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Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator


An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of

Science and Technology Engineering Program

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School

Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City


In Partial Fulfillment

Of The Requirement in

Research IV



Karl Louie Adrian A. Bongcaras

Jade R. Garado

Ma. Leanna C. Olvez

Kurt Nathaniel A. Samson

January 2023
Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator

Karl Louie Adrian A. Bongcaras1, Ma. Leanna C. Olvez2, Jade R. Garado3, Kurt
Nathaniel A. Samson4

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School

Science and Technology Engineering Program
Sta. Maria District, Pagadian City


Dengue has always been an issue being discussed everyday globally, especially the
Philippines. It is a very contagious virus that is carried by a breed of mosquitoes known as
“Aedes aegypti”. This study mainly aims to develop an Arduino-Based Mosquito
Exterminator that will casually kill mosquitoes to prevent from vector-borne diseases such as
dengue fever. Specifically, this study aims to compare the efficiency between the Electric
Bug Zapper (EBZ) and the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator (ABME) in terms of the
mortality rate of mosquitoes in a span of two (2) separate hours for five (5) consecutive days;
and energy consumption in terms of the wattage spent during the whole session. In order to
find a significant difference and demonstrate the study's hypothesis, the study used a two-
group design and a T-test for two independent samples with a 5% level of significance. By
utilizing the tabular value of 2.306, preceding results imply that the efficiency between the
Electrical Bug Zapper and Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator in terms of energy
consumption is incomparable, while efficiency in terms of mortality rate isn’t comparable. In
the findings, the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator proves to effectively eliminate
mosquitoes. We suggest the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator to people who live in
mosquito-prone locations without access to electricity, such as wetlands and slums, because it
has been shown to effectively get rid of mosquitoes throughout the day. Further and more
coherent research is highly recommended for future researchers especially in terms of
relaying the electricity from both energy sources and having a wider time span in data
gathering for more consonant results.

Keywords: dengue, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, bug zapper, aedes aegypti, mosquito
exterminator, Arduino, efficiency, mortality rate, energy consumption DC Motor

Page No.
Title Page……………………………………………………………………………… i

Abstract……………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………... iii

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………. 1

METHODOLOGY……………………………………………..………..…………….. 7

RESULTS …………………………………………………………………………… 10

DISCUSSION ……………………………………………………………………….. 12

CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………….. 14

RECOMMENDATION ……………………………………………………………... 15

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………… 16

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………. 24


Vector-borne diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. [1]

Dengue disease is a tropical and subtropical mosquito-borne viral illness and is a major health

concern in the Philippines.[2] Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bites of infected

Aedes species mosquitoes (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus). These often live in close proximity

with humans in tropical urban areas. These are the same types of mosquitoes that spread Zika

and chikungunya viruses.[1][3][4] As reported by the Department of Health (DOH), a total of

102,619 cases of dengue have been reported from January 1 to July 30, 2022, which is 131

percent higher than the previous year.[5] In Pagadian City, most of the dengue cases come

from people who live near swamps and places with poor waste management, namely

Barangay Danlugan, Barangay Balangasan, Barangay Kagawasan, and Barangay Tuburan.

Mosquitoes are a key threat for millions of people worldwide, since they act as

vectors for devastating pathogens and parasites. In this scenario, vector control is crucial. [6]

Mosquito management is a crucial public health measure everywhere in the world, but is

extremely vital in the tropics since mosquitoes spread so many diseases. [7] Seasonality has an

effect on mosquito populations in the tropics because the length of the wet and dry seasons

impacts the growth of larvae and the number of adults. Rainfall during the rainy season

increases the size of breeding habitats while also extending adult lifespans and speeding up

disease transmission.

A traditional way to control mosquito populations is the use of pesticides. [8] Pesticides

have a role in public health as part of sustainable integrated mosquito management , but

such use of the product can be harmful to human health as it contains cypermethrin,

fenvalerate, and deltamethrin; which causes genetic damage and reproductive harm. [9]
Pesticides are substances or mixtures of substances that are mainly used in agriculture or in

public health protection programs in order to protect plants from pests, weeds, or diseases,

and humans from vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis.

Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, and plant growth regulators are typical

examples. Many of the pesticides have been associated with health and environmental issues

and the agricultural use of certain pesticides has been abandoned. [10]

The numerous negative health effects that have been associated with chemical

pesticides include, among other effects, dermatological, gastrointestinal, neurological,

carcinogenic, respiratory, reproductive, and endocrine effects. Furthermore, high intentional

exposure to pesticides can result in hospitalization and death. [10]

Therefore, new ways of

exterminating mosquitoes are developed. A bug zapper is a device that attracts and kills

flying insects that are attracted by light. [11]

Insects are drawn to an electrical grid by a light

source, where they touch two wires with a high voltage between them and are electrocuted.

However, according to research, bug zappers can spray a mist containing insect parts

up to 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) out from the device when an insect is zapped. The air around

the insect zapper may get contaminated with bacteria and viruses that may spread to nearby

people’s food or be inhaled by them. [12][13] Moreover, it is worth noting that bug zappers that

emit carbon dioxide can be purchased to attract mosquitoes, but studies show that they prefer

the natural form of gas emitted from humans. In addition, these devices can be very

dangerous in a closed environment, making it a far-from-perfect solution. [14] To put the last

nail in the coffin, they kill the wrong bugs. They are ineffective against mosquitoes and other

biting flies, and their otherwise indiscriminate killing can disrupt pollination and generally

throw the environment out of balance.[15]


That doesn’t necessarily mean the bug zapper is the only option against mosquito

control, there exists an electric mosquito racket. Battery powered bug zappers are

manufactured, often in the shape of a tennis racket with which flying insects can be hit. [16]

Portable and rechargeable bug zappers use a lithium-ion battery to power up the device. [17]

Albeit it proves to be effective and fun to use, it has its own drawbacks. Every time, to kill

the hovering mosquitoes, you’ll have to use the zapper physically, and it takes a lot of effort.

Even with all of these existing technological advantages we have in the present, it is

still insufficient to minimize the harm these mosquito causes on a daily basis. The growing

use of robots in rehabilitative therapy and socially assistive applications has brought to focus

the need to make human-robot interactions as natural and beneficial to the humans using

them as possible. [19]

Rising expectations about future demand for new technologies increase

the incentives for investments in innovation. [20]

People expect more and more new,

innovative ways to deal with current societal issues we are facing.

It is possible to find a workable system that would fit this classification of a device in

order to put this idea into practice in contemporary methods as a potential substitute for

mosquito controllers and their drawbacks. Arduino is a C++-based programming framework

that is well-liked by students and effective because of its versatility. Electronics construction

and programming can be performed on the open-source Arduino platform. [21] Even though a

particular electronic device is controlled by the internet, the hardware, an Arduino Uno

circuit board, is used, along with software to program the board. The majority of devices can

receive and receive information from it. By using switches and sensors as inputs and physical
outputs like lights, motors, or actuators as controls, users can easily create interactive objects.

In spite of this, the Arduino hides a substantial amount of complexity, which is

helpful when you first start but causes you trouble later. Although this is inevitable, it also

makes it harder to understand how some things work. The Arduino library wastes RAM and

CPU cycles and is inefficient in some areas. It lacks a debugger to verify the script and has

difficult-to-change schematics and shields. Multi-circuit systems cannot be built using

Arduino due to its severe limitations. [21]

Despite these drawbacks, an Arduino Uno R3 still

demonstrates to be a capable microcontroller that can run the circuit.

The mechanism will make use of the mosquito's preference for floral-scented products

like perfumes to build the system. [23]

Mosquitoes can smell body wash, sweat, scented

lotions, deodorants, and other fragrances thanks to the olfactory receptors in their antennae.
The device will consist of three layers: the base, which has a layer of sponges to hold the

perfume because it proves to keep floral scents from fading too quickly; the middle layer,

which has an electric mesh taken from a mosquito swatter to neutralize mosquitoes; and the

top layer, which will house the main circuitry. An HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor is utilized in

order for the Arduino Uno to detect whether a mosquito is nearby its radius. The sensor has

been designed in order to satisfy typical requirements in the automotive field: measured

distance in the range of 0.1–0.3 m and standard uncertainty of 1 mm in the temperature range

of 0oC to 40oC. [24] A mosquito's wings can beat up to 1000 times per second, which results in

a whining sound. [25] This fact increases the likelihood that the sensor will pick up a mosquito

when it is flying within its detection range. A DC motor with a plastic propeller attached will
be used to effectively push a mosquito into the electric mesh if—and only if—it is within the

sensor's detection range. The electric mesh will only activate in order to increase efficiency

when the ultrasonic sensor has identified a moving object.


The main objective of this study is to develop an Arduino-Based Mosquito

Exterminator that will casually kill mosquitoes to prevent from vector-borne diseases such as

dengue fever. Specifically, this study aims to compare the efficiency between the Electric

Bug Zapper (EBZ) and the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator (ABME) in terms of the

mortality rate of mosquitoes in a span of two (2) separate hours from 4:00am to 5:00am in the

morning and from 9:30 to 10:30 in the evening for five (5) consecutive days; and energy

consumption in terms of the wattage spent during the whole session.

If the efficiency in terms of mortality rate and energy consumption per hour between

the mosquito exterminator and bug zapper is comparable, then both killers have the same

amount of effectiveness when it comes to exterminating mosquitoes.

The findings of this study have to be seen in light of some limitations. Firstly, the data

gathering for this study requires two (2) weeks of testing in two separate locations for

meticulous results, so it has been narrowed down to five (5) days and one location only.

Although this does not completely tamper future results for this study, accuracy might not be

that high due to insufficient data collected. Another one to note is the framework of the

product itself, which was intended to be made of acrylic glass for its durability (since acrylic

plastic sheets have 17 times the impact strength of glass, meaning, it takes a lot more force to
shatter acrylic than glass) . As a consequence of this, the researchers resorted to making

use of illustration boards. Dark-colored planes, such as black, navy, blue or red clothes, make

it easier for these insects to find a specific object.[27]


This study is significant for people who live in mosquito-infested areas because the

product requires less energy to operate than a zapper that must be constantly plugged into a

power outlet. Furthermore, by using a mosquito attractant, this study will provide consumers

with an alternative to the bug zappers that are currently on the market. Finally, this study will

provide future researchers with a perspective on the capabilities of Arduino components in

this area and how advancements can further enhance applications.



This study utilized the two-group design; wherein it focuses to compare two

commensurate groups which will be assigned as the control and experimental group. This

research design typically consists of a control group that does not receive the treatment and

an experimental or treatment group that does. [28]

Therefore, it is considered appropriate in

this investigation since the objective is to assess the effectiveness of two groups: it aims to

compare the efficiency of the control group (Electric Mosquito Zapper) and the experimental

group (Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator) in terms of mortality rate and energy


Store-bought materials and equipment were prepared for assembly. The electric mesh

was then cut into a 4x4 square shape and placed in a box along with its circuitry after being

removed from a mosquito swatter. More structural elements were then snipped, including a

9V battery compartment, a drawer that holds a sponge to maintain the floral scent, and a

catcher for any dead mosquitoes that manage to get through the mesh. The floral scent,

specifically perfume, contains hydroxy citronellal, which is found in lily of the valley ,

which it turns out to be a popular mosquito attractor.[30]


Afterwards, the Arduino Uno R3 was attached to a flat plane that lies above the

electric mesh, which is held by four (4) supporting beams. Along with it, the HC-SR04

Ultrasonic Sensor and DC motor was attached to their specified digital and analog pins

following the circuit diagram. When everything was done, a plastic propeller for the DC

motor was cut, and it was then glued just below the surface where the Arduino is located so

that whenever a mosquito is detected, the Arduino will cause the motor to spin and blow the

mosquito to death. Wind works as a natural mosquito repellant because it makes it difficult

for these insects to fly.[31] Following a coding montage and covering up the Arduino

compartment, the top layer has been made detachable so whenever a mosquito is stuck on top

of the mesh, you can simply remove the top layer and expel the corpse.

Both the control group and the experimental group are then put to the test with their

measurable variables to see which is more effective. On the other hand, these actions were

taken to access and estimate the efficiency of both zappers in terms of mortality rate and

energy consumption. When it comes to mortality rate, it refers to the number of mosquitoes it

terminates within a specific time period. When a mosquito killer zaps less mosquitoes than

that it has zapped the other day, it does not remain consonant with its efficiency. In order to

assess the data that will be shown in terms of its function on efficiency, both the control and

experimental groups will be placed in a mosquito-prone area in Barangay Kagawasan three

(3) meters away from each other in a 5x1 meter kitchen and shall scrutinize how systematic

each zapper is within the span of 1 hour both in the early morning and evening for one week

straight at 4:00-5:00 A.M. and 9:30-10:30 P.M. respectively. According to,

mosquitoes are most active during early morning hours before the sun has fully come up and

the air temperature isn’t as hot.[32] The area where data collection started is close to low-lying

bodies of water where mosquitoes thrive and are more likely to lay eggs [33]
. The survival,
production, growth, abundance, and dispersal of mosquito vectors are largely determined by

climate variables like temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. . Each group is

tested two times each day and shall continue for five (5) days in the same place and at the

same hours of the day to ensure accurate results.


For energy consumption, a local science teacher was willing to lend their ammeter

and voltmeter to measure the watt-hour consumed by each zapper. The watt-hour, which is

symbolized Wh, is a unit of energy equivalent to one watt of power expended for one hour of

time. [37] A watt-hour provides the following concept:

Wh=V x Ahwhere:

Wh = watt-hour

V = voltage

Ah = amp-hour

The energy that will be spent by the battery to electrocute the mesh is also factored

here. Furthermore, it is worth noting that appliances (such as electric fans, printers,

microwaves) use up the same amount of energy they spend given a time period.

In order to compare and demonstrate the effectiveness of the mosquito exterminator

as a suitable bug killer that will effectively extirpate mosquitoes in comparison to a

commercially available bug zapper, descriptive statistics like mean were used in this study.

The significant difference between the efficiency of the bug zappers in terms of mortality rate

and energy consumption was determined using a T-test for two independent samples, with a

significance level of less than 0.05. If the calculated t-statistic is greater than the critical value
of t, there is a significant difference between the two groups being compared. This indicates

that, in terms of the calculated parameters, the group with the larger mean as compared to

another with a smaller mean is significantly more effective as a bug killer.



In collecting the data of efficiency between both control and experimental groups in

terms of mortality rate and energy consumption, we conducted ten (10) tests in two (2)

separate hours for five (5) consecutive days in a mosquito-infested barangay in Pagadian

City. An ammeter, voltmeter and multimeter were utilized in order to extract the energy

consumed within each day of testing. The tables below show the results of our experiments.

Table 1

Efficiency Results in terms of Mortality Rate between Electrical Bug Zapper and
Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator

Day Mortality Rate

1 3 2
2 6 4
3 4 5
4 3 5
5 5 6

Table 2
Independent Sample T-Test Results on the Efficiency in terms of Mortality Rate
between Electrical Bug Zapper (EBZ) and Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator
Mean SD DF TV CV Decision Interpretation

EBZ 4.2 1.304 Do Not No

8 2.306 ±2.187 Reject Significant
ABME 4.4 1.517 H0 Difference

Table 3
Efficiency Results in terms of Energy Consumption between Electrical Bug Zapper and
Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator

Day Energy Consumption/Watt-Hours Spent

1 2.4 19.6
2 2.4 19.6
3 2.4 19.6
4 2.4 19.6
5 2.395 19.590

Table 4
Independent Sample T-Test Results on the Efficiency in terms of Energy Consumption
between Electrical Bug Zapper (EBZ) and Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator
Mean SD DF TV CV Decision Interpretation

EBZ 2.399 0.002

8 2.306 ±429975 Reject Significant
ABME 19.598 0.004 H0 Difference


Table 1 compares the efficiency of the Electrical Bug Zapper (Control Group), which has an

overall mean of 4.2, and the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator (Experimental Group), which has

an overall mean of 4.4 in terms of mortality rate. Both exhibit to no differences overall. Moreover, as

gleaned on Table 2, the computed t-value of ±2.187, negligible which is less than the tabular value of

2.306 at the 5% level of significance, shows that there is no significant difference between the two

mosquito killers. This suggests that the efficiency in terms of mortality rate between the Electrical

Bug Zapper and Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator is comparable, killing nearly the same

numbers of mosquitoes every hour. Factors need to be taken in this situation such as specific

chemicals in floral scents . This outcome is expected given how each mosquito zapper draws

mosquitoes in their distinct ways.


Table 3 displays the energy that was expended by each zapper within the two (2)

handpicked hours. As shown, the Electrical Bug Zapper spends lesser watt-hours than the

Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator, with both groups accumulating consistent average

wattages of 2.4Wh per test and the experimental group with a consonant average wattage

usage of 19.6Wh. The amount of energy used during a set time period must always be taken

into consideration when conducting efficiency tests. Table 4 in continuation demonstrates a

stable difference between the two groups, with the control group producing an overall mean

of 2.399 and our experimental group holding an overall mean of 19.598, thus making the t-

test independent results gaining a calculated t-value of ±429975, which is unquestionably

larger than the tabular value of 2.306 at a level significance of 5%. This implies that the

efficiency between the Electrical Bug Zapper and Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator in

terms of energy consumption is incomparable, thus both zappers do not use up the same

amount of wattage during the tests. It is important to factor out that the Arduino-Based
Mosquito Exterminator makes use of two (2) power sources: a power bank and a 9V battery.

The inability to relay both the Arduino Uno and electric mesh greatly affected the outcome of

this procedure. Because relaying can reduce transmit power by dividing a single long-range

transmission into multiple short-range transmissions, it is regarded as an energy-saving

technique. [40]
Furthermore, the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator decreases its

efficiency since it takes up two (2) energy sources. Albeit that an Arduino Uno only

consumes 0.29 Watt-hours [41], the power bank and 9V uses much more at 7.8 Watt-hours and

2 Watt-Hours respectively.


In this study, it displays that the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator is a device

than can effectively kill off mosquitoes while expending more amount of energy than the

Electrical Bug Zapper. The average efficiency in terms of mortality rate were comparable

between the bug zapper and mosquito exterminator, thus both devices captured the same

amount of mosquitoes along the given time periods of 4:00-5:00 A.M. and 9:30-10:30 P.M.

This was evidenced by the almost-equal values compared to the tabular values of 2.306 at a

5% level of significance to the calculated mean of ±2.187. In terms of energy consumption, it

shows that the Electrical Bug Zapper consumes less energy than the Arduino-Based Mosquito

Exterminator as displayed by the larger computed value of ±429975 compared to the tabular

value of 2.306 at 5% level of significance. Albeit this downside, Arduino-Based Mosquito

Exterminator still proves to be efficient when it comes to eliminating mosquitoes. Therefore,

we conclude that the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator can be an alternative to be

utilized as a bug zapper that can effectively kill off mosquitoes.



We recommend the Arduino-Based Mosquito Exterminator to those who live in

mosquito-prone areas such as swamps and slums who cannot have access to electricity in

their vicinity since it is proven to successfully terminate mosquitoes throughout the day.

Further and more coherent research is highly recommended for future researchers especially

in terms of relaying the electricity from both energy sources and having a wider time span in

data gathering for more consonant results.



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Appendix A

Assemblage of framework Prototype is finished. Testing for

begins. Cardboard is being any hazards looming.
cut and folded.
Making the sketch and diagram
The mesh that will serve as a catcher is online. Bottom layer is done assembling.
being snipped and pasted along with the Construction for top layer commences.
electric mesh.

Preparing the necessary materials Bridging key connections by

for the assembly of its prototype. following the diagram presented
Arduino Uno, Support beams areabove.
glued together along
breadboard, sensor, DC with the top layer's base. Compartment for
motor and wirings main Arduino circuitry is being readied.

The product is now finished after

applying a few layers of electrical
tape. Data gathering will start.

Computation for Efficiency in Terms of Mortality Rate from Electrical Bug Zapper
X |x−x| (|x− x|)2
3 1.2 1.44
6 1.8 3.24
4 0.2 0.04
3 1.2 1.44
5 0.8 0.64
Mean: 4.2 ∑ (|x−x|) = 6.8

Calculations in finding the Variance:

S 2
N-1= ∑ (|x−x|)2
N −1



= 1.7

Finding the Standard Deviation (SD):

SD = √ S 2 N −1

= √ 1.7

= 1.30384048104

Finding the Degrees of Freedom (DF):

DF = (N1 + N2) – 2


Computation for Efficiency in Terms of Mortality Rate from Arduino-Based Mosquito
X |x−x| (|x− x|)2
2 2.4 5.76
4 0.4 0.16
5 0.6 0.36
5 0.6 0.36
6 1.6 2.56
Mean: 4.4 ∑ (|x−x|) = 9.2

Calculations in finding the Variance:

S2 N-1= ∑ (|x−x|)2
N −1



= 2.3

Finding the Standard Deviation (SD):

SD = √ S 2 N −1

= √ 2.3

= 1.51657508881

Finding the Degrees of Freedom (DF):

DF = (N1 + N2) – 2



Computation for T-test:

X 1− X 2

2 2
( n 1−1 ) s 1+ ( n2−1 ) s1 n1 +n2
[ ¿]¿
n1 +n2−2 n1 n 2


( 5−1 )( 1.30384048104 ) +(5−1)(1.51657508881)2 5+5
[ ¿ ]¿
5+5−2 5(5)


√ 6.8+9.2 10
[ ¿ ]¿


t = –2.1874999997

Computation for Efficiency in Terms of Energy Consumption from Electrical Bug

X |x−x| (|x− x|)2
2.4 0.001 0.000001
2.4 0.001 0.000001
2.4 0.001 0.000001
2.4 0.001 0.000001
2.395 0.004 0.000016
Mean: 2.399 ∑ (|x−x|)2= 0.00002
Calculations in finding the Variance:

S2 N-1= ∑ (|x−x|)2
N −1



= 0.000005
Finding the Standard Deviation (SD):

SD = √ S 2 N −1

= √ 0.000005

= 0.00223606797

Finding the Degrees of Freedom (DF):

DF = (N1 + N2) – 2



Computation for Efficiency in Terms of Energy Consumption from Electrical Bug

X |x−x| (|x− x|)2
19.6 0.002 0.000004
19.6 0.002 0.000004
19.6 0.002 0.000004
19.6 0.002 0.000004
19.590 0.008 0.000064
Mean: 19.598 ∑ (|x−x|)2= 0.00008
Calculations in finding the Variance:

S2 N-1= ∑ (|x−x|)2
N −1



= 0.00002

Finding the Standard Deviation (SD):

SD = √ S 2 N −1
= √ 0.000002

= 0.00447213595

Finding the Degrees of Freedom (DF):

DF = (N1 + N2) – 2



Computation for T-test:

X 1− X 2

2 2
( n 1−1 ) s 1+ ( n2−1 ) s1 n1 +n2
[ ¿]¿
n1 +n2−2 n1 n 2


( 5−1 )( 0.00223606797 ) +(5−1)(0.00447213595)2 5+5
[ ¿ ]¿
5+5−2 5( 5)


√ 0.00002+0.00008 10
[ ¿ ]¿


t = –429975

Data gathering in terms of mortality

rate. Both zappers are placed three
(3) meters apart from each other
and is tested for five (5) days.

Measuring the energy Measuring the energy

expended by each hour expended by each hour
of each day of each day

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