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Microanalysis of cardiolipin in small biopsies including skeletal muscle from

patients with mitochondrial disease

Article  in  Journal of Lipid Research · October 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0022-2275(20)33404-0 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Stephen Doty Thomas J J Blanck

Hospital for Special Surgery New York University


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Microanalysis of cardiolipin in small biopsies including
skeletal muscle from patients with mitochondrial disease
Michael Schlame,* Sara Shanske,** Steven Doty,† Thomas König,* Thomas Sculco,§
Salvatore DiMauro,** and Thomas J. J. Blanck1,*
Departments of Anesthesiology,* Pathology,† and Orthopedic Surgery,§ Hospital for Special Surgery,
Cornell University Medical College, 535 E. 70th Street, New York, NY, and Department of Neurology,**
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY

Abstract Cardiolipin is a specific mitochondrial phospho- tial component of their cristae membrane (2 –5). Until re-
lipid that is present in mammalian tissues in low concentra- cently it was believed that mitochondria are absolutely de-
tion. To measure cardiolipin in small biopsies from patients pendent on cardiolipin. However, a cardiolipin synthase
with mitochondrial disease, we developed a new technique null mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was viable (6), prob-

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that can detect subnanomolar levels of well-resolved molec-
ular species, the most abundant of which are tetralinoleoyl- ably because phosphatidylglycerol can replace cardiolipin
cardiolipin (L4) and trilinoleoyl-oleoyl-cardiolipin (L3O). To (7). Although the exact biological function of cardiolipin
this end, a fluorescence-labeled derivative of cardiolipin (2- still remains to be defined, its high affinity to various
[naphthyl-19-acetyl]-cardiolipin dimethyl ester) was formed membrane proteins suggests involvement in the intricate
and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. structure of the mitochondrial cristae membrane (3 –5).
Cardiolipin was measured in skeletal muscle biopsies from Indeed, a mammalian cell line made deficient in cardio-
8 patients with mitochondrial disease and in 17 control sub- lipin showed markedly altered mitochondrial ultrastruc-
jects. In 5 patients with mitochondrial disease, cardiolipin ture (8).
content was higher than normal (2.4–7.0 vs. 0.4–2.2 nmol/
Cardiolipin was first discovered in beef heart tissue (9).
mg protein). In 3 patients with mitochondrial disease, the
L4/L3O ratio was lower than normal (2– 4 vs. 4– 6). Cardio- Soon it was recognized that it was not specific to the heart
lipin was also measured in various rat and dog muscle tis- but it was merely more abundant there because of the
sues. The L4/L3O ratio was higher in condensed “muscle” high concentration of mitochondria in cardiac myocytes.
type mitochondria (heart ventricle, skeletal muscle, ratios In tissues that contain less mitochondria, it has been noto-
4–7) than in orthodox “liver” type mitochondria (liver, riously difficult to measure cardiolipin by conventional
smooth muscle, heart auricular appendage, H9c2 myo- lipid analytical techniques. This has become a problem
blasts, ratios 0.4–3), suggesting that the L4/L3O proportion because there has been renewed interest in cardiolipin as
is important for cristae membrane structure. We con-
a potential factor in several pathologies, such as thyroid
cluded that the L4/L3O ratio is a tissue-specific variable that
may change in the presence of mitochondrial disease. The disease (10–12), adriamycin toxicity (13), free radical-
new method is suitable to measure cardiolipin in muscle mediated disorders (14), complement activation (15), as
biopsies in order to estimate concentration of mitochon- well as in aging (12, 16). Some progress in the microdetec-
dria.—Schlame, M., S. Shanske, S. Doty, T. König, T. Sculco, tion of cardiolipin has been made by using the fluorescent
S. DiMauro, and T. J. J. Blanck. Microanalysis of cardiolipin dye 10-N-nonyl acridine orange, which displays specificity
is small biopsies including skeletal muscle from patients for cardiolipin upon binding to intact membranes (17).
with mitochondrial disease. J. Lipid Res. 1999. 40: 1585– To date, thyroid dysfunction is the only disease that has
1592. been unequivocally linked to changes in cardiolipin con-
tent. While the hypothyroid state leads to a decrease of
Supplementary key words fluorescence • lipid analysis • high perfor- cardiolipin (18), the opposite is true for hyperthyroidism
mance liquid chromatography • mitochondrial DNA • neuromuscular
disease (19), and a direct effect of thyroxin on the biosynthetic
enzymes of cardiolipin was reported (10, 20). As thyroxin

Cardiolipin is an acidic phospholipid with a unique

dimeric structure including four fatty acids (1). It is found Abbreviations: HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography;
in both bacteria and mitochondria. While bacteria express L4, tetralinoleoyl-cardiolipin; L3O, trilinoleoyl-oleoyl-cardiolipin; L2O2,
dilinoleoyl-dioleoyl-cardiolipin; MELAS, multifocal encephalomalacia,
variable amounts of cardiolipin, depending on the stage lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes.
of growth, mitochondria contain cardiolipin as an essen- 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Journal of Lipid Research Volume 40, 1999 1585

is a well-known stimulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, it gas for 30 min. The catalyst was removed by centrifugation and
may be hypothesized that cardiolipin has some role in the filtration, the clear solution was dried under nitrogen and redis-
formation of mitochondria. It should be noted that mam- solved in ethanol–chloroform 2:1 (by volume). Supelclean solid-
phase extraction tubes were obtained from Supelco (Bellefonte,
malian cardiolipin displays an unusual preference for li-
PA) and the C18-Hypersil HPLC column was from Sigma (St.
noleic acid (2–4, 21). As this preference is not shared by Louis, MO). Naphthylacetic anhydride was obtained from Aldrich
other mammalian phospholipids, it can be inferred that (Milwaukee, WI). All other chemicals were of analytical grade.
the specific acyl pattern of cardiolipin is important for its
function in the mitochondria. Therefore, analysis of car- Quantitative analysis of cardiolipin
diolipin in pathological tissues ought to measure both Lipids were extracted from muscle tissue (50–100 mg wet
cardiolipin content and its pattern of molecular species. weight per sample) or cell homogenates (2–4 3 106 cells per
To study cardiolipin in muscle biopsies from children with sample) according to Bligh and Dyer (23). Tetrastearoyl-cardio-
mitochondrial disease, we developed a novel technique to lipin (3.6 nmol) was added as an internal standard at the initial
step of lipid extraction. After extraction, lipids were dried under
quantitate cardiolipin in small tissue samples. The method
nitrogen and acidified by the following method. Ice-cold metha-
exploits the fact that the acid form of cardiolipin can be nol (2 ml), chloroform (1 ml), and 0.1 m HCl (1 ml) were
methylated yielding an unusually apolar phospholipid, added, the sample was vortexed and incubated on ice for 5 min.
which can be easily separated from normal phospholipids Phase separation was achieved by addition of 1 ml of chloroform
and is very suitable for reversed-phase HPLC. The methy- and 1 ml of 0.1 m HCl and the chloroform-phase was recovered,
lated cardiolipin was labeled with the naphthyl moiety to followed by re-extraction with 2 ml of chloroform. The chloro-
allow HPLC with fluorescence detection. The chromatog- form extract was dried under nitrogen and the lipids were
raphy resolved molecular species of cardiolipin. treated with diazomethane. To this end, diazomethane was re-
leased from 1 g of N-methyl-N-nitroso-p-toluenesulfonamide by
addition of 2 ml of ethanol and 0.3 ml of 16 m KOH, and the gas
was trapped in 16 ml of ice-cold chloroform. One milliliter of

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the chloroform solution, containing diazomethane, was added
to the dry lipid residue and incubated on ice for 15 min. After
Patients that, the solvent was evaporated and the methylated lipids were
Skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained for diagnostic pur- redissolved in 0.2 ml of chloroform. This solution was purified
poses from adults (age 18–74 years) and children (age 1–12 by solid-phase extraction on Supelclean LC-Si tubes (100 mg sil-
years). Additional muscle samples were obtained from patients ica per tube) equilibrated with diethylether–ethanol 9:1 (by vol-
who underwent knee surgery using a protocol approved by the ume). After loading the sample, the column was eluted with
institutional review board of the Hospital for Special Surgery. All 2 ml diethylether–ethanol 9:1. The eluate was dried under ni-
patients gave written informed consent. Patients included eight trogen and then redissolved in a reagent consisting of 25 mmol
subjects with well-documented mitochondrial disorders: four 1-naphthylacetic anhydride and 25 mmol N,N-dimethyl-4-
children (three males, one female, ages 1 to 9 years) with gener- aminopyridine dissolved in 250 ml anhydrous pyridine. This mixture
alized cytochrome oxidase deficiency, two women (ages 18 and was incubated for 2 h at 40 8C. Then, 6 ml of n-hexane was
35 years) with MELAS 3243 (A3243G point mutation in the added, the sample was spun to sediment non-soluble material,
tRNALeu(UUR) gene of mitochondrial DNA, producing a syndrome and the supernatant was further purified by extraction with
characterized by multifocal encephalomalacia, lactic acidosis, water. The hexane-phase was treated with anhydrous sodium sul-
and strokelike episodes), one child (female, 1 year) with Leigh fate to remove traces of water and then evaporated to dryness.
syndrome (T8993G mutation of mitochondrial DNA), and one The dry residue was dissolved in 1 ml of n-hexane–diethylether
man (age 34 years) with multiple deletions of mitochondrial 1:1 (by volume) and subjected to another solid-phase extraction
DNA. The latter case has been reported before (22). step. Supelclean LC-Si tubes (100 mg silica) were equilibrated in
n-hexane–diethylether 1:1, the sample was loaded onto the col-
Materials umn and eluted with another 2 ml of n-hexane–diethylether
Muscle tissues were obtained from male Sprague-Dawley rats 1:1. Next, the column was eluted with 2 ml of diethylether–
(skeletal, smooth, and heart muscles) and female beagles (heart ethanol 95:5 (by volume) and this eluate was collected, dried,
muscles). Rat skeletal muscle tissue was obtained from the dia- and redissolved in 0.1 ml of n-hexane–ethanol 1:1 (by volume).
phragm. Rat smooth muscle was taken from the esophagus. The Twenty microliters of this solution was separated by HPLC using
animals were anesthetized with isoflurane in a procedure ap- a C18-Hypersil (5 mm) column (150 3 3.2 mm). A solvent gradi-
proved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of ent was run from acetonitrile–2-propanol 8:2 (by volume) to
the Hospital for Special Surgery. Tissues were homogenized in 50 acetonitrile–2-propanol 5:5 in 30 min. The HPLC was a Shi-
mm Tris-buffered 0.15 m KCl (pH 7.5) using first a Polytron madzu system consisting of two LC-10AT solvent delivery systems
PT300 tissue grinder and then a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer (total flow rate 1.0 ml/min), a Rheodyne manual 20-ml loop in-
(100 mg tissue wet weight per ml buffer). The H9c2 myoblast cell jector, and RF-10AXL fluorescence detector (excitation wave-
line was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection length 280 nm, emission wavelength 360 nm, gain 5 2, sensitiv-
(Rockville, MD). Cells were grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s ity 5 2). Data were collected and processed by the Shimadzu
medium, containing 10% fetal calf serum, harvested by trypsin di- CLASS VP software running on a desktop computer. For peak
gestion, collected by centrifugation, and resuspended in buffered identification, fractions were collected and processed for mea-
saline prior to lipid extraction. Tetrastearoyl-cardiolipin was pro- surement of the fatty acid profile.
duced by hydrogenation of commercial bovine heart cardiolipin
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO). The commercial cardiolipin (2.5 mg) Other methods
was dried under a stream of nitrogen and redissolved in 1.0 ml For electron microscopy, muscle samples were dissected into
acetonitrile–ethanol 1:1 (by volume). Platinium(IV) oxide (25 2–4 mm cubes and placed into cold fixative for 12–18 h. The fix-
mg) was added and the suspension was bubbled with hydrogen ative consisted of 2% paraformaldehyde plus 0.5% glutaral-

1586 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 40, 1999

dehyde in 0.5 m cacolydate buffer (pH 7.2). Tissue samples were RESULTS
dehydrated through a graded alcohol series and embedded in
Spurr’s resin. Thin sections were collected and stained with Rey- Microanalysis of cardiolipin
nolds lead stain and alcoholic uranyl acetate. Micrographs were We syntheszied a new chemical derivative of cardiolipin
taken at 13,000 original amplification for all samples, using a in order to develop a sensitive and quantitative assay
Philips CM-12 transmission electron microscope.
based on HPLC with fluorescence detection. To this end,
Protein concentration was determined according to Lowry et
al. (24). Ultraviolet absorbance spectra were recorded with a
a naphthyl-19-acetyl moiety was linked to the only free hy-
Beckman DU-7400 spectrophotometer. Fluorescence spectra droxyl group of dimethylcardiolipin. The product showed
were recorded with a SLM-Aminco fluorescence photometer. the characteristic absorbance pattern of the naphthyl
Fatty acids were measured by gas chromatographic analysis of group as well as a fluorescence signal centered around
their methyl esters (25), using a Supelcowax 10 capillary column 367 nm when excited at 280 nm (Fig. 1).
(Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) installed in a GC-17A Shimadzu gas For the purpose of quantitative determination of cardi-
chromatograph. A temperature gradient was run from 180 to olipin in biological extracts, the chemical derivatization
240 8C at 5 8C/min. Citrate synthase activity was determined spec- was combined with a step-by-step purification designed to
trophotometrically as described by Srere (26). One enzyme unit
eliminate other lipids and to isolate the cardiolipin deriva-
was defined as 1 mmol citrate formed per minute. Phospholipid
concentration was determined by colorometric measurement of tive. First, derivatization with diazomethane was performed
phosphate liberated by ashing (27). For statistical presentation, on the whole lipid mixture. This reaction converted only
means are given with standard deviation. Patient groups were acidic phospholipids to their methyl esters. In the subse-
compared by the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. quent solid phase extraction, phospholipid methyl esters

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Fig. 1. Spectral properties of the naphthyl derivative of cardio-
lipin. Spectra of 2-(naphthyl-19-acetyl)-cardiolipin dimethyl ester
were recorded in n-hexane. A: Characteristic segment of the absor-
bance spectrum showing peaks at 272, 282, and 292 nm. B: The fluo-
rescence spectrum, recorded at excitation wavelength of 280 nm,
shows an emission maximum at 367 nm. The right panel shows a
molecular model of cardiolipin (21) with the chemical modifi-
cations made by the derivatization procedure (black, carbon; blue,
hydrogen; red, oxygen; orange, phosphorus).

Schlame et al. Muscle cardiolipin 1587

were sufficiently non-polar to be eluted from silica by
diethylether–ethanol 9:1. Thus, lipid separation after
methylation was associated with considerable purification.
Then, the naphthyl-19-acetyl group was attached and the
sample was further purified to make it suitable for analyti-
cal HPLC. The gradual purification of derivatized cardio-
lipin was documented by thin-layer chromatography (data
not shown).
Analytical HPLC of 2-(naphthyl-19-acetyl-)cardiolipin
dimethyl ester, derived from human skeletal muscle, is
shown in Fig. 2. Four cardiolipin peaks were obtained,
representing four different molecular species. The fifth
peak was the internal standard, a synthetic cardiolipin spe-
cies that does not occur in nature. The time-integral of Fig. 3. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of cardiolipin. A: Com-
the fluorescence peak was proportional to the amount mercial cardiolipin (bovine heart) was subjected to the analytical
of cardiolipin (Fig. 3A), so cardiolipin concentrations could procedure. The committed amount of cardiolipin was plotted
be calculated in reference to the internal standard. The re- against the total peak area in the fluorescence chromatogram. B: Re-
tention time of molecular species is expected to increase tention time of molecular species of partially hydrogenated cardio-
lipin from bovine heart. All species contain four C 18-chains and a
with increasing length of the acyl chains and decrease with
variable number of double bonds.
increasing degree of unsaturation. Accordingly, we found
the logarithmic retention time to be inversely proportional
to the total number of double bonds in all-C18 species of
cardiolipin (Fig. 3B). method described above (Fig. 4). The content was highest

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in heart muscle, much lower in skeletal muscle, and low-
Cardiolipin from animal muscle tissues est in smooth muscle. In heart, the ventricle contained
Cardiolipin content was measured in various muscle tis- significantly more cardiolipin than the auricular append-
sues from rat and dog, using the fluorescence–HPLC age. The cardiolipin content of cultured H9c2 myoblasts
was also measured. The cell culture contained 2.9 6 0.8
nmol cardiolipin per milligram protein (n 5 3), about as
much as skeletal muscle tissue. This corresponded to 2.2 6
0.6 fmol of cardiolipin per single cell.

Fig. 2. HPLC of cardiolipin from human skeletal muscle. Cardio-

lipin was extracted from a skeletal muscle biopsy of a child with cyto-
chrome oxidase deficiency. The HPLC chromatogram shows the
fluorescence signal, recorded on a voltage scale, versus the reten-
tion time. Peaks represent molecular species of muscle cardiolipin:
trilinoleoyl-linolenoyl-cardiolipin (peak 1), tetralinoleoyl-cardio- Fig. 4. Cardiolipin content of various muscle tissues. Lipid ex-
lipin (L 4, peak 2), trilinoleoyl-oleoyl-cardiolipin (L 3O, peak 3), and tracts from muscle tissues were derivatized, purified, and analyzed
dilinoleoyl-dioleoyl-cardiolipin (L 2O2, peak 4). The internal stan- by HPLC with fluorescence detection. For each tissue, data were
dard (tetrastearoyl-cardiolipin) is in peak 5. obtained from three independent samples.

1588 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 40, 1999

the L 4/L 3O ratio to be a characteristic feature of each
type of muscle (Fig. 6). In rat, the ratio varied from values
higher than 5 to values lower than 0.5. Muscle tissues with
high L 4/L 3O ratio, such as heart ventricle and skeletal
muscle, contained mitochondria with a very regular ar-
rangement of stacked cristae membranes (Fig. 7, A and
C). This is a well-known characteristic of heart and skele-
tal muscle mitochondria. However, in tissues with low
L 4/L 3 O ratio, such as smooth muscle and myoblasts, there
was less cristae alignment (Fig. 7, D and E). Even auricular
mitochondria (Fig. 7 B), although being derived from
heart, had wider cristae sacks with some irregularities,
such that they did not achieve the same kind of stacking
seen in ventricle and skeletal muscle mitochondria.

Skeletal muscle cardiolipin from patients

with mitochondrial disease
Cardiolipin was measured in skeletal muscle biopsies
from patients with mitochondrial disease and in control
Fig, 5. HPLC of cardiolipin from rat heart. The figure shows the subjects (Fig. 8). There was no significant difference be-
chromatogram of cardiolipin extracted from the left ventricle and tween control biopsies from five children and twelve
from the auricular appendages. L 4: tetralinoleoyl-cardiolipin, L 3O: adults. In the disease group, five out of eight patients (two

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trilinoleoyl-oleoyl-cardiolipin, L 2O2: dilinoleoyl-dioleoyl-cardiolipin. patients with cytochrome oxidase deficiency, two patients
with MELAS, and one patient with Leigh syndrome) had
elevated cardiolipin content in skeletal muscle. The differ-
The two most abundant cardiolipin species in muscle
ence in cardiolipin content between seventeen control
tissues were L 4 and L 3O, together accounting for more
subjects and eight patients with mitochondrial disease was
than 80% of total cardiolipin. In rat heart, there was a re-
statistically significant (P 5 0.00326).
markable difference between cardiolipins extracted from
The pattern of cardiolipin species in skeletal muscles
ventricle and auricular appendage (Fig. 5). Whereas ven-
from patients with mitochondrial disease is shown in
tricle cardiolipin was predominantly L4, the appendage
Table 1. L 4 was the predominant species in all biopsies.
contained L 4 and L 3O in about equal amounts. We found
The L 4/L3 O ratios were 4 to 6 in control biopsies and in
biopsies from patients with cytochrome oxidase defi-
ciency. However, in two patients with MELAS and in one
patient with multiple deletions of the mitochondrial DNA,
the proportion of L 4-cardiolipin was significantly lower in
favor of more saturated species (L 4/L 3O ratios 2 to 4).


In this paper we describe a microanalytical method for

the quantitation of cardiolipin. The procedure involves
formation of a fluorescence derivative and its isolation
by a series of extractions. Quantitation was based on
fluorescence–HPLC in reference to an internal standard.
The standard compound, tetrastearoyl-cardiolipin, is a
synthetic analog that is uncommon in biological materials
(2–4, 21). This assay is specific for cardiolipin and is,
therefore, not suitable for the measurement of other
phospholipids. As expected for fluorescence analysis, the
assay was very sensitive. With the present array of HPLC
instruments, one nanomole of cardiolipin produced a sig-
nal of approximately 100 mV, putting the lower limit of
detection in the range of 10 to 20 pmol (corresponding to
Fig. 6. L 4/L 3O ratio in various muscle tissues. Cardiolipins from
various muscle tissues and from H9c2 myoblast cell culture were an- 1–2 mV on a total scale of 1.0 V). In practice, however, it
alyzed and the ratios of tetralinoleoyl-cardiolipin (L 4 ) to trilino- was difficult to measure such low quantities for two main
leoyl-oleoyl-cardiolipin (L 3O) were determined. reasons: i ) the recovery of cardiolipin was only 18–20%;

Schlame et al. Muscle cardiolipin 1589

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Fig. 7. Electron micrographs of mitochondria from rat muscle
tissues. A: heart ventricle; B: heart auricular tissue; C: skeletal mus-
cle; D: esophagus smooth muscle; E: H9c2 myoblasts. The amplifi-
cation was 13,000.

and ii) only 10–20% of a total sample could be injected of double bonds helped to identify species of muscle cardio-
into the HPLC to avoid overloading with byproducts of lipins in routine analyses because they consisted almost en-
the chemical derivatization. Thus, no reliable signal was tirely of C18 chains. Compared to the previous method
obtained in biological samples with less than 0.5 nmol of (28), the new technique has a higher sensitivity and a
cardiolipin. The cardiolipin concentration, measured by higher specificity, whereas the resolution of molecular spe-
this method, correlated well with conventional phospho- cies is similar in the two methods. The increase of sensitivity
lipid measurements made by colorimetric determination and specificity is due to the use of fluorescence detection as
of phosphate after ashing (27). well as the much improved sample work-up relying on spe-
The present method also allowed quantitation of indi- cific extraction of derivatized cardiolipin.
vidual molecular species of cardiolipin, which were re- In different muscle tissues, the concentration of cardio-
solved by HPLC. A similar separation of molecular species lipin (Fig. 4) corresponded roughly to the activity of cyto-
was achieved by a related technique, in which cardiolipin chrome oxidase (data not shown), confirming that cardio-
was converted to the 2-benzoyl-cardiolipin dimethyl ester lipin is an indicator of mitochondrial content in the
(28). As in the previous method, there was a logarithmic tissue. The predominant molecular species in all muscles
dependence of the HPLC retention time on the number examined were L 4-cardiolipin and L3O-cardiolipin. This
of double bonds in cardiolipins in which all acyl chains had applied to heart muscle ( from rat and dog), skeletal mus-
18 carbon atoms (Fig. 3). Presumably, a similar relationship cle (from humans and rat), and smooth muscle (from rat)
can be found for cardiolipins with other chain lengths but alike. However, there were significant differences in the
appropriate molecular species were not available to test L 4/L3 O ratio in different types of muscle (Fig. 6). While
this. The relationship between retention time and number in rat heart ventricle and in rat skeletal muscle the L 4/L3O

1590 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 40, 1999

lipin. This, in turn, is consistent with the idea that the
function of L 4-cardiolipin is related to the density of pack-
ing in the cristae membrane. The cristae membrane has
to accommodate the multimeric complexes of oxidative
phosphorylation, plus, perhaps, an unknown number of
regulatory and assembly proteins, resulting in such high
protein concentration that it can be regarded as a lipopro-
tein (3).
Mitochondrial diseases are very hetereogeneous in clin-
ical manifestation, but are often associated with typical
morphological features in skeletal muscle (30, 31). In
adults, the most prominent of these features is the pres-
ence of “ragged-red fibers”, which are due to mitochon-
drial proliferation under the sarcolemma. Mitochondrial
proliferation seems to be a futile attempt to compensate
for single or multiple respiratory chain enzyme defects.
We found that cardiolipin, the only specific mitochondrial
phospholipid, is enriched in muscle biopsies from some
patients with a mitochondrial disease. This finding is con-
Fig. 8. Cardiolipin content in skeletal muscle from patients with
mitochondrial disease and controls. Cardiolipin content was mea- sistent with reactive proliferation of mitochondrial mem-
sured in skeletal muscle biopsies from adults (open symbols) and branes. However, increased tissue concentration of cardio-
children (closed symbols). Patients with mitochondrial disease had lipin was not observed in all patients. The variability
cytochrome oxidase deficiency (squares), A3243G mutation in the within the disease group was much higher than in the

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tRNALeu(UUR) gene resulting in MELAS (upward triangles), T8993G control group, probably reflecting variations between spe-
mutation of mitochondrial DNA resulting in Leigh syndrome
(downward triangle), and multiple deletions of mitochondrial DNA
cific defects or disease stages.
(diamond). Interestingly, we found a low proportion of L4-cardio-
lipin in three patients with mitochondrial DNA mutations.
As the L 4/L 3O ratio is related to cristae structure in rat
ratio was about 5, in smooth muscle it was only 2, and in muscle tissues, a low L 4 proportion in these patients may
the auricular appendage of rat heart it was about 1. Most be due to alterations of the inner mitochondrial mem-
striking was the difference between ventricle and auricu- brane. One possible mechanism is that dysfunctional
lar appendage as both were derived from heart tissue. mitochondria were unable to synthesize enough L 4-cardi-
This difference was also found in dog, although to a lesser olipin to match the growth of cristae membranes. L 4-car-
degree. In the H9c2 rat myoblast cell line, which is de- diolipin is probably the end-product of a fatty acid remod-
rived from embryonic heart tissue (29), the L 4/L 3O ratio eling cycle (32). Alternatively, L 4-cardiolipin could have
was even lower than in the auricular appendage. been degraded after oxidative damage, to which it is more
Mitochondria with a high L 4/L 3O ratio, such as those vulnerable than other cardiolipin species. This latter hy-
from heart ventricle and skeletal muscle, showed a con- pothesis is consistent with accumulating evidence that de-
densed conformation with stacked cristae (“muscle” type fects in the respiratory chain are accompanied by increased
mitochondria). In contrast, mitochondria from the auricular levels of free radicals.
appendage of rat heart, H9c2 myoblasts, or smooth mus- Manuscript received 29 March 1999 and in revised form 1 June 1999.
cle, which had a low L 4/L 3O ratio, were characterized by
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1592 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 40, 1999

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