Examples of Lesson Plans

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Name of School         : SD 2 Karangpawitan

Subject                       : English
Class / Semester         : 1 / 1
Themes                       : Things in our bags
Topic                          : School utensils
The meeting               : 1
Time Allocation         : 2×35 minutes (1 meeting)

I. Competence Standard
Understand simple instruction in context of class.
II. Basic Competence
1. Imitate the mention school utensils.
2. Mention utensils school.
III. Indicators:
Students can mentioned objects that is in the bag schools with pronunciation and appropriate
1. Pronounce the words properly and correctly
2. Read word swith the correct intonation
3. Reading aloud properly and correctly
IV. Learning Objectives:
1. Students are able to pronounce words properly and correctly
2. Students are able to read wordswith the correct intonation
3. Students are able to read aloud well and correctly
V. Teaching Materials
School utensils

They are things in my bag. There are many things in there like a book, a pen, a pencil, a
ruler, and a eraser. And I always keep it.
VI. Learning Methods
– Total Physical Response
– Communicative Approach
VII. Learning Steps
A. Pre Activities (10 minutes)
1. Salute
2. Pray
3. Check for the presence of students
4. Apperception
B. Main Activities (40 minutes)
Teacher Activities Student Activities Allocation

1. Teachers talked about things and 1. Students listen to a story

school bag while showing a picture of that brought teachers.2.
school utensils.2. Teachers say the words Students listen and repeat
relate to the material.3.3. The teacher words spoken by the 2 minutes2
gives the students a question relating to teacher..3. Students respond minutes2
material that has been given. to questions the teacher. minutes
        C. Post Activities (10 minutes)
1. Summarize the learning activities
2. Providing Homework (PR)
3. Preparing material that will come
4. Farewell
VIII. A. Learning Media
1. Picture
              B. Learning Resources
1. Active English 1 “A Fun and Easy English Book” Ida Kusuma Dewi, et al.
2. Teacher-made materials
IX. Assessment
1. Type of Assessment              : Formative
2. Engineering Assessment       : Oral test
3. Assessment Tool                   :
Read the words aloud.
1)  Book
2)  Pen
3)  Pencil
4)  Ruler
5)  Eraser
4. Assessment Rubric:
Aspects assessed (Introduce yourself) Score

Student can:a.       Pronounce the words properly and correctlyb.      Read words the

correct intonation
c.       Reading aloud properly and correctly
Student only: 5510
a.       Pronounce the words are less precise 2
b.      Read words are less precise 3
c.       Reading in a low voice 5

Taken from: https://nayyanrises.wordpress.com/materiku-2/paper/lesson-plan/


This lesson practises language for food through a song, story and project.

Rachael Ro

In this lesson, learners will be introduced to or review food items. They will sing a song and
survey their classmates about food they like. Then they will watch a story which they can use
as the basis for a mini-project of making a menu. Finally, they will think about food groups
and how to eat healthily, and produce a poster.
To develop and practise:
 vocabulary: food
 structure: 'Do you like …?', 'should'
 curricular work: menus, food groups, healthy eating
 integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Primary (7–11 years)
90 minutes approximately
(see attachment)

Taken from: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/food

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