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REG: C01-5969-2020



DATE: 30/10/2021


Discuss in details self-efficacy theory
Self-efficacy is defined as people’s belief
about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence
over events that affect their lives.
Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.

Major processes of beliefs that produce diverse effect

[c]perceived self- efficacy.

Strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well- being in many
ways, people with high assurance in their capabilities approach difficult task as challenges to
be mastered rather than as threats to be avoided
Such an efficacious outlook fasters intrinsic interest and deep engrossment in activities, they
set themselves challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to themselves
They heighten and sustain their efforts in the face of failure. They quickly recover sense of
efficacy after failures and setbacks. They attribute failure to insufficient efforts or deficient
knowledge and skills which are acquirable.
They approach threatening situations with assurance and they can exercise control over them.
Such an efficacious outlook produces accomplishment, reduce stress and lowers vulnerability
to depression.
In contrast people who doubt their capabilities shy away from difficult task which they view
as personal threats. They have low aspirations and weak commitments to the goals they
choose to pursue, when faced with difficult task they dwell their personal deficiencies on the

obstacles they will encounter and all kinds of adverse outcomes rather than concentrate on
how to perform successfully
They slacken their efforts and give up quickly in the face of difficulties they are slow to
recover their senses of efficacy following setbacks or failures.

Sources of self- efficacy

People belief about their efficacy can be developed by four main sources of influence.
1.Mastery experience.
Success builds a robust belief in one’s personal efficacy.
Failures undermine it especially if failure occur before a sense of efficacy is established.
If people experience only easy success, they come to expect quick results and are easily
discouraged by failure.
2.Vicarious experiences provided by social media.
Seeing people similar to one self- succeed by sustained efforts raise observer’s beliefs that
they too possess the capabilities master comparable activities to succeed.
By the same token seeing people fail despite high effort lowers observer’s judgement of their
own efficacy and undermines their efforts.
3.Social persuasion
They possess the capabilities to master given activities are likely to mobilize greater efforts
and sustain it than if they harbor self- doubts and dwell on personal deficiencies when
problems arise.
Its more difficult to instill high beliefs of personal efficacies by social persuasion alone than
to undermine it. unrealistic boosts in efficacy are quickly disconfirmed by disappointing
results of one’s efforts.

Examples of self-efficacy
A man who is struggling to manage his chronic illness but feels confident that he can get
back on tract and improve his health by working hard and following his doctors
A student who feels confident that she will be able to learn the information and do well on a

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