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Rizal's Life and Works

Task Performance in Finals

Submitted By: Mary Rose O.
Abellanosa BSHM4-B
Submitted To: Mr. John Aris Lo
Analysis must include your opinions and
criticism regarding Jose Rizal’s life and

My Opinion
Jose Rizal led a life that was deceptively
straightforward. He declined to live a life of
luxury, which is what the majority of us would
have preferred. He had led as simple a life as
he could even before the Spaniards began to
watch him. I believe his parents forced him to
live this way by their actions.
I can affirm that Rizal is a really kind,
sympathetic, and benevolent person. Through
the publication of the widely read works Noli
Me T'angere and El Filibusterismo, he has
addressed societal issues. He represents
social justice and equality, which is something
we should all strive to do.
·My critiques
The study of Rizal's life and works through
the lens of literary criticism can help in the
long run in preparing young people to be
contributing members of society. It is crucial
to analyze his works, particularly in light of
the fact that society now no longer values
being Filipino.

It is important to study Rizal's life and works

to appreciate the significance of Rizal's
ideas and goals in light of the social and
political climate of the day. to promote the
implementation of such values in current
societal and private challenges and
problems. to increase one's appreciation for
and comprehension of the causes Rizal
championed and died for.
Appreciation must include the things
that you learned and will never forget
in this subject

Love for God, country, and fellow citizens is the

main lesson we may take away from Dr. Jose Rizal.
He certainly inspires me. He's not perfect like the
rest of us, either.His life is replete with lessons that
every Filipino can think back on. Jose Rizal can
teach us about the value of education, love of
nation, creating excellent friends, the fact that
nothing is impossibly difficult, the worth of time,
and the supremacy of the pen over the sword. I can
affirm that Rizal is a really kind, sympathetic, and
benevolent person. Through the publication of the
widely read works Noli Me T'angere and El, he has
addressed social issues.

The young Rizal's death at the hands of the Spanish

colonial authorities was a major loss for the
Philippines and the rest of the globe. He is revered
as our national hero by Filipinos today. Jose Rizal
left for Spain in May 1882 without telling his
parents. He registered at Madrid's Central
Aspirations must include the values and virtues
that the students will bring forth and emulate once
you step outside STI

The values in learning Rizal’s life and work is that I can

bring forth once I step out in my school is that to
recommit young people to the ideas of nationalism and
freedom for which our warriors sacrificed their lives. to
honor the national hero for dedicating his life and labor
to developing the character of the Filipino people.
should learn from Rizal's life, works, and writings in
order to become more patriotic. A quality that is still
highly applicable now is Rizal's bravery in loving his
nation. It is admirable that our leaders follow his moral
courage in wanting only the best for his people. Jose
Rizal had traits such as intelligence, hard labor, and
open-mindedness. Jose fought hard for the Philippines'
independence from Spain so that the people would not
have to submit to foreign rule. He had no regard for
himself. He was more concerned with supporting his
nation. His contributions to numerous advancements in
numerous fields, including the Filipino people's fight for
independence, are numerous. In addition, Rizal
contributed contributions to Philippine literature, art,
and medicine, all of which still interest his native people
today. Nearly all of Rizal's acts were consistent with his
passion for the Philippines.

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