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Judgement Debtor Summons (JDS)


1. File Request for JDS (leave application), Affidavit in Support and to extract Request for JDS (1-
2 weeks)

2. Attend hearing for leave to issue JDS. Court will fix hearing date for the JDS (1-2 months
depend on the court’s availability)

3. Filing Order for leave and JDS (1-2 weeks).

4. Serve JDS to the debtor and file affidavit of service and to fix case management dates) (up 1

5. Hearing & Examination of Judgement Debtor – Judgement Debtor will be orally examined
before the courts on his assets and financial means. (1-3 months)

6. Order of court – after examination, the court may order the Judgement Debtor to settle the
debt either in one-lump sum or by instalments.

7. Judgement Notice (to be served to the Judgement Debtor) – if debtors fail to comply with
court order, Judgement Creditor can apply for judgement notice to call upon the Judgement
Debtor to show cause why he should not be committed to prison for such default. If no
sufficient cause was shown or the judgment debtor chooses to ignore the court order, it is a
contempt of court and an Order of Commitment may be made to commit the debtor in civil
prison for a period of up to six (6) weeks or until earlier payment of instalment is made.
(Committal application is a separate matter to be advised further (if needed)).

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