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Iil]rililllilfiililtIffi illttilt uG - 263

lv semester" e*rrikltion, september/octob er 2022

(CBCS) (2021-22 and Onwards) (F+R)
Paper - 4.6 : Business Regulations

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstruetion : Answers should be written English or in



Answer any five sub-questions. Each sub-question carries (5x2=10)

cJnS m ddn of: u,^d - qi, dondq encd O.& . O c3lo c cb wil - d,.Cro oddl eoErl$dl
{, {,
^^J-JJ r9q).
1. is adalath ?
eraae.:d aodde$: ?

b) Who is a petitioner ?
epdroed aodd o1:Ed: ?
c) Give the meanipg of Quasi contract.
erd rdodd efirdd1CIea.
d) What is deficiency ?
dradd aodded,: ?

e)'*t What is insglvency ?

Om9dd aodded: t
f) Give the meaning of pledge.
deqos efirdd1eea.
g) What is direct selling ? '

ded d>oot^l aodded: t

uc - 263 -2- Illllllllllllllllllilllflllllfiilll


Answer any three of the following. Each answer carries 5 marks. (3x5=15)
oJodaaddro dlJacb €,d..,t$d:". erudo:r. $eabod: €,d4ol:ro od> eeoErlSdl dooo6gd.

2. State the differences between Law and Ethics.

rado& ab* {eddo$ ddad drarirlddl8et.
3. What is an economic offence ? Mention any five economic offences.
uqrd edryd oodded> ? oJndoaddo oceb uQrd udodddd>, '4(")

4. Mention the provisions relating to online gaming.

e:or elerilr ri ea: o n"' ri dou o pxr d eu o ddrlddl w e3_eaD:r.
5. Write any five differences between conditions and warranties.
dd*rl$ dr* aadonirld dd:ad ohdcuaddo accb ddsidd dddludouo.

6. Explain any five rights of unpaid seller.

andgdd d>oa o"lrndd cdndt ooddo 5 d*dilddl edo:l


Answer any three questions. Each answer carries 12 marks. (3x12=36)

olnd.lcoaddo drodc {dorl$dco erudo*. {,Oo3ood,: €,d4oi}rD dd*ddc erodr($d1

7. Explain the essentials of contract of sale.

dnould a^,do#
errld^ erodrig$ adoa.

8. Explain the el#tronic seruice providers under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
rgdd iodd;o- roo31, 2019d uEoJ:O_oQ,ogS ieaa {ndrdeodddlado:,.

9. Discuss the insolvency of lndividuals and Partnership firms.

ed d,,g d:Q aaelmod io#d adlosddddlz3a:r,rr.
10. Discuss the constitutional provisions relating to Business affairs.
arq,m d
ddoa dderl dou o Ql d xa oaqaed eDoddrlddl zdx rxr.
r rilt ililil illl llll lllll lill lill -3- uG - 263
11. Write note on :
a) Trade mark
b) Copyright.
[^3ds'd udoDo:
a) drdoad z,sd",
b) {,e-otfr,

Answer any one of the foltowing, carries 9 marks. (1x9=9)

d$nd d*f;$ 6dod erudo:r. dr €,d4olrr 9 erodrigdlo dooadldd.
12. a) List out any 9 recently adjudicated IBC cases in lndia.
qrD dddo-.q$ ez3ri .3 eS r &ead oJnd oaddo 9 I BC $ddeorldQ dt^labD@.

adrref tuq?dcf $dn eod$dd1 dasa.

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