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5 4 3 2 1
Identification of Identifies & Identifies & Identifies & Identifies & Identifies &
the main understands understands understands understands understands
issues/problem all main issues most of the some of the few of the none of the
main issues main issues main issues main issues
Analysis of the Thorough Thorough Inappropriate Incomplete No analysis of
issues/ comments analysis of all analysis of analysis on analysis of the the issues and
on effective the issues and most of the some of the issues and no comments
solution/strategie appropriate issues and issues and inappropriate on solutions.
s (solution may comments on well thought comments on comments on
already be in the solutions. out comments solutions. solutions.
case study) on solutions.
Take home Insightful and Well Apropriately Inappropriatel Not
message clear, presented and presented. y presented. suggested.
easy to clear, easy to
understand. understand.
Presentation -Clear, concise -Clear ideas. -Most ideas -Hard to -Didn’t follow
ideas. -Appropriate flow but focus follow the flow the flow of
-Very to clarify is lost at of ideas. ideas.
appropriate to understanding times. -Little attempt -No attempt
clarify . Less than -Limited to to clarify to clarify
understanding 1500 words. clarify understanding understanding
. 2000 words understanding . Less than 500 . Less than
. Less than words 250 words.
1000 words

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