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Tim /Howaey EXT. THE DRIVEWAY - NIGHT Tim paces back and forth in the driveway outside his older brother HOWARD’s house. Howard stands there, in expensive clothes outside his expensive home. Tim, as always, looks to be just this side of drunk, while he smokes a cigarette. Silence. cr He's in trouble. Don’t you know about friendship, Howard? HOWARD Five hundred dollars. TIM Four hundred, three hundred, whatever you can afford. HOWARD Maybe this is a lesson for you. If you worked, you’d have some money to lend him, huh? TIM Yeah I know. I’m irresponsible, I dropped out of college, I won’t work in the family business, I’m a disgrace. That’s a good reason to keep me out of your house, God knows. HOWARD You're a bad example ‘TIM Far be it from me to disagree. Give me some money Howard. HOWARD You ever read a book? TrM Huh? HOWARD Read? Do you ever read? TIM Never. Tim grabs Tim let's HOWARD You should read Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” TIM Give me some money Howard. HOWARD Where d'ya get this attitude? TM I borrowed it, I have to have it back my midnight. Howard— HOWARD I should talk to Daddy about stopping your Trust Fund. It’s killing your initiative. TIM My big Trust Fund. A hundred dollars a month, yeah, Granddad was a real Rockefeller. Howard's jacket, pushing him against the lamppost. TIM (CONT'D) Howard -- It's important. 1 wouldn't come otherwise. I don’t like to see you, so you gotta know it’s very important. HOWARD Get off. TIM I despise you and yet I’m here. HOWARD Get off. him go and starts back down the driveway. And turns- mM It’s funny. Ye know when T was a little kid, I always wanted a brother and I told that to Mom once, and she said, “You have a brother." I said, “Oh, that's who the asshole in the other bed is.” And off Tim goes, leaving Howard standing in the driveway.

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