Phys 1097

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to an equality with the endemic forms.

As examples of northern

N.W. and S.E. from 6 deg. N. to 3 deg. N. It overlooks the depression

examples. The Indian habitation was made up of this composite

adulteration of unsweetened condensed milk, but sweetened

"native wood-notes wild" more properly applied. His poetry

Prises. The appeal was then given to the Conseil Royal des

general name; for, according to a common custom, each savage

a parish festival or merry-making at which ale was the chief

in which is Lake Rudolf and---east of that lake--southern

bar. barrel. m. or mi. mile, minute.

decade. Besides the city of Ajmere, the district contains the

Fig. 5. -- Fully formed larva of Echinorhynchus

there has been talk of a regular territorial government.

and the ancestry of the Vertebrates (1894); ``Remarks on

the museum of his native town of Montpellier. Two excellent

Achaean conquest was the chief male divinity of Greece and the

fawn. It is customary to mix these colours together, thus

"characteristic function'' of the system and its differential

preparation. Alumina dissolves readily enough in aqueous

animals, but failed to do so in albinoes. Pickering, still

any of his predecessors, In 1895 the amir's troops entered

guns. These vessels go to sea for periodical practice. When

on substitution to the velocity of propagation V relative

cleruchy in their island. The exiles were settled by Sparta in

voluntary exile of the mass of his fellow-townsmen, who,

investigation into the nature of pigments and varnishes, &c.

(or Six) Nations. During the reign of Louis XIV., after

him to see how best to meet these requirements in the case

Chief Passes of the Dauphine Alps.

Mashona } Bechuana Matabele

(1875), Alarcon had appeared as a partisan of the neo-Catholic

central area; the same number existed in the original church

strength. (2) If any substance has been substituted wholly or

xxv.). By her David had a son, whose name appears in the

flocked from Paris, and covered the wilderness around him

the mean density of the earth as compared with that of water

a new symbol b in the Cyrillic, @ in the Glagolithic for

than has sometimes been the case. Particularly is this so

temple. The furniture of their dwellings is exceedingly

iron, were capable of recovery, and were claimed to reduce

indebtedness to the Jews, as is well seen in the Norfolk

attribute by many members of a class that all members of the

arrangements, whereby the magazine is filled with the required

a secretion of honey on the leaf-stalk and curious food-bodies

of the image of any object for any system (see LENS). The

Septem contra Thebas.---Five years later came the Theban

of them are included in the MSS. of the Vallicellian library.

Total Value of

allies of the Aequi), on the other hand, in which, as in the

Scipio Ferro (d. 1526), who solved the equation x3+ax=b.

several colours. E. Abbe succeeded in computing microscope

The benefits that accrue from the practice of rotation are well

Brandis; (3) one on the De Interpretatione (Venice, 1503

and it became the seat of the assembly of the Hernican

ideas of a negative number and of continuity may be introduced.

the successive temples were comprised within about 18 ft.

chief of Ghor, whose vengeance for the cruel death of his

Christians. After friendly correspondence with the caliph at

by rail from Padua. Pop. (1901) 4556. Its hot springs and

Royston, virtually refused the offers made by parliament, the

common, as also more valuable, among the Greeks than among the

probably, ``fixed''), and in 1859 it was incorporated under

country. The romantic tradition of the older time was continued

commissions colonials and commissions consulaires,

longer lyric (like the two earlier plays) but dramatic; the

sense-perception, an idea which shows the writer's complete

side. (Slightly altered from Kirkaldy.) rm and lm, Right and

metal, a bath containing silica as well as alumina is submitted

1 Since Theodore's time Protestant missionary

being 7000 ft. long and 20 ft. high, with a bastion at each

none might learn their secret. He was succeeded in the

and other antiquities and curiosities. The poet Jacques

Indian and revolutionary history; but of his many novels, of

gas at the breech when the weapon is fired, by means of

The agricultural statistics do not include any farm of less

area on each of the flattened sides. The cavity is lined by

position he held with increasing influence till his death in

its bed, and consequently the level of Albert Edward Nyanza

Thus the Alpine states (Italy, Switzerland and Austria), other

of the Liberator by William Lloyd Garrison in 1831, soon led

with a sensational story, The Devil's Die (1888), though

a written contract or acknowledgment of the terms upon which

persons. In the former sense, it is the Gr. pathos, and as

10). Here a separation takes place between the crystals

1853). (3) William of Malmesbuty (De gestis pontificum

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