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Some people think that children should aim to do their best at whatever they
are doing. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Body 1. There are some reasons why children do not need to give best efforts
- Influence children’s mental health
+ The attempt to gain best results in every aspect resulting from people’s
expectation often makes children feel stressed and lose productivity
Eg. Many Asian parents often have a desire to make their offsprings
knowledgeable and prominent in education -> put pressure to help them meet
their achievements -> sometimes it is counter-productive: worse education and
Body 2. However, I contend that planning to reach the best have more positive
- Increased commitment
+ Put ambitions on every activity makes children focused on their goal and plan
meticulously to realise their dreams
- Boost resilience and self-reliance
+ Channelling all effort in their tasks promotes children’s hard work, they try to
deal with problems by themselves to keep growing. For a long time, children
are able to have a holistic development.
2. Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier,
while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Body 1. Drawbacks
- Manipulation and consumerism: the advent of many technological shopping
gadgets brings more products on sale, but it drives people to buy
unnecessary things with artificial needs
- Cyber scams: fraud merchants use tricks to make consumers believe in their
products and purchase
Body 2. I am in favor of the idea that technology facilitates consumers’
- Product awareness and informed choices: Inform consumers with a variety
of products and purchase them based on preference and needs.
3. A country should spend money on skills training or vocational training for
practical work, rather than on university education. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
 Partly agree
Body 1. Why skills training and vocational training are important
- Enhanced career prospects and adaptability
+ Have well-rounded knowledge related to the job/major -> be versatile in the
+ Enhance opportunities for the unemployed
 Develop national economy and life quality
Body 2. University education cannot be ignored
- Education plays a fundamental role in developing the world
+ Higher academic studies facilitate researchs on science and technology ->
universities educate students to become prominent workers

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