Louie Mike

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LUCKY LOUIE - "KIM’S 0° . li Kk eae Studio Draft - 8/19/05 Lavo Ke ) CENE P +3 HOUSE, TE (Louie, Mike) LOUI# AND MIKE ARE DRINKING BEERS IN THE COURTYARD. LOUIE It's a nightmare. I have te make her come or else I don't get to. MIKE Welcome to actual sex. I hope you enjoyed your free ride. LOUIE I've been fucking all week without coming. I'm go backed up, I’m crying cum. MIKE LAUGHS. LOUIE (cont'd) I cut myself shaving, cum came out. MIKE LAUGHS. LOUIE (cont'd) (VERY INTENSE) I've got to figure out how to satisfy Kim! MIKE Okay, calm down. You're getting cum all over the place. LOUIE I don’t know what it was that I did. All I did was fuck her the normal way. (MoRE) LUCKY LOUIE - “KIM'S 0" 35. Studio Draft - 8/19/05 @) LOUIE (cont'd) I mean I guess I did something by accident, some angle or something. MIKE Well, your approach is all wrong. You're being too technical. Tt’e not about what you're doing, it’s about why you did it. LOUIE LOOKS AT HIM. MIKE (cont'd) ‘The intent of the thrust. Like with me, I’m 50 lucky to have Tina, that all I can think of when we're fucking is, “Thank you, thank you. Thank you.” And that gratitude pours into her and makes her pop. LOUIE You just think “thank you, thank you"? MIKE Yeah. So, what were you thinking when she came? LOUIE I guess I was thinking... I was thinking... TOUTE CLOSES HIS EYES AND CONCENTRATES. LOUIE (cont'd) (REMEMBERING) “Scream you fucking bitch!” LUCKY LOUIZ - "KIM'S 0” Studio Draft - 6/19/05 AS WE... MIKE Okay, there you go. That‘s good. There was aggression. I guess with you two, that’s what you need. LOULE Aggression? MIKE Yeah. You've got that energy going. You need to put some anger into your sex. You know, hate her a little. LOUIE Hate her? MIKE A little. LOUIE So... you need to be grateful to your wife, and I need to hate my wife? MIKE We're married to different women. LOUIE (UNCONVINCED) All right. Well, thanke for the advice. 36. (PF)

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