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Es UNSW Global AUSTRALIA INTRODUCTORY x PAPER © ( ‘STUDENT'S NAME: SECTION B For questions 16 to 30 read the instructions carefully. Fill in the oval that matches your answer in the ANSWER BOOKLET. Fill in only ONE oval for each question. 16. What is the CORRECT spelling of this animal? (A) girarf (8) giratt (C) girafe giraffe What is the CORRECT spelling of this fruit? % ~ (A) banana (8B) bananna (C) bannana (D) _bananah Choose the CORRECT letters to complete the word. We heard the s___ nd of a police siren. au (B) ou (C) aw Choose the CORRECT word to complete the sentence. The lady pretty earrings. (A) were (8) wore (C) wear (0) Choose the word spelt CORRECTLY when ‘ing’ is added. WORD __ ADD ‘ing’ (A) take takeing (B) chop ____choping TO) bring _ | ___bringing (0) — tie” lieing Choose the word spelt CORRECTLY when ‘y' is added. iE : ADD y' (A) fh chaty (B) bushy (C) ___| ___bosy re) suny {20181048 Stag to Foor © EAA jose the word spelt CORRECTLY when it is written as a plural __ [7 worp PLURAL [A “copy copys (B) | hobby __hobbys [(C)[ family | familys [(D) | monkey mor For questions 23 and 24 choose the sentence in which BOTH underlined words are used CORRECTLY. 23. The too books are hear on the table. The too books are here on the table. The two books are here on the table. The two books are hear on the table. Our butcher sells a lot of meat. Our butcher sells a lot of meet. Our butcher cells a lot of meat. Our butcher cells a lot of meet. For questions 25 to 30 choose the underlined word spelt INCORRECTLY. 25. His knees were numb with cold after climbing the steps of the cassle. (A) (8) (C) (D) 26. A buterfly sat on a sunflower in the playground outside the room. (A) (8) (C) (D) 27. She believed that her friend had recieved a series of books. (A) (8) (c) (0) 28. Mum went grocery shopping for cereal, selery and BBQ sauce. (A) ®) © (D) 29. (A) The runners had to crouch to start the race. (B) The queen put her croun on her head. She sat on the lounge reading a book The cat waited to pounce on the bird. He wiped his face with a hankerchief. The fence marked the boundary line. We had training on Wednesday night. | ate a bar of chocolate. ni ae ete ae Copyright in this booklet is owned by Educational Assessment Australia, UNSW Global Ply Limited, unless othanwise indicated. Every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge copyright. Educational Assessment Australia apologises for any accidental infringement and welcomes information to redress the situation, Australia Year 2 New Zealand Year 3 Pacific Region Year 8 ROS) = Educational "= UNSWGlobal | essen ed this ANALYSIS BY QUESTION Difauk Gusaons ‘The folowing table shows the questions you answered correctly [7] and shades the questions that you g answered incomectyL_]. The questions ae ranked rm hardest atthe tp to easiest atthe baton. a2 2 & a: ‘Question content Area assessed 3g cami: po a Word wit Wo GE GOS a a wa saton eT fossa wad wa vowel rag ohare Disaton = [efsibié: Spell a word with a commonly confused letter pation (oie). Dictation sf nai pel a word wa ss conan sen) Dissbor a See Spot a ved wi creo rt) a aang SOT DISSES as tle sofa werd apg tie ange Vis Haas aa oD) eater on pees: spl cmon wird wi & Comer cia oct ear a Tapert pe word wi ek Gy sche Sauna Disa [= recone Hoey anerorapoa nse (eto W esp ata ©) Ieea Fes & Comerios [ar Tanase rly an orn a oded sar Parke Fibs & Convertors 35-|-K ‘obi en an erorin medal outs consort TT Prostearg ay bash Sy comet pang whan Puls & Convertors — Pa sir Boy ev ororin an ialsot ean eey es &Comarters ——[ ar erg ny coret peta van a ides a Comerters [20] aunty an srorins vel apt aus Protea Ea decor pot a word wa are Sea vo ONSTAGE) eon a eacor pal word wa pe (set on Seton inna: Wry Be one wey pan orn Thies & Cantons 3 ute eet a cormony eoiueed Wir Den ot- epg Sets word Spey ae GES al To a aA Disstor zt anne: ity oes spigot wan Wit epost eee Fie Comers — Tk owe Wey anerorina vowel gap iary Aes & Comertons [25 |B soot ert an ora metal an © urd GOAT Protesng a= ainays: erly an ern ei coon te) Pree y= asi: ey an enor omni sl rT Fes comatose —} 6 eco: ey ar ero es onion at SGOT Protest == fail: Wl th oes spon of @ conan word Aa og Fibs &Conanions ——[e-[-o bo. ore: en th cee ue of en as & Convene ——P 2 sete, nest rly coat ts homophones figes & Comniors [aD Sle Soe wor wih ong Sean an son Wag Detain = os: opel a word ita wet consort GDh Dai = Wor: ery i ec us fa oneerconeed WoT Res 8 Conanions —— ie] Buty Sei an erorn ono a doublons ONpSae woah] [Res « crvenoss—[ Soon ery hr et wwe igaph lk Tages & Conenions [18 T & Boat ope word wins owe Gas ol Detain ete

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