G902 Professional Profiling: A Look at Ayurveda Company, Miracles in Ayurveda

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G902 Professional Profiling Module

A look at Ayurveda Company, Miracles In Ayurveda.

Student Name: Siti Shaiha Binte Md Shahri Student ID: 91598 School: School of Applied Sciences. Diploma: Diploma In Pharmaceutical Sciences. Matriculation Year: 2009

Table of Contents 1) Introduction I. synopsis II. a brief introduction of Ayurveda association of Singapore. (AAOS) A) History Of AAOS. B) The recent years. C) Awards and achievements. Companys Visions and missions.

III. 2)In depth IV.

The Indian Traditional Medicine. A) The different kinds of Ayurvedic medicines. B) The ailments therapies. Miracles of the Ayurvedic medicines and therapies. A) How do the Ayurvedic medicines and therapies help to cure ailments? SWOT analysis of AAOS. A) How the SWOT analysis leads AAOS to be among the top notch of Ayurvedic Indian traditional medicines in Singapore?



3) Recommendations and conclusion VII. VIII. IX. Other alternatives. Conclusion. Personal reflection.

4) References

Introduction I. Synopsis.

The main objective of this report is to understand in depth about the specialisation of the Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS) . This is also as a way to acknowledge that AAOS does not only provide services such as giving treatments and therapies with the use of Traditional Indian Medicine, but also, they actually have branched out the different parts of Ayurveda which deals with the different kinds of ailments, with not only the use of Traditional Indian Medicine, but also through the specialists available. This is also to give an insight on how this company actually able to pull through the barriers and obstacles, for being the non-profit organization but able to be among the top notch of the Ayurvedic medicines companies such as the Ayurveda Health Care Singapore. With this report, I have to give a better understanding on how the ayurvedic medicines and therapies have saved many lives and how they are able to receive overwhelming responses from the society despite being the non-profit organization. Information gathered is mainly through interviews with: Vasanthi Pillay ( president of AAOS) Dr Indusekhar (Ayurvedic doctor )

On top of that, some information was based on my experiences through the study trip to Bangalore where I have covered some of the companies of Ayurvedic medicines which have similar concepts and backgrounds.


What is Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS)?

AAOS is actually an organization which is a collective voice of Ayurveda and Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM) which includes Yoga, Unnani and Siddah medicine in Singapore. This organization comprises not only of Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners who genuinely have great passion in all the Traditional Indian Medicinal systems, but also to rise up the use of the oldest medicinal science. The world health organisation (WHO) began to recognise that mental and social health is important as part of our health since Ayurveda has always propounded that mental, emotional and social health has always been part and parcel of health. Thus, The World Health Organisation(WHO) actually acknowledges Ayurveda as the traditional medicines that are well recognised with their form of treatment and healthcare. A. History of AAOS.

AAOS was formed in February 2009 to promote the awareness of Ayurveda and Indian System of medicine in Singapore. B. The recent years. Since their inception, they have been invited by several semi-government agencies, higher learning institute and hospitals to give talks on the Science of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Ayurvedic Beauty care. C) Awards and Achievements. - Dharma Award for Excellence in Promoting the Awareness of Ayurveda by Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America, USA (AAPNA). III. Companys Visions and missions. Vision Since Ayurveda Association of Singapore started one year back, they have yet to formulate anything formally. However, their vision is to see it gets accepted as part of the public healthcare system. Mission. Ayurveda Association of Singapore aims to promote Ayurveda to the general public and also to spread the knowledge of the ancient healing system to this modern society. The following below is extracted from Ayurveda Association of Singapores website:


The Indian Traditional Medicine. A) The different kinds of Ayurvedic medicines.

There are five types of ayurvedic medicines which will then be sub divided into 2 categories. The five types are listed below: Water soluble content: - herbal powders - tablets -concoction ( concentrate water soluble herbal tea) -wine like preparation (preserved form fermented) Fat soluble content; - ghee preparation.

B) The ailments therapies.

There are actually over 30 kinds of therapies provided. However, they are sub divided into two types of ailments therapies which are listed below: Curative (Invigoration) - curing the condition - internal medicines - cleansing therapies Palliative - supportive cure - external therapies


Miracles of the Ayurvedic medicines and therapies. A) How do the Ayurvedic medicines and therapies help to cure ailments?

These Indian Traditional methods uses the basic fundamentals like ether (boundary), air, fire, earth and water. By knowing all these 5 elements, they can identify the problem in our body system and they will proceed on with the different kind of therapies they provided for our body. One example of such treatment is the patient is suffering from insomnia then will received therapies using coconut oil, curry powder which believes to enhance the metabolism of the patient body to reduce the metabolic disorder be it constructive or destructive which will results in several diseases. These basic fundamentals actually are one of the unique parts of the ayurvedic medicines and therapies which help to cure ailments. The basic fundamentals are listed below:

A) Ether or also known as Boundary. We need to have boundary to support us. For example, a room needs to have its walls, ceilings and floors as the boundaries, which is to support the whole building.

Vatha/ air.

C) Fire (energy) When there is too much air particles in the boundary, it will cause friction, and energy (fire) will be produced.

B) Air particles.

D) Water & E) Earth. The fourth important element which is the water is vital for functioning to manifest the body. Lastly, the Earth, which is represented by the solid structure of the human body. D & E are the by products of chemical reactions in our body from the the energy produced in (C).

Kapha. (Identity)

The ayurvedic medicine helps to cure the patient body by using natural ingredients which does not use other additional artificial chemicals which might bring side effect to the body. These traditional Indian medicines actually have herbal contents which makes the cell adaptive. Studies show that herbs actually help the human body to regain the balance in our body by providing support to the immune and other systems. The phytochemicals present in herbs have been found to affect the human cells by being adaptive. It helps the cells to adapt quickly to the changes in the body. For example, some herbs are adaptogenic, which means that they are tonics in strengthening and invigorating the system. Herbs have been proven safe to use which can benefit the people.

Using these unique fundamentals of ayurveda, which is the 5 elements, actually helps propose treatments for specific health problems. The main aim of using ayurvedic medicines is to cleanse the body when it has several diseases that the patient faces. This also helps to re-establish the balance in the body for optimal health. Therefore, Ayurveda actually has great reliance on herbs and it has been the important components of the Ayurvedic practice. Thus, the use of these medicines and therapies with the help of the its basic fundamentals (5 elements) are actually unique and helps to fasten the cure of ailments.


SWOT analysis Weaknesses

Strength Critical thinking Innovative

The general perception of traditional medicines.

Opportunities Threats Given many talks from different Low demand of this form of organisation. medicine. Lack of support from the society. Lack of knowledge.

Strength Critical thinking. From the interview that I have obtained, AAOS uses critical thinking as they know that the Ayurvedic medicines are actually very ancient method of curing ailments which refraining the society from believing that it could actually cure ailments in this modern world and society. AAOS actually felt that in this modern generation where science and technology have been constantly been advanced, the society in our generation have the mindset that modern medicines would be an advanced and better way to cure ailments compared to the traditional medicines. This is because the modern society believes that the advanced technology actually produces higher quality products and medicines than the ancient methods. With that, the company actually took this chance to show to the society that traditional medicine is as much important as the modern medicine up to date. There is something unique about the ayuverdic medicine which the modern medicine would not be able to perform such as the mental therapy which will allow our minds to feel relaxed. The company shows the importance of this ayurvedic medicines and give knowledge to the society on why is the ayuverdic medicine is needed as much. Besides that, this company actually make the society realise that modern medicines actually comes from the studies of the traditional medicines. By this, it creates awareness to the society that traditional

medicines are actually the origin of the modern medicines now. This is also to conclude that traditional medicines are as important.

Innovative. The company is very innotive in a way of promoting the oldest traditional science, not only through speech and collaboration with the different institute. However they also promote these medical techniques from different angles such as in terms of mental and social health. They do not only focus on medicine field, however, the company also focus on therapies, dentistry and even baby care. They focus on different field which enables them to be the top notch of the ayuverdic medicines as they also have many branches such as listed below: General or Internal Medicine (Kayan Chikitsa) Branch Deals with general ailments impaired by the digestion and metabolism. Paediatrics (Kumara Brutya) Branch Deals with prenatal and postnatal baby care as well as the care of a mother before and during pregnancy. It also elaborates various disease of children and their treatments. Psychiatry (Graha Chikitsa) Branch Deals with the study of mental diseases and their treatments. Treatment methods include medicines, diet regulation and yogic methods for treatment of mental disease and improving mental balance.

So from here, we can see that the company have many different types of approaches to tackle the different health issues, not only deals with the kinds of ailments stated above, but they also provide with facial care with the use of Ayurvedic medicines. This thus makes them to be among the top notch in the ayurvedic field. This also shows that they are not limiting themselves in creating awareness and promoting ayurvedic medicine towards the society. They show the importance of ayurvedic medicines in different components. This might help them to create awareness and gain support from the society.

Opportunities Provide talks to different organisation. Several events throughout the year with the National Parks Board of Singapore (Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurvedic Detox, Ayurvedic Beauty Care, Ayurveda and biodiversity) University of Las Vegas Nevada (Singapore), Ayurvedic Nutrition. They were invited again this year to speak to the students. The Polytechnics are higher learning institutes in Singapore and they are exploring Complementary Medicine as part of their curriculum. Some of these Polytechnics have invited AAOS to speak either at their events or to the students Republic Polytechnic (2 events)

Singapore Polytechnic (SP launched its Nutrition and Wellness Center in April 2010 and AAOS was one of their supporters.) Ngee Ann Polytechnic The Singapore Polytechnic is also launching its Ayurvedic Course for Food Manufacturers in Oct 2010 and is collaborating with AAOS. The Singapore Sleep Society The SSS is an association of allopathic doctors with about 200 members. For their AGM they invited AAOS to speak on Ayurveda and Sleep Disorder. Philips Roundtable discussion on Sleep AAOS was an invited guest Singapore General Hospital (Sleep Unit, Neurological Unit and Post Graduate Management Institute). AAOS is a regular speaker at the Singapore General Hospital CME programme. Peoples Association (PA) is a government initiative to offer activities to grassroots and AAOS has been invited to conduct workshop on Ayurvedic Nutrition. National Heritage Week is an annual 2-week programme initiated by the Singapore National Heritage Board to create harmony in a multi-racial society like Singapore as well as to integrate new citizens to Singapore culture and tradition. This year the event is in August and AAOS is invited to present the science of Ayurveda for 2 Saturdays to 2 different groups of participants. Gardens by the Bay project AAOS is advising on the Indian Traditional Plants. Club Rainbow (CR) is the only Charity Organization that is supported by the Singapore Medical Association. CR assists chronically ill children and their family and organizes annual Caregivers Day. This year, CR has invited AAOS to participate in their activities and elucidate the science of Indian Traditional Medicine. AAOS has also formed an International Alliance with the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA). AAOS also supports authentic scientific yoga in Singapore. The Svyasa Yoga University from India (Bangalore) approached AAOS to support and jointly organize some activities to promote Ayurveda and Yoga. AAOS supported the Stress Management Programme held in March 2010 and is supporting the next conference on Yoga and Ayurveda for Cancer to be held in Singapore. AAOS is also one of the collaborators for the World Ayurveda Congress (WAC) held biannually in India. This year WAC is held in Bangalore.

Weakness The conveying of traditional medicines.

By having a very small field in the old traditional medicines, the company has to find many alternatives ways in conveying the message and promoting the old sciences into our generation today. With the technology and knowledge in the medicine sector, traditional medicine tends to lose out from the modern medicines. This actually gives a rise in difficulties to persuade the society to accept one of the oldest traditional medicines. In our generation, we believe in modern science and technology and we must always have reasoning behind the things we have in the world, however, traditional science does not need reasoning on how it is able to cure the different ailments today. Traditional medicines are rarely accepted as it actually does not have highly proven to be as important as the modern medicines we have now. Thus it is difficult for the company to persuade the society on the importance of Ayuverda medicines. Threats The company would like the Singapore Govenrment to formally recognise Ayurveda. However, in order for them to do that, they have to ensure that there is demand for Ayurvedic Medicines in Singapre. As such, they have to create the awareness. Furthermore, under product Regulation of Ayurvedic Medicine, the Health Sciences Authority would like all the Ayurvedic companies to come under one umbrella for easy communication. The company has contacted all the ayurvedic companies in Singapore and not all are willing to become part of their members. They believe that it can be achieved, however, it will take some time. The threats that the company might face is that there is a low demand of this type of traditional medicines. The company tried to convince the government for their support towards these traditional medicines however the government does not formally recognise Ayurveda as an important source of medicine thus they have to ensure that the Ayuverda in Singapore becomes the leading traditional medicine in Singapore. Not forgetting there was a lack of support and not much knowledge over Ayurveda, thus it causes very low demand of this traditional medicine. With the lack of support from the government and society, this traditional medicine will be forgotten and not being acceptable in our generation today. Without the support of the society there will not be high demand of traditional medicine which will make the medicine to be colored by other types of medicines like supplements pills, and pills which help to decrease in metabolism rate which acts as a weight gainer. The Ayurvedic medicine will just be another history in the medicine book as the medicine is not being accepted or well-recognised in the society. The company not only has low support and low demand of these medicines, however the company needs to educate the society of Ayurvedic medicines as many do not know the importance and what benefits it has towards our health.

Recommendations and conclusion. VII. Other alternatives.

Providing workshops. Other than giving speech and talks to different organizations and higher institutions, it would also be interesting to spread this knowledge and tradition to the both primary and secondary institutes through workshops on the Ayurvedic medicines. The workshops will provide the students with trials and try outs practical on the Ayurvedic medicines. This will actually attract the students and allow them to discover their interests in learning on the ayurvedic medicines. Besides that, it is also an opportunity for the students to acknowledge the presence and importance of the old science medicine. Encouraging publicans to be part of the AAOS ayurvedic medicines. Weve heard so much about the latest products of medicines such as 4 life, Nutrilite and more. These products actually provide techniques in order for people to know and buy their products. Such techniques are that they actually encourage the public to be part of their member in order to get further discount since their products are costly, and once the public are already part of them, these companies actually encourage them to pull in as many publicans to be part of their member. From there, the messages of conveying on their products are faster through verbal communication from one person to the other. Thus, there would be a quick and fast demand on their products, and hence, the company can actually gain the opportunity to expand on the products. This is one of the alternatives that AAOS can try out in order for them to regain the popularity of Ayurvedic medicines. Publicising. In this modern world and society, people get their latest updates on trends, fashions, music, movies and many other stuff through advertisements. One of the other alternatives that AAOS can do is to publicise on their company and products through advertisements on television, radio or even internet. In this modern world, messages are easily conveyed to everyone through the cyber world. One of the examples is through Facebook. Facebook is a social networking site which is actually a simple form of site which allows many people to get the advertisements or news within a day.

VIII. Conclusion The Ayurveda Association of Singapore has implemented varying strategies in helping to understand the importance of traditional medicines in our current generation. The company has not done a good job in fulfilling the importance of traditional medicines in the pharmaceutical science studies, however their job also approached the awareness of the society about ayurvedic medicines and how it can help in our health. The company is able to foresee the problem in traditional medicine externally and internally which enables them to manage and overcome the problem of creating awareness and convey

the message to the society in Singapore. With the companys positive attitude, the company will be able to overcome their problems. The AAOS has done much that the traditional medicine will not be just part of the history and forgotten. The company has done much talks and collaboration with institute to be the prime company in tranditional medicine. However the company still lacks of publicity and giving workshop to institute in having knowledge about the medicines. After researching and learning much about the ayurvedic medicines, it is very clear that AAOS has done and put in lots of effort in ensuring that the traditional method of curing is still alive up till today with the awards that they had received and the chances of them to give speech to different institute and colleges.


Personal reflection.

The company has been doing pretty well in this field of traditional medicine as they have done much speech and talks at different seminars. They had collaborated with different colleges and higher institute to aid in the studies of ayurvedic medicine. The ayurvedic medicine has helped much in our society by giving us to understand the importance of traditional medicine that is require for the expansion of medicine industries. Ayurvedic medicine has made a great impact on the society by giving us the privilege of understanding our body by using the basic fundamentals of ayurveda. They had invested much time and effort to ensure that the society in Singapore is able to at least appreciate the importance of traditional medicines which many of us do not understand as there is a lack of knowledge about this traditional medicine. In the few years down the road, AAOS might face a greater challenge ahead, not only do they need to create awareness in the public however they have to find solution in meeting the demand of the aryuvedic medicine as the acceptance of this traditional medicine will soon be expanded rapidly. The AAOS has been tackling their problems very practically and with rationality thus they are able to be the top notch of the ayurvedic medicine with the awards that they had achieved. I am really amazed by the companys perseverance in creating awareness to the society and not letting rejection from other ayurveda companies to combine into one as a downfall rather they stand up on their own and still continuing on to move forward and let the traditional medicine to be revived again. References. http://www.aaos.org.sg/html/about us.htm http://www.aaos.org.sg/html/abouta.htm http://www.artsutra.org/ http://www.herbs.org

Thanks to: - Vasanthi Pillay ( president of Ayurveda Association of Singapore) - Dr Indusekhar (Ayurveda physician) Interview.

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