4AM (JimWoman)

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Sina Avernan INT, DINER BOOTH -CONTINUOUS The Woman throws down the "Dear Jane" letter. WOMAN Hey Jim, a burger please- The Woman crosses to Jim at the counter. wt Anything else. WOMAN Nope. That's it. oIM Okay. WOMAN Just a glass of water. JIM Alright- WOMAN And another cup of coffee. omM Ooo0cokay. WOMAN And some more cream. oIM Is that it? WOMAN, Yeah. om Okay. WOMAN Uhm, Jim? om Yeah? WOMAN Who's the guy? Jim is getting her coffee, water, etc.. orm What guy? WOMAN The guy, he was sitting over there. IM I think he went to relieve his conscience. WOMAN Huh? Doc He had a fight with his future ex- girlfriend. WOMAN Huh. Jim is now holding coffee, cream, water, etc.. om why? Jim waits for an answer. WOMAN (cont'd) I don't know, skip it. The Woman crosses back to her booth and sits. Jim crosses atter her. He stands above her, slariny down, WOMAN (CONT’D) I don't know! You got a light? Jim lights her cigarette, etc. . « WOMAN (cont'd) (CONT'D) Thanks. I got this feeling like I've met him before, like I know him, but I haven't, s0- oIM So? WOMENS I don't know, deja vu, some...somethin' or other. Jim is just smiling at her. A beat. A beat. gIM So you think he's cute? WOMAN I didn't say that. JIM I ain't asking for a commitment. come on, I'll intzuduce you. WOMAN That's okay. IM ‘Then why'd you ask? WOMAN 1 don't know why. cM Come on, I'll introduce you. WOMAN We wouldn't get along. JIM So why'd you come down here. WOMAN To be alone. om take a look around you. WOMAN Yeah. oIM You alone? WOMAN He's better looking than I am. orm Rveryhody is. WOMAN Fuck you Jim. orm What's the worst that can happen? Beat. WOMAN Alright. I say “hello. omM ok. WOMAN He comes over. omM Alright- WOMAN We talk. om Right, right. WOMAN We connect. om Uh huh. WOMAN We fall in love. omM Love is good, love is good. WOMAN And he gets scared, and pulle away, and then he's gone, and here I am, right back down here at this damn little table, and I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands just by saying hello, ok? I've been around this block a few times, I think 1 can save myself this one trip. oc But what if this one trip is the right trip? ‘WOMAN I came down here for a burger and a cup of coffee. boc So say "hello." It ain't gonna kill yal aM What are you afraid of? WOMAN Let's start with rejection and go from there. poc So you're fraid he miyht like you. CLOSE-UP of: 1. Woman. She is stung by this revelation. 2. Doc. Waiting for her answer. 3. Jim. Smiling ‘cause he knows they've got her. WOMAN Okay. I'll tell you what. Doc Okay. WOMAN T'11 make you a deal. omM Alright. WOMAN If he ever comes out of that bathroom, he's got three minutes. Doc and Jim exchange a look. JIM Okay. Doc Okay. WOMAN Okay. They all look at the clock as we hear the Bathroom door open.

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