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Lesson 3 Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid


Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. It can happen at home or at school. It can happen when
you are playing. Sometimes they seem to happen when you least expect them. They could happen due to
extreme carelessness.
Knowing what to do and how to do it in case of an emergency can lessen the extent of the injury. Some
people encounter emergencies of varying severity but do not involve themselves because of lack of knowledge
and skill. Thus, it is essential for us to practice safety measures at all times to prevent these injuries and also be
aware of how to perform basic first aid on the affected individuals. (Concha, 2017)

Essential questions:
1. Why should you be concerned with first aid?
2. Why should you learn to do first aid?


Read the following concepts which will be given emphasis when we discuss the topic of First Aid.

First Aid Basics

Basic knowledge about first aid can be very useful, especially during emergency situations. That is
why, one has to be familiar with some of the important terms and guidelines regarding first aid. (Muyot,

A. First Aid
It is the initial assistance or treatment given to a casualty for any injury or sudden illness before the
arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or medical professional.
Aims of First Aid
• To protect and preserve life.
• To prevent further harm.
• To promote recovery.
B. First Aider
It refers to someone who has completed a course of theoretical and practical instruction and passed
successfully supervised examination.
Characteristics of a First Aider
• Highly trained
• Has up-to-date knowledge and skills
• Cool and calm
• Patient
• Acts logically
• Gentle but firm
• Has self- confidence
Responsibilities of a First Aider
• Assess the situation quickly and safely.
• Make the area safe.
• Identify as fast as possible, the injury or the nature of the illness affecting a casualty.
• Give early, appropriate, and adequate treatment in a sensible order of priority.
• Arrange for the transport of the casualty to the nearest hospital, to the care of a doctor, or at
• Accompany with the casualty until handling him or her to the care of an appropriate person.
• Make and pass on a report and give further help if required.

C. First Aid Guidelines and Procedures

1. Do primary survey of the victim.
a. Airway- Check if the victim’s airway is not blocked.
b. Breathing- Administer artificial resuscitation if the victim is not breathing.
c. Circulation- If the victim has no pulse, administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
2. Ask for help.
3. Do secondary survey from head to toe.

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