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Client: Tropicano Juice Company
Create a visually appealing poster to promote Tropicano Lychee Juice and
highlight its unique features, targeting health-conscious individuals and
fruit juice enthusiasts.

Key Elements to Keep in Mind:

1. Target Audience: The poster should appeal to health-conscious

individuals, particularly those who enjoy refreshing fruit juices and are
looking for a tropical twist. Consider a broad age range but with a focus on
young adults and millennials.

2. Product Focus: Highlight Tropicano Lychee Juice as a premium, natural,

and refreshing beverage option. Emphasize its key features such as the
exotic lychee flavor, high nutritional value, and the absence of artificial

3. Visual Appeal: The poster should be visually captivating and eye-

catching to grab the audience's attention. Consider vibrant colors,
minimal and elements that evoke a sense of freshness and rejuvenation.

4. Brand Consistency: Ensure the poster aligns with the overall brand
identity of Tropicano Juice, which is known for its high-quality, natural
fruit juices. Incorporate the Tropicano logo and maintain a consistent
design language that reflects the brand's values of authenticity, health,
and enjoyment.

5. Call-to-Action: Include a clear call-to-action that encourages the

audience to try Tropicano Lychee Juice. This can be in the form of a
compelling tagline, such as "Taste the Exotic Refreshment!" or "Experience
the Tropical Twist!".
Creative Brief

1. Tropical Paradise: Create a visually stunning poster with a lush tropical

landscape featuring palm trees, colorful flowers, and a beautiful lychee fruit.
Incorporate a glass or bottle of Tropicano Lychee Juice amidst the tropical
elements, highlighting its central role in the paradise-like setting.

2. Flavor Burst: Depict the bursting flavor of lychee with dynamic illustrations,
showcasing the fruit in a visually enticing way. Consider using vibrant splashes or
swirls of color to represent the intense taste and freshness of the juice.

3. Refreshing Indulgence: Show an individual or a group of people joyfully sipping

Tropicano Lychee Juice in a relaxed setting, such as a sunny beach or a tranquil
garden. This concept highlights the drink as a refreshing indulgence that brings
pleasure and relaxation.

Brand DNA:

Tropicano Juice embodies the following brand DNA:

1. Natural and Authentic: Tropicano offers natural and authentic fruit juices made
from the finest ingredients without artificial additives, ensuring a healthy and
enjoyable experience.

2. Tropical Delight: The brand is associated with tropical flavors, evoking a sense
of exoticism, adventure, and escape to paradise.

3. Vibrant and Refreshing: Tropicano products are vibrant and refreshing,

capturing the essence of fruits at their peak to provide a revitalizing experience.

4. Quality and Trust: Tropicano is committed to delivering high-quality juices,

earning the trust of its customers and establishing itself as a reliable and
reputable brand.

By incorporating these elements into the poster, you can create an impactful
visual representation of Tropicano Lychee Juice, enticing the target audience to
try the product and experience its tropical goodness.
Display Card

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