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Type EmpCode Salutation

U 18435
FirstName MiddleName LastName
DateOfJoining DateOfConfirmation DateOfBirth
Status EmployeeGroup AttendanceGroup
LeaveGroup CalendarGroup AttendanceModeGroup
AttendanceRuleGroup ReportingManager PaymentMode
BankName BankAccountNo Nation
Gender OfficialEmailAddress PFApplicable
PFBaseSalaryLimit ESICApplicable PTApplicable
PTState LwfApplicable PANNo
FatherName Physical_Status Employment_Type
DateOfProbation IFSCCode BankBranch
DateOfMarriage BloodGroup LMSReportingManager1
LMSReportingManager2 LMSReportingManager3 TNAReportingManager
WagesCode MaritalStatus SpouseName
PersonalEmailAddress PresentMobilenumber PresentAddress
PresentCity PresentState PresentCountry
PresentPinCode PermanentAddress PermanentCity
PermanentState PermanentCountry PermanentPinCode
AadharNo UANNo IsPanAadhaarLinked
DateOfResignation DateOfLeaving DateOfLetterSubmission
11/30/2022 12:00:00 AM 11/30/2022 12:00:00 AM
Reason RemarksForFnF CardCode
fnf locked
GroupDOJ Old_EmployeeCode AttendanceMode
Religion VisaUIDNumber IBANNumber
VisaCountry Caste AlternateMobileNo
ResidentialNumber Company Division
PayCentre UnderConsultantGuidance PayHead
Location State EmploymentType
PayGroups ContractualVendor Department
SubDepartment Grade Designation
SkillLevel LegalEntities WorkingDays
HRHandbook Business Channel
Group CostCenter Category
Forrosteri Rostering SalaryPaygroups
OfferLette Appointmen Band
Competency ErrorComents
Status is Mandatory When Date of Leaving OR Date of Resignation is mentioned
ation is mentioned

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