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The Airport Expressway near Tianzhu Toll Plaza, September 17, 2022: A ghastly accident
occurred at Airport Expressway near Tianzhu Toll Plaza, close to Beijing International
Airport at about 1145hrs. The serious accident occurred between an Airport shuttle cab
and a Toyota Truck. Both was moving on the same side before the Toyota Truck driver lost
concentration and ran into airport shuttle cab both vehicles collided so fast that Airport
Shuttle Cab got out of shape. Toyota Truck was the main cause of the accident. As a result
one person died on the spot which is the driver of the Airport Shuttle Cab and the
passenger a Lady was seriously injured. Local people rushed to the spot and started rescue
operation. All persons both the dead and injured Lady was taken by ambulance to nearby
Beijing Puhua International Hospital for treatment and morgue awaiting proper
identification. Locals then turned violent. They alleged traffic police inaction in manning
the roads properly. Police reached the spot and dispersed the mob. The luggage in the
Airport Shuttle Cab contained personal effects, United States of America Passport, flight
ticket, paycheck. The name on the passport is Elizabeth Dyches. Further investigation shall
be ascertained to verify the identity of the Airport Shuttle cab driver. The driver Toyota
Truck driver had been arrested. Now the situation is under control.



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