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Biodiversity supports lives and livelihoods by regulating natural

processes and providing harvestable goods. As biodiversity is the major
contributor of raw materials for most of the industries, it is high time that
corporates take the responsibility of ensuring the sustainability of
ecosystem and ecosystem services. By understanding it, CEAT Tyres
Limited has taken the pioneering initiatives in assessing the potential of
the biodiversity in their surrounding areas.and a Biodiversity Impact
Assessment was conducted at Nashik Plants of CEAT and the
surrounding communities. Based on it, a Biodiversity Enhancement
Programme is suggested for the plants which improve the status of
biodiversity at the campuses and surrounding areas. The implementation
of the proposed programmes demonstrates the company’s contribution
to corporate responsibility and enhance CEAT’s image as a green
organization in the local and global level.


1. Introduction
1.1 Aim and Objectives
1.2 Significance of Biodiversity Enhancement Program
1.3 Expected outcome
1.4 Philosophy of Biodiversity Gardening
2 Action plans of Biodiversity Enhancement at CEAT Tyres Limited,
3 Ensuring Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation
4 Programme Implementation and Monitoring
5 Sustainability of the Biodiversity Enhancement Programmes
6 Budget of proposed Biodiversity Enhancement Programs
7 Conclusion
1. Introduction
Biodiversity provides the basis for ecosystem and fundamental to the
existence of life on earth. The importance of biodiversity was officially
recognised in global level in 1992 when 153 nations signed the
Convention on Biodiversity at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
(University of Exester, 2011). The Convention of Biological Diversity
(CBD) defines biodiversity as “the variability among living organisms
from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this
includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.
Biodiversity enhancement programs are essential in industrial and urban
areas to mitigate the negative impacts on biodiversity by conserving and
improving existing biological diversity. It not only ensures greenery but
also provides habitat to a number of fauna species. Through the
implementation of the biodiversity enhancement project at CEAT Tyres,
the company will be able to establish a way to integrate biodiversity to
the business, thereby providing a mechanism for improving CEAT’s
performance in relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services. It will
also demonstrate the company’s contribution to corporate responsibility
and enhance CEAT’s image in the community. As a multi-national tyre
dealer, performing business in a greener way differentiates CEAT’s
business tactics from other competitors and improves CEAT’s
1.1 Aim and Objectives
 To conserve and enhance the biodiversity inside the CEAT
campuses; especially to promote the enhancement of native
 To improve CEAT’s image as a green corporate and increases
stakes in the global carbon market.
 Raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity, and to
strengthen companies’ linkages to employees and community
1.2 Significance of Biodiversity Enhancement Program
The ultimate strategic goal of the enhancement program is to improve
the status of biodiversity inside the CEAT campuses and surrounding
areas. Apart from enhancing ecosystem services by increasing green
cover and faunal diversity in the region, it will also become an effective
education tool. By ensuring the participation of employees and
community members in the implementation process, companies’ linkage
to the employees and community will be strengthened. Restoring
biodiversity also increases the aesthetic beauty of the campus and can
provide a blissful environment to the workers as well as to the visitors.
1.3 Expected outcome
 Establishment of Butterfly biodiversity gardens inside CEAT
 Improved biodiversity, mainly among flora, but naturally it leads to
improved faunal diversity
 Utilization of nooks and corners of the campuses with lots of fauna
and flora; offering ecological, aesthetic and economic (fruits,
flowers, seeds etc.) benefits
 Each tree or habitat (garden) is a good learning centre; high level
learning, especially informal education, with excellent awareness
output and good conservation impacts
 Fish ponds uses
 Use of Green chemicals/pesticides

1.4 Philosophy of Biodiversity Gardening

Biodiversity gardening is a unique attempt to biodiversity conservation
through simple and low cost methods. Since habitat loss is the major
cause for the declination of global biodiversity, effective methods of
habitat provision is necessary to enhance biodiversity. Hence, creating
biodiversity garden inside CEAT will provide much needed habitat for
hundreds of species right inside our campus. A biodiversity garden
creates critical habitat for our native pollinators and a healthy ecosystem
for humans. The area near to CEAT’s buildings and backyards could be
transformed into biodiversity gardens by just planting trees, shrubs or
herbs and protecting them to stabilize its own. Such areas may provide
fruits or flowers for human use and more significantly attract a wide
variety of animals to the campus. This will create a co-existence and
make the campus a naturally sustainable habitat. Once the proposed
gardens are implemented they can be showcased to the public
community which will be an educative experience for them. Thematic
biodiversity gardens are based on a theme which will create better
conservation for the entire habitat. Global warming and associated
climate change predictions point out that our region become drier over
the years due to unpredictable rainfall pattern. Therefore, the water will
become scarce and expensive as the time goes. Hence, it is not
affordable to waste water on gardens and a water-wise garden, a garden
that wisely utilizes water, has to be introduced. Indigenous plants
adapted to our climate uses less water, and are well suited to grow in
tropical conditions. Therefore, planting more native plants in the campus
will reduce water usage for the irrigation of garden plants. Also, the
added benefit is that the cost of many of these native plants is very little.
For that reason, an eco-friendly gardening can only be ensured if more
native plants are planted in the campus.
Moreover, agro-chemical application is strictly avoided in the thematic
gardening. However, if it is absolutely necessary, only organic fertilizers
and pesticides will be used.
2. Action plans of Biodiversity Enhancement at CEAT Tyres
Limited, NASHIK

A. Biodiversity Enhancement Projects

2.1. Butterfly garden

Creating a butterfly garden would probably be the easiest way to make

the campus more eco-friendly. Also, it is the best way to make better use
of the nooks and corners of the campus that remains unused as an ideal
butterfly garden can be created with as less land area as 3 cents.
Butterflies can be attracted and sustained in the campus by planting
about 32 species of both nectarine and food plants. Since native
butterflies will only be attracted to native garden plants it is vital to plant
indigenous garden plants in order to create a butterfly garden. Choosing
the plants that caterpillars and butterflies like to feed to be planted in the
garden will automatically invite more butterflies to the campus while
complimenting the aesthetic beauty of the campus. From the context of
CEAT, there is high scope for building butterfly garden inside the
campus. At present there are 10 species of butterflies at CEAT campus,
though many of them are not abundant, and the chosen areas for the
butterfly garden are the areas where most of them are seen. By planting
more butterfly host plants and nectarine plants, an increase of about 20-
30 species is expected inside the campus. In order to bring a
professional touch to the butterfly gardens and to make it educational for
the company staffs and visitors, bill boards stating about the importance
of butterflies, butterflies gardens, type of butterflies and the role of each
plant planted in the butterfly gardens on various stages of a butterflies’
life cycle can be displayed in the garden.

Butterfly garden : The butterfly garden will be constructed in the small

space that is in front of guest house. Since the unmaintained grasslands
in the guesthouse area is the most favoured spot for breeding and
foraging by certain species like Tawny coaster, building one butterfly
garden near the guest house area will automatically attract them to it. As
there are less native plants in the proposed site, it is crucial to plant
more nectarian and fruit bearing plants. Butterflies go through four
distinctive stages throughout their lives: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa
(chrysalis), and adult butterfly. Different markings were done on the site
for plantation.There are total 32 different plant species were planted in
the butterflygarden,namely-
anher,4Panfuti(Bryophyllum Pinnatum).


Stage 1: Egg

The life cycle of the butterfly is one of the most amazing transformations
that occurs in nature. It's fascinating to watch, which makes it a
wonderful educational opportunity for kids and adults alike.

Butterflies go through four major stages of metamorphosis: egg,

caterpillar, chrysalis and adult.

The first stage of a butterfly's life is a very small oval, round, or

cylindrical egg, depending on the species of butterfly. They range in size
from a period at the end of a sentence to the tip of a pencil. Looking
closely, it is sometimes possible to see the caterpillar growing inside.
Butterfly eggs are most often found on the leaves of plants. The mother
uses a glue-like substance to "stick" the egg to the leaf. The egg has a
small, funnel-shaped opening to allow for water and air. It also contains
enough nutrients for the caterpillar to grow inside.
Stage 2: Caterpillar

When the egg hatches, a "larva" or "caterpillar" emerges. The caterpillar

must eat the leaf upon which the egg has been laid, so it is vital that the
mother has chosen to lay her eggs on the right kind of leaf. Monarchs,
for example, must lay eggs on plants of the milkweed family.

Caterpillars must grow quickly, so they eat continually. As they expand,

their exoskeleton does not stretch, so they shed their skin several times
during the growth stage.
Stage 3: Pupa

When the caterpillar has reach its full size, they form into a "chrysalis", or
"pupa". The transformation over time looks like a change from a resting
caterpillar to a shell-like covering, Inside, the body is undergoing an
incredible cellular transformation, or "metamorphosis". The parts we
recognize as a butterfly are beginning to form. The transformation
consumes so much energy that the pupa loses more than half of its
original weight. The limbs and organs have all transformed by the time
the pupa is ready to emerge as a beautiful butterfly. The time a butterfly
spends in the pupa stage varies greatly per species, ranging from a few
days to a year!
Stage 4: Adult

The adult butterfly emerges from the chrysalis with its soft wings folded
about its body. The wings are crinkled and if you'r observing this with
a butterfly kit at home, your first reaction will be one of extreme worry!
But fret not - after a rest period, the butterfly pumps blood into its wings
over a period of a few hours and they grow to their full length. After that,
they begin to fly and search for a mate. Adult butterflies are constantly
seeking to reproduce, and a fertilized female will find the proper type of
leaf to lay eggs on and start the life cycle over again.
B. Waste Management Projects
2.2 Fish pond in STP releasing water

Creating a fish pond as suggested is a good way to increase the

biodiversity of the campus by bringing species such as fish, frogs and
dragonflies. The water released from the STP can be used as the water
in the pond after standardised corrective programmes. This gives an
aesthetic beauty to the campus and increases the fauna diversity.
Constructing small ponds in the campus will help to attract birds,
dragonflies and other organisms. If we provide food availability, water
and habitat, the fauna diversity inside the campus will increase. In
addition, it increases aesthetic beauty of the gardens and ultimately the
Fish ponds Several small and medium sized ponds can be constructed
in different sites in the campus. These sites can be anywhere in the
campus as the space and facility for management allows, but a number
of potential sites for the ponds are proposed in the map provided. Since
it is not feasible to fill these ponds with fresh water, only the waste water
that has been treated in STP will be used in it. These ponds will provide
drinking water for the birds and will act as a breeding ground for
dragonflies and damselflies. One of the negative sides of these ponds is
that mosquitoes will make a breeding place out of it. Therefore, fish
species like carp and guppies and frogs will be grown in it, which will
check the mosquito larvae population in the ponds. Also, ornamentary
water plants like water lilies and lotus could be grown in it to enhance the
aesthetic beauty of the plant. Additionally, setting some park benches in
the garden beside the ponds will make a relaxing place in CEAT’s
garden, which could be used to entertain guests in a natural
environment, so that they can appreciate the effort that CEAT has put in
to enhance the natural beauty of its campus.

3. Tentative Schedule of Biodiversity Enhancement Programs at the

Campus and Surrounding Areas of CEAT Tyre Plant,Nashik

Biodiversity Enhancement Programs

Fish ponds
Year Butterfly Garden Use of Green Chemicals

1 month
2 month
3 month
4 month
5 month
Achievement of biodiversity rich and ecofriendly
environment inside and surrounding area of CEAT
6 month campus/ Improved Floral and Faunal Biodiversity
inside the campus, Better use of unused spaces of the
campus and A greener environment inside the campus
7 month
8 month
9 month
10 month
11 month
12 month
Achievement of good reputation of the company by
maintaining the biodiversity enhancement programs

Period of implementation

Period of management

Benchmark year



Refer following Document for Plant layout

5 Floral and Faunal Species Observed in Plant

Please Refer following Links for Floral and Faunal Species

6 Ensuring Community Participation in Biodiversity Conservation

6.1Awareness Programs
Employees’ participation is needed for the success of
biodiversity enhancement programs inside the CEAT campus.
Therefore, there is a need of developing a sense of attachment
and ownership of employees towards the biodiversity inside the
campus. For that, awareness programs about the importance of
biodiversity and eco-friendly lifestyle can be conducted in
campus. A group of specialists from QIP Team will provide
periodic classes to the CEAT employees on various aspects of
environment and biodiversity. These awareness programmes
will a play a major role in developing an interest in conservation
programs among employees. Thus a group of nature lovers can
be formed and a part of the responsibility of biodiversity
enhancement programs could be entitled to them. Moreover,
CEAT can encourage staffs by conducting competitions and
giving awards for the “Green Employee of the Year”.

6.2Biodiversity Quarterly Newsletter

Along with implementing several programs for biodiversity
conservation in the campus, the significance of biodiversity
conservation and enhancement should be communicated
through newsletters. For that Newsletter can be published
quarterly that includes the ongoing and upcoming Biodiversity
activities. It could create a positive impact even among CEAT
employees who were not much keen in nature conservation
activities Initially.QIP Team could take the responsibility of
designing the newsletter both in English and Marathi and that
can be printed by CEAT to distribute among workmen,
managerial staffs of plant and other CEAT plants, and visitors.

5 Programme Implementation and Monitoring

Biodiversity enhancement programme implementation at CEAT
campuses will come under Sustainability Approach and will be carried
out as a collaborative effort of CEAT Tyres Limited.

7.1 Key Responsibilities of CEAT Tyres

• Providing logistical and material support
• Appointment of two full time gardeners for a period of 2 years at
• All the expenses should be directly paid by CEAT
• CSR should ensure administrative support
• Earmarking the specified areas for biodiversity enhancement
project implementation
• Timely facilitation of the requirements of project team

7.2 Key Responsibilities of QIP members

• Responsible for planning and monitoring proposed biodiversity
enhancement programmes
• Provide expert assistance
• Arrange expert teams to conduct biodiversity awareness
• Preparation of reports for evaluation and monitoring
• Purchase/collection/provisioning of materials, techniques and
other resources for the project implementation
• Preparation of content and design of boards, brochures,
pamphlets, newsletter etc. in consultation with CSR tea.

8 Sustainability of the Biodiversity Enhancement Programmes

The implementation of the proposed biodiversity enhancement
programmes will be completed within one year. However, thematic
garden programmes like butterfly garden, fish ponds and use of green
chemicals require continuous effort for its maintenance. Moreover,
Biodiversity activities and awareness programme sessions will be carried
out by QIP members.

9 Conclusion
Biodiversity is fundamental for the existence of ecosystem and
ecosystem services. Due to the human induced activities and process,
the global biodiversity is in serious threat. CEAT Tyres being a large
scale tyre production unit, may have obvious impact on the biodiversity
of the locality. Therefore, it is high time that necessary steps are
undertaken in minimizing the impacts of the company on surrounding
flora and fauna. The proposed programmes will make the CEAT
campuses into more biodiversity rich and eco-friendly at every respect
and improves the biodiversity in the region naturally. However, for the
successful implementation, input from community members and
employees should be collaborated with it.

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