Phys 1068

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On the death of Drusus, Agrippa, who had been recklessly

by its exiled leaders meet with any better fortune. Soon

Agrippa played a conspicuous part in the war against Lucius, .

able to correct some of Ptolemy's results, previously taken on

about 450. Mention is made occasionally of silver and

which his marriage involved. Although he was a worshipper of


than by relying on his Grace's future patronage; and his Grace

(C26H28O14). This glucoside is readily hydrolysed by

as ``grey amices'' (from the ordinary colour of the fur), to

sea-bathing. There are ruins of a castle and an old decayed

there was discovered in 1903 a copy of the head of the Hermes

Dubuque, Iowa, where he took a prominent part in Republican

Riviera is entirely absent from Algiers, but in summer

though somewhat out of date, is useful for bibliography.

of Shoa at Ankober, and beat the local representatives of

taking advantage of certain properties of the constituents.

upon ice, the monomethyl ether of alizarin is precipitated.

FIG. 25.

Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of

horse's mane and a slender neck. Although the figure of the

reputation. For a time he was director of the physics

or physicians. To such writers the poetical form was

refined, philosophic, sentimental, chivalrous, yet cunning

Simcox (1866), Drake (1872), Richardson(1889), Gwatkin and

Dulcinea del Toboso; Argamasilla de Alba (3505), 22 m. S.E.,

of Dublin, who survived him. An international committee was

19, poisoned, it was said, by order of Cn. Calpurnius Piso,

governor till within the present generation, surviving by

intellectual activity was of a purely literary and scientific

that the islands were rich in fur-bearing animals. Siberian

of the axis point, which is still present to disturb the

expectancy and failure, the services of a surgeon were called

terrified the horses, that they threw and trampled upon

interior, and being joined by native troops were at first

Moore alludes to this fanciful ``cloud-rocked slumbering''

Muick, the largest of the few lakes in the county, 1310 ft.

sec. VII. Commerce and Economics.--A. Silva White, The

purposes. Hence they are best known as ``washing-soda.''

for light land, (b) for heavy land; and one-way ploughs. In

long enough nor warm enough to bring it to maturity.

identified with the Barada (i.e. ``cold'') and the A`waj

involves some amount of strenuous exertion, either of body or of

church or chapter all present rose and bowed. His letters

Metacrolein, (C3H4O)3, is a polymer of acrolein. By passing

weather, on the north-east. It is the chief outlet for the

experiment. Anaheim was incorporated as a town in 1870;

and to the fertility of its territory. Pindar (Pyth. xii.


may be defined as the non-concurrence of rays from the

The revolutionary agitation was of a very peculiar kind.

same in character, the winters much more severe. On the Yukon

or less audible according to the amount of moisture in the

TABLE XXII.--Outbreaks of Anthrax in Great Britain,

further influenced by the different altitudes above the

its prosperity numbered 12,000 students, and was second only

from those liabilities only for which a lien is given to the

of the Midland railway--an office which he held continuously,

farming class at times have experienced periods of great

events of this period were (1) the siege and destruction

of the governor-general, many fine Moorish and French villas

duties practicable only in Palestine. 'Al-pinasi thus occupies

orange. The pus is characteristic, varying in consistency

1899); A. L. Kroeber, Papers on Eskimo, Arapaho, Languages

converted it into a pigmentary substance of melanin-like

is employed by many writers as nearly synonymous with

King David, we hear from the Rabbinic records, used to

parts in both comedy and tragedy at the Edinburgh theatre,

Col du Glandon (Bourg d'Oisans to La Chambre), carriage

Nitiobroges, and the discovery of extensive ruins attests

into a series without a break by Bandelier, Cushing, Fewkes,

Hull, commanding the "Constitution" (44), sailed from the

when they found their interests threatened, bestirred themselves,

from Cape Colony; fruit and vegetables from Algeria. Tobacco

type of shoe with turned-up toes and soles projecting at the

fortnight later James was proclaimed at Aberdeen cross; the

4th of March 1888. Alcott was a Garrisonian abolitionist.

Naval constructors (usually), civil engineers and professors of

majority is reached at twenty-one, the nubile age is twenty

municipium, the territory of which seems to have comprised

and which this able writer seems to have derived from Rask.

the Little Atlas--from west to east--are the Tlemcen (5500

greater purchasing power. J.R. Dodge, in ``Farm Labour in the

4344. It has long been a place of pilgrimage to which

contemplated marriage, the House of Commons unanimously voted

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