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model based systems

engineering industry
solution for aerospace
& defense
Why Siemens MBSE for A&D?
Siemens provides the industry’s most comprehensive market-leading portfolio
of model-based technologies, helping you deliver innovative products to market
with greater traceability, confidence and reliability. From the day a product is
conceived until the day it is retired, the Siemens MBSE digital thread serves as a
single source of truth that can be accessed by all collaborators on a project.

Whether designing a fighter jet, commercial airliner or turboprop, Siemens

MBSE solution for aerospace and defense (A&D) captures every bit of relevant
information, including any modifications and their implications. Our solution
enables a more efficient, precise and agile aerospace systems engineering
process, as well as earlier and more accurate testing.

What are the benefits of MBSE?

The Siemens MBSE solution for A&D creates a competitive advantage by helping
you accelerate your product development and orchestrate your technical
program. As projects become infinitely more complex, simplifying your process
and becoming more agile are critical to success.

With teams spread across the globe, the end-to-end traceability provided by the
digital thread is invaluable. Siemens MBSE solution for A&D helps you get your
design right the first time to avoid costly errors down the road. It also
What is MBSE? streamlines MBSE methodologies and regulatory compliance - while adhering to
MBSE standards and creates artifacts you can reuse for future projects.
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a framework that
applies modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis,
verification and validation activities throughout the entire lifecycle
of a product. MBSE allows you to list requirements, design, test
and create a digital model of any project, known as the digital
twin, within a virtual simulation that mirrors the environment in
which the product will be used.

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Implementing Siemens MBSE helps you beat the competition
MBSE solution for A&D As project timelines become compressed, requirements lists are only getting
longer. Our scalable solution helps you manage exponentially increasing
The best way to implement MBSE depends on your future goals and where you
volumes of data across the entire enterprise. By delivering full visibility into key
are today. Our team will work with you to review our Xcelerator portfolio,
technical performance indicators throughout the product lifecycle, Siemens
determine the best approach and outline a plan.
MBSE solution for A&D helps accelerate your design, development and
certification process, giving your organization a competitive advantage.
While it’s possible to begin using our full suite of products across your
organization at once, you can just as easily take a phased approach. Our flexible
product lifecycle management system can integrate your existing tools, making
it easy to begin connecting people and processes across functional silos
throughout the entire enterprise. Whatever you’re looking to accomplish, we’ll Simplify amid growing complexity
guide you through MBSE implementation to make sure your needs are met as
you embrace a more integrated process.
The continual expansion of features, components, safety requirements and
performance standards has dramatically increased the complexity of projects.
With each additional integration of software, electronic, mechatronic and other
components, the challenge of gaining certification and bringing a new product
to market swells.

With Siemens MBSE solution for A&D, you no longer need to wait until a
component is manufactured and assembled before testing its capabilities. By
simulating the actual conditions the component will operate under in the real
world while still in the design phase, potential problems can be avoided years
ahead of time and without costly overruns.

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Global collaboration with MBSE
In the globalized 21st century, teams work across time zones and continents.
Our adaptable product lifecycle management software keeps everyone on the
same page, from teams of designers to supply chain vendors in every corner of
the globe. By integrating the entire process using MBSE, teams can seamlessly
take a project from the faintest idea for a new product all the way through
design, manufacturing and maintenance, saving time and money.

Single source of truth

All too often, the artifacts of various project components are not only created
with different software, but are stored separately as well. With teams
distributed across the globe, version control issues and changes being made but
not communicated, this poses a major problem for teams trying to collaborate.

The Siemens MBSE digital thread solves for this by serving as a single source of
truth. Every person who touches any aspect of a product development project
will know exactly where to look for the most up-to-date documentation
Regulatory compliance regarding their piece of the puzzle and will be able to trace design decisions
back to their origins. When it comes time to tackle the next project, all the
Products today not only need to exceed customers’ and society’s expectations valuable lessons learned are readily available in one spot so the same mistakes
for performance and sustainability, they must also contend with strict are not repeated.
governmental safety regulations that can impact nearly every component and
feature. A systems engineering approach to verification management, with all
information stored in a central database, makes it easier to ensure and
demonstrate that the safety intent of your product has been satisfied.

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Return on investment Software interoperability
Implementing MBSE is not as simple as flipping a switch. Instead, it is typically a As the development, design and manufacture of products becomes increasingly
long process during which an organization becomes more fully integrated over complex, with requirements in the millions for a single airplane, highly
time. As companies consider beginning this journey, questions come up around specialized engineers are using disparate computer programs throughout the
ROI. However, this is the wrong way to look at the benefits of model-based product lifecycle. Siemens MBSE A&D industry solution is not only compatible
systems engineering. Yes, MBSE will ultimately save you money. More with all common industry programs, but also understands the relationships
importantly, without it your organization will be left behind by the competition between them.
and struggle to survive long term.
For example, when a requirement or function changes, every component
The biggest cost savings of the MBSE approach come from avoiding problems downstream that may be affected is flagged. Each team working on a flagged
down the line, rather than solving them. Organizations using MBSE start component is then required to identify and address any issue the change may
integrated and stay integrated, so that potential problems, which can be very demand or to certify that the change will not affect their work. This capacity to
costly, never arise. It is not a matter of working out the kinks when two integrate with any software gives you the flexibility to continue using your
components are joined. Instead, MBSE ensures there are no kinks to work out. existing tools as you get more comfortable with the MBSE process.

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Siemens MBSE industry
solution for A&D in action
Companies around the globe are realizing the benefits of MBSE. After
implementing this more integrated way of working, Boeing was able to fly the
eT-7A Red Hawk jet just three years after launching the program. The final
assembly of the jet trainer is now just 15 minutes long, pared way down from
the previous 24 hours.

Integrating for success

You don’t need to wait until your product rolls off the production line to see the
benefits of MBSE. Every time the digital thread helps a team catch what might have
been an overlooked detail, that’s a win. When the design phase wraps up months or
even years ahead of schedule or a project comes in under budget, everyone can

Other benefits of MBSE may not be as tangible, but they are just as important.
Perhaps two components integrate without a hitch because they were virtually tested
early in the process. It can be tough to appreciate the savings from a problem that
didn’t occur, but the significance of major issues that never materialize cannot be

The synergy that comes when disparate teams are working efficiently and
collaboratively will fuel even greater growth and bigger successes on projects to
come. With engineers spending less time managing data and more time innovating,
we can’t wait to see what MBSE makes possible next.

To explore MBSE solutions for aerospace and defense, visit

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© 2021 by Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich

Siemens Xcelerator
Xcelerator is a comprehensive, integrated portfolio of software, services and application
development platform designed to help companies of all sizes become digital enterprises.
Now, these cloud-based solutions are available via Xcelerator as a Service to make digital
transformation happen faster.

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