Validation of A Test

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Steps in the Development and Validation of a Test

Taken from LET Review materials (Assessment and Evaluation) of Professor Antonio

Development and Validation of a Test

Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Phase I
Test Test Evaluation
Planning Administration
Construction Stage
Stage Stage

Phase I – Planning Stage

1. Specify the objectives / skills and content areas to be measured.
2. Prepare the Table of Specifications.
3. Decide on the item format – short answer form / multiple choice, etc.

Phase II – Test Construction Stage / Item Writing Stage

1. Writing of test items based on the table of specifications.
2. Consultation with experts – subject teacher / test expert for validation (content) and

Phase III – Test Administration Stage / Try out Stage

1. First Trial Run – using 50 to 100 students
2. Scoring
3. First Item Analysis – determine difficulty and discrimination indices
4. First Option Analysis
5. Revision of the test items – based on the results of test item analysis
6. Second Trial Run / Field Testing
7. Second Item Analysis
8. Second Option Analysis
9. Writing the final form of the test
First Tryout
The purpose of the tryout is:
1. to determine the clarity of instruction to the students;
2. to identify the weak or defective items;
3. to gauge the levels of difficulty and discrimination of the items; and
4. to determine the appropriateness of the vocabulary used.

Second Tryout: Field Testing

The purposes of the second tryout testing are:
1. to determine again the appropriateness of the vocabulary;
2. to determine the difficulty index of each item and to gauge the effectiveness also of each
in discriminating among those who know from those who do not know especially those
items which have been revised for the second trial run;
3. to determine the attractiveness of decoys; and
4. to take note of the average time for a student to finish each test part or the whole test.

Phase IV – Evaluation Stage

1. Administration of the final form of the test
2. Establish test validity
3. Estimate test reliability

Third and Final Tryout

The purpose of the final test administration is
1. to ascertain how the test will function in actual use
2. to establish the validity and estimate the reliability of the final form of the test
3. to provide a final check on time limits and on the procedures of test administration.

Characteristics of a Good Test

1. Test must be valid – Validity
2. Tests must be reliable – Reliability
3. Test must be usable – Usability

Validity - “a test is valid if it measures what it intends to measure.” or the

degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure.

Reliability – refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same

individuals when re-examined with the same test on different

Usability – refers to practicality of test which offers the most coverage,

convenience, economy and interpretability.

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