English T1

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General Instructions

All questions are compulsory.

Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

This Q.Paper is divided into two sections ,i.e., Writing and Literature.

Section - A (Writing) carries 12 marks.

Section - B(Literature) carries 18 marks.

Strictly adhere to the word limit given in the question.

Q.5 to Q.9 are short questions which are to be written in 30-40 words each.


Thursday, 10 September 2020, 10:30 – 12:15

Immersive Reader

(4.0 p)

General Instructions

All questions are compulsory.

Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

This Q.Paper is divided into two sections ,i.e., Writing and Literature.

Section - A (Writing) carries 12 marks.

Section - B(Literature) carries 18 marks.

Strictly adhere to the word limit given in the question.

Q.5 to Q.9 are short questions which are to be written in 30-40 words each.


Q Use the given information to complete the passage.

Bill Gates - October 28, 1955 – richest – Microsoft – active software developer – CEO – 2008 –
married – Melinda Gates – Net Worth – 11,400 crores USD (2020)
William Henry Gates III or Bill Gates was born on (a)_______28,1955. He is one of the world's
(b)______ people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software
giant (c)_______and turned it into the world’s largest software company. He is the best-known
entrepreneur of the PC revolution. Gates was in charge at Microsoft from 1975 until 2006. He was an
active (d)_______ developer at the beginning. He had a vision that computers could change
everyone’s life. Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO in June 2008.

(a) October

(b) richest

(c) Microsoft

(d) software

Words: 8 Chars: 47

Immersive Reader

(8.0 p)

Q) You are John/Janice and you have been selected as a best speaker in Inter-school Debating
competition. You are thrilled as now you will receive a certificate and an award at the Annual Day
Celebrations. Express your feelings in the form of a diary entry in 100-120 words.

Clues – On cloud nine---excited---hard work is the key to success – appreciation by teachers and

New Delhi

Thursday, 10 September 2020

8:00 pm
Dear Diary

Today was a very happy and thrilled day. As I receive a certificate and an award for being a best
speaker in Inter-school Debating competition. The debating competition was held on 8 September
2020. I was representing my school. I was said as the best speaker and was selected for inter-state

For this I had received a certificate and an award today at Annual Day. It was so good, and I felt
grand to stand on the big stage alone with the chief guest in front of the whole school getting a
prize. At home also I got a treat from my whole family. All the teachers, and my friends
congratulated me. I was on cloud number nine. My school principal had already high hopes for me to
go and represent the whole country.

I was a bit nervous after that as I will have to put more hard efforts on this as I will be representing
the state. It will be an overall good experience. Working hard is the key to success and it is the key to
win anything too.


Words: 194 Chars: 1006

Immersive Reader

(4.0 p)

Section B


Reference to Context

Q3) Read the statement and answer the questions that follow.
“They seemed very anxious about her comfort and the woman gave the girl detailed instructions as
to where to keep her things, when not to lean out of the windows and how to avoid speaking to

a) Name the lesson and the author. (1 mark)

b)Who is ‘her’ in the above passage? (1 mark)

c) Who are ‘they’ in the above statement? Why did they show their concern about her? (2 marks)

a) The lesson is 'The Eyes Have It' and the author is Ruskin Bond.

b) 'Her’ is the bling young girl in the above passage.

c) 'They’ were probably girl's parents in the above statement. As she was blind and was travelling
alone in train, they were anxious about her comfort, and they wanted that she should reach
Saharanpur safely, so they were concerned about her.

Words: 66 Chars: 361

Immersive Reader

(4.0 p)

Q) Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow.

I keep six honest serving men

Their names are What and Why and When

And How and Where and Who,

I send them over land and sea,

I send them east and west.

But after they have worked for me,

I give them all a rest.

a) Name the poem and poet. (1 mark)

b) Identify any one poetic device used in the above stanza. (1 Mark)

c) What does ‘them’ refer to in the above stanza? Why does the poet send them to different places?
(2 Marks)

a) The poem is 'I Keep Six Honest Serving Men' and its poet is Rudyard Kipling.

b) A poetic device in this stanza is: Personification - The 'Question Words' have been personified are
serving men.

c) 'Them' refers to the Question Words which are personified as serving men. As the poet is full of
curiosity and questions, so to get answers to his curiosity the poet sends his serving men all over the
world by reading newspapers, books etc., investigating and exploring.

Words: 82 Chars: 465

Immersive Reader

(2.0 p)

Q) What did the rich man do to make himself feel important? Answer the question in 30-40 words.
During the first bet the rich man could not resist the urged to make himself important in front of the
whole crowd, so he cracked a whip on the faithful bull and yelled saying 'You big dummy I command
you to pull' 'you dumb animal'. Because of this the bull remained at that place and did not pull the
carts and thus the rich man lost the bet.

Words: 68 Chars: 342

Immersive Reader

(2.0 p)

Q) What is so unique about the people of Kollugudipatti? Answer the question in 30-40 words.

In the village of Kollugudipatti there is a 'close knit' community of 50 families, whose members have
to aims in life; one to look after the interest of the village and protect the migratory birds which
come in the month of July and start there nesting soon after. As the hatching season coincides with
Deepavali, so the villagers unanimously decided to celebrate a silent Deepavali and not burn

Words: 69 Chars: 405

Immersive Reader

(2.0 p)

Q) How did the people of Kollugudipatti treat the migratory birds? Answer in 30-40 words.

The people Kollugudipatti have to aims in life; one to look after the interest of the village and protect
the migratory birds which come in the month of July and start there nesting soon after. As one
enters Kollugudipatti 'HUNTING PROHIBITTED' greets you. This means that they are protecting the
migratory birds from hunting so that they safely start nesting. The mangrove in the marshy patch
and waist-deep water houses these birds.
Words: 72 Chars: 434

Immersive Reader

(2.0 p)

Q) How did the Bull Called Delightful make the rich man realize his fault? Answer in 30-40 words.

The Bull Called Delightful told his master the rich man that he had made a mistake. He had said that
the bull as a dumb animal, so the bull asked him that did he ever break something, make mess in the
wrong place, or behave like a dummy in case. The rich said that no my pet. So, then the bull
motivated the rich man to go again and make another bet of 2,000 gold coins. The rich man agreed
and went to make another bet shows that he had realized his fault.

Words: 93 Chars: 454

Immersive Reader

(2.0 p)

Q) ‘What goes around, comes around’ Justify the statement with reference to the poem “The Selfish
Goblin”. Answer in 30-40 words.

The good things and bad things done by anyone goes around and comes around back to him/her.
This means that if we always be good, polite, and kind with everyone then good things will come
back to us in the same manner or different manner. But if we always be unkind, rude selfish or bad
then bad things will come back to us in the same or different manner. This is what had happened
with the Goblin. The goblin was mean and rude with the fairy, so he in turn got trouble for himself.
The Goblin got trouble that the wind turned his umbrella outside in due to which he got wet.

Words: 112 Chars: 575

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