers. French
Croix de Guerre 1914-18. German Iron Cross 1914.
Messina Earthquake. Afghanistan 1878-79-80, four bars.
India General Service 1854, two bars. The last two defec-
tive: remainder very fine, fo)

2 10 39 Jubilee Medals of George III and Victoria (1897). George V

Coronation. Silver school medal and bronze United States
International Congress medal. Very fine.
18 0 40 Military General Service, two bars Martinque, Chateauguay
(John Hebden, Serjt., 8th Foot, Adjt., Canadn. Voltigeurs).
Fine and an unique combination of bars.

13 10 41 Naval General Service, one bar Eurotas 25 Feby. 1814 (T. C.

Jones, Surgn.). Thirty-two issuer. Very fine.

aL 68 42 ——. Two bars 14 March 1795, Lowestoffe 24 June 1795, seven

issued (Thomas Kemp). Fine,
* Served as Sailmaker’s Mate in H.M.S, “Lowestoffe’’ on
14th March 1795 and as Armourer’s Mate on 24th June,
43 —— Two bars Stately 22 March 1808, twenty-seven issued, 16 O
Boat Service 25 July 1809, thirty-five issued (Geo. Brace).
Very fine.
* Served as Landsman, in H.M.S, “‘Stately’’ on 22nd March
1808 and in H.M.S. “‘Prometheus’”’ on 25th July 1809.
44 ——W Three bars Trafalgar, Basque Roads 1809, Algiers (William 2. 10
Thompson). Very fine.
45 Pair to P. Ribouleau, Lieut., R.N.: Naval General Service, one 15 10
bar 1 June 1794; Turkish Order of the Crescent, fourth
class (uminscribed). Very fine.
* Served in H.M.S .“Glory’’ on 1st June 1794. For record
of service see O Byrne.
46 Naval General Service, one bar Banda Neira (Andrew Swanson), 4 10
Ordinary Seaman, H.M.S. ‘Caroline’. Sixty-eight issued.
Very fine. =
. Shown on Roll as also entitled to Java bar.
47 Group of three: Conspicuous Gallantry Medal, incised type (John 4 5
Taylor, Captn. of the Forecastle, H.M.S. ‘‘London’’);
Crimea, two bars Inkermann, Sebastopol (uninscribed);
Badge of the Legion of Honour. Enamel of last shghtly
chipped: otherwise all very fine.

48 Silver gilt and enamel Knight’s Bachelor Badge. Very fine. 4 0

49 Badge of a Companion of the Indian Empire. Very fine. 10 10

50 Badge of a Companion of the Star of India, in case of issue. 44 0
- Very fine and rare.
50a Badge and Breast Star of a Knight Commander of St. Michael 16 0
and St. George, in case of issue. Very fine.

50b Gold and enamel Badge of the First Class of the Order of British 17 ~@
India. Very fine.

51 Pollock gold medal, third type, ‘‘Founded by the British Inhabi- 28 0

tants of Calcutta .... and awarded to the most Distinguished
Cadet of the Season’ (H. G. Kunhardt, July 1871). Vide
Mayo, page 250. Very fine.

52 Orange Club gold medal by Mossop, in glazed and _ inscribed Lie 40

gold frame (Jas. Verner of Church Hill, Co. Armagh, Ist
July 1806). Very fine.

53 Badge of the Anhalt Order of Albert the Bear. Very fine. 4 0

is 9 © 54 Swedish oval gold medal for Battle of Svenskund 1790, obv.
figure of Victory on prow of ship. Vide Hildebrand, page
194. Fine and rare.
10 10 0 55 Pair to Jas. William Guy: Naval General Service, one bar Java
(Midshipman, H.E.I.C.S.); Army of India, one bar Ava
(Junior Captain, Bombay Marine). Very fine.
". Served in H.E.I.C.S, “Vestal’’ with the Arrican Expedi-
110 9 56 Ghuznee, Cabul, 1842, two wreaths (David Baldwin, 41st Regt.).
Scroll suspender. Very fine.
ee 57 Cabul 1842 (Timothy Denahy, F.T., 3rd K.O. Hussars). Not
original suspender: otherwise fine.
15 10 0 58 Pair to F. A. Reid, Captain, 6th Madras Native Infantry: China
1842; gold and enamel Badge of the Order of the Bath.
Very fine.
40 6 59 West Africa, one bar Sierra Leone 1898-99 (Lieut. B. S. Streeten,
D. of C. Lt. Infy.). Very fine.
310 9 ~~ 80 Afghanistan 1878-79-80, one bar Ali Musjid (81st Foot), Ahmed
Khel (R.A.). Egypt, two bars The Nile 1884-85, Kirbekan
(1/S. Staff. R.);-one bar Tel-el-Kebir (1/Manch R.), The
Nile 1884-85 (1/Rl. Ir. Rgt.) (2), Alexandria 11th July
(H.M.S. ‘‘Monarch’’ (2); without bar ‘(1/Shrops. L.I.).
Khedive’s Star (S. Gds.). Very fine. 10
50 0 0 61 Army of India, three bars Asseerghur, Argaum, Gawilghur (Cap-
tain C. Gordon, 94th Foot). Very fine.
* Cosmo Gordon. Appointed Ensign in 71st Foot, 1792;
Lieutenant in 94th Foot, 1794; Captain, 1800; Major, 1807;
Lieut.-Colonel in 68rd Foot, 1809; Brevet Colonel, 1819;
Major General, 1830; Lieutenant General, 1841; General,
1854. He served at the Siege of Pondicherry in 1794 and
three and a half years against the Mahrattas. He was present
at the Battle of Argaum, Sieges of Asseerghur, Gawilghur
and various other hill forts. He also served in the expedt-
tion of 1809 to Walcheren.
40 0 0 62 Pollock gold medal, third type, ‘‘Founded by the British Inhabi-
tants of Calcutta. 7... and awarded to the most Dis-
tinguished Cadet of the Season. In case of issue. Unin-
scribed. Vide Mayo, page 250. Mint.
17 0 0 63 Military General Service, ten bars Busaco, Fuentes d’Onor, Ciudad
Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Orthes, Toulouse (D. McGuirk, Serjt., 74th Foot). Very
64 —— Eleven bars Corunna, Busaco, Fuentes d’Onor, Ciudad 16 10
Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Nive, Toulouse (T. Harding, 95th Foot, Rifles). Very fine.
Group of eight to No. 1162 Qr, Mr. Sgt. A. Watson, 1/Scots. 3.0
Gds. and No. 714 Armr. Sergt. A. Watson, 2nd Bn., Sea-
forth Highrs. and A.O.C.: Egypt, one bar Tel-el-Kebir,
Victorian Long Service; Khedive’s Star: India General
Service, one bar Relief of Chitral 1895; Boer War pair,
five bars on Queen’s medal; 1914-18 War Medal; Edward
VII, Long Service. Fine.
66 Group of six to W.O. 2 H. Williams, R.N.A.S.: China, one 2 8 0)
unofficial bar Taku. Forts; Dongola 1896 (H.M.S. ‘‘Melita’’);
1914-15 group; Long Service. Very fine.
67 Group of eight, mounted on brooch, to Farrier Serjt. T. 4 95
Cussens, A.S.C.: George V, Distinguished Conduct and
Military Medals; 1914 group with bar “5th Aug.—22nd
Nov. 1914’’ on Star; George V, Long Service; Defence and
1939-45 War Medals. The last two uninscribed. Mostly
68 Gold (22 carat) medal of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle i. A
Makers. G. Faudel Phillips Esq., Alderman, Master 1893-
94. Very fine.
69 Gold (18 carat) Badge of the Order of the Bath, Civil Division. 12 0
Very fine.

70 Gold Badge of the Order of British India. Very fine. Ip 0

71 Austrian Order of Maria Anna 1906: Badges of the Grand Cross, 12 10

Ist, 2nd and 3rd Classes. Very fine.
73 George V, Distinguished Conduct Medal (M. G. Corps.), Military ye)
Medal (1/10th Manch. R.), and four other medals. Fine.

74 Meeanee, Hyderabad, 1843. Uninscribed. Very fine. 3 0

75 Sutle] medal for Moodkee 1845, three bars Ferozeshuhur, Aliwal, 4 0
Sobraon (William Clearly, 50th Regt.). Medal for Aliwal
1846, one unofficial bar Sobraon (Nusseeree Rifle Batt.).
The former very fine.
76 Punjab medal without bar (Lieut. H. G. Leslie, 37th Bengal 1 10
N.I.). Crimea, one bar Sebastopol (90th Regt.). Mutiny,
two bars Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow (90th Lt. Infy.); one
bar Central India (Lieut. I. A. Ramsay, Southern Maratha
Horse). The first very fine: the last re-named.

to bo India General Service, four bars Perak, Bhootan, North West

Frontier, Sikkim 1888; three bars Perak, North West
Frontier, Waziristan 1894-5; one bar Waziristan 1894-5. All
to Ist Goorkha Regt. The last very fine: remainder fine.
Ashantee 1873-74 (H.M.S. ‘“‘Victor Emanuel’’); one bar Coom-
assie (Rifle Bde.). West Africa, one bar 1892 (Lagos
Hausa Force), 1897-98 (G. C. Constaby.). Ashanti 1896
Star. Very fine.
Se] 0 yb Crimea, three bars Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol (77th Regt.
(2) and 41st Regt.), Alma, Balaklava, Sebastopol (11th
Dragns.); one bar Sebastopol (72nd Regt.); without bar (77th
Regt.). Impressed. The first partly re-named: otherwise
all very fine.

80 —— Four bars Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol (21st

R.N.B. Fus. and 68th Regt.); three bars Alma, Bala-
klava, Sebastopol (42nd and 79th Highlanders). Regi-
mentally impressed. Turkish Crimea (2). Mostly fine.
81 —— Four bars Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol
(Coldstm. Gds.) (2); two bars Inkermann, Sebastopol (46th
Regt.); one bar Sebastopol (8rd Buffs and 9 Regt., R.M.).
Regimentally impressed. Turkish Crimea (3). Mostly fine.
12 82 Indian General Service, one bar Pegu (1st Madras Fus.). Arctic
Discoveries 1818-1855. Silver and bronze St. Jean d’
Acre medals. Khedive’s Stars (7), one with bar for Tokar.
South Africa 1877-78-79, one bar 1879 (17th D.C.O. Lrs.).
All except last very fine. - 1Z

83 Boer War, seven bars (three added unofficially), five bars (1),
three bars (1), one bar (4). All to Royal Navy. Very
10 Crimea, three bars Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol (§8th Regt.).
Turkish Crimea (2). India General Service, one bar
Burma 1885-7 (L’pool. R., K.O.Y.L.I. and R. Muns.
Fus.). Mutiny, one bar Central India (14th Lt. Dgns.);
without bar (34th Regt.). The last re-named: otherwise
all fine.

ou Afghanistan 1878-79-80 (2/8th and 70th Foot). Egypt, one bar

Tel-el-Kebir (R.M. and 1/Gord. Highrs.), Suakin 1885 (20th
Husrs.); without bar (2/Manch. R. Khedive’s Star. South
Africa 1877-78-79, one bar 1879 (2/4th Foot). Boer War,
four bars (Durham L.I.). Army Long Service (25th Foot).
Mostly very fine. 10
86 Crimea, two bars Sebastopol, Azoff (H.M.S. ‘‘Vengeance’’); one
bar Sebastopol (R.A. and 10th Hussars). Baltic (2).
Turkish Crimea (3). Mostly very fine.
5gypt, two bars The Nile 1884-85, Kirbekan (M.S. Corps), The
Nile 1884-85, Abu Klea (M.S. Corps); one bar Tel-el-Kebir
(R.E.), Gemaizah 1888 (2/K. O.S.B.). George V, Military
Medals (3) and companion 1914-18 War Medal (all to
R. W. Fus.). Boer War, two bars. Very fine.
Group of six to A. C. Gilbert: Boer War pair, six bars on Queen’s 10
medal (Col. Serjt., Army Post. Office Corps); 1914 group,
Star ‘uninscribed (A.S.M., R.F.C.); George V, Imperial
Service Medal. Six miniature medals mounted on brooch.
Very fine. 12
89 Group of five to J. Page: Boer War, one bar (A.S.C.); Natal
Rebellion, one bar 1906 (Sgt. Sad., Northern D.M. Rifles);
1914-15 group with bi-lingual Victory Medal (Ordnance
Dept. and S.A.F.A.). Very fine. u1

90 Group of four to Cpl. T. Williamson, 7/8 K.O.S.B.: George V,

Distinguished Conduct Medal; 1914-15 group. Very fine.
91 Military General Service, five bars Busaco, Badajoz, Salamanca,
Vittoria, Toulouse (William Giddins, 95th Foot). Repair-
ed: otherwise fine.
97, Egypt, four bars Suakin 1884, El Teb-Tamaai, The Nile 1884-
85, Abu Klea (19th Hussars); three bars Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin
1884, El Teb-Tamaai (19th Hussars). Boer War, four
bars (2). Mediterranean (Seaforth Highrs.). The first two
slightly pitted by Stars: otherwise all very fine. a1

93 Copy of George V, Distinguished Flying Cross.

94 India General Service, one bar Burma 1885-7 (Captain A. W. 10
Cockburn, R.E.) with miniature. Extremely fine.
*; Lieut. 1871, Captain 1883, Major 1889. Served with the
Madras Sappers and Miners in Burma Expedition 1886-
87. Mentioned in Despatches.
Cape of Good Hope General Service, two bars Transkei, Basu- on 0
toland (Sergt. F. H. Floyd, Kimby. L. Hs.). Fine.
96 —— One bar Bechuanaland (Pte. J. O. Loder, C. Pce.). Very
97 —— One bar Transkei (Sgt. T. H. Hazelly, P.A.O.C.V. Arty.).
Very fine.
98 —«— One bar Transkei (Pte. H..D, F. Nelson, beg Burgs.).
Very fine.

99 —— oa bar Bechuanaland (Sgt. W. G. Fraser, C. Pol.). Very

100 —— One bar Bechuanaland (Pte. H. J. Carr, Kimby. Rfs.).
Very fine.
101 British South Africa Co’s Medal for Matabeleland 1893 (Trpr.
A. W. Shaw, B.B. Police). Very fine.
102 —— One bar Rhodesia 1896 (Troopr. J. S. Schroder, Raaf’s
Column). Very fine.
103 A similar medal to Corpl. H. Fox, M.F. Force. Very fine.
104 British South Africa Co.’s Medal for Matabeleland 1893, one
bar 1893-94 (Serjt. J. Pirie, Victoria Column). Very fine.
Boer War, three bars Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Wepener
(Ppr,; G, Carter, B. Squad., Loch’s Horse). Very fine.
106 Cape of Good Hope General Service, without bar. Africa
General Service, one bar Gambia (2nd C.A. R.), Somali-
land 1908-10 (H.M.S. ‘‘Fox’’). The first erased: the last
very fine,
107 Africa General Service, two bars Somaliland 1902-04, Jidballi
(Sepoy, 52nd Sikhs). Fine.
108 —— One bar Jubaland (H.M.S. ‘‘Magicienne’’). Very fine.
109 —— One bar Somaliland 1902-04 (Pte. E. Batten, Hamps. R.).
Very fine.
ou 110 —— One bar Somaliland 1920 (Bglr. Palamata, 2 K.A. Rif.).
Very fine.
10 111 Transport Medal, two bars China 1900, S. Africa 1899-1902 (W.
W. Allen in Command). Very fine.
112 Cape of Good Hope General Service, one bar Transkei (Pte. J.
Gabriel, Victoria Rangers). Very fine.
113 —— Two bars Transkei, Basutoland (Pte. C. C. Jones, Stellen-
bosch Burgs.). Very fine.
114 Boer War, four bars Cape Colony, Wepener, Wittebergen, Bel-
fast, and companion King’s Medal (Capt. N. Johnstone,
Joh’burg. M.R.). Very fine.
115- Africa General Service, two bars B.C.A. 1899-1900, Nandi 1905-
06 (L. Corpl. Panya, Ist K.A. Rifles). Fine.
ui 116 Meritorious Service Medals: Victoria (Quarter Master Sergeant
J. V. McLaughlin), Edward VII (Serjt. W. Chambers, R.E.),
George V (S. Mjr. H. E, Willis, 8/R. Bn. Lond. R.). Very

Li? George V, Distinguished Service Medal (C. Joughin, A.B.

(M.M.) Fleet Messenger 42). Very fine.
118 —— (E. Lee, Engn., R.N.R., H.M.S. ‘‘St. Seiriol’’, Minesweep-
ing 1916-7). Very fine.
119 1914-18 pair with bi-lingual Victory Medal (Capt. T. Aldred).
Imperial Service Medals in cases of issue: George V (John
Henry Roose), George VI (John Ernest Bruce). Very fine.
120 Group of three to David Metcalf, 78th Foot: India General
Service, one bar Persia; Mutiny, one bar Relief of Lucknow;
Long Service and Good Conduct. Very fine.
121 Pair to T. Goldrick, Lonsdale’s Horse and C.T. Rifs.: South 15
Africa 1877-78-79, one bar 1878; Cape of Good Hope General
Service, one bar Basutoland. The former re-named: other-
wise both very fine. tS

122 Pair to G. H. Dyson, Schermbrucker’s Horse and C.M. Rifleman : wu

South Africa 1877-78-79, one bar 1879; Cape of Good Hape

General Service, one bar Basutoland. Very fine.

123 Group of five to Pte. F. T. Wallis: British South Africa Co.’s

Medal for Mashonaland 1897 (7th Hussars); Boer War, five
bars (7th Hussars); 1914-15 group (Essex Regt.). Very fine. ut

124 Group of three fo Capt. A. L..F. Spence, D-E.0.V.R.: Cape of

Good Hope General Service, one bar Bechuanaland; Boer
War pair, two bars on Queen’s Medal. Very fine.
125 Pair to Serjt. F. E. Greene, R.G.A.: Victorian Dis‘inguished vu

Conduct Medal; Boer War, three bars. Very fine.

126 Boer War, five bars (1), four bars (1), three bars (1), two bars
: (2), one bar (2). Yorkshire Imperial Yeomanry medal for
South Africa. Very fine.
127 —— Four bars 3), three bars (4), King’s Medal (1), Mediterran- or
ean (1). Mostly fine.
128 —— Five bars, including Rhodesia and Relief of Mafeking (Lieut.
A. N. White, W. Rid. Rgt.), four bars (1),.three bars (2),
two bars (1), ome bar (1). Very fine.
129 —— Four bars Cape Colony, Wepener, Transvaal, Wittebergen
(Pte. J. Foulkes, Kaffrn. Rifles). Very fine.

130 —— One bar Defence of Mafeking (R. F. Thomson, Mafeking ou

Town Gd.). Very fine.


i3l Group of three to Pte. A. Dunkerly, L.N. Lanc. Regt.: Boer

— a

War pair, three bars, including Defence of Kimberley, on

Queen’s Medal; Mayor of Kimberley’ s Star. Group of three
to Lieut. H. C. Pearson, Canadian Engineers: George V,
Military Medal (Sjt.); 1914-18 pair. Family group of three:
George V, Military Medal and 1914-18 War Medal: (Serjt.
and Lieut. H. R. Bruford, A.I.F.); 1914-18 War Medal
(A. Cpl. A.T.B. Bruford, A.I.F.). The last two groups
very fine.
10 Group of six to Major M. H. Tomlin, York Regiment: Badge of
an Officer of the British Empire (O.B.E.). silver Badge
of St. John of Jerusalem; West Africa, two bars 1897-98,
1898 and unofficial bar Niger 1897 (Lieut.); Boer War pair,
three bars on Queen’s Medal (Major); Niger Company’s
silver medal, one bar Nigeria 1886-1897 (uninscribed). The
first broken: otherwise all fine.
Boer War, one bar Defence of Mafeking (Dep-Fort-Com. T.
Aldred, Mafeking Town Gd.). Very fine.
Boer silver medal for Boer War Se 1902: (Burger P. J. Pre-
torious). Very fine.
Group of six to W. K. Humfrey: North West Canada 1885 (Trpr.
P.L.D.G.); Boer War pair, three bars on Queen’s Medal
(Sgt. Strathcona’s Horse and Lt., S.A.C.). 1914-15 group
with bi-lingual Victory Medal (Lieut., S.A.M.R.). Very fine
136 Group of three to Serjt. J. A. Masson, Natal Mounted Police and
Kitchener’s F.S.: South Africa 1877-78-79,, one bar 1879,
Cape of Good Hope General Service, one bar Basutoland;
Boer War, three bars. Very fine.
0 137 Group of four to Cpl. A. W. Arnott, Natal Police and 8rd
S.A.M.R.: Natal Rebellion, one bar 1906; 1914-15 group
with bi- lingual Victory Medal. Very fine.
ui 138 Group of four to S. Sjt. Tptr. J. M. Burrows, A.S.C.: British
South Africa Co.’s Medal for Rhodesia 1896; West Africa,
one bar Sierra Leone 1898-99; Boer War, seven bars;
Edward VII, Long Service and Good Conduct. The first
worn: remainder mostly fine.

un 139 Group of three to L/Cpl. Mapondo, 1/K.A.R.: Africa General

Service, one bar Nyasaland 1915; 1914-18 pair. Fine and
ut 140 Tibet 1903-4, one bar Gyantse (Bearer Kancha, 32nd Sikh
Pioneers). Very fine.

141 Africa General Service, two bars Somaliland 1902-04, Jidballi bo

(Pte. J. Cook, 4th K.R.R.). Good.
‘ Only twenty-five of the K.R. Rifle Corps received the
medal with these bars. :
142 China, two bars Taku Forts 1860, Pekin 1860; South Africa 1877-
78-79, one bar 1879. Egypt, one bar Suakin 1884. India
General Service, two bars Hazara 1891, Samana 1891. Boer
War, five bars (1) and companion King’s Medal, four bars
(1). All to King’s Royal Rifle Corps. All except first
very fine.
143 Battle of Dunbar, 3rd Sept. 1650, silver medal from cracked dies.
144 Deccan 1784, small silver medal, given by the Hon. East India
Company for services against Hyder Ali. Fine and rare.
145 Nepaul 1816, obv. a mountain fort upon which troops are advanc- bho
ing, field gun in foreground, vev. Persian inscription. Re-
Siege of Seringapatam, 4 May 1799, bronze medal from the English
die. Very fine.
Davison’s bronze gilt medal for the Battle of the Nile, and
Boulton’s pewter medal for Trafalgar. Very fine.
148 Military General Service, one bar Salamanca (John Holmes, 36th
Regt). Renamed.
149 Army of India, three bars Battle of Delhi, Laswaree, Capture of
Deig (Sepoy Kedar Nath, 30th Regt., N.I.). Edge engraved.
150 Ghuznee, 23rd July 1839 (William Stott; 16th Queen’s Lancers).
Maharajpoor Star, 29th Dec. 1843 (Corpl. James Ryan, H.M. 40th 10
Regt.). Very fine.
Military General Service, three bars Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyren- gi
ees (Charles Blunt, 58th Regt.); six bars Vittoria, Pyrenees,
Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse (FE. Calland, R. Arty.
Drivers). The former worn and erased: the latter good,
153 Naval General Service, one bar Basque Roads 1809 (Michael ou
Dartnell), Landsman, H.M.S. ‘“‘Resolution’’. Last two
letters of surname engraved: otherwise very fine.
Ghuznee, 23 July 1839 (uninscribed). Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul
1842 (Francis Ransom, 4th King’s Own Regt.).

New Zealand 1863 to 1866 (50th Queen’s Own Regt.); 1863 to

1865 (70th Regt.). The former good: the latter worn.

Cabul 1842 (Edward Branagan, H.M.’s 40th Regt.) with scroll
suspender. Very fine.
10 Canada General Service, two bars Fenian Raid 1866, Red River
1870 (Pte. A. Appleford, 4/60 K.R.R.). Very fine.
China 1842 (H.M.S. ‘‘Wellesley’’). West Africa, three bars
Gambia 1894, Benin River 1894, Brass River 1895 (H.M.S.
‘““‘Widgeon’’). India General Service, one bar Waziristan
1919-21 (R.G.A.). Pair to Pte. W. Sturton, 92nd Highrs. :
Afghanistan 1878-79-80, three bars Charasia, Kabul, Kan-
dahar; Kandahar Star. Afghan medal slightly pitted by
Star: otherwise all very fine. ul

Hong Kong Plague Medal (Shrops. L.I.). India General Service,

one bar Burma 1930-32 (R. Signals). Boer War pair, two
bars on Queen’s Medal (Lanc. Fus.). Very fine.
ul 160 Edward VII, Distinguished Conduct Medal (Pte. T. Dow, S.A.
Lt. Horse). Very fine.
161 Group of three to Sergt. J. Cameron, S. Rhod. Vols. and Arty.,
B.F.F.:. British South Africa Co.’s medal for Rhodesia
1896; Boer War, four bars Rhodesia, Relief of Mafeking,
Orange Free State, South Africa 1901; South Rhodesian
Volunteers’ Shooting Medal. Pair to Serjt. J. Vickers, 7th
Hussars: India General Service, one bar North West Front. ;
Army Long Service and Good Conduct. Very fine,
162 Naval General Service, one bar Algiers (W. Kent, Volr. Ist Cl.).
Very fine.
** Served in H.M.S, “‘Leander’’,
163 Sutlej Medal for Ferozeshuhur 1845 (29th Regt.). | Medal for
Sobraon 1846 (9th Lancers). The former very fine: the
latter engraved.
164 George V, Silver Jubilee 1935, inscribed ‘‘Presented by H.M. King
George V to Councillor E. H. Major, J.P., Mayor of Salis-
bury, 1935’’. ‘Very fine.
South Africa 1853 (Sir Stephen Lakeman). India General Ser-
vice, two bars Burma 1885-7, Chin Lushai 1889-90 (Asst.
Suptdt. R. Elrington, Tel. Dept.). Khedive’s Sudan, two
bars The Atbara, Khartoum (1 Cam. Highrs.). St. John
of Jerusalem Service Medal (Dist. Supt. E. Street). Prince
of Wales Investiture Commemoration, 1911. The last four
very fine.

166 Seventeen miniature medals and decorations including one Military

General Service with nine bars. Very fine, uy
167 Silver Regimental Medal of the 3rd Regiment of Bucks Yeomanry,
1804, presented by Colonel William Praed to D. Evans.
Very fine.
168 George VI, General Service, one bar Palestine (R. Ir, Fus.).
Canadian Voluntary Service Medal 1939-1945. Very fine.
169 George VI, General Service, early die, ‘‘Indiae Imp.’’ on obverse,
one bar Palestine 1945-48 (R.A. and RI. Signals). Very fine.
170 —— Early die, one bar S.E. Asia 1945-46 (Cpl. H. White, R.
Lincolns). Very fine.
—— Later die, without ‘‘Indiae Imp.’’, one bar Malaya (Pte. J.
Platt, Seaforth). Very fine.
—— Later die, one bar Bomb & Mine Clearance 1945-49 (Spr.
G. UL. Tiplady, R.E.). Very fine.
1914 Stars (3). 1914-15 Stars (6). 1939-45 Medals (3). Defence
Medals (2). Mostly very fine. 14
Bronze Stars: Africa (3), one with Ist Army bar; 1939-45 (3);
Burma (1); Pacific (1); Italy (2). Very fine. 10
Silver badge of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Edward VII,
Imperial Service Medal (John Atkin). George VI, Terri-
torial Efficiency, early type, with ‘‘Indiae Imp.”
CKO. Ysolk cand. N. Stath: I.);dater type (R.A (2), and
ALC.C.)., Very. fine. NI

176 South Africa 1853 (43rd Regt.). China 1842 (26th Regt.). Aby-
ssinia (26th Regt. and H.M.S. ‘‘Spiteful’’). Kandahar Star
(2nd Gurkha Regt.). Brooch marks on first: otherwise all
177 Pai to Hy 0. ‘Ghiverton, Che Cook, ERMes.. ““Naiad’’s. Ainca 0
General Service, one bar Somaliland 1902-04; Edward VII,
Long Service. Sudan pair, one bar Khartoum (lst Sea.
Highrs.). Boer War, three bars. Mediterranean. Kim-
berley Siege Star. Suspender of Queen’s Sudan broken:
otherwise mostly very fine.
Group of six to By. Sjt. Mjr. H. Mc Fatson, R.A.: Edward VII,
Delhi Durbar and Long Service; George VI, Meritorious
Service; India General Service, one bar Punjab Frontier
1897-98; 1914-18 pair. The pair re-named: otherwise all
very fine.
179 1914 Star with bar 5th Aug.—22nd Nov. 1914. 1914-15 Star. 4 10
Victory Medals (2), one with oakleaf. 1914-18 War Medal.
Victorian Army Long Service. Bronze Police Coronation
Medal 1902. George V, Special Constabulary Long Service.
Bronze Life Saving Medals (4). Mostly very fine. 12

iSO Group of eight mounted on brooch, to C. Sjt. W. Hedley, Green

Howards: India Gencral Service, one bar North West
Frontier 1936-37 and loose bar, North West Frontier 1937-
39 on ribbon; 1939-45, Africa, Pacific and Italy Stars;
Defence and 1939-45 Medals; George VI, Long Service, All
except first and last uninscribed. Very fine.
ul 1939-1945 General Service (6) and Defence (2) Medals. Italy (2),
France and Germany (2), Africa (2) and 1939-1945 (6) Stars.
Very fine. 20
A similar lot. Very fine. 20)
ul 1939-1945 General Service (2) and Defence (2) Medals. France
and Germany (1), Africa (1), Pacific (2), Burma (2) and
1939-1945 (1) Stars. Very fine.
10 Boer War, three bars (2), two bars (1), King’s Medal (1),
Khedive’s Stars (4). George V, Distinguished Conduct
Medal (M.G.C.), not original suspender. All except last
very fine.
10 i8d 1914-15 group. 1914-18 War Medals (4). Mercantile Marine
Medal (1). Territorial Medal for Service Overseas is
George V, Territorial Efficiency Medal. Ten miniatures
mounted on brooch and one other. Mostly very fine. 21
ul i86 George VI, General Service, early issue, one bar Palestine 1945-
48 (Pte. R. Carter, A.C.C.). 1989-1945 Medal and Star.
Africa Star. Very fine.
187 Group of six to W.O. Cl. 2 W. Stolber: 1914-18 pair (R.A.);
“ George V, Territorial Efficiency, scroll type (R.E.); 1939-
1945 Medal and Star; Defence Medal. The last three unin-
‘scribed. Three bars and six rosettes. Very fine.
188 1914 group with George V Military Medal (1 Coldstm. Gds.). A
similar group (A.O.C. and N. Staff. R.). 1914-15 group
with Mercantile Marine Medal (J. Hogan, Fmn., M.F.A.).
Mostly very fine. 12
189 George V, Military Medal and 1914-18 War Medal (N. Staff. R.).
1914-15 group. 1914-18 pair. 1914-18 War Medals (4).
Victory Medals (5). Mercantile Marine (2). Mostly very
fine. 18

190 Pair to C.Sjt. C. H. Gosling, D.C.L.I.: Africa General Service,

one bar N. Nigeria 1906; George V, Long Service and Good
Conduct. Very fine and rare.

i9 George VI, General Service, later die, one bar Palestine 1945-48
(Pte. R. J. C. Darley, R.W.K.), in box of issue. Very fine. 1

192 Waterloo proof medal. 1939-45 War and Defence Medals in box 2 5
of issue. Very fine.
Meritorious Service Medal, George V. . Long Service and Good 4 0
Conduct: Victoria and Edward VII, Indian Volunteer
Force; Edward VII, Special Reserve; Victoria, Army (2nd
Life Gds.). Very fine.
194 Long Service and Good Conduct. Victoria, Army (4). Edward 2 15 0
VII, Volunteer (1), Royal Naval Reserve (1). George V,
Navy (1), Royal Naval Reserve (1), Territorial (2). Very
i95 Group of three to J. W.,Ethell, Engn. R.N.R. ‘“Xylopia”’ 4 5
George V, Distinguished Service Medal (Minesweeping 1917);
1914-18 pair. Very fine.
196 Group of five to Pte. W. Dodd, R. War. Regt. and Lanc. Fus. :
Sudan pair, one bar Khartoum, Khedive’s Medal uninscrib-
ed; 1914-15 group. Pair to Serjt. T. Dougherty, Linc. R.:
1914-18 War Medal; 1911 Delhi Durbar. All except last
very fine.
197 Pair to Edward Dricoll: Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane 2 10
Socy’s Medal, 29th July 1890, two bars 23 April 1892, 9 May
1893; ‘‘Answers’’ medal for Life Saving, 23 April 1892.
British Red Cross Society’s enamel and bronze and bronze
medals. Board of Trade Long Service Medal. Norfolk
Artillery Cadet’s bronze medal. Very fine.
198 1914-18 War Medals (7). Five other re-named or otherwise de- 3.5
fective medals. The first seven very fine. 12

199 Afghanistan 1878-79-80, two bars Charasia, Kabul (72nd and 92nd 3 0
Highlanders); without bar (R.H.A.). Kandahar Star.
India General Service, one bar Hazara 1891 (Sea. Highrs.).
Khedive’s Stars (2). Very fine.

200 India General Service, two b ars Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Tirah ie!
1897-98 (R.A.); one bar Relief of Chitral 1895 (K.O-S.B.),
Punjab Frontier 1897-98 (Arg. and Suthd. Highrs. and 2nd
H.L.I.). The first three very fine.
Officially reissued pair to Pte. R. Purvis, Seaforth Highrs.: Af- 2 0 Q
ghanistan 1878-79-80, one bar Kandahar; Egypt, one bar
Tel-el-Kebir. Four renamed, erased or otherwise defective

202 1939-1945 General Service (2) and Defence (1) Medals. Atlantic 3 15
(1), 1939-1945 (2), France and Germany (1), Italy (1) and
Africa (1) Stars. The last with 8th Army bar. Vsry fine.

203 1939-1945, General Service Medals (3). 1939-1945 (2), Africa

(2) and Italy (2) Stars. Very fine. 9

204 Badge of an Officer of the British Empire (O.B.E.) in case of

issue, with relative miniature. Edward VII, silver Corona-
tion Medals in cases (2). Volunteer Long Service and four
silver and two bronze medals. Very fine. 11

205 Fourteen medals mounted as menu holders: Crimea (2), Turkish

Crimea, Mutiny, Ashantee, India General Service (2), South
Africa 1877-78-79, Afghanistan 1878-79-80, Egypt and Army
Long Service (4). One unmounted, India General Service,
two bars Hazara 1891, Samana 1891 (K.R.R.C.),
206 George V, Military Cross, in case of issue. Africa and Italy Stars,
Turkish Crimea and Victory Medal. All except the last very

Withdrawn 207 Badge of a Member of the Victorian Order, 4th Class (M.V.O.)
and Badge of a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, centre
head of Republic. Enamel slightly chipped: otherwise very

5 0 0 207a Breast Star of the Order of the Crown of Prussia. Very fine.

710 O 207b Breast Star of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia, with oak
leaves. Very fine.
207c Gold and enamel Badge of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia.
Very fine.
207d Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia, with oak
leaves. Very fine.
208 Badge, Sash and Star of the Turkish Order of the Medjidie. Very

Withdrawn 209 Badge, Neck Band and Star of the Turkish Order of Osmaneh.
Very fine.
Withdrawn 210 Breast Star of the Brazilian Order of the Rose. Very fine,

315 0O 211 Breast Star of a Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown of
Roumania. Very fine.
212 Badge of the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, 1870, Head
of Republic in centre. Very fine.

7 1¢@ 0 213 Gold and enamel Badge of the Russian Order of St. Stanislas,
with swords. Very fine.

214 Badge of a Knight Templar, Grand Cross, Scotland, and a 9 ct.

gold badge, double-headed eagle. Very fine.

215 Masonic emblem of Thirtieth Degree( double-headed black eagle

with gilt crown and sword. Oval silver badge with Royal
Arms. The former very fine.

216 Gold and enamel Badge of a Companion of the Order of the Bath
(C.B.). Very fine.

217 Badge and Breast Star of a Knight Commander of the Order of

the Bath, Civil Division (K.C.B.), in case of issue. Very fine.

218 British Empire Medal (John C. Bain). Lloyd’s Silver Medal for 10
Bravery (Able Seaman Clayton Hayes, M.V. “‘Ross’’ 29th
October 1942). Very fine.

219 George V, Royal Naval Reserve Officer’s Decoration, in case of 10

issue. Very fine.

220 George VI, Royal Naval Reserve Officer’s Decoration (1947).

Very fine.

221 Gold and enamel Badge of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Very

222 Silver and enamel Breast Star of the Bulgarian Order for National 10
Service (Military Division). Slight chip on enamel: other-
wise very fine.
223 Bronze octagonal Gwalior medal, with suspender ‘‘For God and
Gwalior’. Very fine.

224 Badges of the Russian Order of St. Anne and of the Union des
Femmes de France. Very fine.
224a Silver and enamel Breast Star and gold and enamel Cross of the 10
Austrian Order of Franz Josef. Very fine.
224b Gold and enamel Badge of the Schaumburg-Lippe Order of the 11 10
Rose. Very fine.
224c Gold and enamel Service Order of Schaumburg-Lippe, with Swords.
Very fine.

294d Silver and enamel Grand Cross, with Swords, of the Oldenburg
Order of Merit (Duke Frederick Peter Louis). Very fine.

225 ‘‘Kitchener’s Army and the Territorial Forces’’, Edgar Wallace;
‘The Battle of Waterloo’, C. Kelly, 1817; ‘‘The Royal
Welsh Fusiliers’, H. A. Tipping, 1915; ‘‘A British Rifle-
man’’, Major George Simmons, 1899; ‘‘The V.C., Its Heroes
and their Valour’, D. H. Parry, 1913; ‘‘For Valour’, J. E.
Maddock, 1895; ‘‘Military Uniforms of the British Empire
Overseas’, and three other books of military interest. 10
226 lypescript copy of the Naval General Service Medal Roll, 1793-
1840. Very fine.


ou Matt gilt cross-gilt plate of the 57th Regiment. ‘‘57’’ within a
crowned laurel wreath. Very fine.
10 Cross-beit plate of the 57th Regiment. .Gilt Maltese Cross with
motto ‘“Tria juncta in uno’’, Regimental Honours to Penin-
sula, and number ‘‘57’’ superimposed on silver star on gilt
plate. Very fine.
ol 10 229 Silver and gilt cross-belt plate of the 77th Regiment. Prince ot
Wales’ plume and ‘‘77’’ within a laurel wreath inscribed
‘Peninsula’. Very fine.
on 230 Georgian gorget of the 77th Regiment and a gilt gorget with Hano-
verian shield in the Royal Arms. Very fine.
231 Silver cross-belt plate of an Officer of the Rifle Brigade with
Regimental Honours to Waterloo, silver whistle and box with
chain. Cross-belt plates of the Royal Middlesex Rifles,
4th and 24th Middlesex Rifles and another.
Shako plates of the 77th Regiment: 1811 and 1871-79 types. Very
Glengarry badges of the 57th Regiment, 1871-1881 type (2) and
“Middlesex Regiment, 1881 type. Button of 57th Regiment
and shoulder title of Middlesex Regiment. Star of Order
of the Bath mounted on cloth and two others.

10 234 Infantry shako plate, 1812-1816 type, and another of the 2nd
Foot, 1861 type. Helmet plates of the Royal Artillery,
Gloucestershire Regiment and Royal Military College. Glen-
garry badges, 1871-1880 type, of the 8th, 11th, 12th 37th,
39th and 40th Regiments. Li

235 One hundred and seven Regimental buttons, mounted on five

cards, including some numbered and Indian, 107

236 London Scottish glengarry badges (2) and collar badges (2). 10
Officers’ two-piece waist-belt buckles: Staff (2); South
Staffordshire Regiment (1). Georgian Officer’s gorget. Box
of about forty assorted badges, buckles, etc. 48

Helmet plates, 1880-1900 type, of the Ist V.B., Royal Berkshire 3

Regiment, Ist V.B., Border Regiment, 1st Cumberland Rifle
Volunteer Corps and 6th Durham Rifle Volunteers. Twenty
cap badges. Very fine. 24

Pair of white metal solid scale epaulettes and a similar pair in

brass of the 7th Dragoon Guards. One hundred and thirty
three regimental buttons, including some numbered. 137

Silver. matt gilt and enamel cross-belt plate of the Life Guards. 10
Very fine.
240 One hundred British regimental cap badges. Mostly very fine. 100 ui

241 Helmet plate centres of the Warwickshire, Norfolk, Lincolnshire,

Suffolk, West Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, Bedfordshire (2),
Leicestershire, Royal Irish, Cheshire, East Surrey, South
Staffordshire, Oxfordshire, Derbyshire, Manchester and
Leinster Regiments, South Wales Borderers, Somersetshire
and Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. Very fine. 20

242 Sixty-four British regimental collar badges. Mostly very fine. 64

243 Ninety-two British regimental cap badges including a few Yeo-

manry. Mostly very fine. 92

244 Twenty-seven Canadian cap and collar badges, fourteen shoulder

titles, forty-three buttons and twenty-four assorted badges. 108

Shako plate of the 14th Light Dragoons with battle honours to

Punjab War. Officer’s silver cross-belt pouch cover of the
Inniskilling Dragoons. Universal service shako plate,
3ins. x 2dins. crowned star enclosing lion and crown with
Garter motto. Very fine.

246 Shako, 1874 type, with plate of the 13th Foot and red pompom, 10
and metal case.

247 A miscellaneous lot of uniform buttons and rank badges, and a ur

few cap badges. Over 190

248 A collection of 163 Nazi badges, buttons, etc., mounted on five

cards. Very fine. 163

ui Helmet plates, 1901 type, of the Royal Warwickshire (2), Devon-

shire, Gloucestershire, West Riding, Royal Sussex (2) and
Hampshire Regiments and the Duke of Cornwall’s Light
Infantry, |
ul —— Dorsetshire, Essex, Northamptonshire, Middlesex, Manches-
ter and Herefordshire Regiments, Royal Guernsey Militia,
Metropolitan Police, Welsh Regiment (2) and ist V.B.,
Durham Light Infantry. The last two broken. 1]
10 Worcestershire Regiment: Officer’s helmet plate (1883-1890); two-
piece waist-belt buckles (1881-1890) (2); field service cap
badge (1881-1890); collar badge (1883-1894); forage cap
badge (1883-1900). Other Ranks’ glengarry badges (1877-
1881 and 1890-1900); collar badges (1885-1894 and 1894-
1925 (2) ); pouch badges (2). Very fine. 13

Sixty-one different Yeomanry cap and collar badges, mounted

in glazed and lined oak wall case 173ins. wide x 22ins. high.
Very fine. 61
10 Fifty different Artillery cap and collar badges of British Regular
Militia, Volunteer, Dominion and Colonial units, mounted
in glazed and lined oak wall case, 25ins. wide x 17ins.
high. Very fine.

0 Seventy-two British Military and Air Force cap badges, includ-

ing a few Colonial, mounted in two glazed and lined oak
frames, 20ins. high x 22$ins. wide. Very fine. 72

255 Sixty-seven Territorial cap badges, mounted in a glazed and

lined oak frame, 22ins. high x 17}ins. wide. Very fine. 67

256 Sixty-seven British Regimental cap badges, 1914 type, mounted

in a pair of glazed and lined oak frames, 15ins. wide x
13ins. high and in another pair 16ins. wide x 1l4ins. high.
Very fine, 67

One hundred and nine cap badges, mostly of British Cavalry and
armoured units with a few Colonial, mounted in four glazed
and lined frames, 214ins. wide x 12ins. high, and a small
glazed and lined case, 8}ins. x 6ins. x 2ins., containing an
Artillery busby badge. 110

10 Field Service Jacket worn by Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig,

K.T.,.G.C.B.,.0.M.,'G,C.V.0., K-CALE.,: thromshout the
First World War, accompanied by an autograph letter of
verification initialled by the Field Marshal. Also a Service
Cap worn by Admiral of the Fleet Sir David Beatty during
the War.
259 Two silver mounted sporrans. One very fine. 2 5 0 0

260 Dirk of an Officer of the 78th Highlanders with Regimental Honours 2 o 4

““Assaye’’, “‘Maida’’ and ‘“‘Java’’. Fine. ]

261 Eleven sets of silver lace and twelve sets of silk cord aiguileties. 16 0
A bugle cord and two pairs of spurs. 26

262 One hundred and sixty different Austro-Hungarian metal badges . Withdrawn
of the 1914-18 War and an Austrian waist-belt buckle. 161


Periodical Sales

Terms: 12} per cent.; minimum charge on any lot 5/-.

Entries can now be received.

erican Numismatic Society

of Coins and Medals.

A‘ TER each sale these catalogues are

issued with the prices realised printed
in the margin opposite each lot, thus giving
at a glance a reliable guide to values.
The final test of value must always be
auction prices rather than the figures given
in books of reference for changing times
and fashions soon render the latter obsolete
and misieading.
On the average we issue twelve Coin and
Medal catalogues a year, some of which
are usually of sales of important collections.
The priced catalogues are posted to
subscribers as scon as ready, usually about
a week after the date of sale and the
subscription is
Glendining § Co., Cimited


War and Commemorative fBedals « Coins
Postage Stamps = Fine Bri = ete.
at a charge of 123%


ee =

Lots to be included in these Sales

should be sentinas soon as possible
Miniznum Charge for any lot 5/-


E NDINING & CO. [Mia25
Printed by Pardy & Son (Printers) Ltd., The Triangle, Bournemouth.

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