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AI Forcetech Requirements Pakistan

1. Water supply resource.Is there any water supply resources such as electric motors.

Ans: Yes, the location we selected is located in or in vicinity of swabi area of KPK
which is considered very fertile soil. The water resources are available in most of the
area. In some areas where there is no natural canals they use electric tube wells and
solar tube wells. Water availability due to Tarbela reservoir and soil is fertile.

More details can be found here:

In panjab the areas where can work on this project is called sargodha which is also
very fertile and the same water resources are used by the farmers.more details can be
found here:

2. Some photos and videos about that location. Kindly share some videos and photos of
this land.

Ans: we can provide pics and videos available online. The specific location pics and
videos can be provided if we start working on the project.

3. Owner reliability/Authenticity Information.

Kindly share some information about the owner of this land. Whether he is reliable or
not and during the contract time would require such kind of contract or add phrases
into the contract regarding owner authenticity.

Ans: for the KPK part, as I mentioned, if the model is feasible we will definitely provide
with the information of the owners considering the local culture and way of business.
Most of these owners will be contacted on personal and family connections so I believe
the contract and terms will be comfortably bonded on to them as may your concerns.
Also I would like to mention here that the land owners will also need some form of
assurances as this involves a lot of land I.e. 3000 kanals minimum.

4. Roads to approach that land with pictures.

what kind of roads are available to reach that land? are there any roads or how the
machinery will move from garage to the land?
Ans: these both locations have good road accessibility so I believe that will not be

5. Mobile phone signals and Internet access information.

kindly let us know the connectivity concerns. is there any issue with phone signals or

Ans: mobiles phone signals are also not a concern as these are in or nearby
metropolitan cities. Some times may be there is weak 3G 4G signals but these are rear.

6. What types of crops can be yields?

Please mention the number of popular corps of that area and which one is the best to

Ans: swabi has High production of crops, especially tobacco which is 56% of the
province. Besides Swabi District carries a significant comparative advantage in
production of cereal & cash crops (tobacco, wheat, maize etc.

About sargodha Panjabi, The main crops that are produced are wheat, sugarcane,
rice, and maize. Of all the crops grown here, however, wheat is the biggest agricultural
crop by far. The Sargodha region is known for being a major grain producer, and the
main crop grown in this region is wheat.

7. Cost and Production etc information/acre?

Kindly write down the production cost of each crop and other expenses such as their
medicines etc., which means overall cost/acre and its profit.

Ans: at this point we have collected information about the cost of land which is 25000
Rs average in swabi area per 4 kanals and around 35000Rs in sargodha. But it
depends on our deal as aquiring such huge land from the owner considering their
concerns and our scalability we can negotiate a lot.

8. rivers/canals or with rains only.

Both these locations have water resources but there are lands which seasonal
production depending on rain.

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