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 Redaksional Plakat Pemenang Stand up Comedy

1st Winner

Stand Up Comedy Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

2nd Winner

Stand Up Comedy Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

Favourite Winner

Stand Up Comedy Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

 Redaksional Plakat Pemenang Educational Poster Competition

1st Winner

Educational Poster Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

2nd Winner

Educational Poster Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

Favourite Winner

Educational Poster Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

 Redaksional Plakat Pemenang Video Group

1st Winner

Video Group Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

2nd Winner

Video Group Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

Favourite Winner

Video Group Competition

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

 Radaksional Plakat Pemenang Busana terbaik

Best Dressed

19th Congress of Indonesian Otorhinolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgery Association

 Redaksional Plakat Dewan Penasihat

Penghargaan bagi

(Nama lengkap yg diberi penghargaan)

Sebagai Dewan Penasehat

PP Perhati-KL Indonesia

Periode 2019-2022

1. Prof. dr. Bambang Hermani, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.L.F.(K)

2. Prof. Dr. dr. M. Thaufiq S. Boesoirie, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.F.P.R(K)., M.S

3. dr. Damayanti Soetjipto, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L(K)

4. Prof. dr. W. Suardana, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L.(K)

5. Prof. Dr. dr. Widodo Ario Kentjono, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.Onk.(K)

6. dr. Yuslam Samihardja, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L.(K)

7. Dr. dr. Ratna Dwi Restuti, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L., Subsp.Oto.(K)

8. dr. Soekirman Soekin, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subs.Oto(K)

 Redaksional Plakat Perhati KL Cabang terbaik

Penghargaan sebagai

Perhati-KL Cabang Terbaik Ke-1

Periode 2019-2022

Penghargaan sebagai

Perhati-KL Cabang Terbaik Ke-2

Periode 2019-2022
Penghargaan sebagai

Perhati-KL Cabang Terbaik Ke-3

Periode 2019-2022

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